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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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since i'm back to happy mode, i'm just going to make caps






husband and wife beginning to act more like each other







yongseo couple after tricking minhyuk into eating the salty kimchi.



yong so mean asking bro to take more!! :lol:






sometimes i think minhyuk is more a magnae than jungshin






hyun would be touched that the bros-in-law did finished the whole lot of kimchi,



maybe with her mom's side dish, the kimchi did not taste that bad.



jungshin seems to like it.


d3,u managed to capture those sweet moments that even we did not see earlier


am i right to say that yongseo couple is the first couple that wears



their couple ring outside WGM?



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Guest hihi_hehe














I understand why we're talking about "I" Sulli and the "holding hands:










We have different points of view, therefore it leads us to have different feelings toward some issues ....










but everything just leads to one point LOVE TO YONGSEO COUPLE










You guys may feel disappointed becuz Sulli, the "holding hands"










but WOW, hello ! IT'S NOT WORTHY .... why you have to take things TOO SERIOUS?










I assume that we should talk about YongSeo's new ep right now, but not those things










may I say it? I'm disappointed not in Yonghwa, Seohyun but I'm disappointed that some of us are not strong enough to get over these things










It repeated, it repeats, and will repeat ...




















and I'm strong enough to be happy










Yongseo for my life :wub:



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omo! this thread is deng fast! didn't have time to spazz with u guys as i had to help out with my cuzzie's wedding yesterday~! jnj... i heard ya! so i quickly flew here! LOL xD

first of all, KAMSAHAMNIDA j2dlee!!! u're jjang as always for providing us the trans in lightning speed! kekekeke *a jungshin-like bow* xD

I just managed to watch the new episode, and I thing Yonghwa was verrrry unhappy with having to share Seohyun with his bandmates. And he tried to hug her, but it was awkward. Raaaah. They didn't even hold hands properly. I always assumed that he's happier when he's alone with her, and now, I'm sure. He smiles a lot more at her when nobody's around. Here, he was busy marking his territory, somehow. Anyone else's opinion on this?Regards,Trent.

LOL... i love that sentence somehow!!! it makes me see yong in a much more masculine way. and that's what most girls really like (well, i like that if it doesn't go overboard of course :P )... to have their guys mark their territory. thanks for sharing ur thoughts, Trent~! guys' POV is sure something. :)

monie1909, thanks for posting the pic of hyun and snsd~! haha hyun is forever conservative in her dressing. anyways, it's not like yong would like it if she dresses up more sexily just for other guys. xD

yonghwa will be on the hahamong show next sundayYONGHWA PREVIEW on HahaMong Show

uwahhh...thanks for the preview, panGG~! :)

bezbezbez, thanks for sharing SeoGoddess' pic~! the outfit looks the same as the one during Seokyu's 1st duet performance together huh.

puivixen hey there :) i'm glad that u wanted to spazz with us. i'm sure it wasn't ur intention to make anyone upset. it's probably just how u sentenced ur post eh. as a loyal goguma follower, i understand that i'll be sad, upset or even to the extend of being jealous for them whenever i see some kinda interaction between our goguma couple with other opposite sex. but i have learned. and haven't u watched their recent progress? yong and hyun have definitely expressed much about their feelings toward each other and what's more, the revealing of their feelings & their actions speak much louder than anything else if compared to the doubtful scenes or news that we see. this isn't something made up just to make u feel better but it's just my gut feeling. i may be wrong but wadda heck, let's just enjoy goguma couple while we can. so cheer up & spazz more with us yah! ^_^

oh! like most of u, i love the last scene the most!!! when they ran...it was full of :wub: !!! and their blackroom interview really showed how genuine yong was about his answer to the PD's question. he could have just made a short descriptive remark about his day with hyun. but no, it was probably indescribable that he had to use an example out of his very own family! uh it almost dawned on me that he wants to introduce hyun as his GIRLFRIEND to his parents by hearing that kinda respond? wahahah sorry i'm in my own goguma world now! :P

hmm it seems like everything else that i wanna spazz has already been spazzed so uhhh :mellow: oh ya, from my fuzzy memory based on yesterdays' posts...

kaptenkeirin, thanks for agreeing to make more avvie from our yongseo's duet... u're jjang!!! *hugs* and yes, i'm malaysian...dah habis buat kueh-mueh tuk raya? :D

ummm next is...can't remember much... >.<

last but not least....

oh, what the hey.... :P no harm to imagine yah... keekekek



d3... ur caps are always jjang! u always manage to capture the scenes that would never cross our mind as "something" between this goguma couple. and for that, THANK U SO MUCH!

oh, jnj... u're right! they're beginning to be like each other....kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

redtulip, u're one of the most resourceful gogumas around...thanks for the pics! i love yong in green!!! he's such a fair guy!

