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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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By the way, does anyone know what song was playing at the beginning of their section and also during last week's preview?





Thanks in advance :)









I think it's Happy birthday by Yoseob





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redtulip, my unnie friend at work once told me of a chinese saying (My mandarin isn't that great, so forgive me if I made any mistakes) that goes along the lines of "At the point of labour, there is a very thin line between life & death." That phrase struck me like a thunderbolt. No wonder Mother's Day is always more widely celebrated than Father's Day, although both are precious, Mothers went through more risks to bring their child into the world. It was a really sweet gesture of Yong Hwa to recognize the fact of the pains Joo Hyun's mom went through. That is 1 aspect I admire so much about the Korean culture because most are very respectful of their elders. :tears:


j2dlee I missed posting too! Somehow I can't seem to leave soompi, the lure is too strong for me to resist. :) I'm so thankful that you keep sharing with us week after week. If plus points were worth a dollar each, you'd be a rich woman. :lol: In spite of that, you willingly give up your time to do this for us (straight after work in full makeup) & inspire so many new translators to appear on this thread. I live the hours after wgm's live streaming for your translations. My hats off to you. *hugs*


It's funny how some of us live so far away from each other, located in different time zones, yet at times feel so much closer at heart than a friend standing right next to us because of YongSeo. blush.gif


I'll try to be more active in terms of posting (and try my best to contribute in some way) & not lurk so much. Thank you all you lovely gogumas for being so generous in sharing. :wub:


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soooooo, I want to know  how many times our goguma shippers have watched yesterday's episode???












I personally have watched at least 19 times and IT'S NOT ENOUGH :wub::wub::wub::wub:












post your record here HEHEHE so we will know that our love for this couple is SO SO SO GREAT!!!












gonna rewatch again later, waiting for the subbed videos ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ























SOSHI... I can't count anymore how many times I've watched yesterday's episode.  Each time I watch the replay, it made me fall in love with the couple even more.  It seems I've returned to my teenage years, the way I giggled, smiled and laughed at the episode is gosh... I even told my husband about yesterday's episode just so he can be updated.  There were times that he watches the show with me, the one thing he does not understand, is why I have to watch the show without the subs :lol:, BUT, he just let me be.   



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Guest yongseo_fighting

Hi, everyone, this episode is causing me to come out from lurking mode again. Like everyone lese, I was grinning all the way while watching the live streaming though I have no idea what they were talking about without the translation. I want to thank j2dlee and others that posted any video, gifs in this thread, really made my day. Yup, definitely a time to celebrate for Yongseo fans!! I rewatched this with my husband and he pointed out that both Yong and Hyun forgot their bags while walking back hand in hand!! Yong and Hyun, were you both too engrossed in holding hands and forgot about the guitar, senorita mask and leaving them behind for the mosquitoes to sing "Love Light"? hahaha..... This epi was just too DAEBAK..... AWESOME.... Tribute to MC Kim too.... Looking forward to next Sat. I wonder will they show the Japan trip episode.... Arghhh... what a long week....

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















shawie829 yeah exactly, my mom also wondered why I have to watch this without sub, and it's not watching just once. It's lovely to think that we can smile and cry when watching something that we could not even understand:wub:














It's just...... every moment that our couple have, and every event that they do for each other make us realize that this is what love is all about. You don't have to hurry when it comes to relationship, but instead take it slowly and be comfortable for each other......... OMG I cried writing my own post LOL..







well, let's hope their love is not just on-screen and lastly............














................용서 커플 is REAL! .......................
















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Guest missmoomin101

I didn't want to post again, but I'm rewatching the episode and I realised something weird!! laugh.gif 

Is it just me or have people subconsiously memorised the dialogue so that there's no need for subtitles??  I'm finding that I don't need the subtitles as much as I thought I would ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ w00t.gif  Hands up if you're like me!

Ah, 정말!  I have so much stuff to do but I can't be bothered at the moment.  I'm way up on cloud nine right now!

