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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! thanks Lunasol for that Trax video :) i luv it Yong is watching maybe not the trax but his wife on that screen kekeke! i luv it thanks again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































panGG : thanks for that inkigayo clip hope u can share some more esp the ring ding dong kekeke! Is that live? meaning Yong all the way from Taiwan then went to inkigayo do his MCing job? sure they will have a rest after Shanghai. The last stop will be listen to CNBLUE Shanghai. So after that hubby Yong will have more time now with wifey Hyun. Wow! YongSeo 1st Christmas and New Year together lovely indeed. For sure both have something this coming Xmas and New Yr. For sure lots of xmas special and new yr special will happen in diff shows.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeah! i'm hoping aside from hubby Yong will have this surprise belated bday to wifey Hyun wgm PD will have also a surprise belated for Yong. And Hyun might have something for his bday maybe inside her bag a belated bday gift. Just hoping. grrrr! i want saturday already :(

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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what was your fave part from the last ep??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like the scene after Juri left the couple. Hyun acted like a dreamy girl when they talked about the ideal thingy. She was trying to act cool like I didn't care about it and me jealousy? Oh..that's impossible ~ ~ ( plz imagine her expression after yong nudged her and asked if she got jealous?)   but we ,viewers, already know how cool she was :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 The 'cool' couple was born tongue.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The bus scene is another my forever fav part too !! No more bottling up Hyun !!  Her reaction on yong not sending her bday congratulation   is like she announced to the world  what she really feels to him. 

































































































































































































































































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Guest alucard81




























for me,




















the look Hyun shot Yong with when he tried the "oppa" trick... she seem to be saying "smooth one there, yong"




















Yong even caught the poison and said "its nothing"




















then her wide eye reaction to "take a pic of me and Ueno"




















then finally




















Hyun saying I am not like "someone".




















hahahaha I know for one that I myself do this... 








































and as a fellow cancerian 4th of July FTW, I can relate. We tend to be really sensitive even over sensitive but I get over stuff like real quick. Hyun seems to be one who act that way too.




















Yong is also a Cancerian too. Similar behavioural patterns





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Guest mochiling
































































i watch the laterest ep already, it was so amazing so sweet.
































i happy for them that their relatotionship have been good since the horro ep
































































yongseo fighting

















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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































The black room interview ... when Yonghwa states that he knows about Seohyun more than anybody else (to be honest, I still have not known what made him say that, indeed a very confident Yonghwa!)
































































































































































the love quarrel on the bus ... I'm laughing at their reactions ... really cute
































































































































































man ... I can't wait for the new ep ... what the heck does WGM do to me? Makes me like a fool !

































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Guest pretty_92868












hi everyone,




I'm not new here just a silent lurker,thanks to Crystal for inviting me here last August.




At first, I'm not a Kpop fan but I love all their drama since 2003,until last June when my 19 year old son was into this SNSD Seohyun which according to him is very pretty and currently filming WGM with Yonghwa from YAB.Since I know Yong from this drama, my son keep on insisting for me to watch WGM from the first episode.




Until I found myself hooked with this couple.On that first night alone I finish the 9 episode without even a nap,and craving for more, wishing everyday is a Saturday.




Sorry for the long intro,but I just want to add up something about OUR YONGSEO ADDICTION,because these are what I've done after that night




1.Ask my tekki nephew to download all the episodes in HD




2.Download "Falling Slowly" on itunes




3.Search for the movie "ONCE" and relate it with the couple




4.Download"I'm a loner,Love revolution and Y,why"




5.Search all the facts about the couple on the net




And now my tekki nephew was Yongseo addict as well and spread the Yongseo love among his office mates( and became addicted as well too.) He even collect all the videos related to the couple esp.SNSD even the CF filming.




btw I'm a 42 year old Filipina mom,teen at heart.





