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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































Hello! The question made by Crystal made me think, What YH did for SH?
























































Well, I decided to backtrack the thread and compare the episode with the pictures taken with the owner of the place.
























































Look what I found... This is my first time doing this sorry if it have been shared.
























































I do it myself, please do not hotlink...
















































































































See what I see, I think he gave her a new necklace and new couple ring! My guess about why she doesnt have any ring, is because he gave her a new one and to not spoil the episode and take a photo with the nice gentleman they decided to take off the ring.
























































My wish is that YH sing just for her. I know it is cheesy and all but it will be perfect if he get there and say I wrote this song for you and BANG! "I dont know why?" was born.
























































Happy day my fellow gogumas, it feels good to finally give something to my fellow gogumas, normally I just see what everyone post, but I feel good sharing something too. :)
























































Edit: Sorry, I didnt make the proper credit, I took the pictures from d3 is pics of this episode, the other was the one that was bring from DC.









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A very good day everyone!








































































It's been a long week towards Saturday... we still have about 56 hours to go! :sweatingbullets:








































































Lovekin, thank you for your further clarification. I now understand where you're coming from. My love and affection was leaning more towards siblings/friends... it is not something which holds "heavy implication". I tend to generalise sometimes, and this will lead to miscommunication on my part.









































































yay! I have a companion to CN Blue concert! I love their songs and their live performances! I've confirmed my presence to a showcase in Malaysia in Facebook, but the showcase is not confirmed. *Bummer* I think the fansite wanted to find out whether there will be enough people to hold a showcase. I hope it will happen though.








































































MrsJoker, being giddy is good as it keeps me young at heart, but life experiences tend to get in my way once in a while. So don't be confused or surprised when you see me being all giddy one minute, then realistic the next. At the moment, YongSeo is my crush and obsession. :wub:








































































My 2 cents: Yong was shell-shocked (I don't know if that's the right descriptive word) when Hyun told him that she replied his text on his birthday (reading from his eyes and body language). I'll bet his mind was going at cyber speed thinking about so many things at the same time. He was not lying when he told Hyun that he didn't receive her text.









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When I first posted in this blog, I stated that I became interested in SNSD first through my daughter who loved their songs and especially their dance routines.  I also became hooked on the awesomeness of SNSD’s talent.   Then came W*G*M and ‘Seohyun and Yong Hwa’ and CNBLUE. More awesomeness, more love for these wonderfully talented and lovely (inside and out) young people.


I totally got hooked on this relationship in W*G*M between Seohyun and Yong Hwa.  I’m a guy, I don’t normally get hooked on ‘soap operas’ and girly romance dramas.             





LUVTOKKI, goosebumps as early as this morning! While reading you post, i was just repeating and repeating, "Oh my gawwd!!! Oh my gawwd!!!"" First, you are a guy...with a daughter to boot! No one would really expect someone like you to get hooked with young couples in a reality show (I can't imagine my father getting crazy over WGM! He is just contented watching the news). But as I read on, you justified yourself. Watching the YongSeo couple was like watching your own lifestory.


Thanks for your revelation. I'm sure you did not only inspire the Goguma fans to believe in the YongSeo couple but you inspired us (me), as well, that true love really comes our way and things will just fit in their right places in due time.


Thank you so much for sharing a part of you!


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Guest sassysnsd

I LOVE waking up to all these updates!!

LUVTOKKI your story made me so emotional.. Thank you so much for sharing it. & I agree with what you said :)

Kerube-Chan If he bought her a necklace it will make me spazz so much.. I really hope he did! Or at least buy her some presents.. Or at least throw her a party at all. But I'm not sure maybe her necklace just looks different. Thanks for your post :)

Wilhelm1006 Another one of my favorite posts!

"Yong is a smart guy! To not embarrass Hyun, he invents this kind of greeting to make her more relaxed…Slowly she will open up to Yong’s manipulation and suddenly she forget what it was all about, soon she may even be doing a type of French-kiss-on-the-cheek-hugging. Because we must not forget that Yong is a rather good actor, and is versed in reading people and their behavior. That is why he so self confident to brag about knowing Seohyun more than anybody else; he’s already analyzed and categorized her and now has a fixed plan to seduce her. "

Yes yes yes! This is so spot on! I really hope she will slowly open up to him and be into all types of natural skinship!!!!!!!! WOOP :wub:

Thank you all for your posts! You are all seriously the best!! Can't wait until Saturday..:w00t:

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After reading Wilhelm1066 wonderful post I needed to write the following so I am sorry beforehand if it gets too long and/or boring.

Since we are talking about skinship I have a question that have been circling my mind for a long while now. More like a cultural question. Where I am from (Puerto Rico and I guess the rest of Latin America) people hug and kiss each other without any romantic meaning. We literally kiss each other from young to old, old to young, same age to same age, girls(woman) to boys(man) and viceversa when we greet someone and even to say goodbye on a day by day basis. Men basically kiss each other if it is a father to son or son to father, brother to brother or even close friends on VERY limited special occasions. 


So when you meet someone more or less the interpersonal interactions are as followed:


    First time meeting: Just hello and guys may shake hands with each other.


    Second meeting and so on: 


  • Female/ Female: Kiss on the cheek
  • Female/Male: Kiss on the cheek
  • Male/Male: Shake hands with each other traditional style if they are older, or if they are young they do untraditional and/or original styles (such as Yongseo Horror hip-hop hand shake) or just verbal Hi.

Then we also hug each other as greeting if you have affection for that person, any kind of affection (family, friendship, love). In other words, here a guy I like will kiss me everyday and it will not mean anything romantic unless it is verbally expressed because here female and males normally have close skinship.

Even dancing (salsa, merengue, reggaeton), male/female dance close or VERY close to each other. So people who does not love each other will be glued together and even some dances will make you want to hide your daughters, but it does not mean they are a real couple. 

On the other hand, we don't do the hand holding unless we are a couple or family. I mean, we touch each others arms, hands, shoulders for example while talking, because we are very touchy, but walking hand in hand that is another story. Now that I am writing this and trying to see it as an outsider I think it is funny, right? Walking hand to hand it means closer to us than a kiss face to face hahaha. I guess because walking hand in hand from a visual standpoint is like a possessive gesture showcasing to the world that this person is mine, while a kiss on the cheek is just a gesture of simply affection (any kind) and appreciation, the same way you would kiss something cute, your pet, a baby. There is no possessive feeling to it.

Also, although front hugs are common female/male interaction, as I already mentioned,  back hugs are more or less exclusive for couples.

So where I am going with this? Since there were rumors that Yong kissed Hyun in the cheek and if it is not true I am preparing for in the case it will happen in the near future (*pause to make a wish* "Please let it happen! Especially for their B-Day!" rolleyes.gif): 

  • What will it mean culturally? In S. Korea a kiss on the cheek will mean romantic feelings? 
  • What other types of skinship are considered exclusive between a couple besides the obvious kiss on the lips in S. Korea? Backhugs? Front hugs? Side hugs? Kiss on the cheek? Kiss on the forehead? Kiss on the head? Kiss on the nose? Kiss on the neck?... *cough* I think I should stop there because I got overexcited just thinking about it and the last one is an obvious couple exclusive wink.gif hahaha.
  • When female/male hugs happen? If the people are close friends? couple?


If someone can provide some insights about cultural interpretations of certain types of skinship it will be deeply appreciated. Yongseo live and grew up with a different culture than mine, so in order to understand them I think it is important to understand it from their perspective. Kamsahamnida!



See, it got too long. I am sorrysweatingbullets.gif. I am embarrassed to write anything more, but I really need to thank luvtukki for sharing his story!



I see some are getting excited regarding the kiss rumor, but please don't read much into it. I don't even remember where I read it but I remember that it said rumor. Thus, unless we see it happen, don't believe in it. If somebody else also read something like this somewhere, please let us know.   

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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































Lunasol, I have the same question as you. I am from Panama (Central America) and for me is so common to kiss my male friends on the cheek and everything else you said (Dances, Hugs, etc.)- In Latin America we are really very very touchy touchy, it is just natural since we are little -. When I watch Korean dramas, the leads almost never touch each other is so weird to see something I do everyday like something so big.
























































Maybe the dramas are too conservative, maybe young people in Korea act different I dont know. But as you say understanding their cultural standing in this kind of situation will enlighten us, about how much their relationship have progressed.
























































Aishhhh! I cant wait for saturday!!! Good Luck my fellow gogumas have a nice day!!
























































Edit 1: @sassysnsd The resolution of the photo from the bus is not good in my post, but in the original picture you can clearly see that the pendant is different, the one she was wearing in the morning have two pieces together and the one in the picture at the end of the day is just one piece.
























































Edit 2: Found this clip in CN BLUE THREAD Cr. to the uploader. It is very funny the boys are playing aroung with old toys, things I havent seen in a while.... :)

































































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Guest sassysnsd

"Since there were rumors that Yong kissed Hyun in the cheek"???????? What?

I never heard that? Explain please someone :w00t:

& gogumas sorry for posting so much but I am sooo bored! Remember these messages..

"Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty  and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a  good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and  thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your  culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and  sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you,  so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's  Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?

Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You  always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also  playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with  me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I  admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about  everything all the time, okay? I'll look forward to the day you would be  frank and honest about your feelings with me!"

Does anygoguma know when these were written? Was it after their birthdays? I can't remember? Thanks!

Kerube-Chan I hope your right!! :)

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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! w00t.gif i hope that rumors is true "Yong kissed Hyun in the cheek" OMG! OMG! OMG! w00t.gif that will be great if it's true. I hope that this bday episode will be another Daebak episode. I hope we will get our answer about the history of that NEW RING, and maybe NECKLACE as well :) in this bday trip or if not in the coming episode. And the following epi will be Japan episode. I hoping as well it will be THE SWEETEST EPISODE. Lovely lovely lovely. Is it wrong to wish that wgm should be Mon to sat or Mon to fri :( it's not enough dosage if only saturday 20 mins only. 2 days to go :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cheers to all

































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

THANKS for all the goodies! :D

Doesn't this week feel so long? It's dragging! :crazy:

The usuals...

posting caps along with some random thougths....

