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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I just watched the preview and omg they held hands (at 0:28).
















They held hands, they held hands, la la la. My heart skipped a beat when i saw that.
















Im crazily happy now :wub:
































Thank GOD, thank u PD-NIM!

















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so many good things to spazz today!!!
































































I THOUGHT SO!!! today would be daebak! Episode with Ueno juri is daebak..
































































































































1. YOngSeo is too focused on being so lovey dovey that they totally ignored Ueno Juri
































































2. I can't believe YOnghwa's ideal is Ueno but the one spazzing and fangirling is Seohyun
































































3. SEOHYUN'S JAPANESE IS DAEBAAAAAAAAK!!! But why am i not surprised? She is snsd's japanese tutor after all :)
































































4. Yonghwa trying to make Seohyun jealous but he got a doze of his own medicine cause Seohyun was fangirling over CHIAKI SENPAI and even asked if he's coming! lol!
































































and ofcourse
































































PREVIEW IS DAEBAAAAAAK!!! YONGSEO HOLDING HANDS!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
































































































































also, im not sure if you guys were able to catch this.. but i bet you did.. but let me just repost..
































































When Seohyun already found out it was Ueno Juri, she was so focused, dazed and about to go on spazzing mode that she refused the food YOnghwa was feeding her! hahaha LOL at yonghwa i think he was disappointed.. but he can't blame seohyun, she was fangirling!! hahaha
































































starts at 8:16
































































WGM - yongseo with ueno juri

































































































































































































































































































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Guest rogue1210
















































































I can't wait to see them holding hands in next week's episode. I hope this will encourge them to do a little more skinship. That would make my day.









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Guest _d3seohyun
































































































































the other two couples are hugging and more on the preview while our Yongseo is simply holding hands (not even confirmed yet) but we're already going gaga as if they kissed hahahaha. the power of YONGSEO...daebak!!!










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so many good things to spazz today!!!














































































































































































































































































































I THOUGHT SO!!! today would be daebak! Episode with Ueno juri is daebak..




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. YOngSeo is too focused on being so lovey dovey that they totally ignored Ueno Juri































































































































































































2. I can't believe YOnghwa's ideal is Ueno but the one spazzing and fangirling is Seohyun































































































































































































3. SEOHYUN'S JAPANESE IS DAEBAAAAAAAAK!!! But why am i not surprised? She is snsd's japanese tutor after all :)































































































































































































4. Yonghwa trying to make Seohyun jealous but he got a doze of his own medicine cause Seohyun was fangirling over CHIAKI SENPAI and even asked if he's coming! lol!































































































































































































and ofcourse





























































































































































































































































































































































































































PREVIEW IS DAEBAAAAAAK!!! YONGSEO HOLDING HANDS!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's a clear cut of that scene...































































































































































































100911 SNSD Seohyun "Tamaki Hiroshi
































































































LOL @ Yonghwa. Your wife is too smart to fall for that hahahha
































































































100 percent sure sis? I'll take your word for now haha. i want them to hug too hahah

















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the other two couples are hugging and more on the preview while our Yongseo is simply holding hands (not even confirmed yet) but we're already going gaga as if they kissed hahahaha. the power of YONGSEO...daebak!!!

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's a clear cut of that scene...































































































































100911 SNSD Seohyun "Tamaki Hiroshi
































































LOL @ Yonghwa. Your wife is too smart to fall for that hahahha
































































100 percent sure sis? I'll take your word for now haha. i want them to hug too hahah































































































































yes! yes! my gut is telling me and it's obvious!!!
































































Im not sure if they will hug cause seohyun get's surprised easily but she doesn't get really really scared like how victoria is so scared in the preview.. as far as i know, once seohyun gets the hang of it, she will not easily fall for horror tricks.. i guess bec they already had that horror special with snsd :)
































































but still holding hands is daebak!
































































I can't wait for next week!
































































WGM sched is kinda messed up but i think they will resume to normal broadcasting after chuseok :)

