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it maybe late but here's the rating of wgm on September 25th 2010






cr: TNmS

















by the way, who else are cancerians as same as yongseo couple? my birthday is on the 23rd June and my chinese zodiac is snake. we cancerians do tend to keep our feeling inside and kind of having an implosive nature. i think i have never mentioned that i'm a guy and has just become an uncle 2 days ago.



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Guest dreamgazer1985
































































I absolutely adore the last episode. First of all, how awesomely sweet Juri is? That girl is pure LOVE! And Yonghwa's fanboy fail will never not be amusing to me. I wonder if during that whole meeting if he kept on pinching himself to be sure he's not dreaming or something. haha
















































Seohyun on the other hand is the epitome of cool. I love how chill she was with Yong being such a fanboy around Juri and I loled at her "Chiaki-senpais" love in riling Yonghwa up. Basically that segment shows SH > YH. hurhur
















































However the best thing about this episode was the emergence of a mad SH! That was AWESOME! I couldn't believe she was that animated in being pissed at her hapless hubby. It was like seeing this wonderful transformation of SH, coming out of her shell, and turning from this quiet girl into spitfire. I TOTALLY APPROVE!
















































And seriously guys, for sure YH and WGM itself have something up their sleeves for her birthday. YH has his faults but I don't think being thoughtless is one of it, not when he was freaking the heck out for losing their letter and spent the nite making up a whole book in redemption.









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is it just me or yong is flashing his ring everywhere? LOL i saw trax's performance! they were GREAT! i wonder what was yong looking at when he was watching the performance... his hyun's pictures in the back, jungmo, or the performance XDD
































































































































































































































































































i wonder what yong have in store for seobaby... gosh SATURDAY ALREADYY!!! i want a surprise that will make seobaby cry XDD so that he can hug her! LOL is that what all u yongseo fans want too? HEHHEHEHEH i know i want it XDD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from subs video i think yonghwa did prepare something for seohyun
































































































































































































































































































from not text her in her birthday (text only take like 1-2 minutes,just text happy birthday done ,but yonghwa didnt do it,i wonder if that is his plan)
































































































































































































































































































and some caps about yonghwa plan that eps
































































































































































































































































































yonghwa phone his boss ???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to the field,inst he going to fishing,you need go to river/fishing spot to fishing :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa asked about weather,maybe he worry if the weather could affect his plan(if he prepared something)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun arrived and ask about today activity
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa (pretend) not know what today activity
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but he told the location and seo hyun ask what to do
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa replied to fishing,but isnt before he says dunno what today activity :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all mc are kinda confused because isnt yonghwa plan go to field :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa prepared something ???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waiting for next eps.

































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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































This is why I love this thread, we are a happy goguma family!
























































What fisrt? My favorite scene, I cant select one, I loved all the episode... The sofa talk and specially the talk in the bus. Woah! I never though SH will react that way, but this show that she really care about him and what he think about her. If she have gotten a message, she would be reasurred that at least he is interested in her, the same thing can apply to YH, he didnt wanted to bring it up, but hearing him talk I thing he feeled hurt because he didnt receive a Happy B-Day message even after he have taken the first step and write to her, to make her feel that he really wanted to hear from her in his special day.
























































I am cancerian too (July 1) and I have to agree, we tend to keep all to ourself and then BOOM (in the bad way because we let out every little thing we remember and never talked about before). I know it is bad, but it is true about us. What I like of SH is that she is working on it, making them talk about it. All of us (canceranian) should put this in practice. For other part, canceranians like physical contact when I am talking to someone I tend to make little touch and with really close friends I am all hughs and kisses. I know YH is canceranian too I have been watching him make this little gesture with SH. In SH is part I think, with people she is really close, she is like that (watch her interact with her unnies). With YH is possible she will take longer to get there but they are in a good point right now.
























































The only thing I am curious about is, why YH make the statement that he knows SH more than anyone else... Uhmm this really make me think a lot... and is driving me crazy... And is more frustating because with the message from her unnies I realize that she hasnt talked about this "thing" she have with YH with them. Cant wait for next saturday, hope YH sing a song for her, maybe dedicate the song "I dont know why" before it debuted "SH I make this song for you" YEyyyyyyyy!!!... Just my wishful thinking. :)
























































Have a nice day my fellow gogumas. By the way I talk spanish too...

