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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































I want to cry!! I love it already eventhough i don't understand a thing. Seohyun, you are one awesome wife. Yonghwa would totally hug her if it wasn't for the camera - boy looked so happy! He kept on saying Seo Joo Hyun after receiving her gifts!
































































OMG I kept on rolling on my bed and jumping up and down after the show. This is the best episode of all history of WGM (my opinion).
































































Yonghwa and Seohyun BOTH tried their best to make each other happy! I love it! Gogumas love it!!

































































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Guest YoonTaeLove
































































































































































































































































Things I noted about this episode that made me truly feel that it is the best YongSeo episode ever!!!
































































































































































































1. Yonghwa's mother picked out the necklace for Hyun. This makes it more meaningful - recognition that she approves kekekeke!
































































































































































































2. Hyun exactly re-enactment of the Gag concert with her "Yonghwa Oppaaaaa~"
































































































































































































3. She sang Love Light in the most angelic voice I've ever heard and I really felt that at that stage Yong was definitely fallingggg.... Falling head over heels in love! :D (Did he ask her to record in on his phone??? Cause that's what thought)
































































































































































































4. Hyun picked out their couple rings and the way they put it onto each other's hands were so sweet! REAL COUPLE NOW!
































































































































































































5. She asked him about Love Light and they were playing "tug-awar" with their words - You guys will know what I mean when you watch it... It reminds me of "Sweet 18", when both people refused to say "I love you" first.
































































































































































































6. THEY HELD HANDS!!!! Yong iniated! It was the cutest thing ever!!
































































































































































































omg I think my blood pressure will be really high now :)

































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Guest blackflower52




OMG!!!! Today's episode is DAEBAK!


Their presents for each other are just too sweet!  The necklace, the rings, "Yong and Hyun's Story" scrapbook...


Seohyun singing Love Light was so beautiful!


So funny how she wore the mask from the Gag Concert.:lol:


I was already so happy and squealing like crazy but then came the last part.


Yong and Hyun held hands! :w00t:








Now I really want to know what they were saying. It's seems like Hyun asked Yong about the Lovelight lyrics esp. the "I'm genie for you girl" part.



And the part when Yong almost fell over - I wonder what they were saying that made him suddenly get up.







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Guest anne0129
































































































































































WAAAHHHH!!!! Despite buffering, I am so happy with this episode. This is totally DAEBAK!!! My friend and I are screaming, I won the bet.....hahaha!!!! The scenario that we were arguing about came true. Hahaha!!! I won 100 pounds people. I told her that I felt that Yong will not give her rings but it is Hyun, so I was right. Then I told her may be Yong will give the necklace but I told her I wish it will be a gift from Yong's mom and that Hyun will initiate skinship hopefully hold Yong's hand and it came true. (Well about the necklace from Yong's mom that was according to the chat while I was watching the streaming so I am not sure if that is true). The only thing I never thought of was Yong giving her a sweet potato patch. hehehe!!!! 100 pounds that was too much but we actually thought it was not gonna happen. hahahaha!!!! It was just a speculation. This episode is definitely my most favorite. I can feel the love. WAHHHHHH!!!! :wub::wub::wub:
































































































They are just sweetness personified. I love this episode. hahahaha!!!! :wub::wub::wub:

































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Guest SE7ENsyuhja
































Wow, I was gonna write out a summary of the episode while everyone waited for the full translations... but them holding hands at the end made me totally lose my mind @_@ Forgot everything. This episode... woah, amazing. So sweet. And on a random note, this only heightened my love for MC Kim. Which is amazing for me. Haha.




























Lulz. Yonghwa kept teasing Seohyun because he knew she was beating around the bush (concerning whether he wrote Love Light for her or not). And he teased her that she should ask confidently.




























And he finally confessed that he wrote the rap part with her in mind.



