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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I did to read some of my thoughts on this ep;
































I think they are not dating at that moment however there is mutual attraction between both of them.
































Firstly both of them are bothered why each other did not send messages to wish Happy Birthday.
































1) If the guy is not interested in the gal, the guy will not send message to tell the gal that today is his birthday. At this stage, I was thinking whether this ep was scripted since both of them have not quarrel in any WGM ep then I think back that it is possible since Yonghwa nickname in this reality show is 'choding'. I think Yonghwa is testing the water when he sent the message. If Seohyun replies then he knows that maybe he can bring it to next level. If Seohyun did not reply then Yonghwa thinks that Soehyun is only interested in being friends therefore maybe that is the reason that he did not send happy birthday greeting message to Seohyun. So he will start to distance away from her.
































2) Secondly, I think Seohyun is falling deeper as if you have been noticing about Seohyun is that she always keep her emotions in check when she knows that the camera is rolling. However she can show her emotion about her unhappiness that means something is brewing. Remember the other time when YongHwa did not tell her that he is going Thailand for a concert, she was pissed but immediately forgives Yonghwa. However this ep, you can see her that she is pissed off during the bus journey.
































Once again being fans of goguma should step back and let this relationship grow. I got to say when I watched this ep, I was pissed off with YongHwa. Then I realised always in a relationship, there are bound to be misunderstanding and if a couple cannot grow and forgive in the relationship, then there is no point in carrying on the relationship.
































As we can see that from the Chuseok special that both of them are falling deeper therefore they have overcome in making up after a misunderstanding or quarrel.
































Therefore let sit back and enjoy the privillege of them of sharing their goguma time with us.









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SophiaPia this was the best i could do. i tried to brighten it and fix the contrast so you can see, but YONG is definitely watching this performance with his wife's pictures floating the background.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































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when he reason out to hyun that he has an excuse for not greeting her - i think because yong was planning to celebrate her birthday with him in private... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































Who knows, both of them might celebrate their b-day in private already before that trip day and the surprise trip was the WGM's plan for filming's sake. Korean ppl  give importance to their couples 's special days, even 22nd day  of dating. 
































































































































































































I remember an ex WGM couple, The female wanted to make a romantic surprise for her hubby. While he was going up to their room in  the building, the wife ran to each of floors , waited for him in front of the elevator door and carried the love msg cards (like a guy in movie 'Love Actually ', )when the elevator opened. How sweet, right?  But the behind the scene is she had to repeat filming those scenes several times before the hubby could arrive their room floor. Maybe the wife couldn't ran fast enough to stand waiting for him in front of the elevator haha  

































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392



panGG: Thanks for that screencap. I wonder if he was looking at TRAX's perf or at the background where lots of pictures of Hyun were shown :P;)blush.gif:wub:

th: Thanks so much for sharing who do you think wrote those messages and why (:


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow! panGG thanks so much i love that Yong watching their performance and watching wife Hyun i love it kekeke! i watched most of the performance of Trax esp. the music core before wgm they don't show SeoHyun baby in the screen but why this time @inkigayo while trax performance they show SeoHyun in that screen kekeke! it's because hubby Yong is MCing the show :) I wonder if hubby Yong knows already that wifey SeoHyun don't want to kiss the trax in their music video. Because of Hubby Yong kekeke! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks again panGG more pls hehehe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































@noo : that's what i'm thinking also that trip might be not only for wifey Hyun it could be for both of them surprise by wgm staff. Although hubby Yong want to give wifey Hyun a bday surprise but who knows Yong will have as well since both YongSeo bday's is June. And this will be their 1st bday together. That's why excited to see what will happen. 

































































































































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after 5 days  (NO INTERNET) im back to GOGUMA WORLD!!
















im so happy~
















thanks for the updates!
















this thread really never fails to make my day :)
















you are all DAEBAKK~!!!!!!
















































@panGG, OMGEE. thanks for the picture ^^ def Yong is watching...... <3

















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SophiaPia: Here is TRAX Oh My Goddess Performance at Inkigayo. From 2:37-2:40 is when you can see Yong. The most defined sight is around 2:38. He definitely is standing watching the performance.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qlZERX4uvc&feature=player_embeddedCr CrazyCarrot360






panGG: You are awesome! I don't know how to do screencaps so I posted the video.






I think this is the first time Yong have the opportunity to see them play at Inkigayo, right? Is this the first time TRAX perform with Seohyun's photos? I haven't seen the background at other music shows. Or is this a 'special' occasion to make somebody jealous wink.gif


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@noo : that's what i'm thinking also that trip might be not only for wifey Hyun it could be for both of them surprise by wgm staff. Although hubby Yong want to give wifey Hyun a bday surprise but who knows Yong will have as well since both YongSeo bday's is June. And this will be their 1st bday together. That's why excited to see what will happen. 
