Como quisiera poder expresarme en español aqui, la verdad me cuesta bastante expresarme en ingles y los horrores gramaticales que debe haber en lo que escribo, no quiero ni imaginarlo... Gusto en conocerlas. Saludos desde Panama
























































Edit: Ok, you left me hooked with the sign thing, so I looked for their Chinese Zodiac Symbol
























































Yonghwa - 22 June 1989 - Snake


Occupying the 6th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake symbolizes such character traits as intelligence, gracefulness and materialism. When it comes to decision-making, Snakes are extremely analytical and as a result, they don’t jump into situations. They are effective at getting the things they want, even if it means they have to scheme and plot along the way.
























































Snakes are very materialistic creatures, preferring to surround themselves with the finest that life has to offer. This is especially evident in the home, where luxurious furnishings and surroundings help Snakes seek the peace they need in order to thrive. (YH and his gold decorated house, very true)
















































































































Snakes prefer living a life of calmness, preferring quietness over noise and a manageable workload rather than a schedule that’s overly-booked. Snakes become easily stressed when their lives aren’t peaceful or in order. Too much of this way of life can shorten a snake’s life!
















































































































Snakes do work very hard, but they have a tendency to be job-hoppers as they become easily bored. Their somewhat laid-back attitude causes them to be mistakenly categorized as slackers, but nothing could be further from the truth! Snakes are very creative and extremely diligent. They’re excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines. Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist.
















































































































Snakes are excellent seducers so they never have trouble attracting others. However, they’ll be the ones to decide when a relationship has potential and when it does not. Once they’ve chosen a partner, a Snake’s insecure side will begin to show through. Snakes guards their chosen partners much like a prized possessions, becoming jealous and even obsessive. Snakes prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. It’s important to never betray a Snake’s trust as a betrayed snake will make it a goal to get even some day!















































































































Seohyun - 28 June 1991 - Goat


Occupying the 8th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Goat (or Sheep) symbolizes such character traits as creativity, intelligence, dependability, and calmness. Comfortable being alone to ponder the workings of their inner minds, Goats enjoy being part of a group, but prefer the sidelines rather than the center. Their nurturing personality makes Goats excellent care-givers. They’re quite and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts.
























































Home and alone is where Goats feel most comfortable. There they can express themselves artistically, whether it’s by painting, cooking or participating in whatever artistic endeavors they enjoy. Goats prefer the couch because there they can relax and explore their minds. They don’t need elaborate furnishings; only items reflecting their desire for art. I love that couch kekekeke
























































When traveling or seeking entertainment, Goats prefer groups or venues that hold many people. Goats spend money on fashions that give them a first class appearance. Although Goats enjoy spending money on the finer things in life, they are not snobbish.
















































































































Perhaps because Goats are basically serene, they tend to have fewer health problems. Their fragile exterior hides the fact they’re typically very healthy. When they’re happy, they’re healthy. When Goats become unhappy, especially as a result of romance, they quickly become sick.
















































































































Goats tend to be private, so it can take effort to get to know one. The Goat is the one who will decide when and with whom it will share its personal life. As a result, most Goats have few “close” friends, yet they’ll work hard for those they love.
















































































































Goats at work prefer being part of a flock. Power and status aren’t important. Goats will only assume leadership roles when asked directly. They’ll never volunteer. Good career choices for Goats include: florist, interior designer, daycare teacher, pediatrician, actor, editor, hair stylist, illustrator, musician, and art history teacher.















































































































This is the Yongseo obssesive Goguma fan talking here, but I did the compatibility thing with they birth days and they get 70%. Not bad, I know they can work things out. The result:

