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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301
















































Hello! Is every Goguma [or Villager] having a nice day today? Always keep safe everyone... wherever you may be or whatever is keeping you busy now.
















Just some "Thank Yous"...
















lenovo, Yong is indeed a "HOT DADDY" material. Aigoo! What's up with YongSeo couple lately? Suddenly showing their penchant for babies/kids.































baby_bo & kerube-chan, thanks for sharing the artworks and the link to RIPPERGIRL's collection of YongSeo fan arts. Geez! Who exactly is this person? But one thing is for sure--- He/she is one darn talented artist. I envy her/him. Sinchia! I myself couldn't even draw a straight line for art's sake. hehehe!
















juhee, you banners and icons are "DAEBAK!" [ueno Juri Style].
















Goodness! I'm really running out of words to describe the artworks of the talented gogumas here. I am not at all surprised that even Korean YongSeo fans are picking up the works of GoGuma Artists to be posted at DC. But, gee! This goes to show that K-YongSeo fans are monitoring our thread,huh?
















genxv, that's one sumptuous menu/meal for lunch! K-YongSeo fans are really pampering and showering the couple with their love. I just simply envy them for being able to breathe the same air as YongSeo's but what more seeing them in flesh. Thanks for the additional pictures.
















MC Jake is doing it again! Is he upping the excitement and anticipation for this coming Saturday's episode? Again, thanks genxv for sharing his tweet and to juhee for the translation of tha Hangul term to mean "unexpected/twist in the yongseo story". What is our couple up to again in this coming episode?
















I see that some have already speculated about the coming episode this Saturday which will be most likely the one filmed last 03 August 2010--- the filming at the Park--- as accounted for by a fan and translated to us by silis.
















Recall that after the filming at the Park which was also the same day when K-YongSeo fans sent the couple gifts and lunch boxes, it was also reported that the CN Blue participated in a Charity event, "Wish Upon a Star", wherein they visited a young cancer patient. It was also reported that Seo Hyun made a surprise appearance.
















I'm re-posting the photo taken from such Charity Work.
















































I knew it! I just knew it! By the time I get to put this post up in the thread, there are other more stuffs posted.
















_d3seohyun, I am seeing an overflow of your LOVE for our couple today through your screen caps. I'll be back to comment on them. Let me first savor each and every cap. Gee! You will make me re-watch the episode for sure.
















Links to other pictures that fans bought for them and the staff (the thermos, different teas, and Yongseo keychains?).
































































































































The photobook is really cute. <3
















Damn Yongseo fans went all out! I just googled for the price of Seohyun's flats/Yonghwa's shoes and it's freaking expensive! :o































hyuksu, thanks for these additional captures of K-YongSeo fans' gifts. I am speechless! These fans are really extravagant when it comes to gift-giving [i.e. Lanvin and Vivienne Westwood].
















The Puzzle of a Collage of Yong and Hyun photos and the "Story Book" are simply awesome.

















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Guest cookiescream01







Awwwww, they are so cuuuteeee! I remember watching the episode when Yongwha was teaching Seohyun how to play guitar, so cuuteee! (: SeoHwa couple FTW!


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Guest marymoua






I'm guessing MC Kim (Jake) is implying







that this episode might not be as lovey dovey







or as awesome as the latest episode







since most of our wishes came true last episode:P







But I'm sure it will be spazz-able:D









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Guest torianamissu
































































































































































































Helllo goguma shipper :lol:
































































Hope someone remember me ckckckckck....
































































Actually, i'm not yet watch goguma ep 27. But, i promise i will. I'm sooooo teary, jumping and full of happiness while i reading post from you guys. OHEMGEEE....., why yongseo couple is sooooooo cute ^_^. Btw,  i'm so curios for the next ep. The preview  not up yet? (I'm sorry, my english so weak :tears:
































































Thanks so much for j2dlee for translate ep 27. Hug and kiss. And for another goguma shipper for news, translate, picture, fanfic, fanart and etc. Thank u sooo much.
































































Can't waiit for saturdayyy!!! Paaaaliiiiii

































































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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna share sth cute ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's face turn red !! Do you see ? http://bit.ly/9y4CRI
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr yongseofacts twitter