LOL. Yong seobang is such a fanboy :lol:

I wonder if the unnies gave Seobaby those messages after having watched the lastest episode.

Unnies! I do think uri maknae now needs your help kekkeke

Even with her idol present, her focuse reamined on her Yong. Uri Seobaby couldn't keep her eyes off of Yong even when he was busy being a fanboy <3.

Yes I'm biased! But there's always something different when he looks at her <3


I posted this one earlier. argh! Yong should give Seobaby a backhug.

I would be extremely happy even if it's a failed one :w00t: LOL

I guess we just have to imagine one eh? Speaking of...on the second part of their argument on the bus,

something popped in my head...Yong grabbing Seobaby and giving her one passionate kiss to shut her up hahhaa


It was adorable when he told UJ he was a fan lol. total fanboy!

Just look at his giddy face kekkeke

But <3 that he always find comfort looking at his wife when he feels uncomfortable or nervous.


Seobaby, I doubt you were smiling because you figured out how to cook that.

Smiling because Yong went by her side...<3


Something about this scene that makes my heart sink..in a good way..it's such an awwwwwww moment.

I love the quick nanosecond glance Yong gave Seobaby when she told him what's there to be embarassed about..

she's happy. happy! LOL. I think she was trying to make herself believe that and of course tyring to be supportive of hubby.

Seobaby, Yong knows you pretty well now. Yes, you were happy to meet UJ but he could also sense that you

were a little sad too...uncomfortable.


Yonghwa, boy did you get lucky! If she was already this excited after just hearing Chiaki's name, you would have flipped if she actually had met him :P


But no worries, coz in the middle of that fangirling moment, she was still looking at you :wub: (2nd cap)


Seobaby, I think one of these days you just have to give in and dance Gee for him hahahah

Remember, that was his wish after your first date? But you said he should think of something meaningful :lol:

I don't know...maybe since he was already an SNSD fanboy before wgm..though he was eyeing another member in your group...

maybe it was you who caught his attention during Gee days? hmmm...


<3 when his eyes follow her wherever she goes, and same goes with her.

Seobaby's gentle stare towards Yong but flushed cheeks when Yong asked UJ if she was tired kekkeke :P


Note to self: Must send Seobaby some cookbooks. :

hahaha the the looks she gave him. it's like when your man is around his friends and your trying to get his attention to help you or giving him hints not to embarassed you in front of them...


love the way she told him "help me please."

very polite yet so wifey...it wasn't a request...it was an order LOL


when Yong started teaching UJ...LOL @Seobaby's posture+look+hand gesture hahahha seems like she was



Awwwwwwwww! so real!


"Call me Oppa"

Was a part of Yong purposely making Seobaby jealous here?



Left. Right. Whereever he goes. Ahhhh! Yonghwa ottoke! She really really wants likes you!!!!


When UJ gave them the gifts...a thankful glance towards her idol, and stares all at Yong seobang <3


My gawddddd!!!!! The way her eyes smile when Yong made that cute face after drinking <3

And the last set of caps <333333! when they caught each other's eyes then Seobaby smiled....gah!!!!




I hope Yong caught that look and smile his buin gave him


LOL. This is so coupley like. The husband with a somewhat shy/embarassed face asking his wife

to take a picture of him and another woman hahha then of course the wife who obliged but with glaring eyes hahah


Eh I surely doubt Seobaby purposely made the pic blurry.

Her hands were probably shaking from frustration that's why it became blurrry lol

Yonghwa's expression after Seobaby happily(?) told him it turned out blurry kekekke


Aigoo! <33333


I'm sorry, but this scene is screaming pre-makeout session to me! :lol: It's just the way Yonghwa looked at her seemed kinda naughty kekke

then combine that with Seobaby's innocent yet loving stare...the contrast is rawr! hahahha


Seobaby your eyes gives you away. Besides that, Yong knows you too well by now.

He knows what makes you sad, and he knows what makes you happy.

Though I hate seeing Seobaby's eyes look a little dim (huhuhu she was definitely affected seeing her Yong

with another woman...his ideal), I love the whole couch scene.

Goguma points for Yonghwa for trying to comfort his buin <3

After all that had transpired that evening, I wonder how these two bid goodnight to each other after filming.

Was Seobaby still feeling sad when she left or did Yong choding came to the rescue and made her forget all of her worries?

Did they talk about the fact that they wouldn't be seeing each other for weeks because of their busy schedules?

Hmmm...was there something like...I can't wait to see you in japan convo?






He probably does know her better than anyone else :wub:





first time seeing this....

Seobaby singing There You'll Be with Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany


c: uploader

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hello guys!!!


I updated my fic. I hope this will help you get through the long wait for the next episode.




I actually love to post my fic here but I don't know how. So I'll just post here every time I'll update.


Thank you for reading!!


@luvtokki: OMG!!!! You made me tear! I love your story!


@kerube-chan: you've got an eagle's eye!!! nice one...


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Guest raindrops_919




annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




it's 2 days to go.. i'm soo excited but also so nervous, with all the possibility i feel like i'm going on my own date at saturday *OMO* :ph34r:




just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you in this thread, you really help me through the day :wub:




this saturday is going to be DAEBAK ! :w00t:




i can't wait fury.gif MBC should make WGM twice a week  dry.gif




happy GOGUMA all ! Love, Love, Love .. everybody clap, clap, clap! :lol:



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SE7ENsyuhja thanks for killing my hope. lol JOKE i was just hoping, it was too good to be true, yes? haha. thanks for the link thou.
































































































































































































lenovo haha. i know right?! but as SE7ENsyuhja said, its not her :( pooey.
































































































































































































d_????? thanks for sharing all those pictures of beautiful hyun!
































































































































































































blueshoes haha, yes, thank you. but like i said, it was just hope, and it just fit so well. haha.
































































































































































































crystal_malfoy lol *hugs*
































































































































































































_d3seohyun OMG. it does look like major backhug moment. thanks for making me all !@#$#@ :)
































































































































































































DJHinata thanks for sharing :wub: super cute yong and OMO!!@#$#@! those little chibis are so cute :) fits so well with our yongseo. thanks for sharing! and i really want to know if he sang her a song too! maybe a medley of Love Rev, Y Why, and Love Light! how awesome would that be?! and i agree, the week is taking forever. and that video of seohyun singing with her unnies "there you'll be" is really good. it was so appropriate too because josh harnett was there. he was in korea promoting his movie with lee byung hun. so sweet :)
































































































































































































Trent you know, i've been thinking the same thing too. the only thing i could think of is that maybe they DID talk about it, they had to have. but maybe it was an OFF THE RECORD thing. and it made me wonder why yong never performed it for her, but during that time he was sick with his vocal cord nodule so that plays a huge part in him not being able to sing a lot. which is a little disappointing because i love it when a guy plays the guitar for a girl, alone :) but thanks for asking the question. i'm curious too. and the part where you were answering to baby_bo who says there isnt a guitar? lol. remember he already has a planned "field" or something. maybe they are setting up something special! :) wishful thinking
































































































































































































sassysnsd i do the same thing too. i leave it open in a tab, then every 5 minutes comeback, refresh, and read whats new! saturday hurry!
































































































































































































Kerube-Chan OMG! thats perfect. like seriously. that is PERFECTION! lol. major props to the picture
































































































































































































lunasol rumors of kiss on the cheek?! are you freaking serious lunasol?! because thats definitely going to kill me of happiness. like seriously haha. lol. omo... i cant wait to see what happens.
































































































































































































so from like crystal_malfoy said. what do we wish would happen for the birthday surprise?!
































































































































































































what i want is... they arrive at the fishing place. sit down get comfy. yong teaching hyun how to fish (does anyone know if she knows how to fish, most girls dont, like myself. i'm really bad at throwing the fishing line in :lol: ) and then his going to excuse himself, leaving her alone. and she'll be wondering where her husband is. then she'll start hearing music and turns her head. she sees him walking towards her with a guitar singing love light. when he gets to the rap he'll look a little sheepish and when he sings "i'm genie for you girl" he'll wink at her! and she'll just be speechless and her cheeks will turn red, but she's going to try and hold onto her cool when she's really OMGing inside. and then he'll end the song with a flourish of the guitar and say "happy birthday my buin! i didnt forget your birthday. i just didnt have time to tell you yesterday because i was planning this for you, for today" and she'll be kind of teary eye but sparkling too. and he'll remove his guitar and pull out a box, and hands it to her. she opens it to reveal a necklace (reference to Kerube-Chan's post from earlier). he helps put it on her. and says again "happy birthday" and they smile :wub: but then hyun says, "you just ruined it!" and this freaks out yong because he just totally pulled the perfect birthday surprise. and she laughs, sparkling eyes of course, and turns around and rumbles in her bag of food and pulls out a lunch box. she holds it up in yong's face and yong takes a hold of it and opens it. and inside is slices of goguma (i dont know why, i just had to add it, and plus i have no idea what kind of dish it would be) and 2 very familiar looking rings. he'll look at her speechless this time. and she'll smile with triumph and says to him, "happy birthday--again (reference to their argument earlier about the birthday txt she sent and he didnt recieve). i thought of this when your ring broke. and i wanted to surprise you with new ones, since you bought the ones last time." and now he gets teary/sparkly eyed and so he takes them out, hands her one and they slip the rings on each other hands, both thinking, "god, i could love this person forever". :wub: and :sigh:
































































































































































































hahaha. okay, so i think i just totally wrote fanfic right there. haha. but just my wishful thinking... right?! (i think thats going to be my tagline from now on, "just my wishful thinking..." lol.

































































































































































































































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Guest alucard81
















































that would be totally awesome or DAEBAK!!!




















now if they end it with a big hug!! wub.gif




















spaaz kicking in





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part II of itnw0628's sone fanmeet account























click here to read all























i only quoted the seohyun parts but I suggest you read everything since soshi bond is sure daebak!























on the rolling paper:























KSY: OK, it was Yuri whose feet stinks and possesses black skin. (laugh) Next, you, being Maknae, Seohyun! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Yes.























Girls: She is a rhapsodist. (laugh)























Seohyun: (laugh) Um, let’s see. ”Please….bring back your flexibility. But I love that you’re Maknae of our team.”























KSY: Ah, talking about your flexibility. Well, who is it?























