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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello Sweet Potato Lovers! This is my 1st post here, but I hope it won't be the last! excl.gif *Warning* Long post ahead. Skip if you don't want to fall asleep!








































































I was part of the You're Beautiful craze in Soompi during the last quarter of 2009, where 800 to 900 people would gather online at one time (for 2 days of every week while the show was on) and I've never seen such craziness since, until I discovered this thread 2 weeks ago. I've been doing a lot of back reading as I wanted to feel the vibe of this thread before posting. I've spent 2 weeks reading up but only managed to read about 400 or so pages. *wipes sweat* There's just too many pages! :sweatingbullets:








































































It took me until recently to watch the Sweet Potato couple. Why, you may ask? That's because I wasn't that into Jung Yong Hwa. I was one of the few people who didn't like his character in YB. I've heard of CN Blue, but then because of his character portrayal in YB, I wasn't interested to check out his band too! (Yeah, my loss!) You guys and gals don't know how many times I've slapped my hand to my forehead at my bullheadedness since.








































































Okay, so long story short, I was bored with nothing to watch last month (post YB and DWL-another drama) so decided to go back to watching WGM 2. I've loved Ssangchu and Alshin couples in WGM 1, but have stopped watching WGM after they left. After watching the 1st episode of Yong and Hyun, I was a goner. Both kids sucked me right in, and I'm still scratching my head wondering what magic portion have both Yong and Hyun used on me. (Yes, both are kids to me since I can be their mother! That's why I couldn't read the "Adult" version of the fan-fic posted a page back! :wacko:blush.gif Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the writer's fault. She was good! Really good! I just couldn't grasp my mind around Yong and Hyun being "Adult", ya know? Yeah, I'm wierd...)








































































I like that this thread has male members posting their views. It makes for a more balanced read. Trent, Heartbreak warfare, KillionMr, Kubih, Otty, Alucard, you guys are famous in my books because you are the "thorns" amongst the roses. Although I would dare say that the thorns are very welcome indeed by the roses!








































































Gogumas, I'm sorry that my 1st post does not spell out my views on why I love Yong and Hyun or my take on the latest episode. I will leave that to my subsequent posts, if any. Right now, I would like to dedicate my 1st post here to all Goguma lovers of this SeoHwa thread, whom all have contributed one way or another in making this thread a lively and splendid read.

















































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








hey. I was never really into Twitter. but because of YongSeo, I created an account and following YongSeofacts. and this is what I read just now




็Have you ever thought about getting closer to any girl celebrities?....JYH : Seohyun -CPOP magazine Aug- (via/꿈꾸는 다락방)




Guess Yong really is falling slowly to Hyun. or he has already fallen. :)



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Guest mochiling
















































Hi y’all!































































I’ve updated my fanfic, Destined to Love You.  There are two versions, a PG-13 on soompi and a rated R version available (just PM me).  Feedback appreciated as always… happy reading… I hope it keeps you entertained until the next YongSeo episode.





























































































































































Soompi: http://www.soompi.co...howtopic=348764 (see page 5)














































































































Gosh, I hope the links work… I’m still a newbie… I apologize in advance if it doesn’t work… maybe copy and paste? hehehe




























































































































































































































 have read your fanfic, it was awesome,can't wait for the next chapter
































you are really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

















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jnj: thank you. j-b means joongbo <hyunjoong & hwangbo> first season couple, wgm. mianhe for spelling that out here in yongseo thread. don't know how else to do that. sorry again.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































prncsscharming: just finished reading and appreciating your fic on lj. wooohhh that woke us up like ten cups of espresso. thank you very much. i liked and enjoyed it very much. no worries, five of us who read it together are in our mid-20's, all adults!!! more please. we certainly need fics to tide us over until saturday...such a long wait!

































































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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone... :wub:

@Linlixeng (Lissa, Lin, Leigh, Cheng & Mixy I'm very happy....  finally I could read posts from you guys.....yayyyyy.. I'm so so so happy...Thanks.. I love love..love your post...HUGGSSSS...

