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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi..lovely gogumas..Thanks for all about yongseo couple....I'm very happy to read post from all of u...

@masami: Thanks..I'm glad u like it...

@Maedang: yes u right spell my name..ke..ke.ke thanks...^_^

@shml: oww...no need to apologize chinggu. Actually I'm grateful, u share that in here...Thanks ...^_^

Ehmmm After "Jealous Yong" so now as promised...I wanna share Jealous Hyun. It was cuteeeeee...

Jealous Hyun

Case 1 (22 days)


Hyuun: Do you have experience concerning the "two/two day"?

Yong nod....

Hyun: woa, really?

Yong: in school.....

Hyun: when?

Yong: high school..

Hyun: What did u do then?

Yong: After school ended..We watched a movie, ate and went home...

Hyun: Today it's kind of the same.. Did u do anything else special?

Yong: I've never done anything really special..

Darkroom: Ehm of course I was curious..

I thought: " Oh that's how it is..."

Case 2 (couple saving account)


Women: Yonghwa had a transaction before..

Hyun: Really? ohhh...

Yong: What kind of transaction?

Women: Last time during busan

Hyun: Ohhh...I see

Yong: What transaction? Yong a little nervous

Women: Seems like savings

Hyun: Oh u did it before?

Yong: When did I do it?

Women: When you're student

Hyun (Did he have savings experince?) with stiff expresion.

After the women said that is kindergarten registration savings records...

Hyun expresion change from stif expresion become Bright smile expresion.

Case 3 (The reason yong dislike of pool)


Yong: U wanna know the reason for my dislike of pool?

Hyun curious

Yong: There were females playing pool with us.

Hyun: A female?! (with high tone)

Yong: I was with a friend, and competed with the 2 ladies.

Hyun (very serious)

Yong: But I LOST Badly.

Hyun: Really?

Yong: After that, I decide not to play pool anymore.

Hyun (this is really the reason?)

Hyun: I see... (with jealous expresion I think..ke..ke.ke)

Case 4 (ueno juri)

1. (oppa)

Yong: Oppa..(to ueno)

Ueno: Oppa?


MC: Oh....no way!

Y: Practice (calling me Oppa).


Y: (glancing at Hyun) No, nothing.

2 (Yong taking pic with ueno)


Y: Miss Juri…. (bringing out his phone)

H: Do you want me to take a picture of you?

MC Kim: ‘Do you want me to take a picture of you?’!!

MC Park: Look at her eyes!

Y: To boast to my band members~

MC Kim: She didn’t sound so pleased.

H: One, two, three!

H: It didn’t come out very good. Hehe…

MC Kim: The picture is blurry.

MC Park: Did she do it on purpose?

3 (Ueno is yong ideal)


H: Ueno Juri is your ideal, right?

Y: What’s it like to actually see her?

MC Park: It’s a sensitive issue.

Y: Yes, she’s my ideal.

H: So? What was it like?

NY: You should be careful, there.

Y: I think it’s just the same.

MC Park: What’s the same?

Y: …as the image I’ve been imagining.

H: Hmm….You’re right.

Y: Hey~

H: Why?

Y: You’re not jealous, are you?

H: No~

H: No, I’m not like someone~

JW: That kind of remark, ‘I’m not like SOMEONE~’

Yong: An Ideal type is just a type

credit subs: J2dlee, RDR, kimchigourou..

Curious hyun=Jealous

Jealous hyun= Love

Jealous Yong= Love

Thanks everyone....:wub:

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Guest blueswim_boo




























Hi,this is my second post here.Yongseo sure know how to attract my attention.




















dreamyboo..hi,thanks for the greet.glad that i bump into you here.same species?..you mean the boo part,right.hehe.




















