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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Seohyun Daum Screensaver




^^ no single pic of her yet at the moment. I'd love to see what you guys can do with it too! You guys are so creative =D


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Guest sun_sun



SNSD - 2010 PIFF (Daum) Congratulation Video >>link to see   Seohyun with her unnies





(Sorry if someone already share ^^)


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Hello Everyone!!!

I can't believe I become so popular around here.

First off, it's nice to know that I've encouraged people hiding under rocks to come out and cyber slap me across the face. Where ever did my original post go? Someone must have deleted it.

I tried reading each and everyone of your replies and some of you guys have managed to make such a huge deal out of it.

guys? just barging in the YongSeo Thread to create havoc?


All those aside, I love how dedicated you guys are to this couple, I miss soompi being like this, all these passion, seemed like it was gone for a long. But I used to be like this too and much more.

you guys can go back to a time when Xiam9 didn't exist in this thread. I'll still read thru the thread because I like yongSeo and WGM but I guess I'm not welcome to post anymore....

I am so sorry to cut your post.

I felt as though I need to respond to your post since I am one of those who came out of lurking after seeing your post. I won't hide the fact that your original post and the comments about Yonghwa hurt me great deal because I knew what that young man has been through since CN Blue debut and what he was dealing with at the time of filming of those episodes of WGM you've mentioned. I was hurt that someone would make a judgement on Yonghwa's character like that without really knowing or understand Yonghwa.

I know you that now don't know, but that "pool" episode was filmed shortly after Yonghwa was released from the hospital from an acute laryngitis and a vocal cord nodule. The original diagnosis in the news was a "vocal cord polyp", which is more serious because only effective treatment is a surgery. Even these birthday episodes were filmed right after CN Blue concerts in Japan in June. Many of us older Yonghwa fans cried all night, worrying sick about Yonghwa, after first reports from his first Japan concert because we heard the news that Yonghwa was barely able to finish the concert because his voice was so hoarse. He went onto continue to fly back and forth between Japan and Korea times between his birtday and Seohyun's birthday.

That was just few days before this birthday episodes was filmed. That was a very serious time in which Yonghwa fans felt fears that his entire singing career might have been affected. We were taking a roller coaster ride nightly during that time worrying about Yonghwa and his career. It was a very difficult time for Yonghwa, CN Blue, and their fans. So, I was really sensitive about his condition at the timing of that episode and how Yonghwa was portrayed. It is times when we don't ever want to go back, worrying about Yonghwa's health and his entire singing career and seeing him obviously suffering from effects of his throat condition and treatments for that but him still smiling and trying to be positive despite all the problems he was having his healthwise.

Please, however, don't feel that you are not welcomed here. Although I was upset with your comment, not because you disagreed or made negative comments about Yonghwa, but because you made a judgement on Yonghwa without really knowing Yonghwa, I still valued your opinion. I didn't think you're an anti-Yonghwa but thought that perhaps you didn't know Yonghwa very well. I just wanted you to know that Yonghwa is not all that seems in WGM. I don't have any problem with anybody disagreeing or making judgements on Yonghwa. I just wanted for people to be fair. I just wanted people to make comments like that after really knowing Yonghwa.

As much as I love Yongseo, I don't know Seohyun as well as I know Yonghwa. I know more about Seohyun now then I did before, but I still don't know her as well as I know Yonghwa. Therefore, even though at times I get little disappointed with what is happening in WGM, I restrain myself from making any negative judgements on Seohyun strictly based on WGM only.

This is all I ask of people who don't know Yonghwa very well outside of WGM. Please do get to know him before making negative comments about his "overall" character. If the comments are strictly about his actions within WGM, it is a different story. I totally understand that people may get disappointed or annoyed with him with his actions within WGM. Afterall, it is just a "show". However, if comments are such as "he is not strong" or "he is not good enough for Seohyun" or she should have been partnered with a "better version of Yong" in the show, it is going beyond WGM and making judgements on Yonghwa as a person, not as a character on a show. There is a difference. That is the reason I was upset and thought it was necessary to write a little bit about Yonghwa outside of WGM and a bit about make up of WGM.