Hyo: I think it’s the one who sits at the very end of the right side. (laugh)























Yoona: No, it’s not me.























Seohyun: Um…Sunny unnie? (Sunny turned her head)























KSY: Um, Ms Lee Sunkyu is pretending it’s not her. (fans laugh)























Seohyun: “Hello Maknae! You’re having a hard time. Personally, I’m so curious when and with whom you will marry. I mean, I’m really curious. Well, you’ve already married once though. You’re that weird, and well, I’m just curious. As Maknae, I want to see you keep behaving well like now!” (sigh, and fans laugh)























KSY: Why do you sigh? (laugh)























Seohyun: Ah, no, never mind. (laugh) Well, this one is long!























KSY: “I like Yonghwa, too! For him, I can let you go. (fans laugh) Sorry for being tough. But please understand that my love for you is suuuuuuper big! And you’re getting prettier! I envy you! You’re too perfect! OK, maybe not. But you’re Umchinddal. (it’s an on line term which means a woman who is good at virtually everything.) I love you.”























KSY: Oh, and one more. “You have changed! You don’t play with unnies! Only things you do are filming We’ve Got Married and going to school. Do you like it?” (fans laugh)























Seohyun: (laugh) Wow, unnies….























KSY: It seems everyone envies you, Seohyun. “Maknae! Do you feel good cause you’ve got married? You’re cool! The night when we go to Japan, well, you looked much different. You’re brilliant! I love you.”























Seohyun: Who is it?























KSY: What happened?























Seohyun: (still looking around) Who is it?























Jessica: It’s me! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Oh~~ really?























Jessica: You sat right beside me then.























KSY: So what exactly happened that day?























Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….























KSY: Um, why?























Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)























Yoona: Seohyun showed her loyalty to us. (laugh)























KSY: Ah…..























Yuri: She showed her loyalty with tears…























KSY: OK, let’s move on.























Seohyun: I want to read this one. “Each of your word made me see the world positively. Sharing room with you, I always feel I really have a great roommate.” Thank you, unnie.























KSY: Ah, your roommate. Who is it?























Seohyun: It’s Hyoyeon unnie. (at this time, Hyoyeon made funny expression on her face)























KSY: (laugh) What’s that?























Hyoyeon: (proudly) Well, it’s me. (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, OK. Let’s see other comments. “Hyun, I’m glad you have more flexibility now! Good job! Do you like Yonghwa? Then tell me, I’ll push for you! What am I talking about? (fans laugh) Hyun, let’s take good care of our skin. You have to maintain your skin health. Don’t lose to Jiyoung or Sulli! (fans laugh) Because you’re goddess!” (fans cried)























Seohyun: (to Sooyoung) OK, I’ll do it so please let me sleep. (laugh)























KSY: Ah, it’s Sooyoung. Yes, age is just a meaningless number.























Ask questions to SNSD!























Yuri: “I wonder you guys stay at dorm like you do in Korea. If you do, are there any changes in roommates?”























Yuri: Ah, I think we told you already, anyway, we use two floors, 2nd, and 5th. In 2nd floor, there are Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Yoona. No changes in roommates. In 5th floor, there are Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Sooyoung, and Jessica. (she faltered a bit when she said the last part lol)























KSY: Hey, how can you forget it? (laugh)























Sunny: Yuri is like that all the time! (laugh)























KSY: Well, when I go to Japan someday, please allow me to stay there. (laugh)























KSY: OK. (to Seohyun) Hey, I love you~ (fans cried)























Seohyun: Yes!























Tiffany: The cheesiest member of all time, Seo Ju-Hyun! (laugh)























Seohyun: “When do you feel proud of being SNSD?”























Seohyun: Um, I think it’s when all 9 members perform at the stage together. (fans cried) Behind the stage, we’re just like other girls. We played like normal teenage girls.























Jessica: (to Seohyun) Twenties, I guess?























Seohyun: Ah, you’re right, twenties. (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, she is feeling being old again! (laugh)























Seohyun: Woo, I feel being old exactly the situation like this! (almost crying) I’m twenty! Anyway, we played like normal twenties behind the stage. But when we’re at the stage, we become completely different people. So when we perform together at the stage, we feel proud of being SNSD.























Final messages from SNSD























KSY: Seohyun? I love you? (fans laugh)























Seohyun: It was the first time we did official fan meeting. I’ll never forget today. When people have ties, I think it is for the lifetime especially the precious one like ours. I don’t even think you will cheat on us. (fans laugh) I’m serious. (laugh) I believe you love us not only because our looks but also our inner selves. Since we’re tied in a good way, I wish we can grow old together. (fans laugh) I know the word can be heard weird, but I want to share my time with you for a long time. When SNSD become ajjumas, then you’ll become ajjuma fans, right? (fans laugh) Well, anyway I love you~ (fans cried)























credits: itnw0628@twitter














































so, yeah, the unnies are proud yongseo shippers!!!!!























I think yong has them on his favor now... lolz























edit: hyun's messages to her unnies were very very sweet too... despite her kinda tough personality she really has a pretty heart and any guy whom she would really love *cough*insert*name*here*cough* is surely one lucky dude! and oh, makes me wonder how she's going to compose a message to her yong oppa, I mean, yong nampyeon... :wub:


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luvtokki, actually i didn't intend to write anything or to reply to any post... but I couldn’t resist to reply to ur post! yo... u must be the most sporting dad ever! i wish my dad is like u too... kekekek xD Although I really want them to be together forever… but we’ll never know so, yeah... let's wish them all the best in the future~!

kerube-chan what a discovery u've made! U’re another goguma FBI! LOL~ new necklace & new rings… whoa~! I’m going nuts over this new discovery! xD I guess the necklace must be from yong as it looks very similar to his & his bros’. As for the ring… hmm, I’m still unsure who… if hyun bought the ring, aww it’s very sweet of her, but somehow I dunno, it just feels weird to know that she bought the ring? I don’t get the vibe there somehow. but if yong bought the rings, I must praise him… he loves hyun too much! :wub: oh, but who knows… they both bought the rings? Gahhh I’m so curious!!!! Curiosity is killing the goguma here! :P

winnieho, I’ll be glad to be ur companion! LOL~ oh, about the one in facebook… I think most prolly they won’t be able to get cnblue to come over to M’sia since they’re still unable to find sponsors. That’s what the organizer told me. T.T deng, I’m so sad!!!! But it’s good in another way as I’m gonna be super duper busy starting next week! >.<

hahah panGG! i love ur imagination! LOL xD i hope that'll happen this saturday!!!! *imagination on the go*

Seohyun: It was the first time we did official fan meeting. I’ll never forget today. When people have ties, I think it is for the lifetime especially the precious one like ours. I don’t even think you will cheat on us. (fans laugh) I’m serious. (laugh) I believe you love us not only because our looks but also our inner selves. Since we’re tied in a good way, I wish we can grow old together. (fans laugh) I know the word can be heard weird, but I want to share my time with you for a long time. When SNSD become ajjumas, then you’ll become ajjuma fans, right? (fans laugh) Well, anyway I love you~ (fans cried)credits: itnw0628@twitter------------------so, yeah, the unnies are proud yongseo shippers!!!!!I think yong has them on his favor now... lolzedit: hyun's messages to her unnies were very very sweet too... despite her kinda tough personality she really has a pretty heart and any guy whom she would really love *cough*insert*name*here*cough* is surely one lucky dude! and oh, makes me wonder how she's going to compose a message to her yong oppa, I mean, yong nampyeon... :wub:

omo! thanks so much for this, clumsy~! :w00t: the way she talks is very similar to SOMEONE here! ekekekek the other one is grandpa & hers is grandma! xD deng, now all her unnies approve of yong seobang! that means all the ugly rumors about yong are definitely hoax! am so proud of uri yong! :wub:

*working mode* .... NOT! am just gonna lurk :ph34r: ... :P

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alucard81 your right, i should have added a HUG at the end lol
































































































































































































clumsy thanks for the translations!
































































































































































































dreamyboo thank you, thank you. my mind is crazy for YONGSEO as is everyone else in here. :wub:
































































































































































































do you think if we chant "SATURDAY, SATURDAY, SATURDAY" enough, it will come sooner?

































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Guest sassysnsd

I'm so curious about this..

KSY: It seems everyone envies you, Seohyun. “Maknae! Do you feel good cause you’ve got married? You’re cool! The night when we go to Japan, well, you looked much different. You’re brilliant! I love you.”

Seohyun: Who is it?

KSY: What happened?

Seohyun: (still looking around) Who is it?

Jessica: It’s me! (fans laugh)

Seohyun: Oh~~ really?

Jessica: You sat right beside me then.

KSY: So what exactly happened that day?

Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….

KSY: Um, why?

Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)

Yoona: Seohyun showed her loyalty to us. (laugh)

KSY: Ah…..

Yuri: She showed her loyalty with tears…

I wonder if this has anything to do with Yong.. What does Yuri mean.. Any ideas?

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I'm so curious about this..























KSY: It seems everyone envies you, Seohyun. “Maknae! Do you feel good cause you’ve got married? You’re cool! The night when we go to Japan, well, you looked much different. You’re brilliant! I love you.”




































































Seohyun: Who is it?




































































KSY: What happened?




































































Seohyun: (still looking around) Who is it?




































































Jessica: It’s me! (fans laugh)




































































Seohyun: Oh~~ really?




































































Jessica: You sat right beside me then.




































































KSY: So what exactly happened that day?




































































Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….




































































KSY: Um, why?




































































Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)




































































Yoona: Seohyun showed her loyalty to us. (laugh)




































































KSY: Ah…..




































































Yuri: She showed her loyalty with tears…























I wonder if this has anything to do with Yong.. What does Yuri mean.. Any ideas?













































following the conversation, I read somewhere that Seo Hyun gave Jessica a massage one night in Japan and that was what they were talking about and since sica said, 'you don't have to know it' maybe it meant seo hyun did not have to tell the fans what she did for her unnie. and yoona and yuri just pointed out that she is loyal to them (to unnies) so she will not tell... just my thought, :sweatingbullets: anybody could answer better...




































































awf!!! topping the page here is -.-













































anyweiz, click the spoiler for the complete fan account of itnw0628:

On Thursday 30th September 2010, @itnw0628 said:
























Beware before you read this fan account!























