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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ชะอมทอด&












I am very HAPPY TO READ ALL the "GoGuMer" post Here..................















This Week Ep. is so amazing and Love MC very much I think they love our GoGuma too ^^















and I keep watch it thisweek Ep. again and again love Hyoong and Hyon holeding hand















PLEASE BE REAL Hyon and Yoong ><"



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Guest shane09




jnj, yes ~~ actually I'm on my way to make these gif but ........


the scene are too sweet to cap and my computer hang.....


since I had already make 30 over gif, so decide to let my computer off today


I will post it up tomorrow.


So sorry to make you wait.....







Thanks for loving the gif & will try my best to make more gif


Just in case the scene u like but I did not make it, PM me and let me know, will try to do it



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There are no words that can describe the beauty of this episode and many of you have already said what I want to say, but I really need to get this off my chest otherwise I won't be able to sleep again because of my excitement!






























































































































MC Kim: What are they doing, in the middle of the night at a dam?































































SO: They might have caught at least five fish!































































MC Park: They are catching each other's hearts






























































































































CR: J2dlee translation






























































































































What MC Park said I feel completely describes this entire episode to a tee. Like I said in some of my posts before, I feel like Yonghwa is really a guarded person who is extremely careful in his actions and his words. There are only a few moments in WGM that I felt he really let his guard down:






























































































































1. Episode 9/10 - the trip to Jeongdongjin when he was perhaps too tired to keep his guard up































































2. Episode 12 - When the Sister-in laws came and he let out that slip about Seohyun's eyes.































































3. Chuseok Special - in the horror house when he was too scared and the lack of cameras following their every step I feel allowed us to see an unguarded Yonghwa. The minute they went back to the room and JoKwon announced they were holding hands, he put his guard back up again.































































4. This birthday episode






























































































































Many have questioned this couple throughout the last 8 months they have been together, the answers Yonghwa gave on radio stations, the way he interacts with Seohyun on WGM. I believe that he puts his guard up in front of cameras to protect the people who is closest to him - his family, his band and I completely believe - Seohyun.






























































































































However, in this episode you could see the minute he saw Seohyun's surprise...he really struggled to keep his guard up. That look he gave her whilst she was singing his song, that was pure love. For one moment, we could see his true feelings for her through his eyes. From then onwards, it was like he was oblivious to the cameras and all he saw, heard and felt was his Hyun.






























































































































From that moment on, every time he looked at her, talked to her, laughed with her....it was so obvious all of that was coming from a man who has completely fallen for the girl beside him.






























































































































Does anyone else get the feeling that he's been waiting for Seohyun to ask him about Love Light? When I watch it and she approaches the subject, his face was like...'finally she's asking me about this'. The way he watched her trying to figure out the most subtle way of asking the question, it was like he was falling for her more and more as each minute went by.






























































































































A few random thoughts:






























































































































That moment when she challenges him to sing to her whilst looking into her eyes, it was like he was running away from the temptation to kiss her!






























































































































Then there is that 10 second moment after the confession of Love Light, she holds out her arms and says 'I feel good', Yonghwa is in his own world obviously thinking about no one but Hyun. Though his thoughts will forever remain his own, I know they can be nothing but sweet thoughts of Seohyun!






























































































































Yonghwa's smooth move when he changed the awkward arm link to holding her hand for the first time, that almost made me cry alongside SO.






























































































































So many things I wish I could write about and write it in a way that is worthy of describing this adorable couple, but no words could describe them and this this episode. They may not truly be dating outside of this show, but I 100% believe they have true feelings for each other. The greatest actor and actress couldn't imitate the emotion in their eyes during this entire episode, let alone a rookie actor (great as he is) and a girl who has never acted in her life who is in a reality show, scripted or not.






























































































































Like MC Park said, they have caught each other's hearts as well as the hearts of nations.































































Thanks to J2dlee for translating, sun_sun for subbing and everyone for contributing to this thread. The MCs for making me laugh and squeal alongside you, everyone on twitter for allowing me to spazz and all our amazing artists/bloggers/gifs makers/fanvid creators/organizers of projects and EVERY POSITIVE POST THAT HAS BEEN MADE! You guys are as daebak as Yongseo couple!

































