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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i make some caps just to chase the blues away..

genxv, i always go back to watch all your MVs 'cos it helps when i'm down.

your mvs are all daebak!!





dreamy_boo, u making a new MV or what? where are u? :sweatingbullets:

i don't see lenovo or d3 either.

crystal, home is where the heart is

j2, u can nvr bore us. everyone benefits from the lessons ;) .

okay, bad joke! erm, u can call me 'jashik', if u want... :P:lol:

i hope i don't go overboard...if i am i'm sorry blush.gif

tks again for the explaination. btw is gomapta formal or informal?

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks a lot j2dlee for the info whether Hyun was using banmal in the preview. I wish she would speak informally to him more comfortably. I thought that since it is filmed recently, she would be very comfortable to speak banmal with Yong since she is practicing speaking banmal to him. I guess that would be a habit that would be hard to break for Hyun. thanks also for the crash course about Banmal/Jondaemal. I'm really interested about it. kamsahamnida. :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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j2dlee.....no dear I don't sub Ko-En  I sub other languages so I understand it's different subbing even though you know a language.A lot of times we are so used to slang but when you do a subtitle you have to be more precise.I come here for my light relief.I am normally over at viikii...when you synch mismatched subs to a Korean conversation so many times you tend to pick up words/sentences fast...well faster anyway,I have only been watching KD a few months so I am not doing too badly.


















I finally watched the video...watch video...open a new screen read your sub...watch next part....read again.


















I had to laugh you guys have raised your standards on what skinship you spazz about.It's like they need to hold hands now...like proper whole hands.Did anyone notice Hyun patting Yong like 2 times on his back.Add in the 2 jacket incident+ forearm grab+hand on thigh= 6 lots of skinship....but no......still talking about the duet :P  Not to mention Hyun called Yong nampyun twice.A few episodes ago he was Yong oppa.Did I miss some progression?When did they get so close?Post piggyback?



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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































I though this whole 'ideal type issue' is a done deal. I don't really post on this thread -- actually, it's only my second time -- but I can't help but get bothered by some of the replies I've been reading. I'd like to think of myself as a very open-minded person; even the duets or photoshoots the couple does with other people don't necessarily bother me. I know you guys are just protective of the couple, but they have a life outside of WGM, too. 
















































































































































Now about this 'ideal type issue' that keeps bothering everyone... In all fairness to Yonghwa, he has never really mentioned an ideal type ever since this whole WGM affair (with Ueno Juri as an exception, of course). I think that alone is an assurance that he cares about Seohyun's feelings. Everyone of us has an ideal type which usually embodies the characteristics we want in our future boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives. But then we meet someone who is the total opposite of our ideal type, and all of a sudden, those we deemed as ideal traits and characteristics that we've ingrained in our minds and hearts are thrown aside. I'm pretty sure the people who've had romantic experiences know what I'm talking about <3 
















































































































































The bottomline is: an ideal type is just an ideal type. It's one that is based on shallow, physical traits that we want for our future boyfriends or girlfriends. Now, love is a whole different thing. It's deeper and more meaningful. It appreciates good characteristics and understands the bad and the not-so-lovable traits. I think I'm just babbling here but my point is, having an ideal girl or boy cannot ruin something as deep as the YongSeo couple's relationship. They might be friends or more than friends, but together, both of them have created memories that they won't ever forget even as they grow older -- especially for Seohyun, who has experienced a lot 'firsts' with Yonghwa.
















































































































































About the anti's: all I can say is that, the more popular a person gets, the more antis are going to swarm him/her. I don't care who's more popular or who gets more airtime, but quarrelling over something as petty as this? Really. But one thing's for sure: the WGM PD's sure love the YongSeo couple. They're always granting their wishes! And ours, too. Haha. Sorry if I wrote a freaking essay. I just wanted to clear some issues before it gets worse.  
















































































































































I LOVE THE LATEST EPISODE <3 Seohyun is definitely more comfortable with the brothers. I also love how involved her mother is with Seohyun's participation in WGM. She even prepared some side dishes for them, with the help of Seohyun. Such a sweet gesture on her part, and shows that she does care about Yonghwa and the brothers. My favorite part was when she scolded him during Minhyuk's ongoing magic presentation. The look on his face was hilarious. Can't even say no to your wife, eh?
















































































































































As always, thank you to everyone for being able to maintain a wonderful atmosphere in this thread! It's always fun to emerge myself and read the funny comments after a long school day. 

































































































































































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Guest blu3bird80



now we're talking *ahem spazzing*

i wont quote names and you all goguma shipper won't get a thumbs down from me.. but PLEASEE follow the rule its just so simple:


if you must put it in spoilers or just change your text color to white like so.. aha, i'm not a regular spazzer but I'M IN LOVED WITH EVERY GOGUMA ON THIS THREAD.. really..

thank for poosting a picture of Hy~un from L.A SM Town Concert.. ring a ding dong.. THAT WHAT MAKE IT REAL FOR ME..

no other couple make this kind of effort outside the show.. they may not say it, may not show it off but i have a warm fuzzy feeling inside everytime i spot it..