Wouldn't it be great if both of them make a surprise for each other ? haha We only have a clue that yong arranged a surprise for her b-day but I guess hyun probably prepare something for his belated b-day as well. How many times our couple was beyond our expectation ??!! 





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Who knows, both of them might celebrate their b-day in private already before that trip day and the surprise trip was the WGM's plan for filming's sake. Korean ppl  give importance to their couples 's special days, even 22nd day  of dating. 




I guess the argument between them in the bus is just for the show too. Probably the PDs said they have to do it to make the trip a little bit more exciting for viewers. Cause I don't think Yong or Hyun forgot to congratulate the other even if they aren't dating for real or aren't very close to each other. They are co-partner after all and to greet somebody 'Happy Birthday' is something you have to do if you are a polite person (and everybody knows that both of them have good manners). If you aren't close to someone you can keep the message short like 'Happy Birthday, I wish you all the best.' or something like that and if it's your friend birthday you have to call her/him even bring her/him a gift if it's possible. Despite not sure about the status of their relationship back there I still believe that they texted each other at least.





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no problem crystal and its been a while since you were last in here! you were on a trip or something right?
































































































































































































and your welcome SophiaPia i'll try and post more from his mcing soon!
































































































































































































masamii he most certainly is! :)
































































































































































































lunasol thanks for the video and to make a screen cap just ctrl+alt+prt scrn and then paste it into 'paint' and save. but i made the screen cap by downloading the TRAX performance and then snapshot it in vlc player.
































































































































































































































































































































































































here is a .gif i found on http://codenameblue.wordpress.com/ of yong on inkagayo. credits to chiara. the original has sulli included, but i cut her out (sorry fx fans, i love sulli too!) can you see what i see ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and my first attempt at a macro, i think there are too many words :( and i was going to try and put them on more then one picture, but i was being lazy. but enjoy.

































































































































































































































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Guest alucard81
























Hmmm ... now that I have seen the episode entirely with subtitles: I think Yonghwa didn't want to congratulate Seohyun because of his planned event. I remember Nichkhun telling Victoria time and again that he didn't write that book and she was very hurt - only to surprise her later. Sometimes guys are like that - they accept hurting their girlfriends for the sake of blowing it all away with an event. I think that's because we are sometimes a bit narrowminded and all we think about is the event and we don't think about anything else. (I'm a bit like that?) If Yonghwa doesn't have an event ready, I'm going to break his kneecaps. Yeah.




















Best regards,








































Heartbreak_Warfare, Otty, Alucard -- do you know what I mean?







































I got called out!! w00t.gif




















yeah well, cos guys are suckers for punishment... or just cos most guys are objective and result oriented.




















If I am really sorry and all. Then the whole deal would be about being sorry and making it up.




















If I had a surprise planned then the whole thing will be about making sure the surprise comes out. If I have to say stuff or do stuff that disappoints then I will make it up later with my sad puppy face and saying "sorry, I didn't do this or that cos.... SURPRISE!!!" then party comes out and everything.




















it will be considered a success if the target of the surprise cries and all.





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@ th.   If  the argument in the bus was just the show, I have to say Hyun is so talented even in acting lol. I don't really think she could fake her expressions as we've seen in this epi. Her anger seems so real to me. But as someone here said yong didn't look as the same as choding yong. He looked kinda sad and upset and so did  hyun. It probably is the PD's plot to make the trip more interesting. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































Can anyone regonise what schedule  yong had on hyun's b-day (July, 28th ) ? He said his schedule was late after midnight  and celebrated the b-day cake for Minyhok at late night.  Did he lie  to hyun and us?   lol 
































































































































































































































































































































































































@ alucard81  Oh plz... I dont want to see Seobaby cry according to yong's surprise in next epi. lol  She probably keeps saying ..'You are mean ..you r mean' and hit him . 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Edit  If she cries like u said, I wish yong will take the chance by hugging her to comfort while she is hitting him in return . lol 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS- How come all male shippers in this thread have female idol pics on their display pics (Seobaby, Tae, Gain and Jessica). Thats funny.  

































































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Guest alucard81




























my SNSD bias is with Taeyeon and Sooyoung. so I used Taetae's pic as the display pic.




















anyway, the "you are mean" and hitting thing is not Seobb at all. She is the teary kind as seen on her birthday where she broke down after she said "she now has 8 unnies who fuss over her". If that thought can make her cry, I do not see why a powerful event by thoughtful Yong will not be anything less.




















maybe she will hit him after she recovers from the initial "shock".





