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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






shane: Your gifs are amazing as usual.






around.the.alley: Thanks for sharing that story. It's a sad love story :tears:



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I think the ideal girl for Yong, as discussed before, is not that big of a deal to him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Ideal is just an ideal."~ Yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From what I gather, Yong back then was forced or pressured to answer "SeoHyun" since they were engaged in the WGM as a make-believe couple. It was supposed to support the show and themselves as an individual and artists. I'm not saying that he didn't have special feelings for her back then but he tends to answer things carefully and make everyone focus on their bands respectfully. To Yong, CNBlue is a big factor of his life, it is his career, his ambition and his only goal to fame (which is important to his mother as well). He knows Hyun is in the same boat as him so he puts her on a different category. (Am I making sense @_@)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, with the UJ thing, I think both Yong and Hyun are fans, actually Hyun has been a big fan since long before but Yong has recently been converted by Hyun. Who else would introduce Nodame to him? I read somewhere on this thread that to be closer to the one you love or care, you have to know or like what he or she likes as well. Now, Yong and Hyun dress similarly, have similar habits of crossing arms, staring competitions and now UJ. What else could you hope for? :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest raindrops_919

@ ichigo_kawai : ahh kennchanaa  :wub: i love your video, always.. now, i'm downloading the latest one, thank you for sharing it!  :wub:

does anybody notice, at the last scene they hold each other hands and go from the fishing spot, they didn't bring their bags with, so this mean they're going back there and continue fishing, right? since they don't get any fish yet (well i don't think it matters anyway)..now i can imagine they're holding each other hands all the way there and all the way back to the fishing spot again *ahhh i'm in love*SNSD unnies mode on* :wub:

p.s: Yong called Hyun: Seo Hyun Yang (which i guess it means: Miss Seo Hyun) and treat her like a young lady when they walked together (arm linking thing is so lord-lady-like), let Hyun climb the stair first and remember when they're about to get in the taxi?? He open the door and let Hyun get in first, spread his hand like a prince let the princess get in the chariot  :w00t: this boy is romantic and such a gentleman  :wub:

THANK YOU for uri FABULOUS  j2dlee and sun_sun  :wub:

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shawie829 yeah exactly, my mom also wondered why I have to watch this without sub, and it's not watching just once. It's lovely to think that we can smile and cry when watching something that we could not even understand:wub:




































It's just...... every moment that our couple have, and every event that they do for each other make us realize that this is what love is all about. You don't have to hurry when it comes to relationship, but instead take it slowly and be comfortable for each other......... OMG I cried writing my own post LOL..























well, let's hope their love is not just on-screen and lastly............




































................용서 커플 is REAL! .......................




































SOSHI... let's cross our fingers on that  wish:rolleyes:.  Really hope that whatever they have onscreen gets to continue offscreen, they are such a lovely couple :wub:



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Guest tripplemama
















































Hi Goguma
































I guess everyone still "high" from yesterday's episode rite...I am n still do..
































I am not sure if you guys notice it...the music Love Light that Hyun sung is minus one rite...
































Just wondering how did she manage to get that minus one if not from her brothers in law rite...
































Could it be possible that CN Blue knew abt this suprised birthday present or maybe they are also part of it...









































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Guest sun_sun



DONE 3 parts....and I'm alive!!! lol oh my god..... when I sub , I have to repeat each part again and again and again...their smile ,their stare, their acting all killing me ...and j2dlee , your translation  Thank you thank you so much ^^

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Hope you all enjoy


ps...I will switch upload at both channel because I've just got warning from YT about copyright and I wanna keep my channel .^^

His stare when Hyun's singing LOVE LIGHT


One of favorite scene



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I just comeback and run to watch this ep...






eventhou I can understand even 1 word.. hahaha






what I can said here...

















1000x DAEBAK...






conclude everything;











the buried gift











the necklace











the ring











the Love Light lyrics











the HOLD HANDS....






i love all the MC's reaction even Jinwoon...






Agree with MC Kim, this episode was something to watch...






Totally their turning point..






currently I'm only on page 1129...






when i wrote this comment...






got to read everything...



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This is the story when Yonghwa and Seohyun were playing with the dandelions. It's called 'A Shower' and it's actually quite sad. I was curious so I searched for it  :sweatingbullets:












Hi Alley (sorry have to call you that blush.gif), thanks for sharing...but is that really the ending?  I know that this out of topic, but would love to continue reading the story if it has a continuation (in english please).  Sorry to all the gogumas for this post, it's out of topic.