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Guest DJHinata

OMG !! this episode i feel so happy !!! I LOVE IT !!! Yonghwa is so cute !! he is my ideal ! *O* And Hyun so beautiful !! I can't wait for the next Episode !! their holding hands !! *O*  OMG , it just like we are seen diferents yonghwa and hyun right? OMG but i hope wgm go back to the others episodes after this special horror !! i love wgm !! YongSeo Couple fightiiing ♥



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Guest bintangkalerbiru



i thought the special chuseok ep is in wednesday 22th??

anyway, thanks for the link. and also thanks to keoconvoi for uploading. u r always the fastest. that's really good. but it's too short and there's so many more scene that's missing. i hope they will continue it again in other ep.

off to rewatch this episode again.


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PD-nim really know how to torture his viewers, I can't wait until next week. The preview is really something...so many skinship w00t.gif I just want to kidnap WGM's PD after watching the preview. I'm sure there are a lot more to it than just holding hand :wub: Everything is possible when a couple is together in a haunted house, what i mean is hugs, kisses :P, holding hand, crying (I don't think Hyun will cry, just a scenario) and comforting, etc. Thanks DJHinata for the clear caps. I love the way Yong hold Hyun's hand/wrist out the door. He seems so manly by leading Hyun with care in his hand. This time, Hyun seems to follow Yong's lead and that just makes them even more couple-liked phew.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks keoconvoi for your super dooper fast speed and effort! You're my hero on every Saturday :)

































































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i just noticed something in the preview...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there's a person sitting between yonghwa and gain...because there are 7 people there...huh.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not sure though, but that person is seems like lying down(?) and when the lights turned off he suddenly sit up...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hhmmmm....confused confusedhuh.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Seohyun' Japanese is jsut AWESOME!!!








and i love their stare at 2.00 lol so cute








looking forward to next weeks episode.








Its really not clear whether he was holding her wrist or hand.. seems like hands to me.. but i guess I'll just have to wait and see. :D








Reminds me of the episode when they went to the smaller haunted house and the MCs teased yonghwa for standing behind seo. lol I guess he learned from that episode and he's probably more "emotionally involved" and protective over his wife.








lol I love yonghwa's "wife" too when ueno juri asked him.





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Guest Machitoshi


































I was really shocked at how good her Japanese is after watching this week's episode & just when I thought it can't get any better, the preview killed me. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I can't wait #$$@#$!!@#@~~! It's gonna be pure win next week & I can already see this thread going crazy! Hopefully Yong protects our Hyun from everything she's scared of :)



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In the next episode , I feel Yong Hwa was the leadership .he try to  protect his wife. We see Yong Hwa like being caught her wrist.












Demonstrates leadership who's always ready to protect his wife in all situations   ^_^












He's so coooooooooool



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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!




I've just watched the preview, thank you fengz, d3j1k0, mklavo 2 (no one liners!), and GuGuMa_ForeverKoY for the links and many others for the caps, news and all.




Before I go off to watch ep 22, here's the translation of the preview. See you later~




There’s nothing much to translate in this preview…Action speaks louder than words!




Jo Kwon: This is the first time we all gather together.




The WGM couples come together for the first time!




The reason is….the strongest WGM couple tournament?




Jo Kwon: What is the strongest WGM couple tournament?




Jo Kwon: How long has it been since you got married?




Nichkhun: Two months…?




Yonghwa: About half a year.




Gain: Hahaha! (1 year)




Everybody: Hahahaha!!




Getting to know each other…having a great time…DO YOU REALLY THINK SO?




(on the top of the bus) Welcome to a special horror show




Inside the dark, abandoned school…




Gain: What’s going on?!




A real tournament for the strongest couple starts now!







Welcome to a special WGM horror show







Will be clinging(?) love between husband and wife revealed in this extremely terrifying situation?





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Guest Crystal392






Woah thanks for those screencaps, they are super clear.


I also don't know if Yong was holding Hyun's hand or wrist but I guess we will find out next week :) I also noticed the guy in the middle, maybe it was the filming crew? Hmmm ...


