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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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100918 MBC We Got Married  








Really happy to watch this episode,




Funny to see the part of taking photo.....




The ghost 'hand' can't even come out but they already finished taking photo.








Thanks for the link..I just woke up and the moment I open my eye I turned on my notebook right away...thanksssss:wub: . GTG, ill watch it now...lol im so excited




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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































This week's episode was awesome. I had a hard week and it totally cheered me up :D
































































Yonghwa is clever, I think he was the only one who thought of carrying the hay jumble at his back while running (it's easier to run forward that way). I'm very impressed with this.
































































I think for all the maths question, the answer is always zero. Seohyun answered it so fast that Yong hasn't even completed his 'protective field' (I don't know what you call it ke ke) with the tables.
































































I'm really proud of Yongseo couple :)
































































And the skinship.. Love it!

Jo Kwon cracked me up. That boy just spew variety!

































































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YONGSEO has shown us ---- TRUE LOVE naturally came out under the most horrific PRESSURE!!!! :wub::wub:










Someone enjoyed the HUGGING-PICTURE TAKING moment there! Yong!










i cud imagine how they savored that moment and tightly pressed their bodies on each other!!!




















is this a horror ep or what??? they look so sweet here, you guys!










Yong was the proudest hubby ever! --- He was so supportive of Seohyun!!!










By far the most romantic amongst the three!!!! Adam is the funniest!!! Khuntoria --- ummm.... they're ok. hahaha!










Keep the screencaps comin'!!!










CHEERS TO ALL GOGUMAS!!! it's our day!!!!




















I noticed... our couple's strength/stamina is quite something. hehehe. R u thinking what i'm thinking?! dirty! LOL!



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Guest Crystal392






yeah, their shirts together made a heart. Btw did all the couples have that kind of shirts or just YongSeo? And if it's just YongSeo I wonder if it was the PDs idea or their idea... Hmmmm


I know lots of you are super excited but please remember not to quote pics, don't post onelines. As another Goguma already said, I'm sure there are lots of things to say about our YongSeo that are more than 20 words :D


Welcome new spazzers to Gogumaland!


Woah almost 400 oeople at the thread right now!! Annyeong *waves*


EDIT: Also don't forget this is a YongSeo thread. Of course it's inevitable to talk about other couples (specially because on the last ep the three were together) but do it with respect :) we are a big WGM family ^_^



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i was smiling, grinning, cheer-leading, screaming, laughing...I MUST BE MAD CRAZY! :crazy:






























today's epi really awesome...i didn't expected our yongseo to have so much skinship... :w00t:






























dear yong, i really salute you for being manly all the way to yer wife. you didn't disappointing us and hold on to yer wife's hand thru the scary journey. protect her, guard her and cheer her up. i salute you again BEASTLY YONG.
































dear hyun, i really salute you for yer smartness for solving the math question within 30 seconds given the allotted 1 min. you are the only one able to solve it that fast. you show yer hidden power to the world that hyun can do it in 'sireum'. that's admiring. holding on to yer hubby's hand and not hesitating shows that you've given yer permission to let yong in yer heart. ANGEL HYUN
































































while watching, i was thinking hey yong this is what you have been waiting for after 6 months of marriage, the skinship really admiring and lovely to see...i''m getting soapy here! :tears: tears of joy

















































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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo
































































































































































































after i watch their a lot of skinship, i thought that i can't stop smiling and control my mine
















































































i don't know how to express my feeling now........
















































































the only one o know is today was a very good for me....w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

















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Cont from previous translation


Jk said he had not taken a bus for a long time and asked where they were going. Yong said to a place for war. All of them received the mission card which stated that due to the biggest festiva, to create happiness for the audiene, today is WGM Strongest Couple tourament.


JK asked how long each of them were married which Nk replied 2 months and YH 6 months. JK said it was so fast for half a year and SH said yes. Studio MC wondering who was the person. (Jungshin at the beach)


YH questioned about the red dote and said it must be there for a reason when JK answered that it could be to prevent traffic accident. Then it was the scene of YH blocking the sun for SH etc.


Jungshin got on the bus and MC Miseo said my son is here. YH was surprised to see him and was not aware that Jungshin will be coming. Jungshin announced that he was the special MC for the day and took out the MC cue card. MC Miseo said he was showing off. While he was welcoming them to the show, YH told him not to keep looking at him. Gain corrected him when he pronounced one of the words wrongly.


Jungshin the winner will win something that will enhance their couple standard of living and asked them what was the most impt thing to ensure couple harmony. Gain said money, JK chose character and NK answered skinship. Jungshin said it was the couple balance, played in a show before and proceed to show them. Onjective was to balance for a minute standing on the red dot.