Please, differences and hurt feelings put aside, return and share your love for Yongseo as you've before. The most admirable things about Yonghwa and Seohyun are the way they always tries to understand each other and always be forgiving and forget and tried to think of the best of each other. That is one of things about Yongseo that won so many of us over. We should tried to do that as well here. Try to understand our differences, discuss, understand, and continue to share our love for Yonghwa, Seohyun, and Yongseo...

Again, so sorry about the long post and in regards to this matter again. I just didn't want anybody to get hurt or stop posting here because of differences in opinions.

"Make Love and not war" right? :wub:

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seohyun daum screen saver caps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre yurui &sosiz

































































































































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lils thanks for the link. i was wondering where all those super cute .gifs of her came from! lol. do you happen to know if its for download anywhere? i'd love it have it :)






and sun_sun thanks for sharing the link and the caps. i dont know how she can pull off socks in heels but its super cute. wish i could that!








It’s been a year since our dear Jung YongHwa debuted as an actor. Let’s show our LOVE for him by putting #yongdaebak on TT. But for us to be able to do that, there are some reminders and we need your help.






REMINDERS FOR TOMORROW (1PM-1AM KST).. For us to be able to trend #yongdaebak, we need your help..










































#yongdaebak #yongdaebak #yongdaebak #yongdaebak #yongdaebak #yongdaebak

















from I ♥ Yonghwa@tumblr


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































DAUM - Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































HD SeoHyun (SNSD) Daum Screensaver
































































































































































she's so cute
































































































































































credit: sosiz.net

































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Guest butterfly07










i just noticed at the end that yong actually walks off the stage even before the music completely ends. there could be many reasons for him leaving (i dont want to think its anything negative) but to make it a happy thought i said to myself "yong is walking off stage because he cant stay and ogle at other women's legs while he has hyun~" lol.























Sorry to cut your post. At first I thought so to. I was like how sweet is that! Yonghwa was being considerate of Seohyun's feelings and didn't want to look at those beautiful girls. But it was because the stage crew had to dismantle the equipments quickly for the next segments that's why you see Yonghwa qickly getting off stage followed behind by Minhyuk. I guess Jonghyun was too busy looking at the pretty girls that he forgot, so he got trapped..Hahaha:D



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looking back a couple pages I'm a little worried that it appears people have found where the Goguma field is? I don't want to see their Gogumas stolen! :crazy:





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Guest alexia92






kay77 i just need to say that i understand you 300%.I'll do the same as what u did if someone happen to judge seohyun unnie badly.Maybe not by write a post because i'm not good at expressing myself but i'll  wrote his/her id on a paper,paste it on my ouijaboard while curse him/her many many times.So,if you plan to do that ,dont be suprise if you find yourself sick the whole day later,you know why...if you scare,dont do that!fury.gif . Btw,my friends dont just call me freak/cuckoo  for nothing....-_-


Ok,next ...,I know there a lot of YongSeo fans who are neutral enough to love Seohyun unnie and Yoong Oppa equally but there's some of us who cant help to love one of them a liltle bit more.I hope people who posting here will always remember and consider this group of people (its me,me!Its me :P ) when state their opinion about either Seohyun unnie or Yoong Oppa.But,most of the gogumas here did that.Just some who are new to this goguma's rules might unintentionally do that.Gogumas are daebak!!YongSeo is :wub:


Lots of love



Alexia92 :wub:



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Guest _d3seohyun
































AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!용서커플 듀엣 YongSeo Couple Duet (Yonghwa & Seohyun) 에 환호하는 동남아 남성팬
































thank you for the pics. BLUE guitar <3
































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Seohyun Daum Screensaver




^^ no single pic of her yet at the moment. I'd love to see what you guys can do with it too! You guys are so creative =D







Had to jump in and say that this is the cutest thing I've seen, maybe EVER. CUUUUTEEEE!




Thanks so much for sharing ^^












Huge hug for you jnj. And, I'm sure I saw this many pages back but you called dreamyboo? *hugs*




Sorry for not coming on so often. I think I'm going to stop worrying whether what I say is worthy or not and just spazzzz...kkk. You can ignore if I ramble k? >< Hugs and miss u my goguma sisters.