@ Dreamy boo ...."Waves" Thanks..you are one of my lovely unnie...ke..ke..ke

To everyone... I wanna share these thing....Jealous yoong is sweet...ke..ke..ke (sorry for long post)

Jealous Yooong

Case 1 (Jungshin chinggu) when jungshin chinggu teach hyuun how to play the bass.


MC:He want's her to look at him

Yong just keeps on playing the guitar.

MC:Yonghwa looks so lonely the guitar playing in anger. 

Yong protecting hyun guitar

Jungshin: Can I use the guitar for a seconds?

Yong: Which guitar?

Jungshin: That one (hyun guitar)

Yong: This one (hyun guitar)? No u can't, it's to small for u..

and when Jungshin fingers almost reach hyuun fingers...yonghwa grab jungshin hand...

Yong: Jungshin.....PAY ATTENTION...

case 2 (Minhyuk) When Minhyuk teach hyuun how to play the drums.


Yong feel nervous..

Minhyuk standing close with hyun..and hyuun just focused on drums

Jungshin:Hyung you need to be careful with minhyuk.

Minhyuk: Hold that up with your left leg (to hyuun)

Yong: MINHYUKKK AH........

Right there yonghwa could have been thinking that he should have played the drums instead.

Today minhyuk will be called up to yonghwa's room.


Q: You looked like your getting jealous in the lesson?

Yong: ...just for me...something about the scene was pleasing to me

MC: He looks really sad though

MC: It look's like looking at jinwoon's face in the studio

case 3: Hyun taking pics with her male friends at school


Yong: seohyun-ie...I hear  you're running around taking pictures at school.  You're taking pic with all the guys

Hyun: no I'm not. They ask for pict so there's nothing I can do. Why?

Yong: I'm JEALOUS....

case 4: Johnny Deft


Yong: I've been angry for a whole week

Hyun: Why?

Yong: In the radio broadcast

Hyun : Ah....really


In the radio

HY: Who's better, Johnny Deft or jung yonghwa?

Hyun:.......(unable to answer)

Yong: I'm angry


Yong: coz I'm her husband. She should have chosen me, but ultimately, she still could not give a definite answer.

Case 5: Capo ( Jungmo Oppa)


Hyun: look (capo)

Yong: it's capo..

Hyun: This was when I was practicing. TRAX's jungmo oppa, he's guitar skill is really good. He did me a favour, Helped me with the guitar practice.

MC: What? There seems to be jealously. The momment she mentioned Jungmo oppa, his facial expression...

Yong strumming the guitar in sadness

Yong:(jungmo hyuung?)

Case 6: Jinwoon


Hyun: Have u told me about your overseas concert in Thailand. I only knew about this when jinwoon told me.


Yong: But then...it Seems that she was in contact with jinwoon.

Case 7: Minhyuk


Hyun eat tidbit

Minhyuk: Sister in law

While minhyuk intends to get the tidbit.

Hyuun: really?

Yong eating up the remaining tidbit, preventing other guy from indirectly kissing her. :wub:

Case 8 : Jungshin chinggu

Seo Hyun prepared Cream Spagetti with Jungshin chinggu.


Yong..told minhyuk, "Watch what they're doing" and "Tell me what Jung Shin is saying"

Credit sub: Nulsaranghae, RDR, Sweet potato subs..

I wanna share Jealous hyuun, but next post ...ke..ke..ke

Thanks everyone.. ^_^

@ teoki61 do u mean jealous yong case 7? ^_^ if I'm not wrong that scene from ep 14 (last scene from the video).

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redtulip, not very good as in vid not very clear or not very good



as in yong was doing something else  vicx.gif   crazy.gif





Sorry for not making myself clear, I meant the vid is not very good cos some parts were block by a black object. Not meant to create bad feelings regarding anyone in the thread. Just want to point out that Yonghwa appeared to be "stoned" or "uninterested" when other performances were going on. However, the moment Trax started (Seohyun's pictures appeared) he seem to be more "happy" or "full of energy". Yonghwa even pretended to play the guitar and sing along. Maybe it is the catchy tune. Hee hee please ignore.