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Guest Crystal392



lunasol: Thanks for sharing the link to TRAX perf. I could see Yong~ watching them perform! :)


panGG: Yeah but now I'm back home and back into Goguma land *hugs* Ring Ding Dong!! ^__^


noo: I think they didn't have a scheduled thing (not like going to film a variety show or sth like that), but they (CNBLUE) had a concert in Japan on the 26 and a Holika fansign on the 30 so I think it probably was something unexpected like recording for their new single 'I don't know why' or related to Holika Holika. EDIT: If she does cry I also want to see him hugging her! I was so dissapointed when Jaejung prepared and event for UEE (they were a previous WGM couple) and she cried because she was very touched but he just sat next to her and looked at her -.- I was hoping he would hug her!

hehehehehe it seems like most of us are ready to watch the next ep! :P Personally, I think what we saw is what really happened, I don't think the PDs had something to do with what happened or their reactions. If I'm not wrong, the only things the PDs manipulate are the events they have to do.

I hope some fans won't get mad if she does cry on the next ep... if she does cry it will probably be tears of joy, that's a normal human reaction right? :ph34r:

EDIT2: I know I already said this but thanks so much to all the male Gogumas for sharing their points of view, I know some of us girls understand how guys act but it is different if a girl posts how she thinks a guy acts and if a guy posts how he usually acts. Thanks alucard for giving us your male point of view, it is really valuable and I think everybody in Gogumaland appreciates your post ^^


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Now that's more like it.




I know it's a bit spoiler that we kinda guessed yonghwa has something prepared.. from that moment, only Seohyun didn't know something good is up for her :)




Seohyun, as far as i know, she doesn't want to show how she feels on TV. That's as per her unnies. But like what you guys have pointed out, she has gestures which will tell you if she's disappointed or not. She supresses her emotions until cameras goes off. kekeke Sooyoung even said, she keeps quiet but when they get home they get bombarded with whinings and complains from seohyunnie hahaha But im wishing seohyun will show that side of her with yonghwa. I want a whining Hyun infront of Yong kekke




My guess is as good as yours, Im guessing seohyun will tear up (I hope so hahaha)




SNSD unnies' messages for Seohyun is ♥.. They are showing so much love for their maknae, they have always been like that but now they are reconfirming it :) They want Seohyun to know that she's forever loved and forever be the loveable maknae. I also like the fact that they are showing support for our YOngSeo couple. YOnghwa did a good job to earn that trust from snsd unnies :)





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crystal_malfoy *HUGS back! well its great to have you back!
































































































































































































here are two small caps from inkigayo. yong crying! lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































and yong doing a pose before he starts singing ft islands' love and doing a hand flip thingie.
































































































































































































































































































































































































if someone can make .gifs from those scenes i would love you forever!
































































































































































































there were some other funny things to share, but my comp messed up and didnt save them correctly. there was one thou where yong is laughing like crazy (jokwon was "imitating" boa's hurricane venus, and when he got to the part of "venus" a lot of times korean's Vs sound like Bs or Ps, so it sounds like jokwon replaced the V with a P and YONG is laughing uncontrollably. lmao. :lol: sorry i dont know how to make "spoiler" post.

































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Guest alucard81




























thx crystal...




















the thing is guys (mostly) have a different mentality to confrontation.




















most just look at it as a issue and want to seek resolution to issue. If the problem here is "I forgot to text you on your birthday" then I am sorry I forgot I will try to make sure I remember all the other stuff.




















ladies on the other hand seem to want their guy to say other things like 20 "I am so sorry"s and 30 "belated happy birthday"s when to the dude it just feels like it is over already saying it now makes little difference. Especially when I got this crazy thing planned that will make you wanna give me a dozen kisses or something.




















and guys have this "goal" in mind when doing these things. Sure we do not get everything to go our way all the time. You cannot believe how many blown proposal stories I have heard. Those things need to be planned meticulously and you totally need to understand the psyche of your lady when you try something.




















Yong knows enough now to let Seororo stew there with her "resentment". It adds to the enjoyment later when he goes "jia jang!! happy makeup birthday party!" and it is just ME alone with you!! (Okay there are the people over at that place too... but whatever)





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i'm so sorry alucard81!! i was going for the PLUS+ and my mouse went retarded. i've been reading your post and i wanted to thumbs up you because its nice to get a guy's point of view on the subject. and again, i'm so sorry.

































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Guest is2kwharss501

is it just me or yong is flashing his ring everywhere? LOL i saw trax's performance! they were GREAT! i wonder what was yong looking at when he was watching the performance... his hyun's pictures in the back, jungmo, or the performance XDD

i wonder what yong have in store for seobaby... gosh SATURDAY ALREADYY!!! i want a surprise that will make seobaby cry XDD so that he can hug her! LOL is that what all u yongseo fans want too? HEHHEHEHEH i know i want it XDD

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Guest Crystal392



I think it's pretty obvious Yong~ has prepared sth for Hyun~ ... but I also think she prepared sth for him :) maybe a special lunch? :lol:

I was wondering what was your fave part from the last ep?? (if you could add screencaps or gifs it would be amazing ^_^).

I loved their couch talk... After UJ left :wub:


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