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































his face really turn red hehe :lol::lol::lol:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest omgirly




























as we bask in the awesomeness of episode 27 and now begin the deconstruction of every glance, stare, touch, it occurred to me that hyun's willingness to sing to yong during this episode added another dimension to their on-screen relationship. 







































hyun prepared accordingly to sing "love light" with the mask. then, yong asked her to sing it without the mask and after a little bit of rebelling, she obliged. maybe he mentioned it was for his birthday, so although uncomfortable for her, she did it anyway. cuter still was that she threw in a few choice stares, while yong looked on in amazement or at times, could not hold her gaze. i imagine, he wasn't expecting her to actually do it. 







































THEN she sang "kissing you" without even being prompted, while they held hands. it was surprising because in the earlier episodes, yong would ask her to sing and either she would do it looking/sounding like it was a burden (16 going on 17), or she would flat out refuse, sometimes citing that it wasn't meaningful. obviously she feels closer and more comfortable with him in this episode than she ever was prior.  







































the birthday event did have something to do with her being more prepared for "love light", but "kissing you" seemed to have been done totally off the cuff. it couldn't have been planned, but yet she sang it so naturally with no apprehension or self-consciousness in her voice and without care as to how she might look to him. during the episode where she begrudgingly sang "16 going on 17", she was not happy with the result, probably self-conscious of how she would be perceived by him. this time around, it was a whole new ballgame. 







































is it saturday yet? wink.gif  







































back to lurker mode





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Guest badodon89








i new in here and i goguma shipper:wub:








iam veryyyyyy love uri yongseo..i so happy watching last epi DAEBAK!!!!





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hi i'm new here,,,i'm so in love with yongseo couple from the 1st time, every saturday i always watch wgm(raw episode)&I always follow information about yongseo couple from this thread








I have yongseo couple episodes too from episode 1 to 27&my cousin always ask for the latest episode of yongseo couple








hmmm saturday,,,,i can't wait,,,,thanks,,,,









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it actually doesn't mean war or fighting...


ban jun or 반전 means a twist or unexpected ending...


basically saying that there is an unexpected/twist in the yongseo story



Sorry to cut your post a little! Thanks for the translation of that tweet by MC Kim! What I'm hoping is that what MC Kim meant is that Yong sang one of Hyun's songs this time..maybe he even wears the Hyun mask we saw in episode 23?


lol this is just my imagination..I would love to see it happen..maybe he could sing "kissing you" :wub:


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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello gogumas~~ how are you?i'm not fine cause i am still in my gogumaland hehe w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have been watching the latest episode for the nth times.i just cant get enough of them.the latest featuring the different side of hyun..that even yong cant believe about that.both of them are soooooooo adorable!:wub::wub::wub: and i kind of intrigued when mc jake tweeted and by using the google translator,i expect there'd be a twist in this upcoming episode!i cant wait!hehe and honestly i like it soooooo much getting to know that they're be filming alone in the truck.aside from filming at home,i guess the only time they could both be lovey dovey is none other than being in the truck together!hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh yeah.i'm not sure if this has been shared.so forgive me if it has.at 13:00-13:06 (rdrsubs) when yong was asking hyun to sing "lovelight" without wearing the masks,yong folded his arms and turns his head to face hyun just like what hyun always does.the one that he mentioned in the bus in ep26,about hyun's habit that he noticed.hehe and now i'm thinking yong is doing the same thing as his buin!lol they're becoming more and more similar!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hope someone could make a gif out of it!cause i dont know how.. :wacko::wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and thank you everyone for the gifs,caps,translations etc.GOGUMA VILLAGERS FTW!~~~ w00t.gifw00t.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest fara_m7
















































unexpected twist???
































































in my guess.. there might a super lovey dovey episode or there's gonna be another argument or back to awkwardness!! because if we talk of some twist in their relationship then it's either a twist from their usual awkwardness or a twist from last saturday.