-My English is not so great. I’ll try my best but there is a possibility of miss-translation.























-This is based on my imperfect memory, basically. However, this time the show was long and girls talked a lot. So to refresh my memory and give readers more accurate picture, I refer to other sources a bit. Still, there can be wrong information.























-This is not a translation of other fan account. It is my original, and I’m writing down in English.























-I’ll put this via my twitter account, but if you like to put this somewhere else, I don’t mind. However, please make sure where the source is.























-It is VERY long. So I’ll put part I of my fan account first and II will be posted later on.























-You can find Part I here: http://tl.gd/67t0so























-Fan account for SNSD’s 1st official fan meeting on 10/09/26-























Part II























8. Third Stage: I’m a person like this! (original song by DJ DOC)























After the intermission, girls came out with tracksuits and sunglasses on. Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, and Tiffany wore red tracksuits. Jessica, Yoona, and Sunny wore purple ones. Taeyeon and Yuri wore blue ones, and Seohyun wore green one. I have no idea why Maknae didn’t wear blue one to make 3/3/3 lol























Performance was hilarious. They were all playing kkap roles, even not-so-kkap member like Maknae did lol I was also mildly surprised that Maknae did rapping! And, guess what? She was quite good at it! Hopefully, we can see this again during the 2nd ITNW tour someday soon.























9. Second Intermission: 1st year anniversary fan meeting in 2008 film























Girls had to change, so one more film was on the screen. It was from 1st year anniversary fan meeting in 2008. God, they were so young then! At that time, not only Maknae but also Yoong couldn’t drink because they were underage lol























Back then, it was hard to imagine SNSD can be this successful. Of course they were good, but right now SNSD is a mega star, not only in Korea but also in whole Asia. As a member of Sones, I felt so proud of them.























10. SNSD, talk about your members!























Girls came out with gorgeous dresses on. It was all white colors, and girls always look like a real angel when they put white dresses on. After the hilarious performance, they became like an angels. I’m talking about the versatility lol























KSY: (to fans) Did you enjoy the stage? (fans said “yes~”)























KSY: (giggling) You might not see SNSD sing DJ DOC’s song anywhere expect here today. (fans cried)























Tiff: I wanted that song. (laugh)























Yuri: (making innocent expression on her face and said) Did something happen here? (fans laugh)























KSY: So, did you guys prepare this stage only for fans who came here today, right?























Tiff: Of course!























Sooyoung: We thought about “Is there anything we can show our fans only?”, and decided to show them how SNSD usually play when they go to karaoke. (fans laugh) You cannot see it anywhere else but here.























Yuri: We put aside our SNSDness (laugh) You should keep it secret!























Tiff: We made up our minds to show this stage to Sones. But we didn’t know we have to be like this (wearing white dresses) right after the stage. (laugh)























KSY: Haha, you’re like angels now. It’s puzzling to me. (laugh)























Tiff: Yes, we’re people like this! (laugh)























KSY: OK. We’re really having fun now. Next part is….uh SNSD members wrote memory paper for each member. (In Korean, it’s called ‘rolling paper’) It is called “SNSD, talk about your members!” (fans cried)























KSY: Good. We have 9 pieces of paper here for each member. (at this time, Sunny helped KSY distributing papers) Ha, Sunny, she is really good. Come and join Invincible Youth team again! (fans cried)























(Girls tried to find their papers. They were calling each other and passed the papers.)























KSY: Hey girls, use respected form when you speak to each other! (laugh)























Sooyoung: (to Sunny) This one is for you-ma’am’s! (fans laugh) (She used a kind of on-line word as a joke against KSY’s comment. It’s hard to translate the exact word. It is like adding respected ending to normal word, but it is not really a respected from.)























KSY: Hello? (laugh)























KSY: OK, it seems everyone got the papers. Let’s start reading. Sunny!























Sunny: Um, I can see this one at first glance. “Keep your Sunkyu Unchanging~” (it’s parody of INTW lyric) Since writer couldn’t keep the proper beat on this, it seems Tiffany I guess? (fans laugh)























Tiffany: I know how to keep the beat! (fans laugh)























Sunny: Next one is, “Hey, you totally ignored my joke recently. Watch out! I’m a funny person! Anyway, save me! No, not my life, my joke!” (sigh) I’ve never met a person who is this bad at joke even with the writing! (fans laugh)























Tiffany: It’s just that you read it in a not-so-funny way! (fans laugh)























Sunny: Don’t start with me when you’re the one who’s done wrong! (laugh)























KSY: (looking at Sunny’s paper) How about this one?























Sunny: (giggling) “OK, I know you have nice body, but it’s embarrassing when I see you’re walking naked at home! And, don’t eat only what you like. Don’t eat meat so much, instead drink some milk! You can still grow up!” (fans laugh)























KSY: Don’t eat meat and drink some milk, and you can grow up, hmm….I feel as if it were my own affair. (laugh)























Sunny: Are we not going to disclose who wrote which?























KSY: Well, do it if you like. But usually we can notice easily.























Yuri: Um, I have no idea who wrote it.























Sunny: Since she said she has no idea, I think Yuri wrote it. (fans laugh)























KSY: How unsophisticated there girls are! (fans laugh)























KSY: Well, you can write some stuff you wanna say secretly to each other on this paper, right? How about this? “Sunny, you’re just like me! Don’t play video games too much, and violet color is mine!”























Sunny: Hey, Taeyeon! (fans laugh)























Sunny: Do we have to keep this in secret? We already know each other too well!























KSY: Yes, I guess so.























Sunny: Well, there is nothing special on my paper. It is like “Don’t walk around naked, don’t play video games too much, don’t eat meat too much”…..























KSY: What is this? “Don’t fancy yourself, you video game warrior!” (fans laugh) Sunny, you do like video games, don’t you?























Sunny: Um, I don’t know. It’s just that I’m so good at it. (fans cried)























Sooyoung: But she fancies herself too much!























KSY: Does she?























Sooyoung: Yes, she does!























KSY: Why?























Sunny: (couldn’t help laughing) Well, it’s not I fancy myself too much. The fact is, Sooyoung is such a horrible video gamer. (fans laugh)























KSY: Yes, I know what you’re talking about. (laugh)























Sooyoung: (giggling) Yes, I am very bad at playing video games. When you play Super Mario, there is a time you have to control the character to jump. Sunny is excellent at it. But I die consistently when I play it, and Sunny makes fun of me all the time when she sees it! (fans laugh)























KSY: How?























Sooyoung: She is like “Haha that’s why you’re not good at games! You’re horrible! You’re game-deaf!” (fans laugh)























Sunny: (giggling) At first, I cheered for her. And I gently gave her some good advices like “Hey, you have to get those mushrooms so that you can grow up.” (fans laugh) But you know what? I’ve never seen a person who tried to get mushrooms for 30 minutes! (fans laugh)























KSY: Wow, it’s stifling!























Sooyoung: (biting her lips and said) It’s because I like to eat! (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, now we know Sunny is a video game god. Let’s see Hyoyeon’s paper!























Hyo: Well, there is a dung picture in the middle of my paper. (fans laugh) It says “Hey, Hyo! I’m so happy that I’m at least a part of your funny life! And I hope you like this dung. It suits your dumbfounded and nonsensical psyche well. Please keep staying as a funny member. P.S. Your humor overshadows your dancing skill.” (fans laugh)























KSY: Humor overshadows dancing skill? (laugh)























(at this time, Hyoyeon’s belt was being unbuckled, and it bothered her. So she just completely unbuckled it at passed it to KSY)























KSY: (passing the belt to staff with giggling) Throw it away. (fans laugh)























Hyo: Oh, I just found a very good comment. “You, having many quotations, possessing almost un-human like amazing dancing skill, being child-like innocent, convenient store lover, having such a small face so that it might extinct someday, always making me laugh when being together, listening to others like it’s your own story, having deep affection and free soul, and hating irregular circle. I love you.” (it’s one hell of a long piece lol)























Hyo: She really knows me well.























KSY: Yeah, it seems so.























Sunny: Please read other comments, too.























Hyo: No, you don’t have to know it! (fans laugh)























KSY: (giggling) Why? No more good comments?























Sunny: She read just 2 comments. Maybe those are the only good things. (laugh)























KSY: Let’s see. “Your dancing is brilliant. I learned a lot things in many ways by watching you. But, I don’t want to learn your capricious manner. (fans laugh) Well, too bad I’ve already learned it. (fans laugh) Hyoyeon, do you behave capriciously?























Hyo: I don’t think so, but other girls said so…..























Sunny: Hey, Ms Kim Capricious! (fans laugh)























KSY: Ah, is she?























Sunny: She always makes an appointment for going to watch musical, movie, etc. And she suddenly changes her mind and tells us “I’m not going.” just an hour before we go! Recently, it became worse. She doesn’t even tell us she changed her mind. (laugh)























KSY: Haha. How about this one? “You’re so unpredictable! And unnie! Please do not hit me, it hurts! And please be obedient, dude!, I’m hungry give me some food!, you’re just like this writing, which is mind-boggling!” (fans laugh)























Girls: Wow, it really is Hyoyeonisque! (laugh)























Hyo: Who is it?























KSY: Well, it says “unnie” first and changes to “dude”. (to Hyo) Understand, dude? (laugh)























Sooyoung: (to Sunny) Isn’t it you-ma’am? (laugh)























Tiffany: If it’s Sunny, I’ll be shocked.























KSY: Ah, and next comment is “Going karaoke with you is more exciting than going Disneyland! How could you be so in sync with me! Thanks for playing with me when I dance inside our ban! But, could you please return my vacuum after you use it? I love you.” (fans laugh)























Hyo: OK, Sooyoung. I’ll do it. (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: (with crying voice) It’s from my fans! (fans laugh)























Hyo: Sooyoung always come back late.























KSY: You guys need to clean up your room. (laugh)























Sooyoung: OK.























KSY: Actually, I’ve visited SNSD’s dorm a lot of times, and….























Girls: No no no no no























KSY: And…..























Girls: No no no no no























KSY: (giggling) It was like hell. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, let’s move to Sooyoung’s.