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I fainted over and over again!!


khe khe


thank's again to all of you whom decide to help us, who doesn't know hangul, understand how beautiful the love of this two goguma


by translating, screencap, and expressing your point of view.


I'm sorry not to mention all of you. my internet connection is so slow, to check your name one by one.


yet it hard to remember what you say one by one., because the proud owner of goguma planet increase amazingly. isn't it ? 


who can resist the humble magnificent love of these two.




watching this episode make me remember how I felt when I watch two previous episode,


some of people even worried whether yong be able to calm his rapper wife anger.


after watching this episode, how does that feel?? khe khe khe


I hope your heart melt like as mine does. then, we could learn from this two that loving each other is so beautiful and powerfull,


and decide to spread this humble love story, this beautifull feel, to others. specially to someone we love.


-- Hi dad, hi mom, how long we can't see each other :( , even when I faraway right now, I will visit you soon, love ya :)


it is something that we, proud people of goguma planet, do. right?


it maybe sound cliche, but really stop hating, start loving. :)




as  sarangbeet song when I listening it at the first time, at that time even I don't know the history behind it,


and even I don't know the meaning of the lyric. but still it does give me goosebumps and extraordinary feel.


This song is full of something emotional.  It's like when this song is prepared or arranged or recorded,


cn blue and yong really put the feel into this song.


Then, when I read translation of the lyric. I nearly faint.


(the beauty of yong high pitched voice when he say :


    - bam ha neuk byul bit boda ah reum da wuh yo ~ "even you are more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky")


whoa. can resist my tears when i hear it at that time. someone who write that lyric obviously found something so great


that not ordinary people can feel.


and when I know the story behind the song. I fainted myself to the seventh sky already. @^^ khe khe khe




haha, so here's my story :




1. two previous episode, hyun was asked about what she do during birthday. after she said that yong is so mean, she smile brightly without even knowing it.


aa,.. now I know the reason. HOw could she still upset or angry after spending this @#$^#&* day with her love.


goguma field, couple necklace that found emotionally wrapped in most unpredicted kind of surprise, and even knowing the truth that yong wrote that lovely heart melted song for her.. eurgh.. even call the day by linking arm and holding hands.


(see, it's so extraordinary, so daebak, i don't even have the word to express it. so I use that sign  )


jashik, hope we all would have that day too, in our humble life. It's what our lovely goguma do, I want to feel it too 




2. look at this scene.






thing that she do. that lean backward comfortly (while smiling mixed with shy expression ),she cant even look at yong eye, so she put her sight down


(of course her thought is somewhere else)


although she lean to her chair (even though we all hope that she lean to him khe khe khe), this expression is not something ordinary hyun/girl do.




try to imagine it.

do you think hyun will lean backward that comfortly when she talk to jungshin (haha jealous yong)?

do you think hyun will lean backward that comfortly when she talk to jinwoon? TRAX jung mo oppa? her college friends?

no! i don't think so.









me myself imagined, maybe hyun will do this exact body language and expression beautifully when she is only alone with her mother,


someone who really know and treasure her outside and inside, someone who she really know and trust the most too.




after doing something big before, all day long, from so early in the morning and because of the hardwork she able to finish it in the afternoon.


and she is very very tired at the end of the day, at the same time she is so happy and relieve because of the work that she do is done, .


(tired, freedom, relieve, relax, and happy mixed all together)




while watching beautifull red afternoon sunset, while drinking relaxing tea,  talk about big things that she do before,




then talk about something very personal, heart to heart,.. then her mother tease her, then, she smile shyly because she embarassed about that litle thing, 


and that is when this exact body language and expression going to happen.







(it's not that this exact story is happen. this is not a fanfic too,  just try to feel what she feel.)