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Guest miel_1301



I knew it when I said in my previous post that despite uri Seobaby's so-called "inexperience" in a girl-boy relationship, she shouldn't be UNDERESTIMATED. More that the constant rumbling and ranting of non-believers tagging her as "slow" in terms of skinship, I personally wouldn't trade everything she prepared and did for Yong's Birthday--- the surprise event, imitating the gag artist singing "Love Light" to the Story Book of Yong and Hyun, to the Couple RINGS and finally having the guts to ask YongHwa of the real meaning of the song "Love Light" and why does it bear the lyrics "I'm Genie for you Girl"----- which she all did think of and prepared by herself. No amount of public display of affection A.K.A "skinship" can outdo or even simply match what Seobaby has done. The term "shabby" she used to describe her presents was definitely and undoubtedly an "UNDERSTATEMENT". For a beginner, she has given her best!

I was tearing up the moment she started revealing her surprises to Yong.

Seobaby is simply a very RARE creation. No wonder she's been continuously winning the hearts and affection of people surrounding her.

Never have I been touched by just so simple yet very significant and meaningful Birthday gift-giving and surprised event.

Cleary, This episode is the "TURNING POINT" in their relationship.

j2dlee, where art thou our angel. I shall camp here to patiently wait for your translation.

This is the BEST amongst the BEST episodes so far!!!


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Congratulations Gogumas!!!

Lets celebrate, uri Yongseo really put a lot of heart in preparing presents for each other. Full of Love and Love and More Love.

Gogumas FBI, I love all of you!!!

Tripplemama, I am sure you are super happy right!!! Your theory about the pink guitar and the mask is right!!!

Sorry, I am so emotional now that I have problems thinking straight and typing.

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Guest slurpeeslurp-

































































































































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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































many times Yong call Hyun Seo Ju Hyun w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































I love thisss EPPPP Daebakkkkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm confused
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong wrote a letter to Hyun's mother




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's mother wrote a letter to Hyun

































































































































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































I"M SPAZZING TO THE MAAXX! HOW CAN THIS TWO are greater than the love stories i have seen!!!








































































































and counting...

















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Guest shenibabi


































870 User(s) are reading this topic










i cant stop spazzing













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Guest AsianKateBella




and now : 





859 User(s) are reading this topic


















that is mean this is the first hold hands for yongseo , right ????? 













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Guest oceanprince
































its been hella long since i last posted. but since today's ep is EPIC WIN, i decided to stream live.
















anyway, i totally got really teary! i shedding happy tears! :D
















and good job goguma FBIs, we made correct predictions! and bcos of tht, today's ep was rewarding.
































we all thought tht 29th aug was the first time they held hands. BUT NO, IT WAS WAY BEFORE THT.
















sorry seokyu shippers, but yongseo held hands way earlier than seokyu did. :P
































we win, WE WIN! :Dhyun ah, im so proud that you initiated the skinship. edit: oh it was yong? OKAY WAIT, IM NOT SURE. NEED TO REWATCH.
















I BET YA YONG WAS FLYING TO THE SKY THT DAY. he looks like he was abt to cry!
































yes, cant wait for translation. but translators( j2dlee, redtulip, yukilovesyou and kay77) take your time! no rush :)
































i was so excited tht i didnt even bother to screen cap anything! ARGHZ. thanks for the caps provided ppl! :)

















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Guest sweet_spy



Ive been a silent lurker here ever since the beginning of our lovely GOGUMA couple

but after today's episode, i have to turn off my lurker mode because seriously they make me wanna scream/squeal/dance/kyahhhhhhhhhh/spazz so so so so so so so much

i was super duper contented w/ the presents but as if that was not spazz-worthy enough, they had to link arms and hold hands in the end ~ OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

Dang, when they held hands, all giggly, walking away and the camera zoomed out, i felt like i'd just watched a drama with the happiest ending EVER~

i dont think i can sleep tonight omo omo omo

is it weird to be so excited over birthday celebration that is not even mine? XDXDXDXDXD

i dont understand a thing they say but the look they gave each other says it all *kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh*, eps Yong, his eyes were so full of LOVE; when Huyn sang Love Light to him, he must have thought how lucky he was to be with such a caring thoughtful girl

MC Kim did not lie after all XDXDXDXD. DAEBAK!!!!!!


