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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Endorsement Yonghwa for WGM ep 23&25
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit DC married gall + yongseofacts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































shared by blueshoes @ soompi

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




panGG: actually i do have the link to the fancam-



in case you forgot what you commented on, i reuploaded the pix from my previous post






yongseo's performance starts at 4:45, look closely at 6:54... with this, i am 101%- no, 200% convinced that they are dating!






ha, i seriously had to squint to see what was going on.  but they're not linking arms, if you think that's what's happening.  there are videos on YT that show otherwise.  but if it's the ease in which they can walk closely together, then it's a possibility.






i have a hard time processing the idea that they're actually dating, but there has been proof that they probably like each other to some extent.





watching this performance, though, made me realize how much more comfortable they probably would have felt if they were allowed to hold hands during their duet.  i don't know if this is just seeing what i want to see after considering everything that's happened between them prior to this concert, but it just seemed like they didn't know what to do with their hands.  hahaha.  laugh.gif






EDIT:  which brings me to ask when they're going to hold hands again!  gah, these two.  you would think that after having a taste of what it's like to hold someone else's hand that they'd be eager to do it again.  and again.  maybe they're just shy, but they need to quit dancing around each other.  i want cavities in my teeth from a sweet overload.  RAWR.  haha.  wub.gif






it's times like these that i actually envy the khuntoria - adam couple because of how easy they hold hands.  lol, i guess my patience is wearing thin.





i suppose that's the beauty of them, though.  when they actually go for skinship, the end result is satisfying.  






but darn it, get comfortable!







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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin: haha. the skinship is quite frustrating at times -- but maybe it's because i'm a very impatient person. but like what you've stated, once it happens, the end result is very, very satisfying <3 i'm the type of girl who opts for modest and minimal skinship. while i crave for more skinship between the two, i like the fact that they're unpredictable. it keeps me on my toes. 
































































































































































































































































































i haven't gotten an ounce of sleep. it's 4 am and i'm still slaving for my industrial psych exam. i'm only excited about the preview later <3 i hope someone's gonna translate it real quick when it comes out <3

































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Guest lovekin


OH!    here is a delusional, goguma fantasy-land theory (and i swear it was so interesting to me when i made it up that i literally squealed from the brilliance of it – haha, i'm kidding, but work with me here):





so i got this idea when i wrote my last post after i mentioned envying the khuntoria - adam couple because i wanted not to envy them, really.  all the couples have their charms, and i needed to re-train myself to focus on that. 



see, here is my theory:  the khuntoria - adam couple are very easygoing with skinship, right?  by doing so, it kind of helps the netizens adjust quickly to them.  the reason why khuntoria - adam couple are so popular with netizens is because of that adjustment.  they enjoy it because they know, on the surface, that it's still a show to the participants. 



the reason why some netizens dislike the yongseo couple in comparison ... is because of how slow they are.  they know that, in reality, relationships move that slow.  it increases the possibility that there is something between yong and seo that can't be covered up by the WGM premise.  and that's why they're all fury.giftongue2.gif about them because they know, deep down, that the pace yong and seo have set for themselves is the same in real lifewink.gif 



everyone can relate to that awkwardness and the gradual process two people go through before becoming serious.  that's why they can't handle it.









sorry, i just think it's really funny.  do remember, though, that this is simply my theory, and it's just for fun.  none of it is actually true, and there isn't just that one way to get into a relationship.  the other couples have proven that there might be something between them, too.  this could just explain why some netizens were so butthurt about yongseo and why anything can be possible in goguma-land.




okay, back to my regular scheduled programming.  biggrin.gif


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Haha, I'm still LOL-ing over that very cute and funny CF! Thank you to all for sharing and posting videos, pictures, news... Kya~~




Unfortunately I can't stay long (the boss may come in any moment now), but I wanted to ask for help from anyone fluent in Hangul.




Anyone fluent in Hangul can help out please? (Pretty please)




This is with regards to the collaboration between the International project team and the DCInside tribute team. Send me a PM if you can help translate something for me. Muchos gracias!!





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EDIT:  which brings me to ask when they're going to hold hands again!  gah, these two.  you would think that after having a taste of what it's like to hold someone else's hand that they'd be eager to do it again.  and again.  maybe they're just shy, but they need to quit dancing around each other.  i want cavities in my teeth from a sweet overload.  RAWR.  haha.  wub.gif






Judging from the UJ episode and the horror special, it seems to me that they're doing just fine in the "skinship" department. :) It looked very easy (or comfortable) for them to touch each other, wrap their arms around each or immediately look for each others hands; and they even relied on each other thruout! You know? Like in a situation like that, there was no competition b/t them and they just filled in for each others weaknesses and with such ease... which reveals a closeness and understanding in the relationship they've built. They were really impressive in that horror episode. And sooo cute.


Anyway, they may not flaunt or exploit the "skinship" on the show, but I don't think they'll back away from it either when they feel "the moment" is right.




