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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest sassysnsd

Really? Which part of the forum shows that? I remembered a while back i saw some photos but i thght that was the original ring that they bought initially? (So sad....i thght i read every comment but i am still missing somthing out here) :tears:

There are posts scattered all over the place. There are lots of photos from CNblue's overseas promotions where Yong is showing off his ring and he has made a couple of comments about it I believe~  I'm quite sure they are the new rings and in the episode that was shown today Yong says to Hyun that his old ring is gone so he must have a new one :)

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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to everyone ffor all ghr info you've shared. Always expect the unexpected from uri YongSeo right? Yong was really sweet on giving her a sweet potato goguma field. Didn't someone say a few pages back That that would be a very very meaningful gift? :)


Can't wait to watch the ep and read the translations!!


Thanks so much to everyone who have translated some parts!



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To everyone, giving us translations on the latest episode and preview.  Thank you very much, you just don't know how, we non-koreans appreciates it.  With regards, to the rings, if, I'm not mistaken, I think I've read it somewhere a couple of months ago, that, Hyun brought new rings for them (I'm not sure about this anymore, I might have mixed thoughts, I'm sorry in advance if I'm giving out wrong information), but, based on the preview, I guess, Hyun might have prepared something special for Yong.  I guess, that's how, WE, girls prepares for someone special to us.  And, if it's the rings that Hyun prepared, then, that only confirms how "committed" she is with whatever they have.  Can't wait for next Saturday, I'm so excited to find out Hyun's present :wub:





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















As for my previous statements about Yong, Yong is indeed a very crafty person. He planned this ahead. he used the field and planting the gogumas as a setup to give Hyun's gift (the parcel he buried). Hyun, believing that the field was the gift, would definitely not expect to discover a parcel planted on that goguma field. its a very clever idea, and it would be a very nice surprise for Hyun, making this memory extra special. I think no other guy would try another stunt like this to Hyun. If so, she would only be reminded of the sweet memory they created on that sweet potato field. EDIT:**Seohyun's iTouch has a lot of CNBlue songs. :) and finally, they changed Yong and Hyun's photo on the upper left side of the screen. :) also, notice MC Nayoung's reaction when Hyun was reading Yong's letter, even she was touched. we know MC Miseon really likes YongSeo, but it seems like MC Nayoung is slowly becoming fond of this couple also, plus she finds Jungshin cute (in the Horror episode, when Jungshin went alone in the Haunted school). :)





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tks for the translations, redtulip and yuki.

u girls are jjang!


SH was surprised when she saw a fanmade vid of the show and the title was 'Eager Seohyun'

does that mean she may have seen fanmade vids by our fellow gogumas too? :w00t:



A lot of people are talking about skinship, saying that there are not many

i am glad that hyun is aware of this. not only her unnies, even Gagman is making

a parody of their often absent skinship. this shows that yongseo is much loved

by everyone yes? :D


I really do not know what to do.

does this apply to her flexibility?




i agree w u cailei.

these 2 comments from yong could be the clue

"see Hyun, I'm taking good care of it"

"I will get scolded by someone if I don't wear it"

tks too to blueshoes for the links


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Guest whimsicalchild

































yes, SNSD is in Brunei right now, but since its REALLY VIP, we cant see them.. we've been waiting for them for 12 hours already..
































































































































































































































































Ooh, so the girls are in Brunei right now? O.o

































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Black room


SH: To hold hands right at the beginning is not possible. After a few filmings, when will the hand holding start, I ask why it suddenly became like that. After a while, a lot of people say you should go hold his hands. I really do not know what to do.




YH wanted to know whether SH was hiding his birthday gift. SH mentioned she would have prepared one if he returned her text.






Thanks for translation! See, her statement here and her reaction to him not texting her birthday wishes is what makes one think that this is not "just a show" for her. In reality, this IS just a show, and they are supposed to "act" like they are married, right? But they really don't...unless you think of them as a forced and arranged marriage, which is what it is most like I guess... but it is more like a show of watching Yong try to pursue Hyun who seems mostly oblivious to what he says and does. That's ok with me as I chalk that up to inexperience for her; she is unsure of how to react and she is probably afraid of revealing too much of herself, too. But because of this, it also leaves Yong kind of clueless, probably because he doesn't get much feedback from her...so, it is good that she blew up at him over her birthday. Very good! And that he talked to her about lack of skinship may be to give her hints about what he desires with her...