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About the "Hurting Your Girlfriend"-issue. We don't *hurt* our girlfriends consciously - you just have a plan and you go through it, no prisoners taken. And afterwards, when she tells you: "I like it, but I was really hurt because you were like this and this.", I'm mostly surprised. "You were? But look at the event I made!" "Yes, but BEFORE that, I was hurt."

I remember my first girlfriend - I was so surprised when she didn't forgave me instantly, because I went through a lot of trouble, you see. (That's called inexperience and naivity, I suppose). Nowadays, I try to be more careful, but there's always something you can do wrongly. Yonghwa is like that; inexperienced, not exactly subtle and really bulldog-y. It'll grow out, if he chooses to use his brain a bit and overcomes his Tripple-A personality.


Best regards,


PS. There are some new updates at Goguma fics over at livejournal (*cough* including an update by me *cough*)

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Hello Everyone :)




I don't know if it was from here or from a different place.




People are claiming that S♥NES AND BOICES had a little bickering/argument bec of last Saturday's episode..




Is this true? Im not sure if i have to bring this up here, it's just that it's ridiculous. Im not a boice, im a sone and i dont think a true sone would fight with a boice just bec of last saturday's episode. That's just too lame and not a sones doing. I am pretty sure it was some petty nonsense comments from antis.




Aigooo, if people gets disappointed bec of last saturday's episode I will definitely laugh at those people. That's insane! everyone knows yonghwa is up to something... kyah so lame!




Anyway if you guys forgot, it was known after the news of them going on a bday trip together, that they went fishing and actually went to a Sweet Potato Field. The place Yonghwa prepared is known for it's sweet potatoes. Oh well, yeah it's a spoiler but it was already told before. I just want to repeat this for those people i call "overanalyzingwithoutusingtheirbrain" aigoo.. (how can you even over analyze without a using your brain? lol")








EDIT: I was thinking of this interview from Sukira before. Thought of sharing this with you guys, for those who haven't seen it yet.




STARTS AT 8:02.. They were talking about a graduation gift though... but still..




We all know Leeteuk is one of seohyun's greatest fanboy. Seohyun was asked what she wants.




Yoona said "ask for a sweet potato field" hehehe







YOng may not have given Hyun a sweet potato field, but bringing her there would be the sweetest.





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Guest Crystal392



Thanks to everyone for all the info you shared, for the screencaps and everything :D


Goguma jjang!


To all the ones wondering what did CNBLUE do on June 26 and 27 and who want to joing Goguma dreamland read anne's amazing post. :)




Beware....I was not in the right frame of mind when I typed this so skip it if you don't want to get a headache....It's just some crazy babbling of a crazy goguma couple fan.



AWWW!!! I just am so in love with this epi....If I am not mistaken the 2nd part of the episode when they were going to the bus was filmed a day after Hyun's birthday right? So if I am not mistaken...CN BLUE had a concert in Japan on the June 26, then on June 27 they had to go to Busan to perform in some event...I remember that when Yong Hwa was interviewed by the host he said that it was the first time he and Jong Hyun had come back since their debut so both their parents were among the audience. It was also in that event that when the host asked the other members what has changed since Yong got married and they said that he always seemed so happy after filming WGM and it was here that Yong commented that since he is married now he has to go back home immediately after the performance and that it takes 5 hours for them get back to Seoul.....but also after the performance some fan accounts said that they went out to have dinner with Yong and possibly Jong Hyun's parents too. I remember also that it was speculated that Yong did indeed come from a well off family since his parents were driving a Mercedez Benz car. So probably they did arrive home very late possibly in the early morning of June 28th so he was unable to text Seo Hyun at exactly 12am. I remember in some interview that he said that he usually leaves his cellphone at home and so he couldn't text her during the ride home since he did not have his phone with him......I also remember that CN BLUE really did not have any visual schedule during June 28th except for Min Hyuk who was a guess in some radio show. When I say visual....there was no schedule posted in their website and no fan accounts of any activity except for Min Hyuk....so what am I getting at this.....I was thinking may be just may be....in the morning of June 28th wouldn't it be nice if Yong and his other 2 brothers (Jung Shin and Jong Hyun) went and caste the location of Seo Hyun's surprise belated birthday celebration. I just have this vision in my head wherein these 3 went to the fishing place and goguma field to set up or probably arrange with "the boss" the surprise for Hyun. May be the reason why Yong was asking if it would be a problem if it was cloudy in the location is he is surprising Hyun with a romantic dinner in a goguma field just for his wife who is in love with gogumas. Hopefully there would be fireworks or if not they would go and watch the night sky while having dinner.....