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the thread is unexpectedly quiet this afternoon (my time). is everyone rewatching the ep and still with our goguma couple ?

really want to know what is going on in seoul ? any news about the couple ? when will yong appear in any interview, really want to know if he would be asked about 'love light' ? when the japan ep will be aired ?

cn blue released their album in japan, right ? do you guys know which song is composed by yong ? any hint about hyun in that song ? very curious... the word 'curious' brought out the whole story of 'love light'. their conversation is totally lovely.

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Guest fara_m7




the thread is unexpectedly quiet this afternoon (my time). is everyone rewatching the ep and still with our goguma couple ?




really want to know what is going on in seoul ? any news about the couple ? when will yong appear in any interview, really want to know if he would be asked about 'love light' ? when the japan ep will be aired ?




cn blue released their album in japan, right ? do you guys know which song is composed by yong ? any hint about hyun in that song ? very curious... the word 'curious' brought out the whole story of 'love light'. their conversation is totally lovely.








omg.. we are the same.. i have been waiting for some news our couple like forever.. im also waiting for the sub.. ggrrr..




http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf444f_ep-18-1-2_travel im rewatching ep18 where yong explain how he lost his ring in the performance.. so cute!


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Ahhhhh, these two! Why do they tug at my heart strings like they do?! They’re just too cute and adorable! Like watching puppies playing….. I’ve seen every romantic movie put out by major American studios from Casablanca through Love Story to Forrest Gump but nothing makes my heart melt and go ‘duguen, duguen’ like Yong and Hyun! Could it be because I sense meaningful feeling & caring between these two – and honesty? Do I sense a feeling of REAL, genuine LOVE, not acting! If they’ve got me fooled then these 2 wonderful young people deserve Oscars for their performance, or whatever the highest award in the world is for great acting. I really feel that they’ve both found someone extremely special by chance, and they are going to take this ride on WGM to the fullest extent, as far as it can take them in developing a real, sincere boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I totally agree with Luvtokki, I think if this is not love I dun know what it is, great acting and a great PD? But I think this show has blurred between reality and make believe for Yongseo. I am just dissapointed that Hyun doesnt wear the ring nor the necklace everyday(correct me if I am wrong). Judging from the MCs reaction, I think everyone who have watched them from the beginning is feeling the same happy feeling.
































































































































































































































I am just wondering why the PD didnt show this ep earlier but jumbled up the sequence. The longer the wait, the more happy they think we will be watching this? Think they are right!
































































































































































































































I am eager to wait for reporters asking them about today's ep. :D

















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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just because it has to be posted again... :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Awwww... blush.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest sun_sun



This Ep 's so hard to sub...my heart ..Ohhh I cannot explain it...***die*** ^^

Thank you j2dlee for your translation and your nice

Part 1

Part 2

part 3 half way to go please wait

enjoy!!! ^__^


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i am rewatching the part where yong chanllenged hyun saying that he could look straight to her eyes when singing. but he ended up failed to do so.

i remember i read somewhere long time ago. yong could not avoid looking straight to others' (or girls') eyes. but this time, he failed. when talking about someone he likes, i think it's normal he will become shy. he loves hyun's stares as he told hyun's sisters at the housewarming ep. so it's normal that he cannot manage to look at her sparkling eyes. this boy giving me a feeling - whenever hyun is involved, he would be totally different. i am not saying that he is acting. he is just being himself, behavouring just shyly in front of his buin.

about the 'love light', "when i look at you, i blush, when, i see you, my heart flutters, i talk shyly like a child" thisi describe the whole picture the first time they met at MBC lobby." can't forget yong's shy red face when first time meeting and talking to his buin. he was really like a child. he knows he himself is a child in front of his buin.

i am off to watch the rest of the ep and then rewatch the whole ep. just can't stop. how can i go to work tomorrow.

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About Hyun not wearing the ring and necklace everywhere, it's most probably for the same reason Yong wears it everywhere.
