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Guest Rouenna
















































































































Thank you fellow goguma villagers for the caps and tweet info! :w00t:
































































































































































cr: _d3seohyun
















































































"MC Jake: What are they doing in the middle of the night at a dam?"
















































































I really lol at this! :lol: Talk about the most unromantic place to be but somehow, Yongseo totally changed the atmosphere. Seriously, they're not even trying to be romantic per se because they keep giggling and being dorky, with Hyun on the hilarious mask and mini-guitar and Yong tripping over the fishing pole and all, but gah, how come they made it all the more romantic! :w00t:

















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Haven't seen this one posted:
































































































































































































































































































































































According to this news, Yonghwa and UEE will be part of a new SBS variety show as an MC. (Caution: Blame Google translator for any inaccuracy)
































































































































































































































































































































































People at DC married are wondering about this picture XD
















































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun at































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And a good sight for us (Guess she decided to flaunt that Yonghwa's hers at that time) :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

















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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































@aneng Thanks for sharing! My eyes are playing tricks on me, is she wearing the Necklace YH gave her...??????












































My eyes are bad, this early in the morning, I am running for work.












































My opinion about YH is news... On the other side, man poor YH how much work is he going to get, I will have prefered a new album to him MCing a new show... This is my personal opinion. But at least with the delay of the new album he gets to rest a little more.












































Have a good day my fellow gogumas...





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Guest chilipadi_22
































































@aneng Thanks for sharing!  My eyes are playing tricks on me, is she wearing the Necklace YH gave her...??????
























































My eyes are bad, this early in the morning, I am running for work.
























































My opinion about YH is news... On the other side, man poor YH how much work is he going to get, I will have prefered a new album to him MCing a new show... This is my personal opinion. But at least with the delay of the new album he gets to rest a little more.
























































Have a good day my fellow gogumas...















































































































sorry for cutting your post!
























































i noticed that hyun~ is wearing the necklace that yong~ gave her too!!
























































so that means your eyes are not playing tricks on you! hahahha:)
























































and i would like CN Blue's album to be released soon too! heard that it is delayed.
























































after seeing MC Kim's tweet, i am really looking forward to this saturday's episode again!









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After the last episode....















I want to tell FNC to make LOVE LIGHT MV with Seohyun as a model :rolleyes:















I hope they will listen to my pray :sweatingbullets:








sorry nothing to share :sweatingbullets:



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AAh, it's a new variety show called "Night After Night" The full news on it is as below...








Daesung and CN Blue's Yonghwa joins new variety show, "Night After Night" [NEWS]








BIGBANG's Daesung and CN Blue's Yonghwa will be joining comedians Park Myung Soo and Tak Jae Hoon and After School’s UEE for SBS' new variety show, Night After Night.
















According to a representative, ‘Night After Night’ will take on a late night talk show concept, with a time slot in the early hours of the morning. Many people are anticipating what the show will bring, especially with the addition of idol girl group member, UEE, who has been out of sight for a while.
















Filming will commence very soon, and the first episode will be aired sometime in November.
















Sources: Newsen + Star News
















Translations from Teambigbang + Luigi @ AKP































taken from BigBangUpdates.com
















Kyaah.... Yonghwa and Daesung. I have been itching to see them interacting. Since they are same age and all :)I am a full time Kang Daesung's fan with YongSeo and Big Bang on part time. But due to the lack of news on Daesung (and Big Bang) lately, my focus has been on YongSeo, not that it's a bad thing. But I am super happy to see new news. Hope that this news is valid :D
















I know the article is not related to our YongSeo couple but... XD ahh.. I will be so happy to see two of my favs on the same show. Though... this does mean that Yonghwa scehdule's is going to be super packed... And Daesung's too since Big Bang will be having their come back soon (or so it seems... hopefully). And come to think of it... has 'What's Up?' filming even finished yet? Crazy idols schedule. Hopefully though it will be a good show so they can enjoy themselves despite being tired.
















On to MC Kim twitter message... I am kinda wondering too if it means that the two of them reverse back to their supreme awkward stage... can't face up to all their lovey doveyness?
















[edit] And here's the original news from newsen

정용화-대성, 유이와 ‘밤이면 밤마다’ 아이돌 MC 호흡

[2010-10-13 18:55:10]
































[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]
















씨엔블루 정용화와 빅뱅 대성이 SBS 새 예능 프로그램 '밤이면 밤마다'에 합류했다.
