Sooyoung: Ah, let’s see. “Hello honey, number one Japanese speaker! I envy you! When you’re tired and helpless, remember I always pray for you. You’re blessed. Thank god I found you!” (last part was in English) (fans laugh)























KSY: Ah, you just got away with the last part. Please read it again. (laugh)























Sooyoung: (reading fast) Thank god I found you! (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, what about the rest? “Please teach me Japanese. Am I bothering you? No, no? I guess not! please say no! (fans laugh) Yes, thirsty people have to dig a well. (it’s Korean proverb) Can you recognize my handwriting? If so, you’re genius wow!” (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: (to Sunny) Hey Sunkyu, you didn’t want to write it, did you? (laugh)























Sooyoung: Oh, I like this one. “You, being tall and having Barbie girl-like body shape, speaking Japanese fluently, speaking calmly and logically, like eating, being clean, making funny expression well, sometimes being like ajumma, and being tired for calling members to fix the wrong choreography, I love you.” (fans laugh)























KSY: (giggling) Being tired for calling members to fix the wrong choreography?























Sooyoung: Yes, I am the only person who gets tired out because of that. (laugh)























KSY: So, when someone danced wrong, you call her to fix it?























Sooyoung: One day, I listened to the performance through mic, and it includes my voice “Hyoyeona~” (laugh)























KSY: Did Hyoyeon dance wrong?























Sooyoung: Yes. When we do concert, there is a proper movement plan for every member. We set plans to make audiences feeling more touched, like moving right after firecracker sets off, and we need to follow the plan. Because if we don’t, it will be less touching. But some members always move before proper time! When it happened, I tried to call them to come back, but eventually I got tired out. (laugh)























Hyo: (to Sooyoung) If you get caught for moving wrong someday, then watch out! (laugh)























KSY: (to Hyoyeon) Don’t lose your temper, dude! (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: Um, next one is…”You’re the best mate. Thanks for not leaving me alone when I eat something after meals. People have to eat for living, right? Keep staying together for long time, and let’s try not to disappoint each other. I love you.”























Taeng: Ah, well, because of the eating part, it must be Yoona.























Sooyoung: Yes, it must be Yoona.























Yoona: Um…actually it doesn’t belong to the number 1 of my recent concerns (which is “excessive vigorousness” She wrote comments in non-respected form, so she tried to explain it.). It should be written anonymous, so I had discussion with Seohyun and we agreed not to use respected from when we write comments for the papers. And guess what? Seohyun wrote like “You, being ~~~, having ~~~” (laugh) Yes, she didn’t say unnie, but….(fans laugh)























KSY: (laughing) Ah, it was Seohyun? (at this time, Seohyun covered her face with her hands and fans laugh lol)























KSY: Oh, why didn’t you read this one? “Japan is your heaven. I envy you. Your Japanese is too good! (fans laugh) And could you please not put your feet on my face? (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: Well, because of that I moved my bed a bit farther against hers. You know, I can only control myself when I’m conscious. (laugh) But she is mean to me because of my sleeping habit! Of course she was half joking, but I decided to move my bed. Well, even though my legs are long, they couldn’t reach there. (fans cried)























KSY: (to Sunny) Hit her! (laugh) So, you know who wrote this?























Sooyoung: Yes, of course. My roommate, Jessica.























KSY: OK. Let’s see Taeyeon’s. (her face became distorted) Ah, what’s this? God, could you please show it to fans? (to fans) Look at the picture. Ppak! (it’s a farting noise lol)























(Taeyeon laughed hard)























Taeng: (to KSY) Could you please read it for me?























KSY: Ah, you want me to do it? OK. “I set my goal since I saw you having so much fun whenever you hear stories about farting noise. I’ll make you hear farting noise of mine, not faking but real. You should know what I’m talking about. I think of you this much! It seems we got much closer, right? Cause we’re not awkward anymore. Yay, I like it!” (fans laugh)























Taeng: What the….(laugh)























KSY: Who is it?























Taeng: Um, I know a certain member got into this letter(ppak!) recently.























KSY: Ppak! (Taeng laugh)























Sunny: Taeng just loves it! (laugh)























KSY: OK, I’ll make Taeng laugh. (to Taeyeon) Ppak! (fans laugh)























Taeng: (giggling) It’s not funny anymore.























KSY: Pudubdub (another farting noise lol)























(Taeng laughed hard)























Tiff: Taeng is almost crying! (laugh)























KSY: It is funny, isn’t it? (laugh)























Taeng: (to KSY) Do you fart like that? (laugh)























KSY: Mine is ppak! (fans laugh)























Taeng: Next one is, “When you laugh hard so that it seems you’re almost crying, it makes my feeling good. Laugh more. And, why do you sing so well? It’s annoying, ppak! (fans laugh) You laugh like ajumma more and more! Do not abuse me, cause we’re in a similar situation! Though, I like it. Could you please shut your eyes when sleeping? (laugh) I love you. Let’s take care of our health, that’s the most important thing.”























KSY: Ah, you don’t close your eyes when sleeping?























Taeng: Yes.























KSY: Please shut your eyes, then. (laugh)























Tiff: When we were in Japan, I shared the room with Taeng and Sunny. One day, I woke up and the curtains were hanging at the window. Between the curtains, a bit of sunlight went into the room, and it shot Taeng’s face directly. So I saw her face, and Taeng’s eyes were open. I was so surprised, because I didn’t share room for a long time. I really wanted to close her eyes. (laugh)























Taeng: (giggling) I was watching you guys!























KSY: You did? (laugh) You know, we did “Win Win” together, and when we’re at waiting room, sometimes you scared the hell out of me. (made funny expression on her face) Ah, unnie I’m so tired! (fans laugh)























Yuri: Wow, it’s just like Taeng! (laugh)























Taeng: (laugh) Let’s see one more comment.























KSY: Shall we? “Taeng, please take care of your sty. It’s not contagious, isn’t it? (fans laugh) I love you. I envy your voice! Hwaiting! P.S. Take care of your stomachache! When you have an upset stomach, my heart breaks! Do not eat cold, harden food!” Taeng, do you eat cold food?























Taeng: I like cold and harden food. (laugh)























Sooyoung: That’s why she has stomachache.























Taeng: You know, normally people like to eat crunchy laver, but I prefer humid one. (laugh) Same thing for snack. I want it to be humid.























Sooyoung: Um, she even eats tteokbokki (Korean rice cake with chili sauce) like that! She eats it when it becomes harden. She doesn’t heat it.























Yuri: Yes, she is bizarre. (laugh)























Sooyoung: It’s not done yet. She loves cold jjigae. (Korean hot soup)























Jessica: And she eats food on the ground, too! (laugh)























KSY: Does she? Ground beggar? (laugh)























Sunny: I assume that’s the reason her nickname is “Byun Taeyeon” (fans laugh)























Taeng: Ah, I think it’s because I have short temper. It’s like, “Ah, I’m hungry. I don’t care about heating the food. I have to eat it now!” (laugh)























KSY: Hopefully, next time heat it up before you eat.























KSY: OK, next up is Yuri.























Yuri: All right. I’ll start with a good one. “Hello, Kuneo! I like your always positive attitude! Because of you, I can understand everyone better. But, your kkap becomes deepened than pre-debut. Well, I like it anyway. Let’s do kkap more!” Well, I can figure out by handwriting only. It’s Taeyeon. (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, next one is?























Yuri: (giggling) “You, always making cheerful expression, workout lover, enjoying eating yam, Mickey lover, doing your best at everything, though sometimes being timid, always trying to act generous, trying to enjoy many things, very well-matched with your nickname ‘coffee’, and possessing black skin, I love you.” (fans laugh, and Seohyun already cover her face with her hands lol)























KSY: Haha, yeah that person. Next?























Yuri: Um, “Hey! Don’t scold Tiffany for being loud. You’re not that far off! We’re gonna be kicked out from our apartment! Sound of your laughter is huge! And, please don’t make bizarre expression when there are many people! If you do it like that, then I’ll make you do the same thing in front of our fans! I love you. You’re my reflection.” (fans laugh)























KSY: Hm, don’t scold Tiffany for being loud…Is it you, Tiffany?























Tiff: Yes, it’s me. Yuri, you’re louder than me! (fans laugh) Yuri’s voice is very loud. But she always tell me “Hey Tiff, you’re too loud!”, and it makes me embarrassed. You know, other members know Yuri is loud.























Sooyoung: Well, the loudest one is Tiffany.























Tiffany: No, we’re not that different!























KSY: I’ve visited your dorm, and guess what? Tiff, you’re the loudest. (fans laugh) And Yuri is the second. (laugh) Next one?























Yuri: “Yes, you are loud! I couldn’t tell you yet, but I had a hard time in my room because of your loud voice! And don’t get mad, it’s scary. Please be less talkative! And when you get up early, don’t wake me up in a peculiar way! Let’s go out for somewhere! I love you. P.S. We need table, desk lamps, and speaker between our beds!”























KSY: What’s that?























Yuri: It’s my roommate, Yoona, and she wrote down what we need in our room.























KSY: Well, Yoona wrote in a non-respected from, but still Seohyun wrote like “You~being~having~” (fans laugh and Seohyun covered her face again lol)























Yuri: Ah, this one is, um, never mind.























KSY: Why? Let’s see. Hm, it says “Yuri, I have nothing to say, but I lov, um love you. And when we’re at the car, please don’t put your feet up because it stinks. Though your toe dancing is cute!” (fans laugh)























Yuri: I know who wrote this! It’s our manager oppa. He wrote it for fun!























Taeng: Wow, he’s being active.























KSY: I guess so. Don’t put your feet up because it stinks, well…(laugh)























Yuri: (almost crying) No, my feet don’t stink! Our family doesn’t have feet smell congenitally! (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, your family?























Yuri: (to her mother) Mom, we don’t, right? (fans laugh)























Yoona: Yuri cannot stand this sort of joke. (fans yelled) Well, joke is a joke. One day, manager oppa said “We should’ve cut Yuri and started SNSD.”, and Yuri was like “Oppa, are you serious?” and asked other members “Do you think like that, too?” (laugh)























KSY: OK, it was Yuri whose feet stinks and possesses black skin. (laugh) Next, you, being Maknae, Seohyun! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Yes.