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Guest _d3seohyun
































































thank you for the updates and pics on the recent indvid activities of our couple :wub:






















































































































































i'm in a very good spazzing mode so i'm sorry i can't recall who shared what.












































































































































































































































































































i find this sooo cute!






















































































































































Yonghwa's smile and Seobaby's eyes (where are they looking at? kekkeke)





















































































































































































































































Must have been hard trying to appear not giddy esp with your dongsengs around...





















































































































































































































































Seobaby didn't even flinch hahahah





















































































































































































































































in additon to the "just be quiet" reply to Minhyuk is JH's priceless reaction :lol: DAEBAK!































































































































































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Guest iluvyong

hi gugumas!!!! latest episode gives me a warm feeling about young love and family. i can't help but to reminisce my highschool love, crushes and so on. i remember the why do i love yongseo project and someone said, "it's like watching my very own first love" well it's true.

yong is craving for hyun's sole attention, it's obvious.

minhyuk mentioning about GF, i think there is a unspeakable truth behind that comment, of course brothers knows better what is the real score between them at this point of time. i think he really meant it when he said he doesnt knew it by then about yong's feeling, it's as if he symphatizes him sincerely you can see it in his face.

the brothers are now aware of yong's jealousy, when jugshin is teaching hyun how to play pool look at minhyuk's reaction, he tapped jungshin's arm when he saw yong is approaching as if signalling him to back off.  when yong said" hyuna" when he was about to offer his jacket, jungshin immediately withdraw from what he's doing.

and of course, as everyone is saying it's an epic ending! what a great way to end a whole day full of love and laughter!

i enjoyed the episode so much, fell in love all over again!

thanks j2dlee for the translations, and everyone for making this thread lively, positive and enjoyable!!!!

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To be honest, ideals are ideals.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How many people in real life get together with their ideals anyway? At least I don't know anyone that got married to their ideals.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ideals are like fantasies. Everyone fantasises what kinda guy/girl they want to be with :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As Junsu from DBSK said, our true ideal would be the person you eventually fall in love with! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I kinda didn't want to view my opinion on this since the new WGM episode was so OHEMGEE amazing, but yea, get over the ideals...

































































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Guest unicorn_lover

thank you for  the updates and pics on the recent indvid activities of our couple :wub:

i'm in a very good spazzing mode so i'm sorry i can't recall who shared what.  


i find this  sooo cute!

Yonghwa's smile and Seobaby's eyes (where are they looking at? kekkeke)

Must have been hard trying to appear not giddy esp with your dongsengs around...

Seobaby didn't even flinch hahahah

in additon to the "just be quiet" reply to Minhyuk is JH's priceless reaction :lol: DAEBAK!

i just love jonghyun reaction above...

actually i love all your jonghyun caps, thank you so much _d3seohyun...

he is totally o-blood type :D

actually, when i don't see Yong~ hand... hehehe imy jaw drop... i'm just froze in front the lappie, imagination run wild... ekekkee...blush.gif

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jnj: Jashik~! (I'm saying it with overflowing affection!) komapda is Banmal, if you want to say 'thank you' formally, you'd say komaseupnida/komaseumnida (the 'p' sound in '-seupnida' is very weak, it sounds more like '-seumida'). Anyway, enough of language lessons!




I think Yong made Jungshin to make a deep bow because...the boys were so moved by Hyun's mother's thoughtful gifts (and even more for Yong because they were from his mother in law), and Yong wanted the boys to thank their sis in law more properly and JS was an easy target (sorry, Jungshin! But he's the youngest, right?).




As you said, it is more common for young people to make a deep bow to older people, but since Hyun is married to JS's '(older) brother', Hyun becomes a senior to JS (according to Korean custom). Yong was proud of his wife for taking such a good care of his brothers, and by making JS to bow to Hyun, 1) Yong wanted her to know that the CNBoys are all grateful for their gifts and 2)to make sure that the boys are aware of the fact that Hyun is their sis in law, not just their new friend (JS, MH, are you listening?). Well, it's a personal opinion.




heartbreak_warfare22: Yes, I wish Hyun would speak informally to Yong more often and more comfortably. There is a kind of intimacy that only can be found in a Banmal talk. I hope she is still practicing her Banmal, even though I think the best way is just using Banmal straight away and getting used to it (having said that, I'm not as subtle as Hyun baby).




mimayree, njnyaah: I agree with everything you said.




