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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you mean adult ceremony in korea (from age 20 to 21),well 3 gift that woman get is
































































































































































































































































1.parfume (taecyeon give yoona parfume on family outing 2 for celebrate her adult ceremony and necklace for her birthday)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont think seohyun get this year,maybe next year because seohyun is only turned 20 this year (and
































































































































































































































































if anyone consider that her international age only 19 years old :D)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL yes this is what i was talking about.
































































































































































































































































Oh well, it just occured to me when i read the "from a girl to a woman" translation from rdr subs..
































































































































































































































































kekkeke.. it's sweet though if yonghwa really bought a necklace for seohyun.. and as per dcmarried, that necklace is a heart necklace kekke

































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


Today we are celebrating their B-Days!!! biggrin.gif(yeah, I know, 3 months later hahaha). While we wait for the show I wanted to show two fanmade videos that popangel94 posted in YT celebrating their B-days. (popangel94 if you are one of us here at soompi Goguma world, I love your videos!)




Here is the one for Seohyun with clips since she was a teenage girl to present including scenes with Yonghwa. She is beautiful!!! She is the girl I wish my brothers will fall in love with and marry!! Somebody please show this video to Yonghwa! He can see what he got for wife and what he is going to miss if he lets her go ;-). Oh and the sexy Hyun with the black dress at the end, that's after being married during RDR promotions and according to the translation on that clip somebody was jealous of her filming WGM. Do somebody know about who was jealous or know where the original clip can be seen?






 cr. popangel94




Here is Yonghwa's which also have some Yongseo clips. I love the last part  when he blows his hair! 






cr. popangel94 cr. popangel94




EDIT: Why after doing the insert media link, the video is not shown in the post as I always do? 


I am not sure if I for some reason am the one who is not able to watch but you still can. Just in case I will put here the links so you can go directly. Please, don't miss watching the videos!biggrin.gif




Happy Birthday Seo Hyun!

Happy Birthday Yonghwa!


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today is bday episode so to our YongSeo Happy Birthday kekeke! i hope it will be another sweet memories for our lovely couple The Dynamic Duo :) Cnblue last stop will be Shanghai, after this they can relax now coz they done a good job congrats to cnblue. I wish hubby Yong will spend more time now w/ wifey Hyun :) but now wifey Hyun and unnies are busy, i hope after this they can relax as well so that wifey Hyun and hubby Yong can spend more time together in wgm. I'm already imagining what will happen to our YongSeo this coming Christmas season wub.gifwub.gif. As always SeoHyun baby getting more and more beautiful, looking that photo of them leaving Korea to Japan yesterday what ever she wear she looks lovely :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today is the day yahooooo! 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling
























constantia & toomuchsmiling: Yeah I love that fanmade video :wub: that song fits our YongSeo like a glove!!! I hope the kiss rumour is true! *fingers crossed* Remember the piggyback ride was also a rumour and almost no one believed it because they barely had skinship and it was true!! I am hoping the kiss rumour is true too ;)



























crystal_malfoy- haha, let me tell u, i think i'm am OFFICIALLY obsessed with Yongseo cuz last nite after I checked this thread i went to bed and dreamt about the two. XDD And in my dream Yong gave Hyun a kiss on the cheek. :w00t: I hope it happens/happened in real life but if not hey at least my brain let me see it thru a dream!! LOL
































for the fancam where yoong got DUCK as the present from his fans....hahahaha...








he SHOWING OFF The DUCK to his brothers....n he was really really super duper  happy....we can see YOOONG.in ur eyes hahah....n i figure it out that minhyuk want to take the DUCK but he dont want to give to him n then....he showed to JUNGSHIN....YOoong- ah......BUSTED!!!heeee... this link....around 4.49 min.








yoong + DUCK



















waniey_haha- thanks for sharing! that fan girl was SO smart to give him that duck, he gave no one else that bright smile of appreciation so she must have been REALLY happy. I'm happy she did it too, that was awesome!! totally cute. :lol:
























Last week, I said in my post that as much as I love our Seobaby to every bit and piece, I would pay just to see her ballistically angry. And heaven granted my wish. Again, now I'm making another wish,--- I would love to see our Hyun cry. Not that I am being a sadist here--- but tears of joy is the kind of reaction that I would like to see from her this time, as a response to whatever "touching" token of care that her Yong Nampyeon has in store for her. Who knows, maybe the "tough nut" will be completely cracked this time?








