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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I got it j2dlee Thank you very much dear for translating the small parts. I wonder what is Seohyun and Yonghwa talking among themselves. They are really in their own world.. :wub:
















Oh wow! Thank you genxv for the step by step registration for iMBC! I hope they will notice us later on. Come on guys! We need to make them notice us since sometimes the couples in WGM will open the website.
















Oh lenova sis! :w00t: You makes me feel like I'm really ahjumma here.. haha! :P
















Waving to dreamboo, jnj :wub:
















I saw so many new names now :D Hello everyone! Glad everyone is starting to come out from the shell and live in Goguma Earth! redtulip Sis, don't forget to keep the Goguma Pledge. keke~ I think I will use them in our big project which is still going on now. Could you please send the pledge to our project email later when you are free? seohwa.project@gmail.com *puppyeyes* blush.gif
















I wish I can name each one of you to say thank you in everything you posts here! Really appreciate all of them. Nice to meet the new Gogumas spazzers here! :D
















Copy back the Goguma Pledge. To the new spazzers, please read this while standing up and dont forget to raise your hand :lol:
















The Goguma Pledge
















We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.
















edit ~ Since topped, I post back our new project info. Click the official logo









































































Can't get enough of our Potatoes? :lol: Visit our official International Forum
































Visit the Blog for more daily updates















































Happy Gogumas!


































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Guest likelove8993
































































































































































































































































hello, i m fans of yongseo couple,,
































































































































i`ve been stalking this thread since the begining too, cuz i m bad at english so i just be the silent reader.. but well i think i can stand anymore cuz my heart full of goguma loves n need to release that :wub:
































































































































i love this couple cuz they not just do the show but do the reality one for me, i learn many things from their relationship. i at the same age as yonghwa but seriously i never be in love for once, i just focus with my own world i can understand how awkward when there is a new guy feel love for me and actually make me feel burdened because it really mysterious how can they fall for me but they dont know much about me, so sometimes i m confused with them and afraid. i think i m weird too. i know love is mysterious but maybe i m not ready for that, i need to learn before :sweatingbullets:
































































































































when i watch yongseo couple i was so suprised cuz 'hey, this kind of relationship that i mean in my head'
































































































































1st step : being touched with less skinship (lets match our self first to become soulmate. start with eye contact?? hi-5??);
































































































































2nd step : we both is new to each other, lets spend our life time with joy to know each other, (dont rush, baby, cuz one of us maybe tired n sick for another);
































































































































3rd step : since the feeling is new for us too, lets dont named it cuz we both know that feeling is stronger than love, the feeling is special n lets keep it just for two of us;
































































































































4th step : even there is better person or another person who perfectly for each other, lets keep our promise that we dont need to take other person between us just to know that we satisfied to ours. since u`r the best for me and i`ll become the best for u,, ;
































































































































5th step : lets take the next move. i`ll show how my special feeling for u. i m not sure how to express it but my feeling is just this small like my hand but every second it beat strongly, yes my heart beat for you darling,, (just like 2pm song, can u feel my heartbeat? :wub: );
































































































































and now i believe in you, no need to show off about us but let them know we belong each other,, :wub:
































































































































well, that what i had in my head, hope u understand what i babbling right now. everytime i watch their episode actually i prepare myself so i can ready for my first love, soon hopely, maybe i let my friends to set me a date with a good guy,, :wub:
































































































































well, the date was planned indeed but i believe the bond is seriously real :wub:
































































































































i love goguma couple and i love goguma lovers in this thread too,, nice too meet you all :wub:

































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































































"In other words, Yong and those Gogumas (not me) who were somewhat scared or angry about her with Kyuhyun onstage have definitely nothing to worry about. " hmm. im kinda not comfortable with this line. its just that. whatever performance of seohyun in the future in whomsoever guy i hope you wont be scared or atleast be angry at her since it's all for work.































































































































































uwaaa. :)) the japan pictures! they are so lovey dovey and seohyunnie looks so sexy with that fitting undershirt. haha:)yong will again see her curves. hahaha
































































and i hope they atleast went biking at japan. and thank you PDNIM for filming them in Japan,since all the couples went abroad already for the filming. sad enough this abroad trip of our couple is not because solely for filming but for work. i hope these guys will have enough rest! WITH EACH OTHER <3<3<3

















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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































With this past news I am so happy that I cant express it in words...
















































































































About Redtulip is post, you nailed it. That is exactly what I think of them and why I love them. I just feel that something is bloosoming between then and it is so nice to be the witness in this great relationship. I hope at the end of the road and a few years later we receive great news from them.
















































































































