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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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HI ^^ I did sub this Daum Ad (Sooyoung and Seohyun )....for you all easy to watch (",) >>> Hey! Hyun who is that name that you said to your unnie. ^^








Thank you timpa for posted this translation here^^








Edit : Ride bicycle...the thing on their list that they want to do together. Maybe couple bike ...
















Edit : This is Album Cover "Gee" Japanese Version. You can see here.

















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I just noticed something - when Seohyun says "Hey - you know." and Sooyoung says "Who?", Seohyun is kinda touching her ring. *ggg* The resolution is a bit off, but I think she touches it. :) What do you guys think?

And, Sun_Sun, thanks for subbing.

Best regards,


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@Trent: I did not pick that up until I watched the video a few more times. she touched her ring for a second. * Speaking of Seohyun, I re-watched older episodes of her and Yong. and it seems to me that her eyes were really different that time. I mean the vibe her eyes give off when she looks at Yong. in earlier episodes, her eyes seem really curious, like a puppy introduced to a new home. but nowadays, when she looks at Yong, there is a sparkle in her eyes. I don't know how to explain it but her eyes are really bright when looking at Yong or whenever they are together. her eyes give of the "genuinely happy" look. or maybe I'm thinking too hard?





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cre as tagged

































































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wow, so many goodies today!
































































































































































































thanks to DJHinata for your edited post of the chibis along side the actual yongseo :wub: and the cn blue video share! they are so all adorable. monie1909 i've never noticed that before either! thanks for sharing :) thank you goguma1207 for posting the daum ad campaign, timpa for sharing the translations and sun_sun for subbing it! amazing people, everyone! taonaka i'm a girl and i love her! in an totally fan way of course. lol. haha. dreamyboo thanks for sharing the fmv always LOVE Trent i didnt catch that the first few times either. thanks ;)GeumJanDi thanks for sharing those .gifs. so cute! do you know where the original video is? or anyone else? ahn_annann awww! he got a duck!! too cute
































































































































































































so there are two things i want to know.
































































































































































































1. whose name did hyun whispered to sooyoung and the phone? jung yonghwa? yonghwa? yong? or even goguma? :lol:
































































































































































































and 2. yong's expression when he watches this! i wonder if he is doing the same thing as us. thinking if she really said his name or not because she mentions bike riding and couples and her ring is flashing every 5 seconds and... lol. well you get the idea. yong should record a "video responce" :wub:
































































































































































































and did anyone notice how her "hey~" to sooyoung sounds very familiar to yong's "hey~" to her? with an arm touch to add effect? haha ;)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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GOGUMAS.... Look this video (CN Blue in Taiwan)

Yooong is very scared hahahahahahaha

Minute: 3:03... xDDDDD

OMO!! I can't wait the saturday ^^

EDIT: Seohyun appears in 1:21

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Guest Crystal392
















































Thanks to everyone for all those videos, translations, links and everything!!!































Awwww sun_sun thanks so much for subbing that video and thanks to all the ones who posted the translations here!






























































*squeals* Of course Hyun~ is talking about his Yong~ nampyeon. hehehehe maybe that's why almost all her unnies mentioned Yong~ on the messages they wrote to her ^_^






























































Awww this makes me squeal. YongSeo :wub:






























































I had a rough day but this totally made me smile.






























































Thanks to all the ones who shared screencaps and videos of uri Yong~, Hyun~, CNBLUE and SNSD.






























































I love you Gogumas! Two more days until Saturday *squeals*












































































































































Does anyone know Dearandaa user on YT? She/He has uploaded some videos of Yong's interviews and I'm 100% sure the subtitles of one of them are wrong (WINWIN interview








http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BjeTPcnMUQ , according to her/his subs he -Yong~- says he is compelled to like SeoHyun and that is false because he never said that) and I wrote comments telling her/him to delete the video or correct the subs and also sent her one or two messages but she/he hasn't changed them yet. Some people have gotten confused because of that and have said not nice things about uri Yong. To see the correct translation of that video go to page 535 of this thread translated by our amazing pancakes&flappyjacks. So I was posting this here with the hope that maybe if we write lots of comments on the video asking him/her to sub it correctly or if maybe someone knows him/her can tell her her subs are incorrect. :)
























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Guest Crystal392
















































OMO OMO I wanted to edit my post but I think I clicked on 'Reply' instead x_x I didn't notice. I'm so sorry mods, it was unintentional. :(





























































































_d3seohyun: I loved this picture you posted and your comment:





























































































Seobaby, I doubt you were smiling because you figured out how to cook that.































