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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I don't know if anyone knows this. I noticed that the MCs USED DIFFERENT CLOTHES during the episode.......



can anyone double-check to confirm this?? if you look closely on part 1 you will notice this.






I WONDER WHY..................<_< <_<<_<






I think they probably filmed it on different days. My guess is that they let the MC's see the conclusion of the Goguma planting and then 'stopped' the cut there. The from maybe the snack-on was the next time they filmed with the MC's watching the episode.



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Guest glitterspark
















































thanks for all those who uploaded the audio rip for hyun's love light!!
















thanks to sun_sun for subbing the episode~~ and j2 for translating...you guys really reignited the goguma fire in me...
















i remember someone mentioned that hyun and yong were linking arms after their love light/rdr performance @ incheon kor wave...
















i happened to chance upon a really good fancam of the performance and took some caps of them linking arms, they do it like its the most natural thing to do it in the world (when it really is the opposite)
















































did a bit of editing on the caps to let everyone see better
















credits: sonefancamReturn @ YT
















not sure if anyone posted pix on it but it doesn't hurt to see it again right?
















especially after sat's episode (HEHE)
































from snsd's thread @ soompi (thanks to fudgee!!- really sorry for cutting your post)
































Yesterday's Top Searched [Trending] Terms~
















1 Jung Yong Hwa
















2 Seohyun
















4 Love Light
















5 We Got Married































yongseo's popularity is explooooosive!

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















crinkle_twinkle thank you for the enlightment..... yeah MC Kim is going to be upset if the PD cuts the episode, which means a disappointment because it means another schedule for taping LOLOL














well, it's getting late over here in my place............... so, gotta go to sleep after watching the episode one more time  :D :D:D














I guess it's a goodbye for goguma shippers all around the world. Catch up with you later :lol: :lol::lol:
















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hello, gogumas! it's been awhile since i posted here. i just lurked since i got so many things to do the past weeks. i go here to read and be updated about yongseo.






























































































































thank you for the episode uploads. i get my kicks every time i watch the couple over and over again even without the subs. thank you j2dlee for the translations. i am forever indebted to you coz now i can understand everything yonghwa and seohyun are saying. your translations are very good.






























































































































anyways... i am back with a fanart. it's from the episode last, last saturday. i hope you guys like it just like my previous drawings. :)






























































































































yongseo couple is love. :wub:




























































































































































































































































i apologize for the blurry picture. i only have my mobile phone's cam. :(















































































Wow, you're really good! It's beautiful! Just a question though, since the picture is kind of blurry, I'm reading 다 먹었습니다 but that means 'I ate it all' and not 'I'm done'.. Or are my eyes deceiving me -lol- :sweatingbullets:









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shane dear, no worries & no hurries.

i'm always here... ;)

dreamy, i'm flying high!! won't come down to earth just yet!

watching vids with subs makes me overdose with sweetness again! :lol::lol:

sun_sun, what else can i say but thank u.

u and j2 are the angels of this thread

not forgetting redtulip too. :wub:

panGG, just like dreamy, i haven't made my mark at tweetyland.

i'm a tortoise... ^_^

patate, tks for the PM. photobucket still hates me

hey i rmbr u too, haeanna. we met at tweetyland.

i used to dislike Love Light, but now, it has become my fave song,

and i bet i'm not the only one... ;):P

to MV experts out there...u guys want to make one for yongseo

or has it been shared here before?

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Guest haeanna
































































annyeong dreamyboo.. *hugs to you*
































































i'm so touched that you still remember me.. yes, i'm currently residing in tweetville..keke..
































































































































The first ever performance of Love Light was on MAY 23rd CN Blue made comeback at SBS Inkigayo., Hence, I think that was their first ever Love Light performance..
































































It's been a while since i make a post here, but I do keep on checking this thread everyday.
