(i think the atmosphere somehow like the song named "Love Songs" from Anjulie. -- which I want to use as background song to make video for this lovely couple. sadly I don't have the time yet. and my inet connection is so slow so I only have low resolution of their video T_____T )


so, how close the heart of this two already? answer that yourself :P


(somehow it's like yong kissing hyun. haha )




3. see, not only us, proud owner of goguma planet, affected by the love of this two.


mc kim, who suposed to litle bit anticipated of what couple do. and used to watch hundreds of event created by other lovely couple before,


still unable to calm himself down and without knowing explode the wonderful emotion inside him and shout it out loud. aigoo.. haha


want to know how much I'm faint, explode and scream? see this mc kim expression and multiplied it by the number of goguma plant in yong and hyun goguma field. khe khe khe








khe khe. indeed mc kim. the production team is dead meat if they cut this episode. khe khe XD






ok2. you expect a ring? okay okay.. okay.. calm down calm down..






what is that? your favorite soccer team is win? ooo.. seohyun give yonghwa a ring. haha






Khe khe khe,.. okay. calm down,. calm down. I'll make them quiet.




thank's from deep of my heart to share the love of these two for me. 


really. I happen to learn a lot from this couple. kamsa hamnidaaaa all of goguma planet owner for your hardwork today to bring


this episode for video, sc-cap, and translation 


and not to forget to yong and hyun. keep teach the wonderful meaning of love, to the world






teach us that a love isn't just ordinary feel.

teach us that this feel is misterious and weird yet so wonderfull.

teach us that this feel has deep extraordinary hidden meaning behind it,

this feel is positively have far more deep meaning than just the useles malicious hatred. (make love, stop war. isn't it? ) hwaiting!!

don't feel the pressure. just enjoy your unforgettable wonderfull lifetime journey







you have us, the owner of goguma planet here to support you.





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Guest bezbezbez
















































































Hi everyone!!!!
















































I just dropped by to remind everyone about our third project for seohwa...it's for their 300th day anniversary...
















































just follow this link for the full details
















































It's A YongSeo World Afterall
















































we are aiming 300 reasons for loving yongseo, and so far we have 91...there's more to fill so please PM me your reasons. Please follow this format

I love the YONGSEO couple because_____________________(REMINDER: please limit your answer to 15 words, but if you can't I'll be the one to summarize it for you)
















































































































































BTW. I released the prologue of our seohwa fanfic. If you have timw you might want to read it :) thanks in advance
















































If It's You

















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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been wanting to comment after the episode aired, but I felt that whatever I'm about to type wouldn't put justice to the events that transpired in the latest episode. MC Kim was right -- it was really 'daebak.' While no tears flowed out from my eyes, I was squealing and smiling so much from the sweetness overload. Their sincerity and dedication just pours out from the screen to the viewers. When WGM started, I was so worried for the both of them; you guys know how nasty anti's can get. But this worry got thrown out of the window after they started to receive so much love from all over the world. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe that the reason why people are naturally drawn to them and are actually rooting for them is because of their honesty and care for each other. You can see it in the way they stare at each other and how they always wear their couple rings when truthfully, they don't have to do that outside of the show. I've always said that I am a realistic person, but after this episode I just want to get this out of my chest: Yonghwa likes has fallen for Seohyun. Forreals. After Seohyun's Love Light performance he just couldn't contain his happiness. It's as if he's going to hug her at any moment if not for the cameras. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun's naivety when it comes to love and dating has proven to be a valuable thing for their virtual relationship. It's no secret that she's a perfectionist and a goal-oriented person; everything she does she gives her 100% into it. So even though I was surprised and touched by her gifts, I kind of expected her to go all out for her husband's birthday. She must be so happy and pleased with herself, seeing Yonghwa very amazed and touched by what she has prepared for him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The whole episode is so spazz-worthy, really. But what struck me most was Yonghwa's letter to Seohyun's mother. My dad would always tell me this: a guy who truly likes you is not afraid to acknowledge and meet face-to-face with the girl's parents. Writing a letter to Seohyun's mother and even buying her a gift? This guy is serious. If he doesn't plan on taking this relationship off-cam, why would he bother doing this, right? One of my favorite scenes was when Seohyun kept on asking about Love Light, and they were like playing tug-a-war with each other. I'm pretty sure in the back of Seohyun's mind, she wanted to be that girl to whom the song was dedicated for. I loved how the mood was so solemn and fitting for Yonghwa's confession. There were a lot of speculations, but it was totally different to hear that from the composer himself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD unnies must be so jealous of their precious maknae <3 The girl who loved sweet potatos and could care less about guys just made a boy compose a song for her. The MC's, especially MC Kim, were so fun to watch. Their reactions and squeals of delight were freaking hilarious to watch. And Seulong's 'I'm about to cry' statement during the holding hands part was LOL-worthy. I remember them being frustrated with the lack of skinship, so I totally understand why they were so energetic with this episode. I can tell they really enjoyed it as much as we did.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee, you're really an angel. We all appreciate the hard work you put in every Saturday for the translations. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again, to everyone: thanks for the translations, screencaps and comments <3 

































































































