As someone say I really want to know if they are together but at the same time I dont want to know.
















































































































Well about what of weeding photoshoot I will like. First I want just to be the 2 of them, I know it will be funnier with their brother and sisters but the 2 of them alone will be more intimate. And the no teasing of brothers and sisters may get them closer. Second, I really liked the Joongbo photoshoot it was the funny kind, free spirit and all that, but with them I dont know if a more classic theme will be good... I think a funny, relaxed one will suit them better.
















































































































As always good luck to my goguma family.
















































































































Note: with genvx is instruction it was easy to register in MBC I posted there and will keep posting, we have to let them know how united is the goguma family!!! Lets help the DC gogumas with their quest... our quest, Let the world know the goguma love.

















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Someone a couple pages back mentioned Yong being shy and brought up ep 12 and 13 with Seohyun's unnies as an example. This was when I myself became positive Seohyun really was into this relationship just like Tiffany told Yong in episode 12. The unnies seemed to have one goal in their time with Yong that day just like sisters do in real life when their younger sibling has a boyfriend and that was to make sure Yong knew Seohyun liked him and wanted to determine if Yong felt the same way.

Watch ep 12 and 13 again and look at the way Taeyeon, Tiffany, Hyoyeon and later Sooyoung when she comes keep looking at Yong and Seohyun together. They have total unbelief and shock on their faces to see their maknae so comfortable with Yong. And before WGM it was often a joke on variety shows that SNSD appeared in that Seohyun wasn't interested in boys. Seohyun would agree.

Now consider the Trax situation and Seohyun not willing to do a kiss scene. And this is why I love the idea of Seohyun as a role model for younger women and girls; she has real principles and real beliefs and she sticks by them. She will stand up to entertainment managers and the pressure and say NO - and in the korean entertainment system as it is that truly takes a strong person. I can't wait to see Seohyun's mother on a WGM just to see the amazing woman who can raise a child like Seohyun.

Seohyun would say no to WGM situations too if she was uncomfortable. If Yong got to close she would make it a point to stop whatever she was uncomfortable with. If she didn't like Yong nudging her or if she thought he was too close she would give him that look. And while Seohyun might have sparkling eyes, she can express with them when she doesn't like something. So it really does speak volumes about where they might be when you conisder Seohyun and her personality and the fact she allows Yong near her like no other guy ever. She doesn't do things for ratings or ink in papers.

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Hello everyone!!! Just had to do this before going to sleep tonight. (It's 9:30pm here from where I am)






Reciting the Goguma Pledge ... *** while standing up and with my right hand raised***



The Goguma Pledge


We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.



Thank you redtulip and nazweena for reposting :)and thank you everyone for all the posts, photos, screencaps, translations, fanfics, fmvs and for sharing the LOVE *** hugs *** :wub:






And keeping our Goguma couple's positive attitude in mind, I'm hoping that tomorrow's episode won't be a rerun. Goodnight everyone!!! blush.gif












miel_1301 gracefully accepts your *** welcome hug*** thanks so much!!!






aigoo... feeling the warmth of the Goguma planet before going to bed is just awesome. Now I'm off to sleep to dream more of our lovely Goguma Couple :wub:














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Guest miel_1301



Aigoo! The thread jumped some pages again right after those Japan photos were posted.

There's not even an iota of doubt that the girl beside YongHwa on the first photo aneng posted yesterday is his Hyun, even if her face was totally hidden from the camera. Who is the only person capable of making those cheek bones of YongHwa "pop-out" to the point of bursting every time they stand/sit close to each other?

Thanks jessyblue for giving the link to the added photos at Kawagoe and thanks genxv and baby_bo for posting them. We really can't get enough every time pictures of the couple would surface. They both look really happy being together. Is that a map/tourist booklet I see with SeoHyun? She must have enjoyed exploring the sights down the streets of Kawagoe.

jessyblue, welcome and I notice your first post in this thread was about those Kawagoe photos that you made us all excited about.

luv1822, I hope my "welcome hug" to you is never late.

redtulip and nazweena, it was nice of you to once again remind this thread of that "PLEDGE" which has been engraved in each and every Goguma's heart, for the benefit also of the new members who just recently joined this awesome family.

shane09, that's such a nice FMV. With all the talented Gogumas here in the territory of making Fan Made videos, honestly, I am running out of praises for all your works.

genxv, I am feeling extra happy because I made it through the registration at iMBC Website. Thanks to your step-by-step instructions without which I am sure I would have been lost in the process and then would end up not being able to register. I just simply don't like going through all the hassles of registration as much as possible.