I'm gonna take this chance to express my utmost gratitude...
































































thousand goguma LOVE to j2dlee for translation .
































thousand goguma LOVE to sun_sun for your great effort.
































to keepers of the thread, you know who you are , thank you for hanging upon this lovely thread through out the negativity that happened not so long ago.
































to redtulip,lovekim, yuki..thank you for your early-mini translations after every episode.
































































to pangg. i really love your artwork..keep up your good work!
































































to soleil ( i still remember your old ID) and shane.. the gif-makers of the thread
































































to d3_seohyun our QUEEN of screencaps, tight HUGS for you..
































































to namja gogumaliens, heartbreak_warfare, trent, allucard, kubih (sorry if I missed anyone),
































I really enjoy reading those spazzes of yours from man's POV..
































































to makers of fanmv, goguma1207..i really love yours..'Pyramid' remains my no 1 favourite. I also love reading your insight.
































































to fanfic writers, jossa, clumsy, chyme, princessjulia, princesscharming,trent, writers at Gogumafics at LiveJournal..thank you for making fictional stories that sometimes seems so real...and your writing totally keeps me alive till Saturday comes.
































































to the realists of the thread, lovekin, th (I hope you don't stop posting)..thank you for keeping me grounded when I'm flying so high in the Gogumaland..
































































to ajumma Gogumaliens, mrsathenag, tripplemamma ..I love reading your posts.. Nice to know your view about this couple
































to ex-lurker, welcome and continue spazzing..let's spread YongSeo LOVE.
































































to tweeters-gang.. thank you for keeping me update about YongSeo and I enjoy the spazzing so MUCH!!
































































and most important, to YongHwa and SeoHyun, I'm glad I'm able to 'meet' both of you through WGM. . it's destiny that I came across your videos from allkpop then everyday Saturday, religiously watching your beautiful story unfolds.
































































































p/s: sorry if I bored anyone! blush.gif and if I missed anyone my deepest apology but deep in my heart I really appreciate all of you in the thread.
































































Good Night and have a nice day ahead.~~ :wub:
































































EDIT: hugs to you too jnj you're one of the keepers, you know that aite? and also I lurk at Seohyun thread and I enjoy being there to read all of your spazzes there along with cunna, d3_seohyun, miel_1301 posts.

































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Guest maybelove








Hey all!!!




just wanna say that Ep 27 is totally DAEBAK!! been following this couple since they first started the show.. but sorry to say that i hardly check this thread coz been busy with work. But it feels so good to be back here and see that there's so many sweet potato couple's fan around!!! cheers!!




i cant help watching the latest episode over and over again. First started watching without the subs then now watched it again with subs and then rewatching it again for the second time!!! I JUST CANT STOP REWATCHING!! haha.. blush.gif




anyway it's good to hear that i'm not the only one. blush.gif coz i really think that they are meant to be together and they have such a good progress in this ep, specifically, so many events! :wub::wub:




* going back to the episode for the second time now. :D




@sun_sun Thank you so much for the subs :):)



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Guest calculator

I'm actually having Goguma as I type this, but I honestly think that this couple should get married in real life.

They look so happy together.

I get jealous watching them, lol!

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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 patate, tks for the PM. photobucket still hates me






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yesterday for the first time i sign up to photobucket and within a few hours my gif were tagged "brand. exceeded"... :wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haeanna thank you blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From silis7noy2 at snsd thread she/he write:  "Some random SNSD bits from my SNSD folder which I'm trying to organize..."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A writer for MBC WGM wrote on her Cyworld page:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"I love Seohyun. I'm a female and why do I like Seohyun more than even Yonghwa?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































According to witness at the driving center Seohyun still drives a bit wiggly but she knows how to shift gears well.

































































































































































































































































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ah! i just rmbr something!

seeing yongseo at the darkroom interview, reminds me of this clip

where they gave interviews abt DFBS.

hear the man's laughter at the end of hyun's clip?

sure sound like yong's... :wub:

does this mean they did their darkroom interview on the same day?! :w00t:

patate, photobucket may not be the best solution after all..