:wub: :wub: I also would love to see the giving of new rings in this episode. I am hoping for that...but wouldn't it be great if Hyun will be the one to give the ring instead of Yong....It would be her surprise birthday gift for Yong hence his comment during the Nii photoshoot that showed him putting on the ring right after the photoshoot. He said somewhere in the line of "see I am taking care of the ring" and also the recent comment in the Taiwan fan meeting "someone will get mad if I am not wearing it" (sorry can't remember the exact translation...hehehe!!!)


Sorry for the long post just wanted to get it off my chest.....can't wait for Saturday and the story behind the fishing trip.....I hope we will all be in awe and surprised on Yong's surprise for his wife. I just love this couple more after this episode. :wub:



baby_bo: Sis!! *hugs* awww Yong~ is Hyun~'s genie ;)

I don't think it was here on Gogumaland because I've read most of the posts and there wasn't any argument

:D We are a big family!


Btw, welcome to Goguma Planet new spazzers!!! *throws lots of confetti* I hope you will stay on this planet for a very loooong time (if not forever) ^_^


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Thanks to everyone for all the info you shared, for the screencaps and everything :D














Goguma jjang!














To all the ones wondering what did CNBLUE do on June 26 and 27 and who want to joing Goguma dreamland read anne's amazing post. :)




























baby_bo: Sis!! *hugs* awww Yong~ is Hyun~'s genie ;)




I don't think it was here on Gogumaland because I've read most of the posts and there wasn't any argument


:D We are a big family!




















Btw, welcome to Goguma Planet new spazzers!!! *throws lots of confetti* I hope you will stay on this planet for a very loooong time (if not forever) ^_^




anee's post is daebak! hahaha it's okay to think that way, it's possible though. and about the ring, yeah i am hoping it's from seohyun this time.. haha but it would be funny if the one seohyun bought is an expensive ring.. or it could be a bday gift for YOngSeo from SNSD unnies.. that would be cool! hahaha




Crystal, well if it's not from here id be super happy. We've grown and we're all mature here kekeke.. It's not right to get mad at and bash either seohyun or yonghwa just bec of an episode that is not even finished yet lol! I have been to gg soompi thread and no talks about the episode so i am 100% sure it wasn't from there, not from soshified either.. (no way) so im guessing it's either from YT comments or from TABLOID BLOGS full of ANTIs pretending to be a s♥NE or a boice lol..





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Guest Crystal392



Yeah, her posts are jjang! :) hahaha it would be really funny if the one who bought the rings was Hyun~ or her SNSD unnies... always expect the unexpected from uri YongSeo :P


Maybe YOng~ prepared a very romantic dinner or something like that and then Hyun~ showed the gift her unnies gave to both of them (because their bdays are only a week apart).


hehehehehehe I wonder if uri CNBLUE boys sent a gift with Yong~ to their hyung-soo-nim.


YongSeo ♥


It isn't from CNBLUE thread either, like GG thread they almost never talk about WGM there. Maybe it was from allkpop :ph34r: I've no idea, but I'm just happy all our lovely Gogumas understood Yong~ and Hyun~ and Gogumaland is still a happy planet :)


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hello gogumas =)
















































































































































































































































i have a question..the episode where minhyuk offers something to hyun in the car and yonghwa gets jealous..can someone tell me where i cant watch it?? because i watched this episode on rundevilrunsubs channel but there this scene doesn't exist (don't know how to explain in sorry for my english blush.gif )

















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Guest archiehon
























































i'm new here:D just need to tell u thati love this couple so mch. i will continue to support them until they declare that they are really dating! oooooo wishful thinking. i,ve been lurking here since may but i got to know this couple since april. just cannot help it but i fell in love instantly. Guguma GO!