But I was such a "pabo" I thought there would be a limit to the number of characters/lines in a message that I painstakingly reduced what I want to say in just one line, which wasn't even a complete sentence but only a phrase, until I saw the other posts which are a short paragraph long. Hahaha! There's always a first time, right? So next time I post my message I will make sure it would be an essay-long. And because of my extreme happiness today, I treated my staff to lunch. Hahaha! YongSeo Effect!

i love how happy and plauful the two are on their japan filming shots....

I have one request from yonghwa....

Can you lick off the ice cream from seohyun's nose??????

I dare you boy!!! Hahaha

Even if the username of this post will be hidden somehow, I can very well tell whose post this "naughty" comment belongs to. Hahaha! But where exactly have you been hibernating to these past days, lenovo? Don't make me miss you to death.

Anyway...got your PM. But I am pretty serious--- Come out of your hiding! Palli!

j2dlee, thanks to you for the brief translation of what TRAX Jung Mo was talking/discussing about SeoHyun in the radio program of LeeTeuk. It really seems like SeoHyun is a precious girl to all of her SM Oppas. They all have one consensus and are unanimous in describing her as "Pure and Innocent" that no one will dare mess around with.


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Guest raindrops_919


annyong :wub:




i fulfill my goguma dose today, hoho so happy right now due to the picture wgm in japan :wub:yihaaaa..




i just want to thank all of you for sharing goguma treasure you find in goguma island, you really make my day *sincha*




i reload this thread like every 5 minutes just to check if there's new post *dugun-dugun everytime, can you feel my heart beat?* :w00t:




here's what i find at allkpop http://www.allkpop.com/2010/09/cast-your-vote-for-allkpops-new-background




i've already voted for SNSD and for CN Blue of course *they will look great together at the backgroud* :wub: 




i don't know if i'm doing wrong with putting a link here.. :tears:




sorry if so.. :unsure:












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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































Oh wait
































































whilewatching the subbed version of part 3 if im not wrong. just wanna share something
































































this cap was when after victoria cheered for nickhun and she said "APPA HWAITING!"(dad hwaiting) and look at seo's face.
































































































haha. the two couple were amazed, and seobaby was ofcourse AMAZED and she goes "OOOOHHHH"then she looked at yong.
































































haha. seohyun, although yong wants you to call him appa, but i believe he is still waiting for  you to call him "YONGHWA-yahh"
































































and just a thought.
































































Maybe the reason why SEOHYUN rejected the kissing scene was she wants yong to be her first kiss. yes? seohyun? haha
































































































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For all of the goguma out there who maybe as confused as me. Here is a summary  of key events edited based on Sweet potatos days and Baidu to help everyone to have a better picture of the timeline. Please refer to the 2 threads for more information



June 2010





22: Yonghwa's birthday



24: Yonghwa's talk about Seohyun in an interview. "I think she will make a good partner"



25: KBS Music Core. Yonghwa sang and Seohyun on the keyboard with CNBlue, Taeyeon etc



27: CNBlue played in Busan, Yonghwa was asked about his marriage



28: Seohyun's birthday



29: Filming of WGM at Ganghwa island



30: CNblue interview on Cool FM. Yonghwa wanted to invite JingJing his dog to the concert






05: CNBlue interview on Power Time Radio. Yonghwa talked about the ring and mentioned that Juri Ueno



10: Record KBS Happy Birthday. Yonghwa expressed his love for "wife" Seohyun. Broadcasted on 26 July



10: Recod KBS Happy Together. Yonghwa had Seohyun number in his handphone. Broadcasted 22 July



14: NII Photoshoot interview for Yonghwa. Show the new ring. Broadcasted 22 July



31: CNBlue first concert. Seohyun attended






03: WGM filming in a park based on Fan account, Yonghwa and Seohyun attended the "Make a wish" event



04: Record Mnet Beetles Code CNBlue. Broadcasted 12 Aug



06: SNSD in Pruket 



07: CNBlue in Busan NII fan signing



17: Record WGM Horror Special



21: Concert in Singapore. Yonghwa showed off the ring



21: SM Town Concert. Seohyun duet



25: Concert in Hongkong. Yonghwa showed off the ring



26: Record Haha Mong Show for Yonghwa



29: WGM filming at the house, Duet at Incheon Korean Wave Concert



30: Seohyun at Superbad press conference








01: WGM filming with Ueno Juri



11: CNBlue Concert in Thailand.