YEAHHH.. they take em off sometime BUT there always a reason for it ALWAYS..

like i said before




@j2dlee, yukiandjudy, RDR subbing team, Soshified subbing team and all other that go up and beyond expectation giving non korean speaker like me the chance to know, feel and fall in love with Yo~ong and Hy~un a very heartfelt KAMSAHAMIDA!!

goguma alien deep bow to these amajing people..

ahh!! thanks for the language lesson.. MIANE for not giving any contribution..

btw, where all the usual suspect.. ahh i mean spazzer? dreamyboo, lenovo, genxv, naz, triplemama i know there a lot more but i keep forgetting.. MIANE



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Guest _d3seohyun


based on j2's trans, when hyun suggest that they go out, yong refused.

then when she insist, he told her to leave him alone.

this is after hyun chided him for being mean to mh.

u guys notice how he doesn't look directly at hyun when he's talking?

aww...HE IS SULKING!!!

must be wanting wifey's undivided attention! :wub:

and how cute were those scenes!




and once again, thank you jungshin chingu for taking it a step further

with the "he's nicer to you" and "this is the difference.."commnets.

yonghwa's short silence and shy smile after his dongseng let his little secret out in the open... :wub:



jungshin chingu and jh LOLing at their hyung...cute!






i know i've posted the caps already, but i feel like posting some individually just to spaz.


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hahahaha the FB page...make me laugh:w00t: and nearly faint out....Seohyun im jealous ok!!:sweatingbullets:....for god sake i really hope its real.....hehehhe....

i dont care about any gossip between yonghwa and other artist...or seohyun with other guy...as long as i enjoy them in WGM is enough with me:wub:....i just ignore about other gossip.......

ok i want to replay epi 1......


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Guest mimayree

I don't really care bout the girls and boys around the couple. Because they are different when they're with each other.

Very natural and shows both manly/girly and playful sides.Their Aura is different when they're in WGM.

It's really obvious.

for the issue bout the couples:That's the reason why i hate comparing. There are definite reasons why

people love yongseo, khuntoria and Jo-in. Why can't they just support WGM. They are WGM family. FAMILY.

That's so selfish and ignorant of them to judge and make complaints. Every couple has their time to shine.

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d3, post pics individually and we can spazz more! hehe

in k dramas, its common to see the young ones bowing to the elders,

but when yong asked jungshin to do that to hyun, who is the same age like him,

i wonder why.

mimayree, could u put seokyu's pic under the spoiler.

pic has been posted earlier, leaving some gogumas sad seeing it.

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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































WHOAH i just finished watching the latest episode and it feels so so so good. :) aside from having plenty of skinship but for me the most important thing is their development as couple, i mean deeper understanding, and as hyun said she had finally seen the character of yong which is being playful(?) towards his brother that he has been hiding.
































































and for the next episode, since it was only filmed recently im excited again to see their development and the new level of their closeness and perhaps new issues to be discussed? so much things had happened in the past few days, weeks months regarding yongseo. :D and i believe that the fishing episode will be aired maybe next next week?
































































im quite confident they wont totally omit them though,.  :D

















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Guest rRelina
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyong guys- goguma shippers
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Im the new one here.it is my first time posting here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Im active read y’ all post in this thread. You guys so creative. make me wanna LOL, LMAO,even ROFL :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nice to see u all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a question but it's not about WGM'scene :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yo~ng and CNBLUE bro had been in The beatless Code (if im not wrong,it’s the name of program) Where yo~ng seen his buin’s pict in CABI CF (with 2PM).. im curious about it. Where I can get the full show of that program? is there any link with engsub one??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And about strong heart that aired 17th august which yo~ng is include..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i already have downloaded.but apparently it just 2AM and 2PM member’s cut.. :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Im looking for full show or just yo~ng’s cut in strong heart.. especially with sub as well ;):D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyone can help me??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for j2dlee, every weekend I always looking for ur translation. U are really angel in this thread. I collect ur translation (since epi 11) ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because im afraid I'll pass every new episode due to MBCi.so i download raw first and read your translation before the subbed one released ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hehe.. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*sorry for my limited english

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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MBC's Saturday variety program WGM Season 2 is suffering from a few side effects despite its high popularity. With the addition of idols and girl group members in each of the three couples, fans have began proxy wars and are slandering one another.
