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thanks sun_sun for the link......

currently i watched strong heart, there is one female artist said that it always happen between idol group, they will fall in love with each other and most of the time it happen during filming....is it true??? wahhhhhhh i pray between Yong and Hyun will change from make-believe couple to real.......

i noticed after yong told hyun about the true story behind Love Light song, she said " i feel good" and with her happy face.....hehehhe im happy for her too.......congrats hyun....i bet ur unnies will faint and be more jealous toward you....hehehhehe

when MC Kim said that he read in internet about the Love Light song was made for Hyun, i was wondering which website will it be??? is it Soompi??? hehhehe....wondering if yes, what is his id name....hahahhahaha


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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































@dreamyboo Yes! Uri Hyun is a natural beauty! ^^ It's ok that you thought that.. I mean a lot of Korean celebrities do get plastic surgery.. but, Seohyun looks exactly the same as she did when she was little! Here is a predebut clip of her - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56JslJnX-CQ She is indeed a natural beauty! :wub:
































































































































Thank you all for the links posted, the translations, photos, etc. I can't thank you guys enough! I love all you fellow gogumas.. I have been in OTP fandoms before, but Goguma is the happiest one! Other OTP fandoms have been a bit mean (for me at least!).. I really like our Goguma planet though! :lol:
































































































































The episode was even cuter subbed.. aigoo! MY CHEEKS WERE GOING TO BURST! :wub:

































































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Guest Joh-Eun

Hello. I’m new here…this is my very 1st post. blush.gif

I just couldn’t help it anymore, reading all your interesting posts without having my own little voice being heard too. Because of Seohyun and Yonghwa, I made it here…:wub:

As shallow as this may sound, the Sweet Potato couple helped me through the days when I was mourning the death of beloved Halaboji last August… a month after I broke up with my boyfriend. Can’t imagine this show can be so entertaining and inspiring that it made me recover and move on sooner than I expected… much more really taking the time to post a (trying not to make this lengthy) message here (it’s past midnight, haven’t taken dinner).:tears:

I never really paid serious attention to the show before. I managed myself to watch a few episodes of random couples… JoongBo feat. Wonder Girls and SS501… 1st episode of JunJin and Si Young… 1st episode of Adam couple. But I never really found myself so absurdly crazy and addicted as I am right now with Yong and Hyun. Seriously, how these two have affected me, is beyond indescribable.

Thank you so much for the people who initiated this thread and for the rest who established sites for the couple. I can’t thank you enough. You guys help me learn a lot about Yong and Hyun, more than anything, about relationships. It’s interesting how a show like WGM can transform people to be so dedicated and involved in anything about this couple, be analytical, psychological, sometimes igniting critical friendly arguments. Even though I am exhausted at work (I hardly get rest even on Saturday’s and Sundays) a weekly dose of Sweet Potato couple love is enough to make me recharged. I would never miss reading your posts guys and fill me with inspiration for the rest of the week till I get to see Yong and Hyun again. Nan jungmal kamsahamnida!!!:)


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Guest haeanna
































































yes jnj..
































































it was the same day when they recorded the congratulatory message to DFBS..
































































the same one when Hyun turned scaryyy at the end of the vids..keke..
































































the same one where Yong stated that Hyun doesn't let him go to the event and that he promised next year he and Hyun will attend the event together.. :wub:
































































































































EDIT: omo~ top the page..nothing to share..just this pic
































































































































Hubby Yong at Jump Guro 2010 Festival.. the precious RING. :wub:
































































and fancam during NII fansigning event..
































NII fansigning fancam
































































cr: jastubee and ahn_annann at CN Blue soompi thread

































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yo woollylamb~! yay~!!!! good to hear u made that kinda decision! i've always loved all the elders' posts, including urs! so i hope the other elders won't lurk like u did! ekekekek xD *hugs*


dreamyboo: Sorry I shortened your post...I feel like an ancient dinosaur now...It's okay, compared to u young gals, I can't deny the fact that I'm already an 'elder'... :lol:





jnj: you posted the screencap of my favourite expression of Hyun~ [before she had to pretend the fishing line was moving to hide the awkwardness :sweatingbullets:] in yongseo's most lovely episode by far... :wub:







[Excerpt from j2dlee's transcript]



H: It’s getting really dark.