Wow, I'm really blown away by all the Yongseo fanart and MVs being posted. You guys are so talented!! Thank you to all who posted. MOARRRR please. kkkk XD




Edit: OMGG PanGG, all I can say is AWESOME. Wow, your fanart... *mindblowing*....





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kay77 i just need to say that i understand you 300%.I'll do the same as what u did if someone happen to judge seohyun unnie badly.Maybe not by write a post because i'm not good at expressing myself but i'll  wrote his/her id on a paper,paste it on my ouijaboard while curse him/her many many times.So,if you plan to do that ,dont be suprise if you find yourself sick the whole day later,you know why...if you scare,dont do that!fury.gif . Btw,my friends dont just call me freak/cuckoo  for nothing....-_-

Ok,next ...,I know there a lot of YongSeo fans who are neutral enough to love Seohyun unnie and Yoong Oppa equally but there's some of us who cant help to love one of them a liltle bit more.I hope people who posting here will always remember and consider this group of people (its me,me!Its me :P ) when state their opinion about either Seohyun unnie or Yoong Oppa.But,most of the gogumas here did that.Just some who are new to this goguma's rules might unintentionally do that.Gogumas are daebak!!YongSeo is :wub:

Lots of love

Alexia92 :wub:

Don't worry, you won't hear me saying anything negative about Seohyun because I come to adore that young lady. I am a Yonghwa fan before I am a Yongseo fan so I may get hurt and mad whenever I hear some of other fans sayings bad things about Yonghwa without really knowing him, but I do still adore Yongseo couple and want the best things for them.

@d3seohyun and TheG1art, that video is just too funny and cute. :lol:

Now, that a look those beautiful smiles on Yonghwa and Seohyun's faces. How can anybody look at those smiles and think or say anything negative? Those smiles on their faces speak of nothing but happiness. I can't help but smiling along with Yonghwa and Seohyun whenever I see those beautiful smiles on their faces as they are singing "Love Light" while holding hands tightly.

Congratulations to Jung Yong Hwa on his first anniversary of his debut as an actor on "You're Beautiful"!

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made a quick bit- from the screensaver that was shared by lils and PowerOf9. thanks for the links again!


















i wanted a rainbow. feeling cheerful today! and if you want a bg, here is a 1280x800 res :)






yongseomontagewm.th.gif yongseomontagerb.th.gif







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Guest lunasol




Seohyun-ah, what is this. XD


credits: dc married










Not only she is holding the electric guitar in the photo but she has her fingers in the C (Do mayor) chord. This is the first chord that Yong taught her to play in the guitar wub.gif 








GeumJandi: Thank You for the caps!! She looks so cute! and the rest of the Gogumas thank u for putting the links and more caps of the DAUM screensaver. She is so adorable!




Timpa: I am now also worried that someone will go there and steal the sweet potatoes. I also noticed that no wonder Yong was tired after running to hide the gift and carrying the cart!!!! 


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no, your eyes didn't deceive you. yeah they sort of unlocking their fingers before releasing their hands. that would make 3 of us for the confirmation.
































































































We are 5 ^^ but no one said anything so I thought... I must be crazy ^^...
































































































aneng: SeoHyun with a blue guitar!!! I´m spazzing about that XD!
































































































Thank U silis for coming here and tell us about korean fans, I really really appreciate that :).
































































































and thanks Kay77 too, and everybody else for all the goodies as always ^^ (It would be good if I could put everyone´s names)
































































































panGG, DJHinata, Lils, sun_sun, _d3, Genxv, ♥♥PowerOf9, GeumJanDi and many many more ^^
































































































I was doing this last night. I´m really an amateur but I was so dying to put this beautiful song with YongSeo... :wub:
































































































You and Me - YongSeo style
































































































About Hyun´s gift, I just remember that Yong loves the stars, so maybe is something with a star XD (besides the kiss, holding hands, hug o whatever we are waiting for)
































































































Love Love Love gogumas! Saturday please Hurry up!
































































































Edit: top in page ¬¬... reposting this pic shared by aneng
































































































































































































because she is holding a blue guitar and making the C cord (thanks lunasol)

