_d3seohyun: love your screencaps!




blu3bird80, iluvyong: my pleasure~ (chunmane~)




Hi, redtulipand dreamyboo!





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dreamy_boo!!! tks to my shout out, u landed on the goguma land at last!!! :lol:






d3, your caps says it all



i feel bad for jonghyun, he looks envious.



among the members, yong is his! :sweatingbullets:



see yong's hand inside the vest? did hyun flinched? NO!!



does that mean she is ready for a hug or hold hands? YES!!!






iluvyong, nice post. hi5 yongseo style!!


j2, okay enough lessons for today.





haeanna, its showing now??!!



off watching



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Guest haeanna
































































now watching YongHwa in Vitamin @ KBS World..
































































he sure looked handsome as always ..
































































am not sure whether he wore the ring or not..
































will edit later..

































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Hello Everybody!


































































































j2dlee . Each episode becomes so much better because of you. **hugz** thanks for the trans. And ur free of charge Korean language lessons. hehe.


































































































d3seohyun caps are awesome!!! I have one dilemma though... I'm having some "nighshift" thoughts on some of the photos u posted. haha. iL try to repost ur pics with my personal thoughts on it.. if i don't doze off tonight.


































































































redtulip Ur paparazzi shots of Yonghwa are YUMMY!!!! **drooling**


































































































jnj I'm here, I hear yah! **hugz**


































































































dreamy cuzzie - **hugz** miss you!











































































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Guest YongSeo
































































































We have seen many photos that Yongseo couple has been wearing their rings outside of WGM. But I've a query. Shall put it in the spoiler because it is not exactly related to yongseo.































































































































I wonder does Adam couple also did likewise i.e. they also wear their rings outside WGM.






























































































































If so, then that would further show that Yongseo is indeed very special n unique in their own ways. Besides, it would tell that they have special feelings for each other.

































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Guest _d3seohyun
































































I'm not spamming am i? :P kekkeke ur welcome guys. i'm having a blast here ahhaha































































































tnx for all the goodies :D






















































































































































It's a matter of choice people. Be happy! Our couple are! :wub:













































































































































































































aigoo! i'm regretting wasting my time putting caps together earlier when i was going































































































to post them individually anyways :lol:






















































































































































When Yonghwa is excited big things are bound to happen! hahah :w00t:















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jumping like little kids...





















































































































































































































































i love the way the held each other after the almost hug... :wub:

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and last one before i log off...






















































































































































LMAO when I captured this. I'm so sorry hahahhaha





















































































































































































































































































































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To repost some of my favourite for "Why do I love Yongseo couple?"


To me comparing the YongSeo couple and the other couples are not exactly possible. For me each three couples currently in WGM falls under different genre. For the Adam couple is a storyline under the romantic comedy and at times action. They are fast paced, with fast and loud humor. The characters have strong and quirky personalities, fun to watch and laughed at/with and give out a generally happy go lucky mood. The focus is mostly on the plot and lesser on the characters. Their actions instead are the things that are propelling (?) their story forward. They are a plot driven drama made up of big exciting events that starts big, filled with big things, and will probably end (good or bad) in big ways. They are the type to drink the tea of life casually laughing all the while.


The Nichktoria couple falls under the Drama genre. Their times together are filled with dramatic gestures; they have big dreams and are not shy about showing it. They take things in big strides and happily enjoy them. I think they drink their cup of life in big gulps with a big smile and announce their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with it with confidence.




The YongSeo couple on the other hand, probably will drink their life tea in little sips, cautiously tasting out the bitterness and sweetness it contains and taking them all in as a part of life. Their story is of the slice-of-life genre. There's no particular big plot to see, but instead the pull is the characters subtle personality. What the audiences look out for is the development of the characters' personality. Their actions and humor are subtle and not always spoken, their glances and little touches speaks bigger than the words they say, they do things their own way, cautiously at their own pace, doesn't try to force their way through the story but instead letting it unfolds slowly. Though they both are the type to worry and fuss about things (triple A type XD, or maybe it is because of this) they are slowly learning together to appreciate all the little joys that come everyday, they found the things people usually overlooked and turn it into something bigger and their own. And that's why I love them









































I have followed WGM since the 1st Season but like others, my interest stopped after the JoongBo couple left. My interest peaked again after seeing Jung Yong Hwa in "You're Beautiful", curious to see his other activities and lo and behold, was cast as a couple in the new season. Thus, the start of my sleepless Friday/Saturday mornings, beginning with the first episode, streaming online and awaiting English Subtitles to understand the episode. I am not a huge fan of SNSD, didn't really know much about them (just that they're from SM Ent. with Super Junior) but I do admire them for exuding femininity and "sweetness", at least when I see them during their performances and variety shows. I am, however, fond of live bands and it was why I liked Yong's group, CN Blue.