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Guest fazie86




Thank you so much sun_sun and jd2...u guys r awesome..




everyone is still 'lost' because of this ep..i think everyone will patiently wait for the next ep to be aired on saturday next week coz we have enough 'sources' to spazz..i guarantee that this thread will discuss about this ep like forever and try to compared it with another ep..




this ep is sure DAEBAK!!! Yong&Hyun..u guy are the best...take it slowly...step by step..don't rush it coz it will spoil everything. Your story is like in a novel..like love story of innocent person..hu ^^ (seriously, i don't know what i talking about)




keep repeating watching this ep...never get tired of it..




everyone...let's fight for both of them..protect them from 'dangerous' world...:wub:



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thank you so much sun_sun...youre such an angel to us and a genuine gogumas...we appreciate so much youre big effort to make us more happy..gosh its a never ending re watch...and still my hearts continous to beat fast..this couple make me crazy..and you all gogumas be more attached to me...









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Guest inorhaniza












DONE 3 parts....and I'm alive!!! lol oh my god..... when I sub , I have to repeat each part again and again and again...their smile ,their stare, their acting all killing me ...and j2dlee , your translation  Thank you thank you so much ^^










Part 1










Part 2










Part 3










Hope you all enjoy







































Tq so much for sharing this....so fast....today i was full with love













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Guest viktorialouise

hello, gogumas! it's been awhile since i posted here. i just lurked since i got so many things to do the past weeks. i go here to read and be updated about yongseo.

thank you for the episode uploads. i get my kicks every time i watch the couple over and over again even without the subs. thank you j2dlee for the translations. i am forever indebted to you coz now i can understand everything yonghwa and seohyun are saying. your translations are very good.

anyways... i am back with a fanart. it's from the episode last, last saturday. i hope you guys like it just like my previous drawings. :)

yongseo couple is love. :wub:


finally a scanned copy. i apologize for the wrong korean phrase i used. edited now. i hope this time it's correct. :).

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saw this today, was this shared already?
















































SNSD’s Seohyun ranked #1 for best natural beauty







































































































































































SNSD’s maknae Seohyun was recently picked as the best natural beauty out of girl group members.
























































According to a poll that was conducted by a cosmetics surgery hospital in Seoul, results showed that out of the 781 netizens who participated, 348 (44.5%) voted for Seohyun as the “girl group member who shows the best natural beauty”.
























































A representative of the cosmetic surgery hospital explained, “First place taker SNSD’s Seohyun has a friendly face. Her natural beauty results from her confidence and ability to showcase her strong points.”
























































Other girl group members who ranked in the top three were KARA’s Han Seung Yeon (210 votes, 28%), and 2NE1’s Sandara Park (189 votes, 24.1%).
























































Source + Photo: MyDaily
























































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















I don't know if anyone knows this. I noticed that the MCs USED DIFFERENT CLOTHES during the episode.......







can anyone double-check to confirm this?? if you look closely on part 1 you will notice this.














I WONDER WHY..................<_< <_<<_<
















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








Prepare for a really random post (sorry, my train of thought is really a mess because of the many things that made me smile in this episode):




the pictures in the picture book was really from Seohyun's camera? I mean she was really shy taking pictures from the start, also she said she doesn't really like taking pictures, but as we have seen, they were taking pictures off-cam. I repeat, OFF-CAM pictures. some of the pictures where from Jungshin's camera, but in one of the pictures, we can see Yong kneeling to take a picture using Jungshin's camera, so Hyun was taking a picture of Yong while he was taking some pictures. 




they are really sweet. even a blind man can see the development in both of them.




there were a lot of pictures of them at home and their picnic that we did not see. they really enjoyed themselves when filming. and I really feel that being able to participate in WGM is a blessing to both of them. not only they can spend time with each other and go home with a huge smile plastered on their faces, but it really gives them a time to relax, enjoy being a normal person once in a while, laugh, smile, and truly be happy.




I think Yong actually was teary eyed before Seohyun sang Love light with the mask on. if you look closely, both of his eyes were really glistening then he said "oohh" then wiped his right eye. or it was due to the smoke of the mosquito coil, was it lit in the first place? I don't think it was lit because after Hyun's singing, he was lighting it. so he was genuinely touched.




Yong dancing TMYW was a chicken? haha I was LMAO when she said that. at first I thought she mentioned the leg hair, but it was Yong chicken. :)




for me, the holding hands was "the icing on a cake" I mean their interactions (staring intensely, joking around, etc.) and natural conversations in the whole episode was really sweet in itself. then they ended walking holding hands. 




about Seohyun acquiring the Love Light instrumental or minus one. I think she got it from the manager. she could have asked her manager to get it from CNBlue's manager. I don't think the other CNBlue boys have her number. but the managers can definitely contact each other.




Hyun, like Yong, really prepared for their respective events. and managed to make time in their busy schedule to do that, even sacrificing sleep. you wouldn't do that normally to a person who is "just an acquaintance". so I really think that they are really special in each other's eyes.