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Guest ahn_annann
























j2dlee thanks for translation
















sun_sun thanks for subbing ..
















thanks for all your pics, gifs, discussion and comment ..
































made by me





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i dont know how many time i rewatch this episode,maybe 176473843x? DAEBAK!!!!! I need concentrate for my job but i cant. Help me, gogoma!Actually,i am not teenager anymore but i dont know why i still follow Gogoma couple. i feel suprise with myself why i am like this. I check this thread everyday. This thing become my habit now. I want to thank you for picture, screencap,gif,... everything all gogoma have been done for this thread,saranghae!. BTW, jossa update her fic and you should read it-that story is a bonus for this episode.And one thing i want to say: THIS EPISODE IS DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Hi Alley (sorry have to call you that blush.gif), thanks for sharing...but is that really the ending?  I know that this out of topic, but would love to continue reading the story if it has a continuation (in english please).  Sorry to all the gogumas for this post, it's out of topic.








































Haha! Alley :lol: you can call me whatever you want, Alley sounds cute ^_^








































Unfortunately that's how the story really goes. It's a short story and considered a classic in the Korean culture. It was written during the Korean War.








































Here's another translated version that may be easier to read.

When the boy sees the girl at the brook he soon notices that she is the granddaughter of Mr. Kim. She puts her hands in the brook and is dabbling in the water. It looks like she has never seen a brook in Seoul and has been playing with water for a few days now. She played with water at the bottom of the brook until yesterday but she is sitting in the middle of the stepping-stones today. He just waits until she moves aside. Luckily there is a man who is passing by and she gets out of the way.

The next day, he comes to the brook a little bit late. She is washing her face from the middle of the stepping-stones. Her arms with rolled up pink sweater sleeves, and neck are very white. They look like they are shinning. She is looking at her face in the clear brook and trying to hold something in the brook. She may be trying to get a little fish. Like yesterday she may get out of the way if there is a man. She is picking something from the water. It is a pebble. She stands up and runs across the stepping-stones. When she crosses the brook she turns back and cries to him. " Hey, you." She throws the pebble at him. He is so surprised and his heart is beating so fast. She runs to fields of reeds fluttering her long hair. She disappears for a while. He stands on tiptoes to catch sight of her. She shows up hugging a bunch of reed flowers. Beautiful shafts of sunlight are particularly shining about her head. He stays there until she disappears. Suddenly he looks at the pebble that she threw to him. It has dried. He picks it up and puts it into his pocket.








































He comes to the brook a little bit late. He can't find her. He thinks it is lucky. However, it is strange that she hasn't shown up for three days running and he feels empty deep in his heart. Now he has a new habit of fingering the pebble that she threw to him.








































One day, he sits in the middle of the stepping-stones and is dabbling in the water. He washes his face and watches the reflection of his face in the water. His sunburned face appears in the clean brook. He thinks himself so ugly. He keeps erasing his face reflected in the water. Suddenly he is so surprised that he stands up immediately. She is coming here. He thinks that she may have watched him from behind. He starts running. He misses his foothold in the water and falls over a big stone. He abruptly stands up and runs faster. He hopes that there is a place he can hide near here but there aren't any fields of reeds this way, only the sands. An unpleasant liquid is running to his lips. It is a nosebleed. He just runs wiping his nose with one hand. He feels like she is calling him from the back, "hey, hey".








































It is Saturday. When he arrives at the brook she sits in the middle of the stepping-stones and dabbles in the water. He hasn't seen her for a few days. He takes a big breath and starts passing the stepping-stones ignoring her. This time he walks very carefully so as not to miss his step. She says " Hi". He pretends he doesn't hear her. She asks, " Do you know what this is called?" He goes to her involuntarily. He sees her clear black eyes. He can't breath. He quickly looks down at the thing she is holding. " Silk shellfish." She smiles and says. " It's a pretty name." They start walking together. She stops and points to a mountain. "Have you ever been to the mountain?" He looks at the mountain, which is covered in flowers. "No."








