Also, wondering what this unexpected twist is.... hmmm.... do we know for sure that the birthday episode ended?




And from the new CNBlue CF it looks like Yonghwa has grown/ is growing his hair! He looks really cute. And such a different look (rocker), but you know... he can really pull off anything cuz he has such a cute smile! :P


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ordinary_arie, tks for the cf link.

who says the boys can't dance?

all it takes is practise, practise and more practise ;)

i love the rocker style the most!!!

tks for the gifs and sharing that write up here, dreamy.

we know wgm nvr leaves yong's mind.. ;)

woah, hachi...thats a neat piece of artwork. thank u.

i love when couples posed like that...its so lovely and kind of romantic.. :wub:

panGG, dreamy, yong looks good in person too.

there's a positive aura arnd him.. :)

soleil posted something at hyun's thread. 2 both have GOT to see it! palli palli!!

i understand if he is not wearing the ring this time,

its okay since he is with the bros,

but if its w other females who cling on him...i .. <_< .

but..why does it feel empty whenever one of them is not wearing the ring? -_-

raindrops, can't view your pics dear.

aigoo...where was i when u guys had a good time spazzing last night!

was catching up on my beauty sleep, but dang! i still look hagard! :sweatingbullets:

so...c u guys tonite?

don't worry, if any of u is missing...i'll give a shout out!!! :P:lol:

one more day to go...to expect the unexpected! :ph34r:

dugeun dugeun...

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Guest baby_bo



Good Morning everyone!

Just wanted to share this new song of Tiffany of SNSD. This is the themesong for HARU, entitled "RING"

It's just that it fits perfectly to WGM's YongSeo latest episode :)


Ring - SNSD Tiffany (Haru OST)

Transation by oniontx@soompi, oniontaker@ssf

My eyes were blinded

On a beautiful day, we promised our love

My throat became numb

Unable to say a word

I let the tears just fall

On to the ring you gave me

Alone in the dark

Like a star that's lost its light

For me, you became my light

The promise I have with you

Imprinted on my hand

It will become an undying flower

And will never change

My~ love, isn't this moment heaven?

Like a fool, tears of happiness keep flowing

Today or tomorrow

Even if time goes by

You will always be

The jewel in my heart

I was like a tear-soaked flower

That's lost its scent

For me, you returned my scent

The promise I have with you

Shining from my hand

Will become an eternal light

And become blinding

My~ love, isn't this moment heaven?

Like a fool, tears of happiness keep flowing

Today or tomorrow

Even if time goes by

You will always be

The jewel in my heart

Do you know that my heart is yours

I may only be a fool

who knows nothing but you

There is one thing

My heart knows

Me without you

Cannot be me

Me without you

Cannot be me



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Good Morning everyone!
































































































































Just wanted to share this new song of Tiffany of SNSD. This is the themesong for HARU, entitled "RING"
































































































































It's just that it fits perfectly to WGM's YongSeo latest episode :)































































































































































































































































Ring - SNSD Tiffany (Haru OST)
































































































































Transation by oniontx@soompi, oniontaker@ssf
































































































































My eyes were blinded
































































































































On a beautiful day, we promised our love
































































































































My throat became numb
































































































































Unable to say a word
































































































































I let the tears just fall
































































































































On to the ring you gave me
































































































































Alone in the dark
































































































































Like a star that's lost its light
































































































































For me, you became my light
































































































































The promise I have with you
































































































































Imprinted on my hand
































































































































It will become an undying flower
































































































































And will never change
































































































































My~ love, isn't this moment heaven?
































































































































Like a fool, tears of happiness keep flowing
































































































































Today or tomorrow
































































































































Even if time goes by
































































































































You will always be
































































































































The jewel in my heart
































































































































I was like a tear-soaked flower
































































































































That's lost its scent
































































































































For me, you returned my scent
































































































































The promise I have with you
































































































































Shining from my hand
































































































































Will become an eternal light
































































































































And become blinding
































































































































My~ love, isn't this moment heaven?
































































































































Like a fool, tears of happiness keep flowing
































































































































Today or tomorrow
































































































































Even if time goes by
































































































































You will always be
































































































































The jewel in my heart
































































































































Do you know that my heart is yours
































































































































I may only be a fool
































































































































who knows nothing but you
































































































































There is one thing
































































































































My heart knows
































































































































Me without you
































































































































Cannot be me
































































































































Me without you
































































































































Cannot be me






























































































































































































































































































































































































OMG!!! I need that Tiffany sings that song to Seobaby... I would die for sure :wub:. Thanks for sharing!
































































































































And about CNPink... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... YongHwa.... you... little... hot.. boy hahaha... He is daebak!. Thanks gogumas for sharing it!
































































































































Thanks raindrops919 and  _hachimitsu for your pics, are super, you gogumas are jjang!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to all of you for pics, news, gifs, thoughs, everything!... sorry, nothing to share :mellow:
































































































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo



Just wanted to share this.

Was stalking dcgall and saw this one.