I hope you wont misinterpret my post earlier as i dont mind or wont even bugde an inch if they didnt end up together as an official couple.I'm not that cool,ya' all.^_^ .I'm a goguma shipper after all.What i'm trying to say is to lay out is the worst case scenario if they didnt end up as what we want ,cause some of us are discussing about it in earlier post or let say they are indeed now in love and already in a real relationship right now but something come up and they getting heartbroken anyway one day.I love her dearly and if it is within my power,i wont let her go through any heartbreaking moment ever,not with Yong,not with anybody else and if it is within my power,i'll married them right now,let them make beautiful babies,little hyun and yong.Not that i'm saying she will or should just for the sake of her growth (it is nonsensical)but if,if it is bound to happen,i will not worry cause i strongly believe she will survive it gracefully and become a better person.Same goes to Yong if the scenario reversed.Tho,more than anything,i believe just by falling in love is more than enough to inspire us to become a better person.Too cheesy,aite..No tomatoes,please. :P As per right now,what i'm seeing is a 'real beautiful/healthy relationship between a girl an a guy' try to make this relationship work for themselves and i am anticipate where it goes.And i want my feeling to stay content for whatever they store for us in the future.I dont know why i'm babling too much tonight.Enough of my babling.Just thot i need to clear up what i meant in prev post if it wasnt clear before.^_^




















Sophiapia I think the saying is "what doesnt kill us,will only make us stronger".





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Guest miel_1301



Before I start backtracking to read some pages from where I left off since the last time I was in the thread, let me post these latest captures of Seobaby with her Unnies in Japan at NHK as originally posted by silent scream@snsd thread.

Oh, boy! Her Unnies are right when they said in the First Sone Fanmeeting held last Sunday,

26 September 2010, that their Maknae has changed a lot--- She has indeed become more and more beautiful recently.

And her 8 Unnies are equally lovely as well.

SNSD on NHK-E Interview



cr. vjunsak@twitter+silent scream@snsd


And Oh! I see THE RING.


The link to the Interview:

SNSD at NHK-E Interview 29 September 2010


cr: keoconvoineverdie

I see new spazzers. Welcome to Goguma Family!


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Guest missmoomin101

Hi, I am a new fan of Goguma couple.

I would like to highlight two of my findings. Please forgive me if someone else has already talked about this.

- in the 100625 KBS music bank show, Yonghwa has a duet with another SNSD member with Hyun as a background keyboard player. What I noticed is that thru out the whole song, Yonghwa never really look at his partner. You would think that they are all singing their own songs and not a duet. I think maybe Hyun is behind so he doesnt want to appear too friendly with the other girl.

- in another video about May, when Yonghwa was a cohost in the SBS music program (if I remember correctly), his two other cohost were Wondergirls. One of them claims from the start that she like Yonghwa. And then I cannot help but noticed that Yonghwa didnt really dare look at her thru out the whole show.

Now, I find that these are stronger evidence that Yonghwa already has someone special in his heart - Hyun! He doesnt take special interest in other ladies! :)


I've been trying to find that performance everywhere but I can't find it :(  Could you please let me know where I can watch it??

Also, I completely LOVE Yongseo together, they are the best!!  I just started my first year at university and I'm going to be learning Korean, so I hope I'll be good enough to help in the future with WGM translations! 

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Hello fellow gugomas! I'm here again trying to lure you to my blog..kekeke.. I'm actually ashamed of myself, advertising my works like this.. but maybe i'll just call it sharing..


I'll share another Fan fic..




Cupid 1


I'll post again when i'm going to update my fics..


thank you for reading!


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Guest yongseo_fighting

Hi, everyone, this is my second post here. it has been quite sometime since I last posted till I saw what blueswim_boo posted. I just want to say I 100% agree with what you said on Seohyun's growth. Whether things work out between Yong and her, she will able to learn from it and grow. She will be able to sing and play piano with more emotions, knowing what is love (of course, she is also good now). Well said!!

i work in failure analysis field and spend hours analyzing things in lab. And I couldn't help myself from thinking why Yong did not get Hyun's text. And wondering if there is "someone" who did not want him to get her text, maybe deleting the message quickly without him noticing. Yong mentioned he had schedule that morning when Hyun sent him the message. Dangerous!!! Well, let's pray that this is mere nonsense from me and never happened. Must be due to watching too many CSI dramas lately!