Girls: She is a rhapsodist. (laugh)























Seohyun: (laugh) Um, let’s see. ”Please….bring back your flexibility. But I love that you’re Maknae of our team.”























KSY: Ah, talking about your flexibility. Well, who is it?























Hyo: I think it’s the one who sits at the very end of the right side. (laugh)























Yoona: No, it’s not me.























Seohyun: Um…Sunny unnie? (Sunny turned her head)























KSY: Um, Ms Lee Sunkyu is pretending it’s not her. (fans laugh)























Seohyun: “Hello Maknae! You’re having a hard time. Personally, I’m so curious when and with whom you will marry. I mean, I’m really curious. Well, you’ve already married once though. You’re that weird, and well, I’m just curious. As Maknae, I want to see you keep behaving well like now!” (sigh, and fans laugh)























KSY: Why do you sigh? (laugh)























Seohyun: Ah, no, never mind. (laugh) Well, this one is long!























KSY: “I like Yonghwa, too! For him, I can let you go. (fans laugh) Sorry for being tough. But please understand that my love for you is suuuuuuper big! And you’re getting prettier! I envy you! You’re too perfect! OK, maybe not. But you’re Umchinddal. (it’s an on line term which means a woman who is good at virtually everything.) I love you.”























KSY: Oh, and one more. “You have changed! You don’t play with unnies! Only things you do are filming We’ve Got Married and going to school. Do you like it?” (fans laugh)























Seohyun: (laugh) Wow, unnies….























KSY: It seems everyone envies you, Seohyun. “Maknae! Do you feel good cause you’ve got married? You’re cool! The night when we go to Japan, well, you looked much different. You’re brilliant! I love you.”























Seohyun: Who is it?























KSY: What happened?























Seohyun: (still looking around) Who is it?























Jessica: It’s me! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Oh~~ really?























Jessica: You sat right beside me then.























KSY: So what exactly happened that day?























Seohyun: Well, one day…..I’ll never forget….























KSY: Um, why?























Jessica: Well, you don’t have to know it. (laugh)























Yoona: Seohyun showed her loyalty to us. (laugh)























KSY: Ah…..























Yuri: She showed her loyalty with tears…























KSY: OK, let’s move on.























Seohyun: I want to read this one. “Each of your word made me see the world positively. Sharing room with you, I always feel I really have a great roommate.” Thank you, unnie.























KSY: Ah, your roommate. Who is it?























Seohyun: It’s Hyoyeon unnie. (at this time, Hyoyeon made funny expression on her face)























KSY: (laugh) What’s that?























Hyoyeon: (proudly) Well, it’s me. (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, OK. Let’s see other comments. “Hyun, I’m glad you have more flexibility now! Good job! Do you like Yonghwa? Then tell me, I’ll push for you! What am I talking about? (fans laugh) Hyun, let’s take good care of our skin. You have to maintain your skin health. Don’t lose to Jiyoung or Sulli! (fans laugh) Because you’re goddess!” (fans cried)























Seohyun: (to Sooyoung) OK, I’ll do it so please let me sleep. (laugh)























KSY: Ah, it’s Sooyoung. Yes, age is just a meaningless number.























(and she moved to the next member, Jessica. Jessica said something to her.)























KSY: (giggling) Well, shut up. (fans laugh, and Jess also laughed and touch KSY’s abdomen)























KSY: (to Jess) Don’t touch my abdomen cause it hurts my pride. (fans laugh)























(Jess showed KSY her paper, and waited for her to read it.)























KSY: (giggling) You go ahead and read! (fans laugh)























Jess: “When I walk with you, I want to hold your foot rather than your hand. (laugh) I’ll tell a man who really loves you this. Please put a ring on your 4th toe, not 4th finger. (Jess laughed so hard. She almost cried lol) (to KSY) Look at this, unnie.























KSY: (giggling) Well, there is a foot drawing on paper. (fans laugh) Yes, there is a ring on the 4th toe! (fans laugh) Let’s read the rest. “Your toe is so innocent that it’s impossible to tell a lie. Whoa, I became more interested in you. As a member and as a friend, I love you till the day the dead skin cell on your heel grows 5cm.” Well, you guys really love each other in a dirty way. (fans laugh)























(at this time, Hyoyeon made funny expression again.)























KSY: (laugh) Ah, is it you again?























KSY: Well, this one looks um...(to fans) we don’t know who is it, it’s a secret, right?























Jess: (giggling) Yes, it’s a secret.























KSY: (giggling) “You, being a natural enemy of cucumber in previous existence,”























Jess: (giggling) “You, raising rats on your feet,” (In Korean, cramp and rat are homonyms.)























KSY: “You, doesn’t like fish but catching it well,”























Jess: “You, possessing feminine image,”























KSY: “You, chewing noodles once before swallowing,”























Jess: “You, looking like a cold person,”























KSY: “But possessing warm heart inside,”























Jess: “You, being tender-hearted and being easily moved to tears,”























KSY: “You, having sweet and pretty voice,”























Jess: “You, sleeping princess, who barely moves until we wake you up for the tenth time,”























KSY & Jess: (facing Seohyun) “I love you” (fans laugh) (during this talk, Seohyun could not raise her head lol)























Jess: (to Seohyun with smiling) Love you, too.























KSY: Sleeping princess. Jessica is a sleeping princess. (giggle) OK, next up is Yoona.























Yoona: (giggling) I can’t help but laughing when I opened it. What a great mentor she is!























KSY: (giggling) Who’s your mentor?























Yoona: She wrote down very meaningful 2 letters.























KSY: 2 letters?























Yoona: It’s “Ah~Nwa~” (fans laugh) (It’s another Korean on-line term. People use it when they’re in an annoying situation.) She wrote it with a picture!























Hyo: I had a lot of things to write for Yoona, but Ah~Nwa~ (laugh) I couldn’t write because I had no time. I thought Yoona will understand me without saying much, so…























Yoona: Uh, I wanted to hear it from you, though….























KSY: Well, it might be better. How about other comments? “Despite being so pretty, why do you play like that, unnie? (fans laugh) You’re not utilizing your pretty face at all! If you can’t, then just sell it! For 3000 wons! (fans laugh) Well, is it too expensive?”























Yoona: Um…isn’t it Sunny unnie’s comment?























KSY: Well….(Sunny made a funny expression) haha is it you, Sunny? OK.























Yoona: “Yoong! When I feel sad, you’re being sad, too. When I find something funny and try to tell you, you already found the same thing. When I feel sleepy, you, too. And especially when I feel hungry, you’re always with me. Lovely Yoona, please do not perform a weird dancing in front of many people. (fans laugh) And do not hang out with Hyoyeon too much, cause you’re getting capricious! I love you.”























KSY: Haha, don’t hang out with Hyoyeon cause you’re getting capricious. (laugh)























Yoona: (giggling) And I have no idea who this is…























KSY: (giggling) Ah, you really don’t know who wrote it? (fans laugh)























KSY: “You, used to making catfish expression on your face,”























Yoona: “You, possessing beautiful face like jewels,”























KSY: “You, loving t-shirt with hood, and matching especially well with long hair,”























Yoona: In brackets, it says “It’s not that short hair doesn’t fit you well.” (fans laugh)























Yoona: “You, being easy-going just like boys, and often feeling nausea,”























KSY: “You, often feeling cold, and possessing broad-mind,”























Yoona: “You, taking good care of other people, and being passionate at acting just like actresses,”























KSY: “You, being loyal, and having the longest arms among us,”























KSY & Yoona: (facing Seohyun) I love you~ (fans laugh)























KSY: (giggling) She really is a rhapsodist. (laugh)























Yoona: I feel disappointed. Because when I counted the comments, it was just 7. There should be 8 comments, right?























Sooyoung: I have only six. (fans laugh)























Yoona: And one member wrote just “Ah~Nwa~”, and I found out Taeyeon unnie didn’t write.























Taeng: Didn’t I write?























KSY: Taeng, did you write it?























Taeng: Um, I don’t know. I thought I wrote it.























KSY: Well, you guys gave lots of members, maybe that’s why you forgot someone?























Tiff: Um, I was the last person who wrote these, and last time I checked, there were 9 or 10 comments on Sunny’s paper. (laugh)























Taeng: (to Sunny) Didn’t you write your own comments, unnie? (fans laugh)























Sunny: (giggling and reading her paper) “How can you be so perfect? Even your name is perfect! Sunny, without you, SNSD can’t survive! You’re amazing and real!”























KSY: (interrupting Sunny) You wrote them, right? (fans laugh)























Tiffany: Well, there has to be 8 comments, but she has 10 or more. (laugh)























Hyo: I have 8~























KSY: (picking up Sunny’s paper and reading) “I love you unnie! Unnie, you’re the best! Don’t listen to others cause you’re the best! Unnie, you’re my favorite! Love you, Sunny jjang Sunny the best!” (to Sunny) You also wrote these, right? (fans laugh)























Taeng: Ah, I’m very sorry for Yoona. Perhaps I was confused because we have so many members. I thought I wrote it.























KSY: I guess so. (to Taeng) Ppak! (fans laugh)























Taeng: (laugh) Tonight, I’ll buy Yoona a dinner.























Yoona: Really? I didn’t mean it, but…(laugh)























KSY: OK, next. Ha, Tiffany, yours look pretty.























Tiff: I guess members wrote my paper first.























KSY: Well, usually people write very hard at fist, and it gets lesser and lesser, and at last it becomes like Yoona’s. (laugh) OK, Tiffany?























Tiff: This one is impressive. “Unnie, I’m cuter, funnier than you. I’m jjang! But my voice fails me! Because of your voice, I am always overshadowed. Ah~Nwa~” (laugh)























Tiff: “I feel reassured because of you, unnie! Only you, Tiffany unnie is good at pointing out with loud voice!” (laugh) “You’re born to be loved~” (It’s a song) (laugh)























(at this time, Hyoyeon made another weird expression on her face)























KSY: (to Hyoyeon) Haha, professor Kim. Stay there.