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One more funny point is their relationship with other couples
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vic & HYun - HYun is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Khun& Yong - Khun is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vic bowed lower to Hyun and Yong bowed lower to Khun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kwon & Khun - Kwon is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Overall the rank is Ga-in senior follow by Hyun,Kwon,Khun,Vic and Yong...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually.... Vic is older than Hyun. Vic is born in 1987. I heard the MC say she is Dongap with GaIn? I'm not sure if I picked that up correctly but I'm sure as a f(x) fan that Vic is born in 1987 :)

































































































































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adam got a his & hers PJ top, khuntoria got a matching hoodies,

and our yongseo got a hearts!!!

at the beginning of the episodes, there are 3 parcels, and each team get to choose

one? correct me if i'm wrong

idk if these are those gifs that they chose.


protective couple = yongseo

high pitched singing = adam

terror stricken = khuntoria


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so cuts i thought were super cute with our favorite couple!


hand grab/shoulder bump. they've must have done this before because they seemed really familiar with this. hyun evens says "yeah~" yong's normal response for everything. lol.


yong touching hyun's arm. its kind of cute how timid hyun is around everyone else, but yong tries to keep things easy. so cute :)


they were always so close!!! i wasnt sure if they were holding each other or what, but it was yong holding a bag with his arm up and i think hyun was trying to help him. she was the only one out of the girls to help her man carry something ;)


"we've been together for 6 months now~" i love their eye contact when they were talking about how long the couples have been together. so freaking adorable!!!


cant forget the shade blocking! i think its pretty sweet for a guy to block the sun from a girls eyes :wub:


yong's reaction to jungshin's arrival. he looked almost disappointed some because maybe he wanted to spend this time with his WIFE only (along with the other couples of course) but i love how jungshin calls him "yonghwa-shi" when he was doing the balancing game.

right before the game hyun had leaned forward some and lost her balance so she grabbed the pole infront of yong. then right when she leaned back yong leaned forward, to listen to jungshin i suppose, and touched the EXACT spot. indirect touching?! hyun's warmth?! lol i'm crazy, i know! lol



doesnt this picture remind you of the little picture cap that the pd's always put for "yong choding"? lol. so cute!

and lastly (for now) hyun laughing at her husbands attempt to keep his balance.


i've only gotten the chance to cap some from the 1st clip. will do some more later because i have a feeling this episode will be on constant replay for a long time! :)

i really love the couples all together. and i love yongseo. does anyone else think its super cute how hyun knows that yong isnt the most athletic but she still supports him SO much. i really love this episode. i think already said that but oh well. love love love :wub:

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Guest Crystal392



Redtulip: thanks for the translation :) thanks thanks thanks!

Tartsmile: maybe it meant about the time they debuted? :P

Jnj: thanks for answering me :D

Thanks panGG for those amazing screencaps :)


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From Previous translation


SH encouraging YH when it was his turn. Jungshin said YH was the least sporty among the 3. YH only managed 31 seconds. Gain sat in front so that she can catch Jk if he fell down. Which YH commented that they can advance to such a stage in a year. JK only managed to hold for 20 seconds. NK held for a minute and won.


Chinese translation only up to here. Will be back later when there are more.



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The best Episode EVER !!!


I think Yong brushed Hyun's pony hair off in the photo taking scene becoz her hair covered red heart screen on their T-shirt and they could check themselves out at the mirror in front of them haha . No doubt both of them seem to be the perfectionist .  Even the photo looked perfect.


They look like real couple to me.  They take care of each other.  I agree with some previous comment that Yongseo will get more fans from this episode. 


How I wish in the next special episode, all of 3 couples will play peppero game like couples in last season. I wanna see my YongSeo almost kiss while playing the game so badddddddd  And how I wish yong will be compitative in the game as Hyunjoong was  :))  


Edit ** sorry if my comment seemed to be nega one . U know it's  hard to not compare between couples coz they were together. U can clearly see how different each couple are. hehe 


 Let's say I adore the goguma couple. They are sweetest  when they r together .


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crystal_malfoy: haha,i was going to say that also.i think the PD intentionally give our yongseo couple a couple's shirt with the joined heart pic so that they have to hug :wub: all thanx to the PD :) well, for the other couples i think they're also given a couple cloth but with different theme.btw,this is my first post.hehe

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sorry for spamming u guys with caps..can't seem to stop myself

even after the game, they look so comfortable with their legs joined


one more scene which i love


tks for fast trans redtulip! hugs!!

agree with crystal

we should remind each other not to start anything nega.

rmbr...peace not war..


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Remember how Yong won over Nickhun... and Hyun won over Victoria on that --- wat shud i call it game???? ahhh.... WINNER ON TOP game. hahaha!






























I wonder if the two would play the same game --- say, for championships given they both won --- I wonder WHO STAYS ON TOP???!!!!!! ahahahahahahaha!!!!!










Would you want to make a wild-naughty guess??? hahah.










**nightshifters, my senses has returned. Spazz with me! N-O-W!!!! NOW! ** LMAO!



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WOW YongSeo the best.... skinship overload... Adam couple is so funny.. Yongseo is so LOVEY DOVEY.... Khuntoria is so cute.....































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3




wah~ this is the best episode of yongseo couple!! lots of skinship~ i so love it~ hehe~ :P


I wasn't going to post but i can't stop myself from coming back again and again on this thread~ gosh~ :))


And so i decided to post my happiness~ haha! :))


i love it when jungshin was looking at hyun and yonhwa said he should stop(or was it?) haha! :))


Even though the Khuntoria couple was the funniest but this couple is the best. :) sorry.


though, i still love khuntoria. :) agh~ subs~ subs~ lolz.


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