As YongHwa has been constantly and consistently saying in WGM, "Trust Yong!".



























miel_1301- (lol at ur comment about u not being a sadist) Cuz ur totally not as u can see from everybody ELSE's posts (including mine rite now) that we all want to see Seohyun with tears of joy in her EYES!!! that's be sooo great. as someone else said in one of their posts, Seohyun has been touched on Hello Baby (wen her unnies surprised her) and on other occasions, so it COULD be possible. (redtulip was the one who posted about this on the previous page, kudos ^^)








Honestly though, if she pulls one of her "ohhhhh, kamsamnida" with smile and laff i mite just be a TAD disappointed. I mean she was so pissed off on the bus, by seeing what he did for her in this episode, emotions of relief and joy should overcome her and i NEED to see some sort of expression of immense happiness people!!!!! u know?!! :phew:
















and like u said, what Yong always says "YONG MIDOH" ^___^
















p.s.-gotta share one of my fave moments. (everyone, i hope u haven't forgotten his amazing STARES towards her xD)

















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Yongseo’s secret outing destination revealed!
































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC’s “We Got Married” which will be broadcasted on October 2nd, Yongseo’s secret outing destination will be revealed.
















































































































































































On last week’s show, Yonghwa suggested to Seohyun that they should go on an outing to the sea for fishing. Seohyun, who has no idea about Yonghwa’s intention, believed him and followed him to the secret destination. When they arrived at the intended outing spot, it was in fact an wide, open field.
















































































































































































Seohyun was surprised and puzzled with Yonghwa’s intention of bringing her to the field. Yonghwa then told Seohyun that he owns the field (trying to impress Seohyun) which made Seohyun even more confused. To make it clear for Seohyun, Yonghwa explained his intention of giving the field to Seohyun as a birthday present. Upon hearing that, Seohyun was touched by her hubby’s words.
















































































































































































It will surely be an interesting episode, right? So, make sure you catch the gogoma couple at 5.15pm (KST) on October 2nd.
















































































































































































source: newsen.com
















































































































































































translated by http://fanwonder.com/?p=3925
















































































































































































field ,what kind of field,someone posted in back this field maybe ???

















































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















If you guys haven't watched Running Man episode 7 (with Yonghwa and Jokwon) with English subs, the iSubs team, the subbing team specifically working on Running Man released this episode today. it is now available for streaming and download. :) I can finally see how Yonghwa was said to be the "hero" of this episode. it was also said that he was the first one to guest twice in Running man as he returned for Episode 11 and once again became the "hero" of that episode.








only 4 more hours to go before WGM. I think it will be a very sweet episode. Yong is very crafty and smart (as seen in other shows such as Running man), so we can expect something unexpectedly sweet from him, and Hyun would be very touched by it. :)





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Guest Crystal392
















































Thanks to everyone for the news, screencaps and everything you've shared :) we will soon reach page 1100 :o
















Time has passed so quickly.
















I'm super tired so I will go to sleep but hopefully when I wake up this thread will be filled of lots of beautiful screencaps and gifs.
















Goguma ftw!

















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Guest lunasol


I don't know why the TVU channel is not working for me today  tears.gif




Where else can I watch the live streaming?? Please help because this has never happened to me before and I really want to watch the episode.


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































me too... TVU isn't working for me either .... Don't wanna miss out this ep
































































































































Can somebody please give me other links to watch ?
































































































































Please !

































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TVU sucks today!!!!


can anyone post a link for live streaming?!!