A poster pointed this out, it seems like YongSeo wrote the same "words/phrase" on their cards for each other.

Those who could read hangul pls help kekeke I could only understand the "thank you" part keke




용서 얘네는 진짜 이런것까지 이쁨 돋음.

괜히 부창부수 컵흘이 아니라오.

서로 배려해줘서 고맙다고 난리난리.

야, 노네 좀 짜증난돠ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

미리보기 기다리며 갑툭튀.

다시 잠수해야지. 꼬르륵.


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Guest lunasol


Estoy sumamente orgullosa de mis hermanos latinoamericanos en CHILE!! (I am extremely proud of my Latinamerican brothers of Chile) Sorry, I needed to say it in Spanish first!! They truly have shown the example how unity, courage, patience, solidarity, perseverance, unselfishness, and faith, wether religious or in human kind, can literally move mountains. Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le!! VIVA Chile!! biggrin.gif




I know a long time ago it was posted the video where Yonghwa and Seohyun, their respective groups, and a lot of KPop artists sang You Raise Me Up in support of the tragic Earthquake that my Caribbean brothers and sisters in Haití suffered. After what transpired in Chile I remembered the performance and wanted to repost it. No matter the origin of both events, both brought World unity and support, and they have shown what really matters in life. 




Various Artists - You Raise Me Up @ Music Bank (Feb 19,2010)







As you see, the performance occurred just one week after our Yongseo met each other. If you haven't watch it you are missing out on a great performance, especially with Yong Hwas's marvelously melting singing!! Literally!!!




We have seen that Yongseo have or may experience some odds, which I am not going to go into detail, especially the ones caused by anti-fans or immature fans. But how can we apply these lessons with Yongseo? By being united and showing our support to them first as individuals. If they get together for real, then more so they will need our support when people will try to get them down, but with our love and support I know us Googumas will be there to help Raise them. VIVA GOGUMAS!!!




You Raise Me Up (by Josh Groban)


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;


When troubles come and my heart burdened be;


Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,


Until you come and sit awhile with me.




You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;


You raise me up: To more than I can be.




You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;


You raise me up: To more than I can be.




There is no life - no life without its hunger;


Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;


But when you come and I am filled with wonder,


Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.




You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;


You raise me up: To more than I can be.




You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;


You raise me up: To more than I can be.




I am kinda feeling emotional right now, so sorry if my post feels too serious smile.gif!!


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Guest Crystal392



Thanks to everyone for all the info you've shared! :)

I have lots of catching up to do, I haven't even seen the ep with subs yet! Just the raw ep and read the translations. I've been so busy lately, I miss spazzing with All of you!

Thanks for keeping Goguma Planet alive! ^_^

Yong~ and Hyun~ look more handsome/beautiful each day :D

Thanks to everyone for all the info you've shared! :)

I have lots of catching up to do, I haven't even seen the ep with subs yet! Just the raw ep and read the translations. I've been so busy lately, I miss spazzing with All of you!

Thanks for keeping Goguma Planet alive! ^_^

Yong~ and Hyun~ look more handsome/beautiful each day :D


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Guest .:love_ya:.







good evening gogumas ^^





just 2 more days before another epic episode ^^ ahhh cant wait hehe





I don't really have anything to share, just feel like showing up for some reason hehe















lolz like Hy~un like Yong~ lolz


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to all who loves yongseo, thank you so much for the cap, link, translation or everything about yongseo, actually i'm a silent rider heheheh....oo about the new cf from yong, why he look like more thin (look on his cheek). i'm sorry for my bad english, coz english not my primary language. back to lurker mode :D

















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Guest _d3seohyun














































































































































































































































I was going to spazz about every cap below but i'm sleepy so posting whatever :D














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2nd cap :wub: Seobaby with her eyes closed...Yonghwa's lips...acccckkk! LOL





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't even know how to express it anymore...just seeing them sitting next to each other..































































































































just being there..together...*sigh* :wub:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































This scene is so cute.































































































































Whenever Yong sees/eats bean paste stew, he always remember his wife's cooking. <3



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Always wanting to do everything together...looking out for the other... <3



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kudougirl






hello, goguma~


i found this translated SNSD comic in soshified..


it's about WGM. it's really funny. i'm sorry if it's already posted... biggrin.gif


oh and the picture is a bit long.




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Hi, y’all!
































































































I’ve updated my fanfic: DESTINED TO LOVE YOU…
































































































Here’s chapter 13:
































































































































































































I’m sorry it took so long… I got caught up with episode 27 and just kept watching it over and over and over again like a bedtime story. =D
































































































































































































Can’t wait ‘til Saturday (@ 01:15 am to be exact)…
































































































































































































P.S. PM to follow... thanks!

















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regarding how slow is the skinship between Yong and Hyun.. im sure its not Yong who's holding out, but Hyun... its only after Yong told Hyun that their colleague finds their skinship "frusturating slow", only then Hyun feels she needs to do something... n im happy for Yong, hahaha.. and the song Love Light is nicely done ;)



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