Male Snake with Female Goat

Both the male Snake and the female Goat despise the routines of ordinary life and prefer to break out of the ordinary once in a while. The Goat's imagination dovetails nicely with the Snake's accumulated knowledge. The male Snake will be able to slip away from shared activities that he considers superfluous or annoying, and the Goat will be none the wiser.
























































Any attempt on either partner to force the relationship into a straitjacket of strict rules and regulations will result in the psychological pressure building to an explosive head that will wreck everything. It is up to the Goat's ability to tone down her need for emotional reassurance, so that the Snake doesn't feel ensnared by something he feels is outside his control















































































































Source: http://www.proastro.com
























































Sorry for the long post, I need to sleep I have to work in 4 hours. BYE!!!









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Hi all.....

digidigibob - hahahhah it's true what you said.......i  too obsessed with them....i agree 1000% about the symptom......about it become worst every week.....i become so grumpy since i had to wait for Saturday.....about the sub?? hahahahhah im usually will upload vid without sub....watch it first ( without understand anything they said)...wait for Goguma's Angle ( J2dlee and sun_sun) to provide the sub, the watched again....and wait for rdr sub....my laptop already full with their vid.....

pangG - yes i did that too......while waiting for Saturday, everynite before going to bed i will replay from episode 1....

this couple had become like a new brand heroin for me.....too addicted.......hahhahahahah


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It's my first time watching this:

And it seriously made me love our couple more. I like how it contains so much love for them. It can make me patiently wait for Saturday. XD

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Guest sassysnsd

Some parts of Seohyun's rolling paper is incomplete. sillis7noy2 updated the rolling paper given to her by her Unnie's and posted it on the GG thread @ soompi.

Here are 3 messages:

"5. Maknae... You got married lucky you... You're awesome(?)

   On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person... I love you... (Jessica)

6. Seohyun with each sentence you spoke you made this unnie's negative views change to positive ones..

This is what I always feel as I share the room with you.. Ah... my roommate is one truly great person... (Hyoyeon)

7. Hyun.. You have become more flexible I'm so proud of you.. *Patting your butt*

Do you like Yonghwa? Tell me.. Unnie will support you.. (Unknown)"

I am so excited to see what happened in Japan.. Can't wait for that episode and this Saturday's episode!!

once again credit to sillis7noy2!! Thank you

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thx crystal...




the thing is guys (mostly) have a different mentality to confrontation.




most just look at it as a issue and want to seek resolution to issue. If the problem here is "I forgot to text you on your birthday" then I am sorry I forgot I will try to make sure I remember all the other stuff.




ladies on the other hand seem to want their guy to say other things like 20 "I am so sorry"s and 30 "belated happy birthday"s when to the dude it just feels like it is over already saying it now makes little difference. Especially when I got this crazy thing planned that will make you wanna give me a dozen kisses or something.




and guys have this "goal" in mind when doing these things. Sure we do not get everything to go our way all the time. You cannot believe how many blown proposal stories I have heard. Those things need to be planned meticulously and you totally need to understand the psyche of your lady when you try something.




Yong knows enough now to let Seororo stew there with her "resentment". It adds to the enjoyment later when he goes "jia jang!! happy makeup birthday party!" and it is just ME alone with you!! (Okay there are the people over at that place too... but whatever)






thanks for sharing your point-of-view!  but i feel like i need to make a correction with this part:





"ladies on the other hand seem to want their guy to say other things like 20 'i am so sorry's' and 30 'belated happy birthday's' when to the dude it just feels like it is over already saying it now makes little difference. especially when i got this crazy thing planned that will make you wanna give me a dozen kisses or something."




as a girl, i am proud to say that i am definitely not like that and frown at such broad generalizations.  just because i feel like an apology is warranted doesn't mean i expect a dozen of them (it would render the apology pointless in that case).  sure, girls are more prone to succumbing to their emotions and guys are a little more lax, in which case i can understand why seo was upset (under a smiling guise, of course).  i think her disappointment was valid in that you can't really excuse the fact you can still text someone a simple happy birthday, even hours after the day.  in our day and age, shooting a quick, "hey, i know i'm late, but happy birthday!" would have sufficed.