Yonghwa is afraid that if he does not wear it everywhere, he might misplaced it and lost it.
















Seohyun on the other hand, is afraid that if she wears it everywhere she might lost it at someplace she might not be aware of. Thus better to leave it behind at her own room (safekeeping box or the likes). Better the devil you know then the one you don't.
















Or at least that is how I view it basing on WGM ep29 (/YongSeo ep 4?) when she said that she took it off when going to bed because she's afraid that she might lose it. She might have other reason we don't know about, but this might just be one of it. And like someone mentioned before, probably not to attract too much attention to it. Her SNSD fans are already asking for her autograph at college; if she wore the ring, then her WGM fans will come out too.
















[edit] Ooh, thank you sun_sun for subbing them :D
















And agreed to the previous posters I have re-watched the episode so many times that I actually can watch them without referring to translations anymore XD
















And not to forget this most important person, j2dlee, thank you so much for all your hard work, past, current and to come~~!
































yep, Japanese bands and solos are awesome








:D, the one song that over the years I still have not gotten tired of is L'Arc en Ciel 4th Avenue Cafe :) (on a side note, Rurouni Kenshin soudntrack is awesome).








I am not too familiar with their idol groups either ^^; I know Morning Musume in passing, used to think they were pretty good back when they first came out... but listening to a recent song from them... eh... yeah... not too fond anymore.
















For me among their idol groups, the one that I respect slightly better than others would be WaT. Their songs are -pretty average, but their individual skill is good I think.
























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Guest fara_m7





This Ep 's so hard to sub...my heart ..Ohhh I cannot explain it...***die*** ^^




Thank you j2dlee for your translation and your nice




Part 1




Part 2




part 3 half way to go please wait




enjoy!!! ^__^







i loooooovvveee you & j2dlee!!! thank you so much to both of you & to all yongseo fans!!


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redtulip, that is one beautiful article u shared here. thank u.

yong treasures both mom and daughter, i find it so touching...

hyun's parents has found themselves one cool son-in-law.

tks for sharing the news, haeanna and geumjandi.

indeed she is a natural. hyun has been getting more attention lately.

hello there wollylamb, nice to see u here again. pls don't lurk anymore.

me n dreamy miss spazzing with u, genxv and the rest.

will use yongseo power to pull u back to this thread! :lol:

shane! hug u for the gifs. u up for req? blush.gif

can u do one for this?


cr dc

why this thread is quiet today?

hmm..i would like to think that some of us are still on medication after the overdose

of yongseo's sweetness yesterday!! :lol::lol:

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Seohyun on the other hand, is afraid that if she wears it everywhere she might lost it at someplace she might not be aware of. Thus better to leave it behind at her own room (safekeeping boc or the likes). Better the devil you know then the one you don't.
































































































































































































































Thanks Yukai, I like your reasoning. Think the SNSD girls have to go thru many costumes during their dance sequence and taking the jewellery off and on really risk losing them.
































































































































































































































Also another point on Yong giving a gift to Hyun's mother, I think he knows that Hyun listen to her mum alot. I remember Hyun quoting her mum saying "if you get married too early, you cant do other things you enjoy". So Yong probably knows that to get to Hyun's heart, got to convince her mum to accept him too! :D
































































































































































































































I wait for the day that Yong plant a kiss on Hyun's face or maybe the otherway round. I will probaby faint! :wacko::D

















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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































H (keeps going roundabout): You like ‘TMYW’, don’t you?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I do.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Hmm~ is that the reason?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: What is it you really want to know?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Reading the translation, it doesn't seem much.
































































































































































































































































































































































But watching the episode, why does it seem that the question was loaded. Tell me I'm not the only one who things the question wasn't just about the song?

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392






Hiii everyone!!! I really can't stop smiling when I think of uri YongSeo. They are so precious ^^


Thanks sun_sun for subbing the latest ep and thanks everyone who have shared gifs and screencaps!!!





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