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lunasol thanks for that! i so did not know what note she was holding :)






magdal i LOVE that song so much. thanks for sharing your fmv












CodeMonmonSeason3@youtube posted SNSD's DAUM ScreenSavers All Pack. the beginning where it shows the collection of each girl, the clip of seohyun is different from the ones shared previously by lils and PowerOf9 hm... i wonder where that one is? she does a kiss :phew:






SNSD DAUM ScreenSavers AllPack


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Guest alexia92






kay77 anneyeong..keke:D ..I didnt mean 'you' as referring to you,kay77.'You' as to general, people who might want to say bad thing about seohyun unnie .I might be cuckoo but i'm pretty coward to say directly to  people like that on their face even online.Keke.I hope you wont misunderstood my post as referring to u.Silly me,didnt make my post clearer,so sorry.I know you wont,i read all your posts,It  all decent  and eye opener :)


Edit: Thanks for Seohyun unnie picture.Seohyun unnie,you rockin and rollin it!Indeed rockstar's buin.


         And that screensaver..cute cute cute..


Lots of love



Alexia92 :wub:



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Guest Crystal392



I want to thank our translator angels kay77, silisnoy and jdlee2. You girls (you are girls right?) are amazing! Thanks so much for all the info you've shared, your are our link to Korean Gogumas.


To all Gogumas: This is a place where you can talk about YongSeo, the only "rule/condition" (besides soompi rules) is to love YongHwa and SeoHyun, if you love them as a couple then you are welcome to live in Goguma land. It's ok if you are a person who loves to fantasize like me :lol: or who is more critical/analytical (like our lovely lovekin and th.) but don't forget to also be respectful not only to other Gogumas (YongHwa/SeoHyun/YongSeo fans) but also to YongHwa and SeoHyun. Goguma Planet is jjang because all the Gogumas who live here! (:

panGG: OMG that artwork is ♥_♥ Yong~ and Hyun~ are soo cute.

Thanks so much aneng for sharing that pic and lunasol for explaining us what was the cord Hyun~ was 'playing'. Awww that was the cord her hubby taught her. ^^

DJHinata: Your artworks are always amazing, never stop ^_^

sun_sun: Thanks for sharing that pic of the location of uri YongSeo Goguma field, as timpa said I hope their gogumas won't be stolen by fans... hehehe :lol:

Did one of the MCs say something about uri YongSeo? Why can't I find the original post xD This thread moves super fast! (not that I am complaining... hehehe ^^ )


I found it! Thanks Lauren and kay77

OMG I am so excited now! I haven't streamed WGM in such a loong time because I have to wake up at 3am on Saturdays and usually I'm super hyper tired so I stay sleeping xD But now I will stream it. I wonder, as many of you, if the kiss on the cheek rumour is true (the piggyback ride was true!). :w00t:


hehehe I edited my post and deleted what I quoted because you already shared it ^^ Thanks so much lunasol. Eres un sol!! hehehe *hugs*


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Guest lunasol





Did one of the MCs say something about uri YongSeo? Why can't I find the original post xD This thread moves super fast! (not that I am complaining... hehehe ^^ )






Here is the translations for MC Kim tweet done by .:LaUrEn.: and kay77!! biggrin.gif(Its on page 1119)




AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!










:D I was just coming over here to post this, but I see that someone else has beat me to it already.




The message on twitter does basically means what you said.




The entire message can be translate as "Yongseo couple grinning ear to ear.  This Saturday show is a must watch." 




We, Korean fans, have been saything the this episode is going to be a legendary one.  It looks like the MC agree after watching it.  :D






Just posting this to you I am bursting with happiness!! Saturday please come quickly!!








Upps crystal you found it while I was replying to you hahahaha I can't delete a post, right? Oh well. Maybe I should leave it so people can spazz each time they read it wub.gif The tweet translation is worth it, right? biggrin.gif




.:LaUrEn.: and kay77: Thank U again for the translations! MC Kim and you guys just made us ecstatic today!   


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Guest aya otohata

the SNSD screensavers (all of them) are sooo cute!!! Seohyun's was the best tho...Watch out Yong...not only can Jinwoon can have Seohyun as the password for his computer...he can have the Seohyun screensaver too lol!!!

I can't wait for Saturday to come!

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