In today's episode, once he got off that bus he seemed to know exactly what to do and where to go... which I think shows he was there before and that he put time and effort into planning his gift for her; and I really hope she came to realize that! Emotions in this episode seemed very raw.


If she is the one who gave the new rings for their birthdays....that would say alot and I know he would be touched by it. It would also help to explain her outburst about him not contacting her on her birthday! :lol: But considering his comments about the ring inv various interviews, "see Hyun, I'm taking good care of it" and "I will get scolded by someone if I don't wear it"... could be that she gave the rings.


Communication is much needed here so stop texting and start calling! :lol: I would bet that the events of this day was a turning point for them.


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Guest littlebiebie

Thank you, all gogumas for the translations, pics, video, caps, gifs and all.. can't name all of you but many thanks *hugs*

I was streaming today (with a little lag sometimes).. but I can say watch yongseo once is not enough.

I need to rewatch again and again until I get the gist especially regarding to their convos.

It's like to take a sip of a cup of coffee (mind me, I'm a coffee lover) slowly to find the bitter, sweet, acid..

This episode surely will be my fave too..

And yong's letter (thanks yuki).. wow... He even said he not do much for Hyun?Yong you did countless wonderful memory for Hyun..

Ah...Is there monie1909 here?Have you prepare your ticket to Korea soon? bcoz Yong really bought the lot.. even if only 2 rows It means a lot, nope, nope, sweet actually.. kekeke.. please go, knock Hyun head as u said.. :lol:

And Trent... hold back.. don't u dare breaking Yong's kneecap since I will be the one to stop you... kekeke... :P

Thank you in advance j2dlee for the translation.. kekeke... *sigh* I really like Yong's "kekeke" :rolleyes:

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Guest mrsjoker


Hey guys...i notice there's some comments on hyun hair being different than when she's on the bus... my take is that she untangled her "pippi bun" when she was changing her outfit to go plant the gogumas. because she needs to wear the hat, and she can't wear the hat with her '"pippi bun" intact, that's why she untangle the bun.^_^




About the gift, i notice too that yong was not wearing the supposed "new ring" on the fishing preview and that Hyun was seen wearing a different necklace, emm..probably Yong's gift is the necklace and the new ring could be Hyun's gift. :wub:


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Guest Nat-sshi

Gogumas it's an other DAEBAK day for all of us!!!! I love YONGSEO!! I mean I really love them :) and I 'm happy beacause I know that you can understand me easily ;)

Thank you so much again yukilovesyou & redtulip for all your work!! And thank you for all the other gogumas for sharing every time and for pics, videos, cap....

I love the fact that I can read this thread every day so im really thankfull!!

I love my gogumas family! ;)

Can't wait till next week!!

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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























thanks redtulip for the trans. :D
















also for the download link semi-fly
































credits: SNSD♥SeoHyun♥Forever♥@Facebook.com
















this is the translation of Seohyun's starcall video. :D

Hi everyone, I'm SNSD's Seohyun. Recently, we have activities in Japan, and you know that last time, we had a fan meeting. I remember alot of things from that fan meeting. And since it was our first fan meeting, it was very special to us and I can still recall many things that happened in it. And did everyone also enjoy the fan meeting? We, SNSD has shown you many different parts of us, and we wanted to show only you, the fans, another special part of us, so we prepared alot for the fan meeting. Even though the event felt kind of awkward, the song "I am a person like this" was also fun, and we also enjoyed it while performing. And this autumn, I wish that we can make good memories together. And everyone, I hope you will be healthy all the time, and even if we have activities in Japan, you know that our heart is with you. Everyone, I love you. Right now, it's Girls' Generation!