Well, I have something to add to the "How you know you are addicted to Yongseo?" list. At least this is what happened to my husband and me!

1. I want so much to have a baby girl like Seohyun:phew:, so what I did is back calculated 9 months from her birthday to plan for pregnancy. Guess what! It's today!! haha.. LOL...

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I've been trying to find that performance everywhere but I can't find it :(  Could you please let me know where I can watch it??




Also, I completely LOVE Yongseo together, they are the best!!  I just started my first year at university and I'm going to be learning Korean, so I hope I'll be good enough to help in the future with WGM translations! 







Here you go :)
























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Guest DJHinata

58548_146842292020652_146842128687335_220644_6807120_n.jpg Hello everyone in Gogumaland !! yonghwa.png

Thanks to everyone with your amazing LONG post !! i love it ! Long post rulz ~ thanks to ichigo_Kawai I love the "jealous post" *hug*

Do you remember the episode when hyun visit the dorm of CNBLUE ? she put socks , well i think hyun is so shy to show her feets look this image from hahamong Show, every soshi do  the massage without socks but hyun doesn't 

♥the therapist says: hyun is so healthy


But i'm not sure about her sock, it's a duck or a chicken ?


i love the fact hyun is more interesting with yonghwa, and that's right we love this couple because they are " slow and sweet" We feel like we are supporting a friend or relative ~ YongSeo Couple definitly are the GogumaCouple


 always With the look !! 

....and for the Final !



EDIT: keke i found this in deviantart (the original belong to caboron) and i can't stop thinking omg i want this for YongSeo couple !! so i open my photoshop and edit !!. can you  imagine Hyun doing this? omg faints *cross fingers*


Have a nice Yongseo Couple Day !! one again thanks to everyone who cares about yonghwa and hyun !! and wellcome to the news netizens here in the thread ♥

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Oh my God, thanx DJHinata. love ur pics. About the socks- Its definitely duck. Did YongHwa ever say that he likes duck before? I dont think so, but every thing Seohyun bought for him, it was only duck. Does it mean something to you guys? :wub:

















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Lovekin, I would respectfully disagree with you on the love and affection part. I don't know about their feelings in June, but in the UJ timeline, these 2 are at the very least, good friends. Good friends love each other. Whether they are attracted to each other is another story. :)






no worries!  i don't doubt that they're good friends.  i feel like yong and seo are comfortable enough to consider the other as such, and their time on WGM progressively strengthens whatever bond they've forged.  when i say love and affection ... 






i mean it in the romantic sense of the phrase, something i personally observe to be non-existent, or at least not yet should you choose to see it that way.  and by attraction, i mean that you can see that they are fond of each other but we don't know to what extent.  basically, i'm trying to separate the perception of intimacy from casual regard.




this is just my opinion, though.  some people would beg to differ and insist that they have developed a meaningful relationship with each other that goes beyond friendship, but i like looking at it from a realistic standpoint.  they love each other in the sense that, like you said, friends can love each other, but i can't dig any deeper into their relationship than what i already perceive as flirtation apart from their friendship.





blueshoes:  thank you for sharing that poster!  i don't know who made that, but it looks like a film advertisement.  very clean and sophisticated, and the pictures were smartly chosen.  i'm curious where the picture of yong is from, though.


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I just saw that new picture of Seohyun with her members. And I find it absolutely extra special if I see her wearing her ring. I don't know why. And I was finding more recent pictures of her to confirm these changes that even her unnies are noticing. They made it sound like whatever their maknae is doing now, it's making her more glowing and more beautiful. Hmm.

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Is the latest episode of WGM subbed?





I can't seem to find it. ):





Can someone show me where I can watch it please?