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Guest Crystal392



teoki61: Are you sure that part doesn't exist? Maybe you are watching the wrong episode. It was the day when Hyun~ picked them (CNBLUE)up from the airport but it wasn't shown on that ep, I think it was shown on the next ep. I think when Yong~ also got jealous of Jungmo because Hyun~ told him (Yong~) she had asked Jungmo's help to learn guitar :P I'm not entirely sure (need Gogumas help on this!) but I hope I helped you. ^_^


archiehon: Welcome to Gogumaland!! I will support them forever!! hehehehe Gogumas and YongSeo ftw!


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Oh, we have so much sweet potato love to enjoy this week!












Why EP 25 was DAEBAK!












·         Got to see them late in their relationship with Ueno Juri, and also almost 3 months earlier on their ‘fishing’ trip.   Can see how their relationship has grown and that they are closer, with more understanding between them.












·         With Ueno Juri – got to see Hy~un feeling jealousy.  The look she gave Yo~ng when he tried to get Ueno Juri to call him ‘oppa’ was priceless!  Bad boy, Yo~ng! Then he glanced at Hy~un and said ‘no, nothing’ and ‘NOOO’ & Hy~un giggles. 












·          The bickering at the beginning about making the kimchi fritters.  Yo~ng doubting Hy~un’s ability to make them, Hy~un being her positive self, willing to try anything.   I think Yo~ng was more afraid of Hy~un being embarrassed if they didn’t turn out well – than himself being embarrassed.  Still trying to protect his buin!












·         After the pancakes were done – notice the ‘relief’ on Hy~un’s face that they turned out well….so sweet.












·         The ‘sweet potato mike’ was just too cute.  And Yo~ng & Hy~un play acting as Korean fans – daebak!












·         The phone picture that Hy~un took of Ueno Juri & Yo~ng.  The look Hy~un gave Yo~ng…..did she purposely spoil the picture?  Could our sweet and innocent Hy~un really pull a sly trick like that?  I think she did!












·         The couch conversation at the end was so….touching.  My heart melted with their warm conversation and meaningful stares.  Yo~ng’s confession about what an ’ideal type’ and a ‘buin’ meant to him made me actually ‘tear up’ (cry).  And his bold comment about how well he knew Hy~un means to me that they are sharing thoughts and feelings between each other that we don’t see on W*G*M or that Hy~un doesn’t even share with her unnies!  I think they are so much closer than they are letting on in W*G*M or in interviews.  I think secretly they are in a real relationship, but are afraid to say it out loud because they are afraid of their fans reactions and also what their management companies might do, and that W*G*M would cease to give them time together because W*G*M  would quit filming because they are in a ‘real’ relationship.  Just my opinion, that’s all.  Only these 2 know for sure.












·         The ‘couch’ conversation.  Notice how they start far apart, but by the end are sitting nearly next to each other.  Notice how Hy~un’s body leans toward Yo~ng when he says ‘hey’ and ‘you’re not jealous are you?’ & touches her arm.  And her response ‘No, I’m not like SOMEONE’ so honest and directed at Yo~ng’s jealousy.  Yet , in the end, Yo~ng ‘releases’ his feelings of jealousy by telling Hy~un to go see Chiaki in Japan, and make steaks right here with Johnny Depp.  He’s letting her know that he trusts her, and that an ‘ideal type’ is just an ‘ideal’.  Go ahead, you (Hy~un) can have those feelings…. It’s all right with me!