Smiling because Yong went by her side...<3












































































































I think almost every girl (and also probably guy) can relate to this scene. When the person we like is doing something else (in this case Yong~ was talking to his "ideal") and suddenly stops doing whatever he was doing and comes by our side we smile and feel all giddy :wub: YongSeo ♥ Can this two get more adorable?






























































Also I found this on dcinside/married posted by genie용서 ( http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=494737&page=1&bbs= ). Sooo cute ^____^































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































I think Seohyun was definitely talking about her Yo~ng nampyeon! ^^
































































































































Why? Remember in uri YongSeo couple's first episode Seohyun said she'd like to go bike riding... and in this clip she mentions that she'd like to go bike riding in Namee Island and ride the couple bikes! With who else would she ride couple bikes with? She has always wanted to ride her bikes there with her future boyfriend, and now she has a husband she can do that with!































































































































































































































































And when she tells Sooyoung "You know who.." I think it's because she's spoken to Sooyoung unnie about it before! Like what Sooyoung said here -
































































































































"KSY: Haha, OK. Let’s see other comments. “Hyun, I’m glad you have more flexibility now! Good job! Do you like Yonghwa? Then tell me, I’ll push for you! What am I talking about? (fans laugh) Hyun, let’s take good care of our skin. You have to maintain your skin health. Don’t lose to Jiyoung or Sulli! (fans laugh) Because you’re goddess!” (fans cried)"
































































































































So, maybe Seohyun has talked a lot about Yo~ng to Sooyoung and her unnies! (not surprised about this! Hyoyeon has also mentioned that she turns into rapper Hyun and after coming home from filming she talks about her day with Yong!)
































































































































Now I definitely think it's Yo~ng!! :w00t:
































































































































WGM PDS! Please send uri Yongseo couple to Namee Island this Winter! :)

































































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Have you guys seen these pictures of the couple? click the link and scroll down.




















































baidu forum




















































So many cameras around them!!





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Guest toomuchsmiling
























I came to find this video.








The story of the song matches with our lovely couple.








love it a lot























credit to popangel94
















sorry if this has already been posted before.



























hey did u guys actually see this? that song is practically WRITTEN for Yongseo!!! O_O they have done everything that's in the song lyrics! it's really amazing! (well except kiss on the street but with that lovely rumor who knows)








unless WGM based everything their couples do according to songs but i KNOW they don't... :blink:
















constantia11- thanks for sharing!









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Hello, Goguma Fans!






























































































































































































































I’m going to start hammering MBC’s website with Goguma support and mission requests.  Here’s the mission requests I’m thinking of submitting, not in any particular order –






























































































































































































































·         Driver’s license!  Will they ever be successful?  3rd time’s a charm?  Their failure in this area is bothering Hyun.  She even brought it















































































































































          up when they first got on the bus (episode 25).  My theory, if either one is successful they will have more freedom to meet outside of








































































          W*G*M because they won’t have to have a manager drive them around.  I want to see Yong bringing Hyun around in a red 








































































          convertible sports car.  Taking/picking her up from school, taking her around Busan, going to the beach, shopping together....








































































          so cool!








































































         WEDDING PHOTOS pulleeeeeze!  I’m tired of seeing Seohyun in a wedding dress in that TRAX promotion w/o Yong next to her!








































































         With all 8 SNSD unnies as bridesmaids and CN BLUE and FT Island as groomsmen.   That would make 8 and 8.   Like they did for








































































         Taeyeon and that old, fat guy on W*G*M.  Who would you match up with whom?








































































          Yong Hwa – Seohyun, of course, duh!








































































          Jungshin – Hyoyeon?  They were cute together!  Or how about that tall, cool one – SooYoung?  They looked good together putting








































































          up that light at yongseo’s house!








































