Pretty please??? [puppy eyes]


edit: I asked Chika on where to watch live stream she said snsdcentral.com. and I just remembered where one too. soshified.com!!!! YAY!!


Later guyz!


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since i had a seohyun spam yesterday i decided to post up some pictures i found of yonghwa from the cn blue thread and chiari's blog. credits to whoever took them.
























cn blue at the airport to and from shanghai (i'm not sure which ones are which) yong looks so good. and his hair colors seems to be getting a little lighter everytime. maybe its a trick of the light. but i really like it :) and of course ringdingdong~
























































































































not sure what this is... (backtracks to cn blue thread) interview with "easy mag".
















































apple news--cn blue with baby pictures :)
















































super nerdy and cute :)
















































thanks to those who had shared them originally!
























and only 3 more hours... :)





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for the fancam where yoong got DUCK as the present from his fans....hahahaha...


he SHOWING OFF The DUCK to his brothers....n he was really really super duper  happy....we can see YOOONG.in ur eyes hahah....n i figure it out that minhyuk want to take the DUCK but he dont want to give to him n then....he showed to JUNGSHIN....YOoong- ah......BUSTED!!!heeee... this link....around 4.49 min.



yoong + DUCK


... one thing for sure that jonghyun also give a very big smile n hepppy when yooong showed him that DUCk....hahaa... I really love that...i want to share that moment..but i'm not very gud with technology...





sorry for cutting your post.


Cheers to the girl who gave the duck to Yong! She surely got the attention of Yong. She's like the Oceanprince of Taiwan.


I truly felt that Yong was sincerely happily surprised here. Yong was really liking the gift, he didn't even want Jonghyun to touch the duck. He was not even filming WGM. I don't even think that he was aware that fancam/s are following his reaction. He didn't do that as fan service. I love these candid moments! Giddy overload! :wub:


Yong, everywhere you go, Hyun is with you! And if ever you forget, the goguma fans will be there to remind you. :P


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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo
















































Today we are celebrating their B-Days!!! biggrin.gif(yeah, I know, 3 months later hahaha). While we wait for the show I wanted to show two fanmade videos that popangel94 posted in YT celebrating their B-days. (popangel94 if you are one of us here at soompi Goguma world, I love your videos!)
































Here is the one for Seohyun with clips since she was a teenage girl to present including scenes with Yonghwa. She is beautiful!!! She is the girl I wish my brothers will fall in love with and marry!! Somebody please show this video to Yonghwa! He can see what he got for wife and what he is going to miss if he lets her go ;-). Oh and the sexy Hyun with the black dress at the end, that's after being married during RDR promotions and according to the translation on that clip somebody was jealous of her filming WGM. Do somebody know about who was jealous or know where the original clip can be seen?
















































 cr. popangel94

























Here is Yonghwa's which also have some Yongseo clips. I love the last part  when he blows his hair! 
















































cr. popangel94 cr. popangel94

























EDIT: Why after doing the insert media link, the video is not shown in the post as I always do? 
















I am not sure if I for some reason am the one who is not able to watch but you still can. Just in case I will put here the links so you can go directly. Please, don't miss watching the videos!biggrin.gif
































Happy Birthday Seo Hyun! Happy Birthday Yonghwa!







































































glad you liked my videos....and yes iam a regular lurker and sometimes i post in this thread too....
















btw can u help me....i want to post up another yongseo vid i made in youtube but they keep blocking it...

















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Guest sunbaenim

Hi guys!

the next ep 's on its way, but my tvu link doesn't work

can u guys give me the exact link (soshified or whatever) that works, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Guest mrsjoker


@PanGG : I seriously love your yonghwa spam. Thank you... :lol:




hmm...Mr.Jung Yonghwa really knows how to dress himself. Moschino bags, Gucci shades, and i once saw a picture of him wearing Vivienne westwood t-shirt...:wub: 






sorry for the random spazzing on Yong's outfit. I adore fashion and i love it when boys rocks designers line:P.