한 방송 관계자는 "정용화와 대성이 박명수, 탁재훈, 유이와 '밤이면 밤마다'를 통해 호흡을 맞추게 됐다"며 "현재 일산 탄현 스튜디오에서 첫 촬영을 하고 있다"고 밝혔다.
















'밤이면 밤마다'는 과거 '야심만만'을 연출했던 제작진이 의기투합한 예능 프로그램이다. 게스트 2명과 객원 MC 2명을 초대해 팀을 나눠 청문회 형식으로 진행된다. 첫 회 게스트는 김수로와 싸이다.
















'밤이면 밤마다'는 평일 오후 편성을 목표로 하고 있다.
















이언혁 leeuh@newsen.com
























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Thanks Aneng I read an article about Uee being a MC for a new SBS show on allkpop, so I posted it in spoilers for people who are interested. Hopefully someone can translate this news for us soon for confirmation.

According to this news, Yonghwa and UEE will be part of a new SBS variety show as an MC. (Caution: Blame Google translator for any inaccuracy)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































UEE, Park Myung Soo and Tak Jae Hoon to MC new variety show, ‘Night After Night’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Comedians Park Myung Soo and Tak Jae Hoon will be teaming up with After School’s UEE as the main MCs of new SBS variety show, ‘Night After Night’. According to a representative, ‘Night After Night’ will take on a late night talk show concept, with a time slot in the early hours of the morning. Many people are anticipating what the show will bring, especially with the addition of idol girl group member, UEE, who has been out of sight for a while. Filming will commence very soon, and the first episode will be aired sometime in November. We are left still wondering what happened to UEE’s drama, “Birdie Buddy“.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Aneng, Kerube-Chan.. OMG ^ Indeed she is wearing the butterfly necklace
















Its just beautiful how things progress between them, especially magnae considering how awkward she was at the beginning and how totally new she to love and relationships but I guess now she kept making us impressed with how much she's changed.
















The husband would be really happy.
















I'm actually looking forward to "meet the parents" and haha probably even a big event with both CN BLue members and SNSD members in attendance - at the moment all I can think of is karaoke-ing together! That'd be soo awesome!!









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So enjoyed last week's ep - Daebak.  Loved the second part (ring) and the confession about love light.  I think in this ep, Hyun's actions really brought about the turning point.  She was so bold in buying the ring and singing love light to Yong.  If this is acting then both deserves an award.  I think that you can fake many things,but can't fake blushes.  Yong also turned bright red when he nearly fell over after staring into Hyun's eyes.  I was curious what Hyun was doing to her eyes to have Yong react in such a way.

Thanks for the new filming news.  So excited to watch it.  If they are filming over two days then the event will probably be shown over several ep.  Hope Yong and Hyun had fun - they both deserved some time off.  It would be interesting to see what Yong's mood is like especially at the beginning of this filming since he hasn't looked well.  looked better though in the NII signing and the Jump Gayo than the PIFF concert.  Hyun will be leaving soon for Taiwan and Singapore.  So they may not be able to film for some time.  Wondering whether SNSD will be going to Japan after Singapore. If they do she can meet up with Yong who has fanmeet at the end of Oct in Japan.

After this ep can't imagine what Japan's filming is like.  I hope there won't be negativity towards that if its super lovey dovey.

So curious about this week's ep too after MC Kim's tweet.  Oh, what twist can it be?  If anyone finds any info please share :)  If they go to aug3 filming in the park then they hadn't filmed for the month of July.  So the remaining eps will be the duet and the Japan's ep.  I'm kind of glad they didn't film or not going to show CNBlue's first concert in Korea because that may just anger some CNBlue fans and I don't think Yong needs that right now.  The twist can't be severely negative though since they did spend time together for the Make a Wish event after filming for the second day.

^^I blew up the photo of Hyun at G20 on my iphone and she is indeed wearing a butterfly necklace and she is also wearing the ring.  I couldn't see both clearing on the video.

I have to go on a business trip at for next two days so hopefully that will make Saturday come quicker.  Saturday, Palliii!

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