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































Today's episode sure was daebak! Hyun found the buried gift and it was a gift from Yonghwa's mom. She wrote Hyun and letter and gave her a beautiful necklace as a present. Yong helped Hyun to wear the necklace and the MC's said that Yong should have back hugged her and I agree. Later on the Ahjusshi at the farm came and brought lots of delicious food to YongSeo and they ate. (They should have fed each other! :( ) They drank something not sure what looks like rice soju but Hyun didn't really like it. YongSeo walked around the neighbour hood and took pictures with a dog. These pictures sure will bring lots of memories :) . They went to the place where they gonna go fishing. I'm not sure what Yong was gonna do when he left Hyun there alone but anyway Hyun sang love light and then all of sudden when Yong returned and Hyun turned around and had the "yongwa oppa~~" dudes face mask on and said "yonghwa oppa~~" and then sang love light to yong! that was so sweet but yet so creepy haha. she was playing with that pink guitar too. Yong seemed to really enjoy it. He then made her sing the song again without the mask and so she did. She gave him a present. A memory book (?) that said Yong&Hyun's story (?). Hyun made it all by herself. It was picture of YongSeo and she wrote little messages under the pictures too. So cute and sweet of her. At the of the book were there a big red heart and it was something hidden under it!! It was a new pair of couple rings!!!!!!! Soooo sweet of Hyun to do that. They put the ring on each other as it was their REAL marriage lol! Hyun was curios about the lyrics to 'love light' and then i didn't understand their convo :( but well the best part was anyway that they effin held hands. HELD HANDS. AGAIN. DAEBAK.

































































































































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Guest piru1804












(Oct 09) Fishing [1/3]




(Oct 09) Fishing [2/3]




Credits: keoconvoi





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Guest linh80


oh my god, i am crying, so beautiful, if they not end of together i think i will cry for whole month, but anyway they made such a beautiful love. oh my god, creaming .yeah. so so so in love with this couple. whole week thinking of wholesituation can happen but they just can give us more ...ah crazy now


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Guest ixakimi



OMG OMG OMG OMG... yongseo is daeeebakkkk!!!

im still shaking from the shock after finished watching. will share sme part that i understand by watching them.

no wonder MC Jake tweeted that he was grinning ear to ear watching uri yongseo. i did too. and evryone will by watching this episode.

this is the first time i watched with live streaming, n im thankful that it is this episode.

yongseo is sooo in love together. no one can say otherwise. they held hands. OMG OMG OMG. i cant control my self.

even mc jake was scolding the other MCs when they kept laughing and talking while he wanted to focus watching uri yongseo. LOL.. thanx MC Jake.hehe

-at the goguma field, hyun found yong surprise gift. it's a letter from yong's mom i think. with a necklace as present.

-then they have a walk in field and taking pictures with a dog. so sweet.

-they eat the food provided by the chief.

-then they went to fishing. at a time, yong was going smwhere. then when he got back, hyun was ready with the surprise. she suddenly turned to face yong with the mask of the guy from gag concert. then she said "yonghwa oppa.." (LOL. love hyun there). then she sang love light. yong was so surprise and looked sooo happy.

-then hyun give a picture book called yonghyun story. inside is their picture from the event they spent together and some writing by hyun. then at the end there's a heart shape. when yong open it there's hyun present. THE NEW COUPLE RING!!! OMG OMG OMG.

- yong was sooo happy. then hyun place the ring in yong's finger. yong did the same. putting it in hyun's finger. they're grinning happily with each other. <3

-then hyun asked yong smthing abt love light song. bt i dun understand that part.

-then they leave the fishing place. while walking i think yong ask smthing from hyun. then hyun put her hand in yong's hand. then after that they're holding hands while walking. OMG OMG OMG.

im so happy this episode. everyone must watch. seems like most of our imaginations are realized here.

okey, now i'll calm my self down.. :P


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