11: SM Town Concert in Shanghai



16: CNBlue concert in Japan



18: CNBlue concert in Japan



18: SNSD Girls award in Japan



20: CNBlue concert in Japan



21: WGM filming in Japan



As you can see some times, the broadcasted dates may confused us a bit. In June, it was still very much no direct references if we assume JingJing and Ueno Juri as hints.



In July, Yonhwa was shy but did not deny anything when asked about her. The closeness between this two started to grow at an exponetial rate after the Horror Special. Yonghwa started to be more expressive (Showing off the ring, may due to encouragment from Goguma fans) in the "Listern to CNBlue" tours. Hence, totally no awkwardness at the Incheon Concert. We all nearly died that night, surprised that they held hand. However, now it can be easily understood.



So now we are in September, they are really really close, not a inch between them in the Japan picture. I am really not surprised that Seohyun was in Japan all along and attended the CNBlue concert on 20 Sept. We just need a "Sign" 



Edit: Forgot to add. They were already in their own world during the filming of the Horror Special in August, no wonder it took them half an hour to notice Juri Ueno. If she never tried to captured their attention, they could sat there the whole night staring into each other eyes and talked until the shop closed.


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Reading otty's post triggered a moment from last night. i was trying to find some cute pictures of seohyun and came across this summary of an episode of "Intimate Note" where the SNSD unnies reveal how seohyun really is. her sleeping habits and how she does not like men. Here is the whole post by KPOP JJANG who is currently on a hiatus sadly.

[NEWS] SNSD's Seohyun, "Does Not Like Men?"

































































































































































































SNSD members disclosed personal information about Seohyun without hesitation.
































































































































































































In the recent recording of SBS ‘Intimate Note’ which is to be aired on the 28th, SNSD members agreed unanimously that Seohyun is like a “greenhouse flower” and continued to talk about her.
































































































































































































Taeyeon stated, “Seohyun does not like men. At her age, she should be interested and curious about that sort of stuff but she really isn’t and that worries me.” Sooyoung continued, “Seohyun is thoroughly self-managed. Even if our schedule is supposed to end at 3:00AM, she insists that she has to go to sleep by midnight to take good care of her skin.”
































































































































































































Sooyoung continued, “At first I thought Seohyun was only joking. But she really does go to bed by herself at midnight.” Hyoyeon also spoke about Seohyun’s studious habits, “Seohyun sets her alarm clock to 7:00AM and wakes up to it every morning. She wakes up at that time to read books while the others are still sleeping.”
































































































































































































SNSD’s honest and quick-witted testimonies will be aired on August 28th, 2009 at 9:55PM.
































































































































































































Source: Newsen
































































































































































































Translations: Glucose@soshified































































































































































































































































































































































































this show was aired a WHOLE YEAR AGO. i'd like to think not much as changed because she still feels timid and distant from other guys. but with yonghwa... i feel that she's changed a lot. she doesnt mind the skinship or the closeness. she may not initiate it, but she has accepted it with yonghwa. and that is real trust. real life. real love :wub:
































































































































































































and also the fact that she's staying up past 12midnight to film wgm shows her dedication to the show. and yonghwa :)
































































































































































































yongseo fighting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































and i wanted to mention that i've been so GOGUMA-fied lately that whenever i am typing something beginning with a Y- i always end up typing Y-O-N-G. :lol: i have no idea way. like my dad's name is YOUNG (see there <---- i did it again just fixed it lol) and lately i'll begin with Y-O-N... lol. goguma fever?!
































































































































































































YONGHWA tweeted today! found this from cnblueLOVElight blog

안녕하세요 용화에요ㅋ 오늘잠깐한국의공기를마시고다시대만으로슝~늘응원해주실꺼죠?추석인데 모두 가족과 즐거운 시간 보내세요^-^

Hi this is Yonghwa kekek I breath the korea air for a bit today then shooong went to taiwan~ you’re always gonna cheer for us right? It’s chuseok. Everyone have a good time with your family ^-^
































































































































































































translation by Dita (blue_jus7@twitter)
































































































































































































source: http://twitter.com/CNBLUE_4































































































































































































































































































































































































he must have just arrived in korea after his japan filming with wife. they should have left for korea together!! and then we would have been lucky to see airport pictures of them together. huddled together and showing off their rings. (sigh) how awesome would that be?! and of course yong, we're going to cheer for you! for cn blue and for your wifey!

































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Guest desirenhope



I read this on twitter.