Thanks to sun_sun and j2dlee, like each episode of YongSeo, you are daebak.




this episode was, as said by Kay77, one of the turning point episodes. 




they have created a lot of memories and they would really hold it dear for the rest of their lives



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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































First, sun_sun thank you so much for the subbed episode, J2dlee thanks a lot too.












































A few random thoughts:






































































































































That moment when she challenges him to sing to her whilst looking into her eyes, it was like he was running away from the temptation to kiss her!























































































Sorry to cut your post, but I totally agree with all you said, especially this part, I was thinking how cant he not want to kiss her, I feel sorry for him... blush.gif What I liked most was how she keep moving foward and he is the one backing away.












































I am not a man, but I think it took a lot of self control from YH during that part and the later conversation.












































I dont know what the guys around here have to say about it. Will be good to have their insights about it... :)












































P.D. Jossa updated her blog, really nice fic about the latest episode... http://shippingheart.blogspot.com/












































@bonbon31 Dont think much about it, that was filmed during the time FNC cancelled the fanmeeting in Korea, and Jungshin wrote something not very nice (to the Korean fans) in the Japan CNBLUE blog. YH have to go out, to their UFO channel and make some damage control with the fans... Korean Boices were really mad.





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Ok this ep is totally daebak!!!! hahaha...






but something come into my mind seriously and when i think of it, i feel like crying..






WGM will always have their last ep correct.. i really can't imagine what will happen if end..






really can't imagine.. i can feel both are now deeply in love with each other, is for real and not fake..






otherwise u tell me why yonghwa keep go around showing off his ring.. he dun need to do that but he just love her lots..






But can someone tell me, for WGM 1 how the couple eng their relationship :( coz i nv watch WGM 1 before.. until i yonghwa came in .. I really can't imagine what will happen .. can anyone tell me :( sorry to spoil mood ..



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Guest crinkle_twinkle
























































I don't know if anyone knows this. I noticed that the MCs USED DIFFERENT CLOTHES during the episode.......































































































can anyone double-check to confirm this?? if you look closely on part 1 you will notice this.






















































































































































I WONDER WHY..................<_< <_<<_<






















































































































































That happens sometimes actually...






















































































































































The second half of the Yongseo episode, the MC's taped it on separate day.






















































































































































If you read the latest translation of j2dlee, MC kim said to the PD: "If you cut the episode here, you’re dead meat!"






















































































































































The PD's sometimes cut the episode and continue it on their next schedule of taping. Hence, the different clothes of the MC's...









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omigoshh... this thread is still in full swing! i guess we all had a yongseo overdose huh! xD gahh how i wish that i'm more free during weekends then i can spazz with u guys!

here's my list of THANK Us:

j2dlee, *hugs tightly* dunno how to thank u anymore LOL~! btw, i'm sorry if i seemed to rush u 'cause that wasn't my intention at all. so pls take ur time in translating for it's very hard to find dedicated translators like u :wub: we luv u!!! xD

ladylia257, i'm glad someone thinks the same as i do! i also think that they're in a relationship now. it prolly started after that b'day trip! xD and there's another thing that i find hard to explain. it's like they had some kinda telepathy during the "tug-a-war" session. it's like hyun already had a sixth sense that part of Love Light was written based on her but she didn't know that it was written TOTALLY BASED ON HER! if she knew it wasn't for her she won't even dare ask yong! and then, yong caught up on her thoughts. he looked slightly annoyed that hyun was beating around the brush, but i'm glad that he was bold enough to go straight to the point or else both of them will never know what's really going on between them. hahah yong is jjang!

kay77, i 2nd ya on that. i used to be a k-drama addict but after yongseo, i can't seem to find my appetite in any of the k-dramas. watched playful kiss for less than half an hour... then, quickly switched to yongseo LOL. that's the power of yongseo!

aigoo, lenovo-cuz... are u playing tweeties again there... sorry, me & jnj are pretty primitive at the moment LOL but u, genxv, bezbezbez, clumsy, fengz, andalasa, yuki & many moree should come back more often! we miss our yongseo merrymakers ya know~! :wub:

omgirly, i think yong's answers as to why he's always wearing the ring is just a gimmick either to protect hyun & himself or not to reveal the real story behind the ring, not till ther ep airs (some kinda surprise?). but after yesterday's ep, i guess many are starting to believe in this couple's potential as a REAL COUPLE. and many are starting to soften their hearts for yongseo... for who is able to withstand the genuineness they've been expressing? they are ONE OF A KIND. there's just SOMETHING about them. they could just be the history makers in k-entertainment. :wub:

haeanna~! long time no see! u're one of the tweeties! haaha anyways, thanks for sharing about hyun ranking 1st in natural beauty, haeanna & GeumJanDi :w00t:uhh actually i didn't know she's natural, i thought she did her eyes. ahhh pls don't shoot me 'cause i really didn't know that...)