when i first watched that segment, i put myself in seo's position and thought, "i care more about the gesture [of the greeting], not the timing."




i don't think that kind of expectation is unusual, and seo is a rather sentimental person behind all her logic.




that being said, yong wasn't wrong either.  he obviously had other plans, and it would've ruined the surprise (if it really was meant to be as grand a surprise as the preview is making it out to be).  when he said he didn't receive seo's text, i believed him, but i did think it was kind of funny the way he was grasping at straws, so to speak, to explain why he couldn't even text her a happy birthday (late or not).




i'm curious how the next episode will play out.  i don't know what, other than fishing, yong prepared for seo, but if it makes her cry ... then it must be something really sweet.  wub.gif






oh, and objectively speaking as a girl with her own personal taste, i do think it's somewhat adorable that a guy would be playful enough to feign ignorance when he has something bigger planned, but i also think it's a bold assumption that we'd be jumping for joy just because the end result is spectacular.  personally, i'd be grateful, but i'd still be kind of ticked off because the lead-on is unnecessary.  if, however, the guy understands why i'm upset and doesn't try to wax poetic about their intentions, then i'd be more easily assuaged.




this is not an attack on you, alucard81!  the fact is, just as guys can't understand girls, the male psyche will always be a mystery to me and i just wanted to address it.  smile.gif





OH!  and can someone define what "milddang" is?




i do understand what the word is trying to convey (judging by what was going on between yong and seo).  in english, i'd describe it as dancing around a subject that is mutually known to both parties but refusing to acknowledge it to see who gives in first.  in other words, you're bantering and teasing each other.  it tends to be exclusive to couples who are flirting is my take on it (first-hand experience, haha).




but i ask mainly to satisfy my thirst of knowledge.  it's interesting how different languages have words for situations the english can only describe.




and speaking of the scene where "milddang" is mentioned, anyone else think that yong would be happy beyond happy if seo really did admit to being jealous?  like with banmal, it would offer a sense of confirmation that seo does feel closer to him.  in the beginning, yong mentioned how difficult it is to tell what seo is feeling because she always takes things calmly, so admitting to an emotion as intimate as jealousy is pretty significant imo. tongue.gif


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Guest monie1909

Just found this news cut in daum regaring their filming in japan.While someone bringing more accurate translation version,just briefly on what it said..

Due to album release and oversea activities,for the couple who havent met for a month due to heavy schedule,the WGM crew headed to Japan for filming.The couple who havent met for a long time,the two people are having a good time.

It will be broadcast end of November or December.....Aigoo..so,we have to wait that long?


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some parts of Seohyun's rolling paper is incomplete. sillis7noy2 updated the rolling paper given to her by her Unnie's and posted it on the GG thread @ soompi.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Here are 3 messages:
































































































































































































































































































































































































"5. Maknae... You got married lucky you... You're awesome(?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































   On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person... I love you... (Jessica)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Seohyun with each sentence you spoke you made this unnie's negative views change to positive ones..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































   This is what I always feel as I share the room with you.. Ah... my roommate is one truly great person... (Hyoyeon)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7. Hyun.. You have become more flexible I'm so proud of you.. *Patting your butt*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do you like Yonghwa? Tell me.. Unnie will support you.. (Unknown)"
































































































































































































































































































































































































I am so excited to see what happened in Japan.. Can't wait for that episode and this Saturday's episode!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































once again credit to sillis7noy2!! Thank you































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! what happen in Japan wub.gifwub.gif it's really true that even this is a make believe marriage they can feel it that its somehow real yahooooo. I love all the sister in law happy for their maknae :) The feeling is, It's like seeing ur  crush in school, ur happy when u see ur crush. So imagine 1 month YongSeo couple didn;t see each other aigoo! they must miss each other. In epi 14 only 5 hrs wifey Hyun went to school hubby Yong miss her already what more if its 1 month they don't meet so im wonder that Japan meeting is daebak kekeke! there must be love love love their kekeke! so November or December aigooo! :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