H: I feel good. (woollylamb's note: i really loved Hyun's expression here. So filled with bliss)


Y: Jashik~


H: We should catch a fish soon.


H: Uh? Uh?!


Y: What, what?


H: It’s moving, it’s moving!


H: Eyah!


H: Oh, it’s nothing…


Y: Hahahaha!!


With no results (no fish)…



around the.alley: Thank you so much for sharing both english translated versions of "The Shower" here...I love to read & I can never get enough...The story is so beautiful & heartrending...Somehow the segment in the countryside reminds me of the movie The Classic by Son Ye Jin...You seem very familiar with Korean literature...Are you korean?


sun_sun & j2dlee: Your collaboration in bringing us joy every week is very much appreciated...1000 goguma points for you both! *hug*


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yes jnj..

it was the same day when they recorded the congratulatory message to DFBS..

the same one when Hyun turned scaryyy at the end of the vids..keke..

the same one where Yong stated that Hyun doesn't let him go to the event and that he promised next year he and Hyun will attend the event together.. :wub:

ah..so when hyun mentioned how warm yong's hand was...i bet he'll go bonkers! :lol:

hi woolly,

am waiting for shane to do a gif for that scene. yongseo is soo cute isn't it?

after hyun pulled out the empty line, see how yong burst out laughing?

i think besides hyun's clumsiness, yong laughed so hard like that because

he feels relieved after love light revelation.

to all new spazzers, a BIG welcome to gogumaland. enjoy the stay here.

we, gogumas...Make Love Not War... :sweatingbullets::lol:

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Guest aeroshaastranger :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhh! just watched this epi! LOVE YONGSEO couple :DDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha i love how it was awkward! gave this really warm feeling!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































did you hear them stutter when they talked abt 'love light' <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhh so it was seohyun who initiated the holding hands?? it was dark >< ahha! i wish they prolonged that part!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahh love all the MCs reactions!! :DDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for the next episode!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































exams are coming up :(

































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Guest ordinary_arie

Hi, annyeong gogumas!!!


As u can see this is my first post in soompi n this thread...I have been a lurker on this thread since some months ago. I'm a CNBLUE fan, u can say a diehard fa of CNBLUE coz they are my first love n kpopworld. there's no special feeling after I heard that yonghwa will be on WGM with seohyun,coz yonghwa is not my bias(but I do love him n respect him as a great leader of CNBLUE n a great singer also) and i'm not an easy jealous fangirl type at all,so it doesn't matter if he was my bias. After 1 or 2 eps was aired n read some previews about WGM , i started curios n watch the eps in youtube...N u know the next story, I ended up here being a lurker on this thread because i love them very much and i myself can't believe that i will post something on d forum coz i'm always be a lurker :sweatingbullets: .thanks to yongseo's love :wub: kkkk. seohyun's personality really makes me adore n love her although i'm a girl.haha. she and yonghwa really good together(my yonghwa's fangirl friend would kill me beacuse I said this.:P)

ok, I know i didn't make a sense at all with all of this :sweatingbullets: . I just wanna say thousands thank u 4 all posters and all

gogumas in this thread that always make my day from saturday to another saturday.. I luv u guys n of course I love Yongseo 2 :wub: . oh ya, I have something 2 share too.. I'm sorry if it's have shared before... after I rewatched the latest eps for 5 more times, i decided to rewatch my fave eps with d right timeline.started from pool eps,cnblue dorm eps,chuseok eps,then UJ eps. N i found this at chuseok eps,i dont know if this has been shared or not, I already forgot since there are so many caps shared b4....


cant u see what uri yongseo did at the back??  yong helped seo like what nickhun did to victoria's hair before(?):wub: just watch the eps to see it clearer,coz im not good at captioning pict <_<

*sorry if it's had been shared n sorry too 4 my bad bad english :sweatingbullets:  annyeong~ *off 2 continue rewatch my fave eps*

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