DJHinata,* ♥ u back* ekekeke and thanks for those beautiful wallies~! i noticed ur yongseo works in Facebook ;)

hello lil' kawai ichigo-chan~! ack sorry for simply adding nicknames to u LOL! anyways, thanks so much for the daebak MV!!! *hugs* u made me die countless of times ya know! kekeekke xD

redtulip, thanks so much for sharing about what birthday is all about. it seems that yong is actually a guy who thinks pretty deeply just like SOMEONE! kekeekek they're really somewhat similar in character xD dang!

yo woollylamb~! yay~!!!! good to hear u made that kinda decision! i've always loved all the elders' posts, including urs! so i hope the other elders won't lurk like u did! ekekekek xD *hugs*

Catkat, thanks for the info! i didn't realize that! gosh i guess i need to go to genxv's blog for reference of time! >.<

fara_m7, thanks for the link to the radioshow >.<

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i noticed that after hyun singing love light to yong, yong's seat became closer to hyun's. no space at all between their seats starting from that moment. sweet...

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pls forgimme for double-post...

it seems like there's a limit to the length of post huh.

dang! my post was cut so i can't really recall what i typed....

anyways, i have a question:


jnj... u on the way to gogumaland or are u still having a goguma hangover? kekeek xD

panGG, it must be a beautiful sunday afternoon for ya... thanks for hyun's news. that pic of hers is truely daebak! yong must be so proud to have her as his buin xD

wokeh... i'm gonna watch sun_sun's subbed vids~!!


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I already finished watching the epi with subs!








Thanks j2dlee, subbing even the caps!








sun_sun, it's really hard work, isn't? but goguma fans will reward you with their love.








jnj, yes, i waited for the whole episode to be thoroughly subbed,downloaded it in my disk, then watched it without any pause. but this is the second time that i watched it because i've seen it before without the subs. also, i'm not just a girl, i am a yongseo fangirl!!!! kekeke








Just sharing:








Though all parts of this episode are my favorites, I really feel different with this scene. It was candidly taken. The couple are in their own innocent world. :rolleyes: It is so refreshing.
















now, i'll sleep. annyeong!





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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































haha. and since someone entioned that yong was totally caught off guard(sorry i can't remember who:). this song, i think suites yong's feelings. i know that all of us are familiar with this song. its just that...... yong is Out of his league. :))































































































































It's her hair and her eyes today































































































































That just simply take me away































































































































And the feeling that I'm falling further in love































































































































Makes me shiver but in a good way































































































































All the times I have sat and stared































































































































As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair































































































































And she purses her lips, bats her eyes and she plays,































































































































With me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say














































































































































































































'Cause I love her with all that i am































































































































And my voice shakes along with my hands































































































































Cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need































































































































And I'm out of my league once again














































































































































































































It's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me































































































































As the world spins around her she laughs,































































































































Rolls her eyes and I feel like I'm falling































































































































But it's no surprise














































































































































































































'Cause I love her with all that I am































































































































And my voice shakes along with my hands































































































































'Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea































































































































But I'd rather be here than on land































































































































Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need































































































































And I'm out of my league once again.














































































































































































































Its her hair and her eyes today































































































































That just simply take me away































































































































And the feeling that im falling further in love makes me shiver, but in a good way































































































































All the times I have sat and stared































































































































As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair































































































































As he purses her lips, bats her eyes































































































































And she plays with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say














































































































































































































'Cause I love her with all that I am































































































































And my voice shakes along with my hands































































































































'Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea































































































































But I'd rather be here than on land































































































































Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need































































































































And im out of my league once again































































































































































































seems like thheir story has now ended. like HAPPY ENDING. and good thing this is NOT a fairytale, not a story written on a book, not a drama with a fixed plot, but this is like love in real situation(oh well regardless of this being a "show") but the thing is this is real. i mean real. and also good thing there's another saturdays to come! ahhahaha:))
































































and my fave part was when yong asked seohyun that they should walk arm in arm, because before j2dlee posted the transcript(THANK YOU REALLY!)and sun_sun(thanks!)for the vid i read somewhere that their dialogue were like this (im not sure or maybe it was just my imagination)
































































Yong: Seohyun, from now on when things like this happen wherever we go we should walk arm in arm.

















































































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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































sun_sun thank you for the videos  and J2dlee thanks again for the subs :D
































































































































































I watched this episode like a millon times, every scenes are filled with sweet moment :wub:

















































































































































































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