Thank you!!


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hi all goguma, 
































sweet greeting for you all. :):) i have a questions :
































1.  i don't know any  hangul. in the ep25 when yonghwa say : "I knew seohyun more than anyone else". what does it mean?
















    - he knew seohyun more than, other(boys) knew seohyun
















        he knew seohyun more than jinwoon knew seohyun. he knew seohyun more than TRAX jumgmo oppa know seohyun. :)
















    - he knew seohyun more than, he knew other(girls) ?  
















        he knew seohyun more than he knew ueno juri. so obviously it is seohyun who he knew the most. :)
















    - or he say it ambigously, that his word can mean both of them.
































2. when goguma in the train to see sunrise. in the karaoke room seohyun sing. subbed : "I can let you go, even if I die" .what song is it?
















    does it Jo Kwon / 2AM song?
































3. it is so weird how jinwoon know everything about the seohyun. I know he is a fan of her. maybe he trying to impress her or her unnies 
















while watching WGM. But it so weird how he knew everything.
















    - he knew seohyun play piano. ok every one know.
















    - he knew seohyun must clunch the fist open and close when donate blood. ok every one now.
















    the weird occurence :
















    - he knew victoria (khuntoria couple) favorite ice cream is green tea. i can't found this across the internet.. how he know that? (or maybe just because I didn't found it)
















    - he seem to knew yonghwa will shout staaa~rt. when the bus depart (yongseo ep25).
















    is it possible that jinwoon see /hear the recording before the studio talk? 
















    -- (hope  this 2AM maknae will get surprise from WGM coupled with another girl, so he don't have grudge toward yong.haha) 
















































4. does WGM reality show? or there is scenario behind this. I found the expression of both of them is real. but I found several things are weird. 
















for example when seohyun meet yong at the first episode. why did she purposely bring his blanket with her?
















































@djhinata. thanks for the pic :). by the way. I think seohyun love duck. 
















 - at your pic seohyun wear duck socks.
















 - when they in the sunrise trip, they use duck for eye cover. 
















 - and of course when she give  the toothbrush holder for yong, she give yong the duck.
































thanks :) 

































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I dont want to bother u guys but I have to ask this. Can anyone help me find the link to download all episode from 8~ the current with the engsub plz. :(( Whenever i wanted to watch the goguma couple, I just went to the internet to watch the online version on youtube or baidu, I never thought that I need to download it before. Stupid me rite??? I did re-read more than 200 pages of this thread to find the links( I think I saw them somewhere but I lost :(( ) , I couldn't find them.


Can you please help me? :wacko: Im really appreciate.




Love you all :wub:



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Guest is2kwharss501

hey goguma lovers! Hheheh i want to thank everyone for sharing the pictures!♥♥♥ ^^

now when i look at the pictures it seems like seobaby has more jealous scenes than yonghwa. yonghwa is jealous of jungmo, the boys at her school, ....i think thats it. LOL although he always have this look when she talk about guys, & the editors add some effects to it too. now i want to see yong jealous hehhee cuz its just so cute to watch. i think i enjoy watching them getting jealous at each other O.O oh gosh im weird =x the more i watch them the more i crave. gosh its only TUESDAY! saturday please fly here! XD

@ chyme_31 i read ur CUPID fic! omgosh I LIKE I LIKE I LIKE. but i dont have an account for that blog =x i want to continue reading it too. T.T you should post it here in soompi fanfic cuz i really wanna follow ur story!

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hi all goguma, 




sweet greeting for you all. :):) i have a questions :




1.  i don't know any  hangul. in the ep25 when yonghwa say : "I knew seohyun more than anyone else". what does it mean?


    - he knew seohyun more than, other(boys) knew seohyun


        he knew seohyun more than jinwoon knew seohyun. he knew seohyun more than TRAX jumgmo oppa know seohyun. :)


    - he knew seohyun more than, he knew other(girls) ?  


        he knew seohyun more than he knew ueno juri. so obviously it is seohyun who he knew the most. :)


    - or he say it ambigously, that his word can mean both of them.