J2dlee: thanks a million for translating that :) have fun watching the ep :D


Edit: Welcome all new spazzers to Gogumaland :D don't forget quoting pics (you just have to erase the img tags when you quote that post) and posting one lines is against the rules :)



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Here's a much clearer preview and a complete one:









And thank you so much for the translation j2dlee




I'm very impressed with Hyuun taking the lead in today's episode and her Nihonggo is really good. She captured the Japanese accent and she knows what she's talking about :D




Yonggg~ lol even though he wasn't really into his wife and his "ideal's" convo, it is interesting to see that he is trying to make them laugh by being his dorky, shy self <3 but what kinda surprised me was his attitude towards his so called ideal girl. He was definitely starstruck probably because he couldn't believe Ueno was in Korea, but he wasn't initiating a conversation with Ueno nor was he trying to entertain her as much as Hyun.




It was cute to see him following Hyun all over the place and not sneakily flirting or anything with Ueno behind his wife's back XD hehehe


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Translation based on meaning and Chinese from baidu while we wait for our in house translator J2blee. I skipped some parts which most of us would still understand without subs.











Jiwon said it was the first time they met and asked how long they have been together. Nickkun answered about 2 months while Yonghwa said they are about half a year. (Edit: Since J2blee already translated infront)




Yonghwa mentioned that this was the first time he saw someone holding the umbrella like Seohyun. He took over the umbrella as his parents said that it is the job of a man.




Then, came jealous Yong asking Seohyun what did she do in school and what kind of guys did she meet. Seohyun asked why he was asking so much and he said she must had signed a lot of signatures. Yonghwa said he was just curious and imitated her ne/de as if a guy approached her.




MC Miseo commented that the two of them were so into each other that they hardly looked elsewhere. Yonghwa started sharing about his experience in Japan while Juri Ueno was wiping the table. Seohyun seemed to notice something but turned out that it was the pricelist. She said they had taken 3 3000 won plate so Yonghwa said they should take the 1000 won plates now.




Yonghwa took a plate priced at 5000won and they started "bickering" about the price. Ueno came with the tea to ask whether Seohyun is the wife which Yonghwa confimed. Seohyun asked whether she is a Janpanese and Ueno sort of skipped the question of her name.




Seohyun got suspicious and asked Yonghwa whether there was Ueno after he tried feeding her the big sushi. Yonghwa also felt that she looked ilke Ueno and both were surprised when the boss shouted her name Juri. Ueno pretended that she heard a lot of people saying that she looked like Juri Ueno before. Seohyun said it must be her. Yonghwa answered ottoke cos his buin is around. Seohyun said no issue cos she liked her more than him so not to worry.




In the black room




Seohyun was surprised that Ueno appeared infront of her as she was a fan since young. For Yonghwa, he still can't believed that it was Ueno even after he knew that it was real.




Then there was the confirmation and introduction. The note given by Ueno wrote that Ueno was going to meet her fans tomorrow hence hoped that they can teach her how to get close to the fans. Ueno expressed interest to go to their house for a visit when Seohyun offered her a seat. Ueno also asked why Yonghwa was laughing. At the same time, mentioned that they took a while to recognise her. Seohyun was embrassed but wished Chaki was there too.




In the black room




Seohyun said that Yonghwa was very happy and said in a radio show before that Ueno is his ideal. Although everybody has someone in their heart but she just don't feel good.




Seohyun said she is learning Japanese but with some difficulty. At the gate, Yonghwa hoped Ueno did not mistaken that both level 1 &2 of the house belonged to them.




At the house, Seohyun said it been a while and there was a smell in the house hence proceed to open the window. They offered her orange juice and Yonghwa can't sit still near Ueno to make conversation with her. Seohyun asked him to go find some conversation topics. Hence, he started sharing about their avatar concept. When they saw the nodame book, both Yonghwa and Seohyun recited part fo the script.




Seohyun offered to make kimchi pancake which Yonghwa kept asking whether she can make it





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The thread is suddenly so quiet:huh:  You guys are probably still in shock :lol: 
































Quite understandable :D
































Or maybe its shift-change :P

















































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