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























wah~ this thread really is fast. :sweatingbullets:
















anyway~ few more hours and will be in our Gogumaland! :w00t:
















*dancing* hehe~ anyway, thanks to those people who shared pics of uri yongseo and also the vids. Gogumas really rocks! keep rocking! :lol::w00t:





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mrsjoker thank you ;) i'm glad you enjoyed it. i can never get tired at looking at him :wub:
























hm... i agree tvu sucks today/tonight (its 2:38am now for me). *be patient* think happy thoughts.. like about whats going to happen today with yongseo :)
























so was thinking... i mentioned earlier that i thought it was "sweet" of yong giving hyun a "plot of land" and now i'm also thinking... its very practical of him and i think thats why hyun will REALLY like it. because if you think about it hyun is very mature and wholesome. if given this land, hyun will cherish it and understand the importance of having a piece of the earth as your own. i think thats why yong would give this to her then to any other girl. no one would feel the same way or, heck, react the same way. and thats why our yongseo are so different and why we love them.
























hm... seriously cant wait anymore....





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Guest wting89
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sharing an article I found on 红薯夫妇吧
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to the original article in chinese: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=902454655
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really happy to see that Cnblue’s ability is getting more and more recognized in Japan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Management Company FNC mentioned on the 1st that one of the popular bands under them, CNBLUE is gaining a foothold in the Japan’s music industry as an orthodox rock band with abilities.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A personnel under Warner Music Japan expressed that even though CNBLUE is well known in Korea for their idol image, they are working towards being an orthodox rock band in Japan’s music industry. It is very amazing that a Korean band is able to get no. 1 on Oricon’s independent singles release chart and have their concert tickets all sold out in Japan which is very active in rock music & band culture.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE’s ranking has been rising rapidly on Japan’s Oricon chart. CNBLUE’s 2nd single ‘I Don’t Know Why’ which was released in Japan on the 16th last month was no. 1 on Oricon’s independent singles release chart while their 1st single which was released in June is no. 7 on the chart. Especially on the 2nd single’s 1st day of release, the number of CDs sold also got no. 8 on Oricon’s singles chart, which rose to no. 7 on the 18th day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Warner Music Japan made an evaluation on CNBLUE. Things like CNBLUE’s Japan Tour tickets being all sold out, all the songs in their singles being produced by the members and getting no.1 and 7 on the Oricon chart; all these allow people to fully understand their potential and ability.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FNC explained “As all CNBLUE members do not lose to the pretty boys idols in terms of looks, together with their slender body, they got the title of ‘idol band’. But they are a band with ability, where the members play live as well taking part in their songs production. In Japan, they focus on CNBLUE’s musical ability rather than their star quality. From getting no.1 on Oricon’s independent singles release chart, we can see that CNBLUE has in fact gotten their recognition through their music.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Recently, CNBLUE has gotten no. 1 on a K-POP featured article on ‘Groups who wish to debut in Japan’ produced by the Japan portal biglobe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Beside this, under the fans’ enthusiastic request, CNBLUE will also be organizing a fan-meet on the 28th this month at Tokyo International Forum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































郑容和全球中文网 & 红薯夫妇吧

































































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since its a new page, i'll post up my pictures here instead of the last one! :) hope you guys dont mind.








































































seriously, can you imagine the kind of kids they could have together?! :lol:








































































she's so cute, and she's all yong's!
























credits to fieryphoenix, yongseosarang, and appledaily





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Guest sassysnsd

For those asking for a streaming link.. This is the link for Soshified. I'm not sure if you can access it with out and account but you can always make one! Soshified is an amazing site!!


Someone told me that they usually do stream wgm, but I'm not sure on what channel or what time, it will possibly be on channel 5 though.. But you can just look through the channels. Sorry I can't be more helpful but I can't get a hold of the streaming schedule. I hope this is helpful because it doesn't look like TVU is going to work.. I'm so excited gogumas!! This thread is gonna jump :rolleyes:

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