"Why don't we go there? I am so bored. Unlike Seoul there is nothing I can do here in the country." He takes a look at the mountain one more time. " It is far though." She says with a decisive tone of voice. "I can walk for a long time and when I was in Seoul I took a long walk to go on a picnic." He thinks, 'Her eyes are blaming me saying you are timid and afraid.' His heart is beating so fast. They start walking again. When they pass by rice fields they find a scarecrow. They go to it and she says. " It looks funny." He shakes it and remembers that his mom asked him to come home early to watch his rice fields. She laughs and shouts. " It looks like it is dancing." She joins him to shake it. He finds out that her face dimples with a smile. There is another scarecrow over there. She runs to it and shakes it. He runs following her and decides not to think of mom's favor.








































They arrive at some radish fields. They look delicious. She says, "I wish I could have one." He picks up two good-looking radishes and gives one of them to her. He shows her how to eat it. She follows his way to bite it but she throws it away and says, " It is still unripe and hot." He says more loudly. " I can't eat it. It tastes funny." He throws it further. He often has a radish when he comes here with his friends. It is one of his favorite snacks.








































The mountain is coming closer to them. The trees are burning with red and golden leaves and the hills are painted with rainbow colors. She runs around and cries " Beautiful! Beautiful!" This time he doesn't follow her. He is busy picking flowers. He chooses only fresh flowers and makes a nice bunch of flowers. He gives it to her shyly. Her dimples are smiling again.








































They find a wide rock under a big tree and sit on it. He feels dizzy for a while. He thinks that it is because of the smell of flowers. She points out some purple flowers on the little slope. " What is that called? It reminds me of my school in Seoul. There were similar flowers in the flower garden at school. I miss my friends in Seoul." She stands up and goes over to the flowers. She tries to pick them up but they are not to be broken off easily. She struggles and falls down. He runs to her and stretches his hand to her. He regrets not picking them himself for her. Her knee is bleeding. He brings his lips to her knee and sucks it. She doesn't stop him.








































He holds her hands and says. "There is a calf over there." He leads her to the calf. It is a small calf. He pretends to stroke its back and jumps up on the calf's back. The calf is bouncing and going crazy. Her pale face, pink sweater, blue skirt, and flowers in her arms are going round and round. Her dimples are smiling again and she laughs. He feels dizzy but he doesn't get off. He is proud of himself that he makes her smile again. " What are you doing here?" A farmer is passing by. He is afraid he might be blamed for hurting the calf but the farmer is looking at her and doesn't blame them both. He says, " There may be a shower soon so hurry home." They hold hands and start running. Suddenly it gets black, cloudy and windy. It rains. They are big raindrops. Her lips are getting blue and her little shoulders are shaking. He takes off his jacket and covers her shoulders.








































He runs around to find a place to avoid the rain. He finds a big rock. He lets her sit inside while he sits outside. He gets a very wet. She asks him to sit inside closer to her. He doesn't listen to her and he doesn't want to ruin her flowers. She tells him that she doesn't care about the flowers anymore. They don't say anything but watch the rain. He thinks everything is so beautiful around here. The rain stops and the sun is shinning again. They walk home. When they get to the brook the water has risen a lot. They can't find the stepping-stones. He turns his back to her and she rides on his back. When the water gets to her thigh she cries and holds his neck tightly. He looks at the sky and it is so blue.








































He hasn't seen her since they went to the mountain together. He runs to the brook everyday after school. He has looked around the schoolyard during the break and stolen a glance at her classroom. However, he hasn't found her. That day, he comes to the brook fingering the pebble as usual. He doubts his eyes. She is sitting on the middle of the stepping-stones. His heart is beating so fast that he can't breath. She looks at him and her dimples are smiling at him. " I have been sick."








































He notices that her face is pale. " Because of the shower that day?"








































She nods. " Do you feel better today?"








































" Not really…."








































" You should stay in bed."








































" I feel cooped up and I want to have some fresh air. Anyway, I had such a wonderful time with you the other day. You know what? I got a stain on my pink sweater and it hasn't wiped away. Do you know where it came from?" He just looks at it. Her dimples are smiling again. "I figured it out. When I rode on your back that day, it's the dye from your back." He feels that his face is getting red-hot.








































She gets something out of her pocket. They are some jujubes. " Taste some jujubes. I got them from my grandfather's garden. They are very sweet."








































He stretches out his hands and says, " They are very big."








































" I am going to move to another town right after Thanksgiving."








