Just found this news cut in daum regaring their filming in japan.While someone bringing more accurate translation version,just briefly on what it said..
































































































































































































































































































































































































Due to album release and oversea activities,for the couple who havent met for a month due to heavy schedule,the WGM crew headed to Japan for filming.The couple who havent met for a long time,the two people are having a good time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































It will be broadcast end of November or December.....Aigoo..so,we have to wait that long?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aigoo! so we need to wait for Nov or Dec :( (sigh) :( i guess it's really true the saying actions speak louder than words. So whatever happen in Japan filming, and what ever the UNNIES notice to SeoHyun baby :) for sure she cannot deny it. If ur happy u really can see in ur eyes, in ur smile. They really can see that SeoHyun become more lovely everyday. She must be happy seeing hubby Yong after 1 month both w/ busy schedule. So what happen in Japan behing the scenes only unnies knows. No wonder Yong is very proud of THE RING. The feelings that they cannot admit.show they just use the ring to tell the world what they feel kekeke! yes this is only a make believe marriage. Yeah right! kekeke! YongSeo fighting. Now i was thinking it's better to know bits and pcs of Behind the scenes in Japan. We get 1 already. YongSeo flew back together from Japan to Korea yahooo. I hope we can get more BTS kekeke! 

































































































































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This thread is really moving quickly..




I want to join too..




Things that prove that you are addicted to our sweet potato couple:


1. I keep checking this thread for the newest news of the couple. (every 5 minutes).


2. Can't wait for Saturday!! (It's like I get a present every Saturday!!).


3. While watching the episode, can't keep smiling. (It's almost like I'm using drugs).


4. Rewatch their past episode over and over. (Many people said that it's boring but for me it's very entertaining).


5. I'm thinking of learning korean so I don't need sub to watch their episode. (wow I become very diligent because of them).




And last but not least, it's great to see many nice goguma couples' fans that help each other..




About their latest episode, it's great to see Hyun mad about something. Can't wait for what surprise Yong had prepared for Hyun!!


Why can't tomorrow be Sunday!!


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Guest blackflower52
































































































































































































































































hehe I think I am obsessed with our goguma couple too.
































































































































I've seen each episode several times, and for recent episodes, I've been watching the livestream, without subtitles, with chinese subtitles and with english subtitles.
































































































































When I listen to music, the lyrics somehow remind me of yonghwa & seohyun.
































































































































And I visit this thread all the time.
































































































































I'm really looking forward to Yong's birthday suprise for Hyun.
































































































































Goguma Fighting! :D

































































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Hi y’all!































































































































































































I’ve updated my fanfic, Destined to Love You. There are two versions, a PG-13 on soompi and a rated R version available (just PM me). Feedback appreciated as always… happy reading… I hope it keeps you entertained until the next YongSeo episode.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=348764 (see page 5)














































































































































































































































































































Gosh, I hope the links work… I’m still a newbie… I apologize in advance if it doesn’t work… maybe copy and paste? hehehe














































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@ blackflower52 annd pikoo: OMG SAME and I'm so grateful to all the subbers. I really hope I can understand so I can help out the subbing and let the rest of the fans who don't understand. I think its really freaking nice of the subbers to take time out and do it for free. Thanks so much really! Heartfelt<3


hahaha for some reason I realise when I'm watching the latest episode for i-dont-know-how-many-gazillionth-time, yong really couldn't meet hyun's eyes when they were ><) his eyes would give it away! Lol and does anybody knows if they really like seriously got a new ring? As in the ring that they are wearing now is really different from the original 2000 won ring?? Hahaha thanks and sorry for the long post!



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