          Jong Hyun – this guy doesn’t say much, but you know what they say about ‘still water’.  He’s got a great voice, great guitar skills and








































































           his Japanese song ‘Lie’ is !daebak!  How ‘bout Tiffany? Or Yuri?  Somebody lively to help bring this guy’s personality out……








































































           Minhyuk – handsome boy. Yoona, or Sunny?  Or even Taeyeon?  The leader and the maknae?!








































































           FT Island guys – don’t know much about them, so pick straws.








































































·         Real multi-day holiday/honeymoon on some island.  I want to see Hyun in a cute 2 piece and her and Yong running on a beach,








































































          splashin’ in the water, layin’ in the sand, etc. maybe driving jet skis, so on so on…..you get the picture!








































































·         ‘Special Stage’ performance with both of them singing & playing guitars together.








































































·         Compose a ‘couple’ song together about their relationship & perform it on a ‘special stage’ with CN Blue.








































































·         New rings – if next week doesn’t work out like everybody’s hoping it will and the ‘new’ rings everybody claims they are seeing are
















































































































































·         Couple ‘romantic slumber party’ with Yong & Hyun.  They stay up all night talking in their pajamas and holding each other in their ‘for








































































          show only’ bed, fall asleep in each other’s arms and wake up together.   I see a lot of candles and aromatic incense burning,








































































          chocolate, strawberries and rose petals.  Woah!








































































·         Trip to Carribean Bay Resort.  Maybe even with Jungshin & Taeyeon?








































































·         Quad Druple date – Yong, Hyun & CNBlue dudes with 3 other SNSD gals.  Yong shouldn’t have all the fun in W*G*M.  Let








































































         Jungshin, JongHyun and Minhyuk must have some good times, too!  They go out to eat, & they go bowling, play miniature golf or do
















































































































































·         Yong visits SNSD dorm – like Taeyeon and yes, the old, fat dude.  The girls dance for him, cook for him and they play parlor games








































































           (Twister? Lucky Yong!).   Am I the only one who thinks Taeyeon should get another chance on W*G*M - that she really got a raw
















































































































































·         Trip to ski resort, Yong teaches Hyun to ski, snowboard, & ride snowmobiles.  And make snow angels.  Awwww!








































































·         Picnic at a nice park with bike riding included!  Maybe Nammee Island, like in the Hyun/SooYoung Daum search ad?  








































































·         Day/night stay in Hong Kong or Beijing or Shanghai, like the Japan/Tokyo trip.  They’re becoming an international couple, they might








































































          as well do China, too!








































































·         Hyun in a CNBLUE movie video for one of CN Blue’s songs – written by Yong, of course!








































































·         Meet the parents – do Koreans celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas? – around the holidays.  Yong goes to meet Hyun’s, Hyun goes








































































          to meet Yong’s.








































































·         Yong and Hyun go to see ‘Nodame Cantabile’ movie together, meet Ueno & Chiaki for dinner after.   








































































Well, what do y’all think – good ones or bad ideas?








































































(For those of you who don’t know how to post on the official W*G*M message board, go to the Sweet Potato Days blog site and see the entry at @09/21 posted by genxv on how to post missions and messages!  Let the W*G*M staff know that goguma love is big. wide and strong – and international!   Let them know that the WORLD is watching this wonderful couple in this relationship, and we expect the best treatment from W*G*M for them!) 









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panGG, it looks like hyun whispered something during her 1st whisper. but not too sure what... it looks like yong seobang to me though LOL xD wahhaha biased answer!

crystal & Soleil, thanks so much for the fanarts! *squeals* :wub:

qwenli, thanks for the links! there're indeed many pics of them! :D

just saw these in DC gall... :wub:



luvtokki, i luv ur requests! kekeekek xD keep them coming yah!

*goes back to work* :(

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oh dreamboo thanks for sharing. i like the cnblue with hyun! very cool.
































































































































































































and the stares just makes my heart happy. :)
































































































































































































2 more days... hm.

































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Dreamyboo - thanks for liking my mission requests, sorry the print formatting  got all scrambled up like that - don't know why - makes it hard to read - I truly hope yongseo get to do all these things together!


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