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Guest Yukilovesyou

Thank you all for.. thanking me? (LOL awkward sentence, please pardon my phrasing keke)

Anyway, I don't know if it's only me but.. if you watch ep 26 part 1 from nouonnie, (I'm sorry but I can't cap, I suck at it) around 6:10 Yong puts Hyun's hands on her thighs.

But approximately 2 seconds later, he pulls her right hand again, this time to put it on his thigh.

Oh my God. So Hyun touched Yong's thigh?

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Guest baby_bo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Who's saying SNSD is in Brunei now? Gimpo airport, where SNSD departed yesterday, doesn't have any flight to Brunei.
And fangirls who took the pics there must have checked flight schedule before going to the airport. Why do people spreading false rumor?

































































































































































































































































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Guest exceptional.chic








i'm really missing a lot lately. i havent watch the full episode of the all the couples' match and i havent even watched last wek's ep. *SIGHS* doing my best here to catch up. :)




so today's ep is hyun's birthday episode? YAY. can't wait. need to watch thme in sequence. :)



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Cont: Brief translation based on Chinese from Baidu

After YH hide the gift in the field and the president teached them how to plant goguma, they started to try themselves. The president said that SH is very popular and pretty too. He also told YH that each seeding cost about 100won each when YH broke the first one. When SH asked whether YH was tired, he gave the explanation that he had a lot of activities recently. SH find the goguma field gift very interesting and YH replied "can't think of it right". Jinwoon said they only just realise/thought about it.

SH: People around me joked that I should get married to a goguma field owner

YH: now you are a goguma field owner

SH: yah, even more happy

SH was really happy that YH only bought 2 rows of the goguma field as it will be very tiring to plant the whole field. After an hour, YH already finished his row while SH had 5 more to go. SH wanted help but YH told her to do it herself. After SH ran away to celebrate after she finished, YH tried to get her back to plant another one in between the two that was far apart. SH said its ok and lets go for some food. YH can't say anything, so will the gift be buried forever?



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































Thanks yukiloveyou i guess SeoHyun really appreciates the bday letter from Yong is just that she really don't know how to express it. It should be Hyun and Yong will hug but during that time 29th June both still shy coz if u can see the horror special they really comfortable w/ each other and that's 17th Aug, same w/ the episode w/ Euno. Even though the YongSeo episodes are jumping around we really can see that slowly but surely they become more comfortable w/ each other. 
































































































































I like their conversation inside the bus esp. talking about skinskips :):) lots of people are really watching the YongSeo and wanting to have skinships kekeke! and i'm guessing their is somebody who's monitoring the net about YongSeo they will report to Hyun or Yong and most of it is about SKINSHIPS PLS hahaha! i wonder if they watch all the YongSeo fanvideo made by all the goguma lovers :) that will be nice if they watch it. 
































































































































Thanks redtulip for the brief translations watching this bday episode the more i want to know what will happen next. aigoo! another 1 week to wait :( why not make this Monday to Friday o Monday to saturday :)
































































































































yes! we really want to know how they get the NEW RING, and who gave it Hyun or Yong? Both are very proud w/ their NEW COUPLE RING everywhere they go they wear it. Esp. hubby Yong :) it could be Hyun?

































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























@yukilovesyou: nope i don't think yong touched hyun's thigh maybe the wrist. From the way i see it, yong pulled hyun's both wrist away from her thigh, i think yong was trying to make hyun change her not-changing-position, or so i think. hehe~. :lol:
































i topped the page. hehe~ nothing. :D
















i'll post my gif. :D hehe~




















though, i'll be looking forward to the day they'll both hold each other's thighs...or even more than that! haha! w00t.gifphew.gif





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some caps from one of my fave scenes..





happy much, yong? :lol:


hmm...someone needs to make gifs for these.

ehem ehem...soleil? shane? are u guys open for requests? blush.gifsweatingbullets.gif


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Guest Yukilovesyou

Actually magicaL.chubi3, what I meant was Hyun touched Yong's thigh and not the other way round. Keke.

But actually it can be my imagination.. so I asked if it's only me hahaha.

Oh well, it really seemed like Yong pulled her hand to his thigh to me. Probably my goguma assumption then.

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