·         The ‘fishing trip’ episode.  At this time, they were doing pretty good in their relationship.  This was filmed after the episode where Yo~ng taught Hy~un pool, and Hy~un’s visit to CNBLUE’s dorm.  By all interviews, star calls & programs these 2 were on, everything was progressing very well as far as their relationship was going.  Then bam, Yo~ng’s b’day and the ‘lost’ text, Hy~un’s b’day and nothing from Yo~ng.  Bad news!  Major bump in the relationship road?  Planned by W*G*M to get some conflict in their relationship?  Maybe.   Planned by Yo~ng to further ‘test’ the relationship?  An attempt to crack Hy~un’s coolness and get an honest reaction?  He is clever and smart enough to try this!  Although, I think he planned the ‘ignoring’ of Hy~un’s b’day so that the rewards of the next day’s trip would be sweeter,  he seems a little surprised about the ‘lost text’ on his b’day, and the strength of Hy~un’s disappointment and anger.  At first he seems cool, like ‘this is going the way I planned it’ but then his expression changes and he looks seriously uneasy about the direction the bus ride is going in.  Even his last comment before the end is meaningful ‘Where are we going?’  Is he talking about the direction of the trip, or the direction of their relationship?












·         The ‘fishing trip’ love fight was absolutely fascinating.  Watching Hy~un chew up Yo~ng verbally for letting her down on her birthday was a real ‘eye opener’.  She is normally always cool and collected.   But here, even though she is smiling the whole time and she is letting Yo~ng have a piece of her mind, you can see the anger and hurt boiling underneath.  Her nostrils flared, her eyes got narrow, wet & misty.  Words were pouring out of her mouth like machine gun fire. And she never let Yo~ng completely ‘off the hook’.  At the end he was still squirming, having never gotten a full ‘I forgive you’ from his buin.  She lets him ‘stew’ for awhile.












I just hope we see that Yo~ng has planned something really special for his Hy~un next week.  Or else.  He owes her big time!  Maybe the new ring a ding dong?   I can only dream and wait anxiously for next week………












But since we now know that everything is ‘great and good’ between them, it removes a lot of the worry about their ‘love spat’ from 3 months ago, doesn’t it? 












 Sorry for the long post – just need to share my feelings with everyone who ‘love love loves’ this amazing couple!             


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i did something VERY spontaneous today and just wanted to share...
































i went to my school and saw in the cafeteria that they were doing a blood drive...
































so guess what i did??
































i gave my blood!!
































i ended up almost fainting afterward but still!
































Hyun would be so proud!!!
































btw hyun must be super brave/pain-proof because the needle that they used on me HURT!!!

















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i did something VERY spontaneous today and just wanted to share...

i went to my school and saw in the cafeteria that they were doing a blood drive...

so guess what i did??

i gave my blood!!

i ended up almost fainting afterward but still!

Hyun would be so proud!!!

btw hyun must be super brave/pain-proof because the needle that they used on me HURT!!!

Wow!!!! I'm proud of u man! Cos I never have the guts to do it! I know it is the right thing to do, as it will save lives, but I really really am terrified of needles. Good for u! 10 x gogumas!

EDIT: oops topped the page. Nothing to share in particular. Just that I'm wishing it is Sat tomorrow! Hahaha! Dreadful week at work to look forward to, give me strength....


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































juhee: OMG ... you're so brave ... it's really random but so sweet hehehe
































































































































































I never donate blood, I hate needles, but guess what Seohyun really influenced us, right?
































































































































































teoki61 Hi there ! um .. it's against soompi's rules that we can not post one-liner :)

































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@Juhee: *gg* We went donating blood last Saturday. Lot's of people fainted while I was there (two men, four women - that's really a lot, maybe it was the weather). You really have to drink a lot (at least that's what I do) to prevent falling over.

But no couples who went together and there's no guestbook. And no tree chair or whatever that thing was they sat on. The ambiente (if you can call it that) where Seohyun and Yonghwa went was really nice.

We could make a Goguma Blood Donation Ralley and include it in the Sweet Potato Project. ;) Just an idea ... or not.

Best regards,



@hihi_hehe: I hate needles, too, but it saves lives. <- That sounds heroic, doesn't it? Truth is, lots of my friends from highschool studied medicine and the needle is better than their endless bickering. ;)

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