Why this couple? Why not the others? For me, YongSeo are virtually "virgins", Yong in meeting a pure & innocent girl in Hyun, and Hyun, not having ANY relationship or interaction with the opposite sex met Yong who is the epitome of a gentleman, in my opinion. This couple was brought up well by their parents, judging by their actions we see on TV. I admire their approach to this show by suggesting to be "Engaged" rather than be married at the onset of the show. They took their time to learn more about each other and created wonderful memories together BEFORE more memories can be made during their married life. Their kind of relationship seem to me the "Forever" kind, what with opening a bank account TOGETHER (they'll have a history of opening an account FOREVER), and applying for their driver's licenses TOGETHER. Those memories will forever be etched in their minds each time they look at their licenses or open another bank account. These actions are really very unusual for couples, especially "make-believe" ones. And yet, YongSeo did...I really admire them for that. The memories you create before marriage will be completely different from the memories you will make when married, and not necessarily involving the family you will have, but just as a couple.














I, too, am an ajumma, married 25 years (had my husband not died of cancer 12 years ago) and still consider myself married to the love of my life. For me, Yong represents what many mothers would wish for their daughters and the same token, Hyun is someone most mothers would want for their sons. I have sons older than these 2 kids and my eldest will probably be married before the year end to my future daughter in law, a great lady who will be a doctor soon. I raised my sons to be gentlemen, show respect to women and elders, and I'm glad there are parents like Yong's who did the same. And same goes for Hyun's parents for raising her to stay pure and innocent (which can really be very trying at times in other societies)...believe me, everyone, it's really hard being parents at times but our children are our precious jewels and we give them our unconditional love. We try our best to raise them to be good people and hope for the best for them. So be good to your parents, too, ok.














A lot are obsessed with the lack of "skinship" from this couple...I say, I'm glad that they're taking it slow. What we don't see, we'll never know...who knows, chances are, they've done those...and they ended up on the editor's floor. Or maybe they're not into PDA (public displays of affection), but my goodness, their communication through the looks they exchange...priceless. I would say, they have something special, what it is we may never know until later. And although our curiosity can get the best of us, if they choose to share what special relationship they have, then let's thank them for sharing and if not, let's keep supporting and cheering for them. And I also believe that our Hyun has already developed some feelings for our Yong...and by them taking things nice and slow...at the end...it will be such a satisfying feeling for ALL of us.




























MrsAthenaG, 50, California, USA

































Well, do you know when you like something and someone ask you why do you like it you simply said, "I don't know"? It’s my answer if someone told me why I love this couple. The first time I read the news about Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun will become couple in WGM, truthfully I kinda doubt it. I can't even imagine how it will be if both of them put in one frame. I just couldn't picture them together that's all.












But suddenly, everything's change after I saw the first picture of them together when they filmed their first date in Lotte world. Something popped in my mind when I saw the picture "I should watch this couple, I must watch it!!" then the craziness begin.... I watched the first episode, and I fell deeply in love with this couple.














I simply love the way they interact with each other. all the stares, the smiles, the talks (which is very sweet and lovable), I simply love it. They didn't need oversize romanticism, didn't need major skinship to show us that they do really care to each other. i just love seeing both of them sitting side by side and just talk and laugh to each other goofy action. What they do is very simple yet very meaningful. What’s more important is what effect they give to each other. I’m sure they learn different things now, especially to Hyun that's never been in a relationship before, and also to Yong, who learn new things he never done before.














Also, I love this couple so much because of my love for them; I’m able to meet such a wonderful people here whom like family to me. Yes we argue sometimes, but the important things is we never failed to have fun (btw, i'm kinda miss night shifters here...keke). here, I get the chance to have unnies i don't have in my real life. You guys are amazing do you know that, keke?


















































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Guest gettawa

Hi every one """"

I would like to say Thanks you .... For every clips ,pictures, News

and Translate from j2dlee Let me hug you ^^

you are very kindness ... thankssssssssss 

Now I can say ... I love YongSeo Very Very much !!!!!