He has already heard from his parents' conversation that they talk of her father going bankrupt in Seoul and that he has a lot of debt. It seems they may even have to give away their house.








































" I don't want to move." Her eyes look so sad.








































On the way home he keeps thinking that she is moving out of town. He is having some jujube, but he doesn't know how sweet the jujube is. This night he goes nut picking in his neighbor's field. He climbs a walnut tree and shakes the branch he has marked in his mind with a stick. The falling sound is so loud that he is afraid someone may catch him. However, he wishes big walnuts to fall and shakes harder. He realizes for the first time he is so strong. On the way home he walks only in the shade, away from the moonlight. He appreciates the shade at first. He rubs some walnuts in his pocket, forgetting it can cause itching. He only thinks he wants her to taste these walnuts. However, he forgot to tell her at the brook that he would like to see her again before she moves out of town. He mutters to himself, 'I am stupid. I am so stupid.'








































On Thanksgiving, when he returns from school, his father gets formally dressed, and holds a chicken. He asks his father " Where are you going?" His father doesn't answer his question and just keeps talking to his mother. " Do you think this chicken is okay?"








































" I think so. It is not that big but it looks very healthy."








































This time he asks his mother. " Where is he going?"








































" He is going to see Mr. Kim. He wants to say good-bye before they move."








































" Hey, father! Bring that big chicken. It is a lot bigger!!!" He almost shouts.








































His father looks at him strangely and laughs. " This chicken looks a lot healthier."








































He is so shy that he runs to the stables.








































On Thanksgiving Day, he spends most of his time at the brook and goes up the hill to look down at her house several times. His pocket is filled with lots walnuts. He feels choked up. At night he keeps thinking whether he should stop by her house tomorrow or not. He falls asleep for a while. When he wakes up he can hear his parents talking. " Oh! What a pity! I can't believe it! Mr. Kim's son went bankrupt and had to sell all his property and then his only granddaughter died today. She has been ill for a week but he couldn't afford to take her to hospital. Poor girl! She was so pretty. Right before she died she held her grandfather and left a strange last wish. She wanted to be buried wearing her pink sweater as it is."
















































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Guest DJHinata

OMG really i want to cry BUt of HAPPINESS !! Thank you so much  i really love this thread full of LOVE !! This is HEAVEN of GOGUMA !!! Sun_Sun And jd2lee are super super awesome !!

 i think i've watch this episode like 5 times by now and for this week i'll watch it for a few more ~  recently my brother was watching wgm too, he really like seohyun so when we are in the pc together we saw the episode ~, he think that Yonghwa and SeoHyun are so in love... and you know what ? ME TOO !!! They're so in love !

THE BEST PART OF THIS EPISODE WAS ... When hyun sang the song , for me that was a confession of Love from her to Yong !! Really, that's why yonghwa smiled so much when he sang the song everytime in all the shows !!

Really i love this thread ~  and i know the i've shared this 2 time but the thread move so fast, so here again the MCKIM tribute !! he is so cool XD please mckim give  to us  more news ~ 





We are in GOGUMALAND !!


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Ninyaah - I agree to all your points, esp the part about Yong mentioning Hyun's mother. You know a guy is serious when he wants to meet your parents!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Raindrops - About the bags thing, yeah someone else mentioned that too. Thats why I thought that part is abit of drama like scripting. But maybe the PD told them they dun hv to bother to pack up and can just do whatever, so they just walked off? And nevermind if it is really plotted, I dun care about what as long as they finally get to hold hands!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tripplemama - About the minus one thing - yeah I thought of that too. But well, if she wants it, I am sure her manager could have contacted CNblue's manager to get it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bulkie - Thanks for capturing MC Kim's expressions. I think he is quite handsome too. hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Shane - your gifs are real nice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok I am stalking this thread for too long, got to go do some serious work now.

































































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Guest adriana_kian86








Thanks a lot Sun_sun. Have waited long time for the sub... Keep up the hard work. This episode is speechless. dont even know how to discribe it in word. hope to get better episode next week. Wah... need to wait for another 6 days for WGM... Anyway thanks a lot to all people here for the video, subs, picture recap and etc.



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thanks sooo much everyone! for the effort of subbing and uploading this episode. and all the screencaps, pics, gifs, macros. i owe my goguma life to you all! *hugs* this is the first time i posted a lot for a thread *yongseo love* hihihi.

































































































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