Tiff: And….(laugh)























KSY: (picking up Tiff’s paper and reading) “Tiffany, who is more glowing than mushroom.” (It’s a joke. Usually girls make fun of Tiffany by calling her ‘Tiffany, who is shinier than mushroom.’ It’s kind of a variation.) (fans laugh)























Tiff: She drew picture of mushroom here. (laugh)























KSY: (giggling) “Recently, there are many attempts to steal your eye smile! I’ll handle all of them! How dare you imitate Tiffany’s eye smile! (fans cried) Tiffany, it’s your trademark, and it makes everyone happy, so please stay as the queen of eye smile. Ahig!”























Tiff: Ahig! (laugh)























KSY: Who is Ahig?























Taeng: (with cute voice) Ahig! (fans cried)























Tiff: Well, it became stressful for me. Because, recently many idols debuted, and there are many people who have great eye smiles, including our junior, Sulli.























KSY: Um, I can say Tiffany has better eye smile than XX. (she intentionally mumbled. Fans laugh)























Sunny: Better than whom? Say it clearly.























KSY: XX (still mumbling) (fans laugh)























Tiff: Thank you.























KSY: How about other comments?























Tiff: Well, you mean this one? I have lots of funny comments.























KSY: “You have a really great, rich voice!”























Tiff: “You’re such a cool person. But do not try to be funny.” (fans laugh)























KSY: “You’re funny enough when you’re not trying to be funny.” (fans laugh)























Tiff: “I want to be cute, and be good at English just like you. And watch out your Totoro!” (Totoro is a famous Japanimation character.) (laugh)























KSY: “Always smile and be cheerful! I love you.”























Tiff: Totoro is one my favorite characters and I have its doll. Totoro gave me hope when I was a kid. The doll is very precious to me, and it is at my bed. But one day, girls plucked its whiskers! And they took its picture and pretended they kidnap it! They were like “Bring 200 million dollars tomorrow at XX, or I’ll never give it back to you.” (laugh) I was very shocked, so I moved it to our Japan dorm, and it appeared to be finished. Now they’re threatening me again here.























KSY: That’s why she wrote “Watch out your Totoro” (laugh) And, what’s this. “Yuri unnie took too much space!”























Tiff: (giggling) Yuri wrote “Sorry. I used too much space. Please don’t be too mean to me. It’s my mistake.”























KSY: She must’ve used big space. (Tiffany showed her paper to KSY.) Ah, in the middle of the paper. (silence) Um….who wrote it in English? (fans laugh)























Tiff: “Hey yo partner! No need to say.” (It was in English)























KSY: OK. So what does it mean?























Tiff: It means I don’t have to say.























KSY: I don’t have to say?























Tiff: It’s Jessica. She must’ve been tiresome. (laugh)























Girls: No, it doesn’t mean ‘I don’t have to say’, it’s rather ‘You will know it without even saying’























Jess: You know, there is a relationship that doesn’t need many words. That’s why I wrote it. (fans cried)























KSY: Oh, and there is another one! Everyone, we have another comment from anonymous. (fans laugh)























Tiff: She wrote it at the very end of the paper. (laugh)























KSY: OK, should I start? “Being loud means~”























Tiff: “Having rich voice,” (fans laugh)























Tiff: “You, possessing the best advantage as a singer,”























KSY: “You, making other people happy when smiling,”























Tiff: “You, loving our members more than anybody,”























KSY: “You, matching so well with short hair,”























Tiff: “You, making us happy with your dancing” (laugh)























KSY & Tiff: “You, being warm, and being easily moved to tears, I love you.” (fans cried)























Tiff: (to Seohyun) Is my dancing funny? (laugh) I’m serious when I dance.























Sunny: It’s funny because you’re serious. (fans laugh)























Seohyun: It’s funny.























KSY: Well, we should give Seohyun another nickname, “I love you” (fans laugh) She wrote them all at the same place.























Seohyun: Yes, I did. (laugh)























11. Hyoyeon’s birthday party























KSY: Good. You guys probably have talked a lot before, but writing words on paper can be felt a little bit different, right? Hopefully everyone keep its paper preciously, and we have something to celebrate now. (fans cried, and big cake came out) As you know, 22nd was Hyoyeon’s birthday. It was Chuseok holiday, so we planned birthday party with Sones today. (fans cried)























Tiff: Wow, Hyoyeon’s cake is the biggest.























KSY: Hyoyeon, please come out. Let’s sing a birthday song for her.























(at this time, Seohyun was aiming firecracker at Hyoyeons’ chin.)























KSY: (laugh) Seohyun, why do you put it on her face? (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, 1,2,3! (fans and girls all sang a birthday song together for Hyoyeon)























Girls: Tell me your wish!























KSY: So Hyoyeon, is it your…























Hyo: (giggling) It’s my 20th birthday. (fans laugh)























KSY: Ah, you know I have knife in my hand. (fans laugh)























Hyo: OK, it’s my 21st birthday.























KSY: Well, we have beautiful cake, but the knife is…(fans laugh) Look, it’s too big. (laugh) OK, we’ll cut the cake, and then, we’re gonna listen to Hyoyeon.























(Hyoyeon and other girls gathered, and cut the cake together.)























Jess: Too bad it’s not a whipped-cream cake!























Tiff: I agree.























Hyo: Thank you very much.























Girls: Wow, it looks delicious, though.























KSY: Hey, you are SNSD. (fans laugh)























(girls still gathering and trying to eat cake lol)























KSY: Hold yourself! We can eat like mad person after the show. (fans laugh) OK, Hyoyeon, how do you feel?























Hyo: Um I spent my previous birthdays with members, but it is the first time I have birthday party with Sones. (fans cried) Thank you so much. Ah, I don’t know what to say. Actually I’m feeling cheesy.























KSY: Well, you look tearful.























Tiff: Yeah, she does.























Hyo: I am so touched. Can’t describe how I feel. Thank you. Hopefully I can have birthday parties with Sones for thousands years.























KSY: OK, congrats to your 22nd birthday, Hyoyeon. I had to nitpick. (fans laugh)























12. Ask questions to SNSD!























KSY: Well, we had time to know what SNSD members think, so this time we’re gonna let fans ask questions to SNSD. (fans cried)























KSY: We have fans’ questions in here. You can pick one question by a person, and answer the question. OK, Sunny!























Sunny: “It’s the golden age of idols. What is the attraction point of SNSD, which is different from other groups? You can show it to us if you want.” (fans cried)























KSY: Hmm, what’s the attraction point of SNSD?























Sunny: Well, it could be familiarity, and diversity, of course, but I think cuteness must be the biggest reason? (For latter part, she said with a typical cute-Sunny voice lol) (fans cried)























Sunny: There could be sexiness, or something else, and we have lots of…























KSY: OK, next! (fans laugh)























Hyo: “How do you feel when you see Sones’ pink lightsticks at the stage?”























KSY: How do you feel?























Hyo: When we see Sones’ lightsticks, we get lots of energy. Of course we can give out fans some energy, but it’s almost indescribable how much energy we get from our fans. At our concert, I almost cried when I stepped up to the stage. We’re so thankful to our fans. (at this time, she pretended to cry, and fans laugh) Please cheer for us all the time! (fans cried)























KSY: Good. Sooyoung?























Sooyoung: “Until now, what choreography was the most memorable? If you have any episode for it, please let us know.”























KSY: What was the most memorable one?























Sunny: For Sooyoung, it must be Genie, I guess?























KSY: Yes, perhaps.























Yuri: Sooyoung remembers all the choreography, even other members’, too. She is bright. Sometimes we had to perform as 7 members or 8 members, and we have choreography for certain formation. But when we get confused, Sooyoung always let us know because she remembers everything. And she remembers previous choreographies very well, too. (fans cried)























KSY: Then show us anything among them.























Taeng: In RDR choreography, there is a part which shows Sooyoungs long legs pretty well. (fans cried) You know, standing as a diagonal line…at practice room, she taught other members how to do it.























Hyo: Ah, twisting pelvis! (fans cried)























KSY: Sooyoung, show us how to do it!























Sunny: Sooyoung has such long legs, so even though we stood as a diagonal line, one of her leg hit my shin! (fans laugh)























(Sooyoung showed twisting pelvis dancing in RDR choreography, and fans cried)























Sooyoung: We should dance together to make it look great.























Taeng: Honestly, I wanted to see her dancing. (laugh)























KSY: (laugh) You did?























Taeng: (giggling) Because she is so good at it!























Sooyoung: Actually, choreographer told me that I have a good feeling when I perform this part.























KSY: So that’s why Taeng personally wanted to see you!























Sooyoung: I guess so. (to Taeng) I’ll show you more at home. (fans cried)























Taeng: OK. (laugh)























KSY: Next, Taeyeon!























Taeng: “I heard you guys did guardian angel thing at the beginning of the year. How was it?”























KSY: You did?























Taeng: Yes, when we prepare for “Oh!”, we did it for fun. We assumed it will last long. (fans laugh) So we thought it is a good idea, and did it. However, because of hard schedules, it came to nothing. But we let each other know who the guardian angel was. (laugh)























KSY: Ah, because you guys were busy, it came to nothing….























Taeng: Yes. But now we’re doing Japan activity, so it will be fun if we do it again.























KSY: Ah, do it again, and when you have fan meeting in Japan, tell fans that…























Jessica: It came nothing again. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK. Next, (to Yuri) you, having black skin! (fans laugh)























Yuri: “I wonder you guys stay at dorm like you do in Korea. If you do, are there any changes in roommates?”























Yuri: Ah, I think we told you already, anyway, we use two floors, 2nd, and 5th. In 2nd floor, there are Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Yoona. No changes in roommates. In 5th floor, there are Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Sooyoung, and Jessica. (she faltered a bit when she said the last part lol)























KSY: Hey, how can you forget it? (laugh)























Sunny: Yuri is like that all the time! (laugh)























KSY: Well, when I go to Japan someday, please allow me to stay there. (laugh)























KSY: OK. (to Seohyun) Hey, I love you~ (fans cried)























Seohyun: Yes!























Tiffany: The cheesiest member of all time, Seo Ju-Hyun! (laugh)























Seohyun: “When do you feel proud of being SNSD?”























Seohyun: Um, I think it’s when all 9 members perform at the stage together. (fans cried) Behind the stage, we’re just like other girls. We played like normal teenage girls.























Jessica: (to Seohyun) Twenties, I guess?