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lenovo-cuzz~!!! *hugzzz* xD we both landed at the same time at jnj's special shoutout! *hi5 yongseo style* LOL

keekek i agree with ya on d3's caps... especially the one showing JH's facial expression. PRICELESS! JH's face says it all... hahaah i'm sure the boys have never seen YH acting like that towards a girl. it must've been very intriguing to them!

oh ya now i remember something...

thanks crystal for reminding me that seohwa have ever linked arms before! pabo me! >.< i guessed it wasn't that significant in my mind since they were still awkward with each other. my bad... -.-"

haeanna~! u're watching vitamin now?!

i just turned turned >.<

annyeong genxv~!!! *hugs* xD u're >.< ccan;t seem to edit some stuffs.

ackkk soompi's weird!

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Awww jnj *hugs* Let's spazz together. We need some goguma love medicine! ;)


_d3 I love all your caps!! The more the better (please)! Also, I didn;t notice this before: WHAT IS YONG'S HAND DOING INSIDE THAT JACKET? kkkkkkkk XD


j2 your posts are never boring. Thank you for explaining further banmal/joendaemal. I find this so fascinating - it's really fun to learn more about another culture. Thank you too heartbreak_warfare for posting more information about this.


And, can I say, reading through all the posts, you all are doing such a great job at keeping this thread positive! SeoHwa Potatoes/Goguma Aliens are DAEBAK!. I'm so proud to be part of this family. #biggrouphug


redtulip I'm not myopic no, hehehe, but I can see the ring shining on his finger (the fourth picture). And at the fan-meet too? Jung Seobang, you really make me believe that this is real..


Edit: Oh, is Yong on TV again? Looking forward to your reports! ^^


Annyeong dreamyboo dearest. You're making another vid for us hon?


_d3 girl, you're just trying to excite us all over again with those caps? kekekekekkekeke



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Guest _d3seohyun
































































though i'm on a different time zone now, nightshift thoughts remain even in the brightest daylight kekekke






















































































































































i see some nightshifters...so really my last hurrah for the day...













































































































































































































































































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Guest haeanna
































































dreamyboo: yes..i'm tuning in right now..i also tuned in late for about 15 mins after the show has started.. missed the introduction..
































































































just because i LOVE seeing him with the RING~~
































































































yONGhwa @ Jang Geun Seok's fanmeeting as special guest
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: dcgallery
































































Let's Rock ON goGUMAs
































































































































































































































































EDIT: Vitamin featuring YongHwa just ended..
































































emm... if my eyes not tricking me, i can't spot any ring ..
































































and by checking CN Blue schedule, this show was recorded at 16th of June..
































I guess this is the period where he stopped wearing the RING aite?
































so, no worries~~
































































anyway in the show, YongHwa hand grip strength was the strongest..
































so, i take it as Hyun is in good hands..LOL
































































the segment featuring him was short..and when the MC asked something about what's his opinion about the clips that has been shown and he replied that he couldn't help but noticing the pork or samgyeopsal, saying that he haven't ate that for awhile..
































































this reminds me when they went shopping for the first time where he was drooling over the samgyeopsal and Hyun told him that they won't be eating that today..LOL..poor Yong..
































can't say no to buin eh? :wub:

































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Annyeonghaseyo !!..




j2dlee : Thanks for the translations.. I love you ha ha ha..




Redtulip too for the early trans & sharing Fan taken pictures of Yonghwa on the way to inkigayo.




monie1909: Thanks for posting the pic Jang Keuk Suk Fan meeting and hyun and snsd ( They wore the RING!! I'm so happy)




_d3seohyun: I love your screencaps! You have all my fav scene.. Ottoke make me laugh and smile alone




bezbezbez & ricevol : thanks for sharing yongseo ring pics.. (make it REAL for me too )







bintangkalerbiru - as same as like u.. That's my fav scene too in this weeks ep




ck102 & ninyah & iluvyong + blu3bird80 : I agree with you.. everything you said




and THANKS EVERYONE for the pics, opinion, idea...




(sorry if i'm not mention the others name.. I'm so sorry )I've a limit english so, plz understand me.




may be out of topic, (becoz everyone talk about the latest ep) BUT I want to let you know something...




If I'm not wrong , Yuki told us about Yongseo's message before ( YG magazine)




so, just want to share : (some of the pic)..




Y.G magazine : I think they talk about our couple But I'm not sure becoz I cant understand the language.. miyanhamnida.. he he




















Maybe someone post already... but I cant stop myself share with you guy ( Eventhough I cant understand but still want to have it :)...




Edit : They have Yonghwa & Seohyun story/pic too... Just a little but enough for me.. (if u guy want me show their pics let me know. I can post it.




I'm happy if I can read the magazine but.. hmmm have to wait my friend. I hope she can trans for me





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