2. when goguma in the train to see sunrise. in the karaoke room seohyun sing. subbed : "I can let you go, even if I die" .what song is it?


    does it Jo Kwon / 2AM song?




3. it is so weird how jinwoon know everything about the seohyun. I know he is a fan of her. maybe he trying to impress her or her unnies 


while watching WGM. But it so weird how he knew everything.


    - he knew seohyun play piano. ok every one know.


    - he knew seohyun must clunch the fist open and close when donate blood. ok every one now.


    the weird occurence :


    - he knew victoria (khuntoria couple) favorite ice cream is green tea. i can't found this across the internet.. how he know that? (or maybe just because I didn't found it)


    - he seem to knew yonghwa will shout staaa~rt. when the bus depart (yongseo ep25).


    is it possible that jinwoon see /hear the recording before the studio talk? 


    -- (hope  this 2AM maknae will get surprise from WGM coupled with another girl, so he don't have grudge toward yong.haha) 






4. does WGM reality show? or there is scenario behind this. I found the expression of both of them is real. but I found several things are weird. 


for example when seohyun meet yong at the first episode. why did she purposely bring his blanket with her?






@djhinata. thanks for the pic :). by the way. I think seohyun love duck. 


 - at your pic seohyun wear duck socks.


 - when they in the sunrise trip, they use duck for eye cover. 


 - and of course when she give  the toothbrush holder for yong, she give yong the duck.




thanks :) 






hi!  here's my take on it:




1. when he says he knows seo more than anyone else, he means it the way it sounds.  he believes that he knows her because he's spent so much time with her.  six months together is a good amount of time to observe habits of the people you're with.  i think he said it as a testament to his confidence that he's been able to get to know her better.  i'm sure her SNSD unnies know more (because she'll always turn to them for advice).  it's not that he knows her more than anyone in particular – say, her fanboys – but more in general.




2. "can't let you go even if i die" is the song. 




3. what you find "weird" isn't that weird at all.  2am and 2pm are really close, so i'm not surprised jinwoon knew khun liked green tea ice cream.  i don't know about victoria, though.  jinwoon is very easygoing, and the young idols are all interconnected.  we may not be able to see some information online that's easily available to them through conversation.




with the "staaaart" thing, i'm sure it was coincidence.  again, i wouldn't read too much into it.




4. not sure i understand the question, but WGM is a reality show.  there are some scripted moments, but a lot of the dialogue is spontaneous.  in the first episode, though, the blanket belongs to seo (if you're referring to the pink one).  yong just holds it and uses it when they climb back into the van on their way to the studio.




hope that helps~ smile.gif








maedang:  RDR has subs available for download ep.8 onward.


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Guest Crystal392






Hi everyone!! *waves* Welcome to Goguma Planet new spazzers!!






Thanks to everyone who shared pics, links, screencaps and lots of info about uri YongSeo.






To all the ones who want to watch the episodes with eng subs you can find the links here: http://www.sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/






If I'm not wrong sun_sun subbed the latest ep. Hopefully someone can repost the link ^_^








About Jinwoon knowing all those things, I always believed he knew all those things about Hyun~ because he was her fan (like sleeping before 12 am) but I also found it funny when he knew what was Vic's favorite ice cream. xD I don't think he ever knew something about GaIn so it can be that the WGM crew asked him to do a bit of research about her or gave them a paper with the things she liked so he would know, or maybe he also had a crush on her and researched on his own because he was her fan.. xD hehehe who knows. But I don't think he sees the videos/WGM cuts twice. I agree with lovekin on the other answers




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I watched the cabi mv again..and i'm curious what yong thought when he saw hyun there.
















































































































































































































































Lol maybe he was jealous (because of Chansung xD) or maybe he thought :"Wow my wife is really sexy" xDD

















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