[JUICY EXCLUSIVE] park shin hye was spotted with jung yong hwa at galleria dept store after inkigayo mc on 12 sept !

Didn't meant to spoil the good mood here but 12 september Yonghwa just arrived back from Thailand right? and on the same day he had to mc n went out with his ex-co star. Busy boy. Hope he gets enough rest.

My heart went oh-no for a millisecond. :P


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Hi Can you give me an engsub video link of part 1 for episode 22 ? :unsure:
































































































































































































































I couldn't open it. twitvid RDRsubs :)

































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Irrelevant news..


anyway.. B)

[YongSeo] Reminder: WGM Chuseok Special Today

TODAY, the 23rd (1:40-2:55 PM KST). Source: epg.co.kr

But don’t get your hopes up high friends. It might be just re-runs :) But still if you guys want to watch that’s the schedule for today. kekekke

Also, YOng's airport attire to Taiwan is a hot topic.. lol. I understand why though.


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Guest seohyun_yh




Reading otty's post triggered a moment from last night.  i was trying to find some cute pictures of seohyun and came across this summary of an episode of "Intimate Note" where the SNSD unnies reveal how seohyun really is.  her sleeping habits and how she does not like men.  Here is the whole post by KPOP JJANG who is currently on a hiatus sadly.


this show was aired a WHOLE YEAR AGO.  i'd like to think not much as changed because she still feels timid and distant from other guys.  but with yonghwa... i feel that she's changed a lot.  she doesnt mind the skinship or the closeness.  she may not initiate it, but she has accepted it with yonghwa.  and that is real trust.  real life.  real love :wub:


and also the fact that she's staying up past 12midnight to film wgm shows her dedication to the show.  and yonghwa :)


yongseo fighting!



that  seohyun is now in the past.


I have followed  to seohyun and  the change is remarkable about this girl, since she met yonghwa, she has changed her attitude about guys.


she still continues to be very shy and very polite with them, but now she  play with them and she smile more with them, seohyun is a special girl.



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Guest CheriMerci








Yong and his bros at Incheon International Airport [220910]




Don't you guys think that Yong looked so bright and happy? rolleyes.gif




Maybe because he's already charged his battery with his wife in Japan. keke




And Something that makes us happy to see...Ring Ding Dong











Cr : as tagged+Jillwithercraft@CNBLUE Soompi

























CN Blue - Taiwan Airport Photos




cre: http://tw.news.yahoo...22/5/2dkgh.html 











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Guest Earthprincess








Did you know that your favorite fan fic writer "Jossa" aka ishtargoddess also writes episode summaries and analysis of We Got Married's Goguma couple? Yes, she does at ANJELL Haven as Goguma and Yong Hwa's forum manager. :)








Catch her and our Goguma Hero, tokki, do a She Said - He Said take on recent episodes. Latest one is from Episode 23. Here's the link to the Episode 23 thread! You don't want to miss it.
















They will be updating some episodes soon, but will primarily focus on newer ones. :D





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Irrelevant news..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway.. B)
































































































































































































[YongSeo] Reminder: WGM Chuseok Special Today
































































































































































































TODAY, the 23rd (1:40-2:55 PM KST). Source: epg.co.kr
































































































































































































But don’t get your hopes up high friends. It might be just re-runs :) But still if you guys want to watch that’s the schedule for today. kekekke
































































































































































































Also, YOng's airport attire to Taiwan is a hot topic.. lol. I understand why though.
































































































































































































thanks for the schedule update. i'm more then likely going to watch it, even if it is reruns, because it starts here around 12midnight. i'll still be up by then. thanks for the info!!
































































































































































































Yong and his bros at Incheon International Airport [220910]
































































































































































































Don't you guys think that Yong looked so bright and happy? [/color
































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe because he's already charged his battery with his wife in Japan. keke
































































































































































































And Something that makes us happy to see...Ring Ding Dong































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr : as tagged+Jillwithercraft@CNBLUE Soompi




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN Blue - Taiwan Airport Photos
































































































































































































cre: http://tw.news.yahoo...22/5/2dkgh.html 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for sharing the pictures. yong and the cnblue brothers all look really good :) thank you thank you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































i topped. gosh have nothing to share right now! bout to go back to work too. will update later. sorry so much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































all i have to share is this picture of yong during their 2nd chocolate filming. i think he was singing "Y, Why" here. love "Y, Why" and so does hyun! lol. and plus ringdingdong :)
































































































































































































22983943.jpgcredit to whoever took it!

































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