Seohyun: Ah, you’re right, twenties. (fans laugh)























KSY: Haha, she is feeling being old again! (laugh)























Seohyun: Woo, I feel being old exactly the situation like this! (almost crying) I’m twenty! Anyway, we played like normal twenties behind the stage. But when we’re at the stage, we become completely different people. So when we perform together at the stage, we feel proud of being SNSD.























KSY: That’s cool. Give them applause. (fans applaud) Next, Jessica!























Jessica: OK. “What is your most ashamed TV broadcasting experience?”























KSY: What was it?























Jessica: Ah, when I had to do some aegyo, or had to make cute expression at entertainment program.























Sunny: Personally, I’d pick “Nililia”. It was at Starking. (fans yelled)























Jessica: Wow, I didn’t know it is that memorable.























Sooyoung: (to fans) Do you know Jessica once learned pansori? (it’s one of Korean traditional music genre) (fans cried)























Jessica: (laugh) Well, perhaps nobody knew it. We could keep it as a secret! (laugh)























KSY: Then, let’s see how you do it.























Jessica: Really?























KSY: Yes. (to fans) Do you want to hear it? (fans said “yes~”)























(Jessica sang “Nililia~ Nililia~Ninano~” and fans laughed hard. If you don’t know what this is, check Starking 100206. It was exactly the same.)























Jessica: Well, Kang Hodong oppa would love it if he saw this. He made me do it.























KSY: Ah, he did? Anyway, do not talk about him cause he’s not here. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, it was Jessica, who has ring in her 4th toe! (fans laugh) Next, Yoona!























Yoona: “I heard there are members who got drivers’ license recently. Who are they, and how do you feel when you take the car driven by other members?”























KSY: There are members who got drivers license, right?























Yoona: Yes. We have 4.























KSY: Who?























Yoona: Please put your hands up!























KSY: Yuri, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Sunny.























Tiff: They ignore other members after they got them. Especially Yuri, she always said “I’m capable woman!” (fans laugh)























Yoona: They all drive pretty well. But, I always feel I have to buckle up my seatbelt tight, and make sure I have proper insurance before I take it. (fans laugh) Still, they are better than I expected.























Tiff: Sooyoung drived me recenctly. And I told her to turn right at the traffic lights, and she was like “Why are you telling me now! You should’ve told me at least 500m before!” (laugh)























Sooyoung: Hah, it’s…well, never mind. You can’t understand until you actually drive it. (fans laugh)























Tiff: I have an experience. (laugh)























Sooyoung: (ignoring Tiff’s comment) Well, inexperienced driver usually doesn’t know the streets well, so they have to prepare earlier. If you want to make a right turn, you have to tell me much earlier. If not, there will be so much confusion. Therefore, we could drive only straightforward that day. (laugh)























KSY: OK. Tiffany?























Tiff: “What do Sone mean to SNSD?” (fans cried)























Tiff: Well, it’s a very tough question. If I describe it as a single word, Sone is SNSD’s ‘Genie”. (fans cried) We sang a song which said we’ll be our fans’ Genie, but actually it’s Sone who makes our dreams come true. Um, it’s getting cheesier. (laugh) I wrote it at thanks to of our albums before. We do music for our fans, and our fans always love us more than we expected. They care for every single member of SNSD much. So I always feel thankful to you. (fans cried) You’re our Genies.























13. Final messages from SNSD























KSY: Well, it’s time to wrap it up. (fans groaned) How did you feel, girls?























Sunny: Time flied so fast. It’s just over 2 hours, and…..(silence)























KSY: OK, Don’t be absentminded! (fans laugh)























Sunny: (giggling) I tried to remember what we did today, and memory paper thing lingers in my mind. (laugh) Because of Japan promotion, we couldn’t get the chance to meet our fans recently. Hopefully it could soothe you a bit, and this is just the first step, because you’re official Sone 1st, and it’s a first fan meeting. Which means we have plenty of time, with plenty of opportunities to meet again. I wish we can build our memories step by step. (fans cried)























Tiff: It feels like spending time with family on holidays. It’s been a long time since we last met, but still we can talk loudly, and relaxed. It was nice to share good words, and it makes me feel warm. (fans cried)























KSY: How about you, Yoona?























Yoona: Um, at the time we just started Japan activity, I told Sones do not cheat while we’re not here couple times. (laugh) I could not be at the fan meeting in 2008 as you saw during the intermission. I could say hello to our fans by phone call only then. Well it was a little bit different but anyway, I was sorry for that. It’s so good that this time I could actually be here, and hopefully the fans that came here today will join the 2nd Official Sone, too. (fans cried)























KSY: Jessica?























Jess: It was fun. It’s good to have a lot of conversations. But it would’ve been better if we could listen to you more. It seems we talked to each other too much. (laugh) Hopefully we can meet again next time, and I love you Sones. (fans cried)























KSY: Seohyun? I love you? (fans laugh)























Seohyun: It was the first time we did official fan meeting. I’ll never forget today. When people have ties, I think it is for the lifetime especially the precious one like ours. I don’t even think you will cheat on us. (fans laugh) I’m serious. (laugh) I believe you love us not only because our looks but also our inner selves. Since we’re tied in a good way, I wish we can grow old together. (fans laugh) I know the word can be heard weird, but I want to share my time with you for a long time. When SNSD become ajjumas, then you’ll become ajjuma fans, right? (fans laugh) Well, anyway I love you~ (fans cried)























KSY: Good. Yuri, you, having black skin?























Yuri: (laugh) I liked it because we could be very honest. You know, when we meet old friends, we know what each other thinks even without saying. Old friends understand me whatever I do, because, they are old friends! I think we showed you the natural part of SNSD today. I feel reassured, and I realized yet again we have so many people who are at our side. Thank you so much. Hopefully we can share the same memories when we become older. (fans cried)























KSY: Taeyeon?























Taeng: While we’re at the hair shop preparing for today, we wanted to do more than usual because today is a special day. We considered fan meeting is very important for us and our fans. I think we showed a bit unusual selves to you, and I assume it was successful, right? (laugh)























KSY: Yes, it was.























Taeng: And even though we started overseas promotion, I feel so reassured that we have this many Sones in Korea. It will keep us strong when we feel tired and lonely. For all of you, and for ourselves, we’ll try to perform good music on an on. Thank you. (fans cried)























KSY: Sooyoung?























Sooyoung: As Yuri said already, whatever we do or say, fans here know who we really are and don’t think us strange. As you know, SNSD wasn’t always cruising. There were lots of misunderstandings, and lots of painful stuff for us, but fans here always believed us and always supported us. That’s why we could say whatever we want, and we could even show us wearing tracksuits to you. (laugh) It was such a nice time. Pink ocean is so pretty. It’s even prettier than SNSD. (laugh) I hope you’ll stay the same for a long time, and as much as you feel proud of us, we’ll try our best so that you can proudly say “I’m a fan of SNSD” to anybody. Thank you. (fans cried)























KSY: Hyoyeon?























Hyo: Well, I’m really serious. It’s not a joke. All I can say is I feel exactly same as other members. (fans laugh)























Hyo: I’m really really serious.























KSY: (laugh) OK. Well, I was happy to be here today. I’ve seen them since they debuted, and um…I’m not used to talking about myself. (laugh) SNSD had heartbreaks, concerns, and of course happy memories, too. I saw them going through all of them, and told them they should still feel happy because they have many people who support them. I envy SNSD because they are such happy girls. I’m very proud of them, and I wish good luck on their Japan promotion. Please give good supports to SNSD, and it’s an honor for me to be the MC of 1st official fan meeting of SNSD. (fans cried)























KSY: SNSD prepared last stage for the fans. It’s the song for Sones. It’s called “Forever”. (fans cried) Give them applause.























Girls: Thank you, Shin Young unnie~























14. Final stage: Forever























This song always makes me being touched, and this time it was no exception. During the performance, girls were tearful, too, but they sang pretty well till the end. After the stage, girls greeted fans and everybody chanted “지금은 소녀시대! 앞으로도 소녀시대! 영원히 소녀시대!”, and girls left.























15. Epilogue























What else should I say? These girls rock! I don’t know if there is anybody who can be this adorable without trying to be adorable. They actually act like a loud teenage girls, and guess what? It makes them even lovelier!























Though it’s one hell of a long piece, I hope you enjoyed it. Girls said a lot of funny things, but due to the language barrier, you might not get it perfectly. Wish I could minimize the gap by this fan account.























One thing I really hope every Sones to remember. Girls said they will try their best to make us feel proud of being their fans. I’m not saying we Sones have to try just like them, but at least we can avoid being jerks. We can make SNSD feel proud of us. If we can be proud of each other, then we can support them until we become ajjuma and ajjussi like Seohyun said.























I really want to share my memories with SNSD, and good Sones for a long time.























Thanks for reading.















































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Thanks everybody!!! for all your lovely contributions!!!





Can't spazz lately coz soompi's still running crazy on my pc...most likely my pc's mad actually. LOL





sun_sun!!! that pink guitar!!! is it this:










Edit: I just realised....it's a different guitar...this pink one if from the Gag Concert show i think. From "SeoHyun's friend". Hahaha!





oh ya...Singapore potatoes!! Please visit my facebook page for our gathering's photo. Thanks to star_sapphire!!










If you don't have FB, please let me know...I'll do the twitpic...my twitter's @jan92ice





I didnt upload all the photos and mine turned out blurry (like yong & ueno juri's). If anyone else have our photos, and dun mind sharing it, please PM me in FB. kekeke!





Sweet Potatoes jjiang ah!!


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Guest DJHinata

pangg: when i was reading your " wish" in my winamp - LoveLight, y,why- Sweet Holiday" and i really want to cry !! omg XD i can't wait for this saturday ! , i only hope that he was a very sweet and nice husband with Hyun and able to created a nice and beautiful memory! blush.gif

and my another wish is , if yonghwa teachs hyun how to fish maybe he have to give her a "back hug" don't you think ? or something like that !! !

Can someone translate this Please ~ Thank You


pareja-pesca-muelle_~PAA440000016.jpg couple_fishing.jpg













i'm not the owner of this artwork ! But i really want to share this beautiful work with all of you ! please visit to the real artist !  http://hjstory.deviantart.com/  



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