WGM2 currently consists of 2AM's Jo Kwon and BEG's GaIn, CNBlue's Jung Yonghwa and SNSD's Seohyun, and f(x)'s Victoria and 2PM's Nichkhun. Season 1 consisted of solo singers and actors but the show was met with a high jump in viewer ratings once idols began appearing on the show.
































According to AGB Nielson Media, WGM2's episode on the 4th won the viewer ratings race by recording 11.1%, the top in its time slot with KBS 2TV's Star Golden Bell recording 5.3% and SBS's Star Junior Show recording 6.5%. WGM2 has consistently recorded 11% in viewer ratings, a comfortable cushion proving its position as MBC's Saturday variety program.
































However, although the idol couplings are bringing up the ratings, the side effects are also a force to be reckoned with. Jo Kwon and GaIn are the leaders of the WGM2 popularity and have dropped out of the fandom warfare, leaving the Seohyun-Yonghwa couple fans versus the Nichkhun-Victoria fans in an overheating opposition battle.
































The focus of the conflict lies in the issue of the amount of broadcast times each couple receives. Three couples must be fit into a limited amount of time, causing fans to bicker over which couple is 'eating up' the most amount of time. This was also one of the reasons Jo Kwon and GaIn couple fans opposed the addition of Seohyun and Yonghwa.
































When the episode on the 4th was broadcast, the message boards for WGM2 were filled with posts stating, "The PD is a Khuntoria anti," "Can the Khuntoria fans please stop badmouthing the other couples," and "If you're going to slander our couple, at least know what you're talking about."
































Each fandom has badmouthed the other by saying they only watch the show for their own couple and have even gone as far as to badmouth the other couples or make requests to the producers to cut back the broadcast times for the other couples.
































A large amount of fans are also requesting a peace by asking that everyone support each other as WGM2 fans.
































May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.









































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Guest _d3seohyun



@jnj. LOL. we'll spread 180+ through out the week kekeke



look at those lips. acquiring each other's mannerisms unknowingly? so couple like kekke








and just like what jossa said in one of her recent fics, i do believe that one of the reasons

our seobaby is blooming is because of a certain boy :wub:


from this past week's wgm filming (sept 1)












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Guest unicorn_lover

hye gogumas...

what happen to goguma land??? i can sense an earthquake...:sweatingbullets:

aigoo... this is yongseo thread right??? every goguma have to believe the yongseo love... be positive...

who in this world are falling in love with their ideal??? i don't know anyone... can we read other people heart just by watching their act??? we are not fortune-teller for God sake everyone... keep your hope high for the yongeo, please... enough said, let the past be a past... :D

seo joo hyun wearing her ring when singing with kyuhyun... hehehe she mark something there, she is married women... :wub: she become more like yong~ hehehe... and in ueno juri episode i think she doesn't wear her snsd ring... i'm wondering why... in fact i think recently she doesn't wearing her snsd ring (arriving at the airport pic)... hmm... she only wear one ring constantly... anyhow, i can see yong and hyun are totally in love, i don't care anything else.. ekekeke... :D

edit: i find something funny... in snsd they have couple seohyun with yoona. hence the couple name is yoongseo... (yoong is yoona while in cnblue yong hwa coupling with jonghyun (jonghwa)... jonghyun and seohyun have same hyun-ending in each others name... hehheehe isn't it fate???:wub: for me it's a beautiful fate...

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Guest bintangkalerbiru

i was going to be lurking more but then i saw the post about sulli and pic of seohyun and kyuhyun holding hands which made me a lil upset. it's not the pic or the news that make me upset but the comments really are making me sad which underestimating our couple.

i know the fact dat everyone is encourage to post here with any comment that we like but we, the goguma lovers are trying to keep a positive thoughts here. and bashing other celebrities are not includes in the agenda. there were many pages back where we already undergo some negative vibe which with the help of our goguma seniors (not olders), we manage to get back to our happy mode. so i really hope that everyone will have faith to our couple and put any negative comments and pic in spoilers.

anyway,back to happy goguma mood :lol:

first of all, i want to thanks to j2dlee, u r totally an angel. have i ever thanks u enough? all your post is equally precious as all other gogumas and u always provide happiness with us in this thread with ur translation and explanation and all. i'm just as clueless of korean language and culture as any other non-korean ppl, so ur answers and post and translation really helps a lot.

and thanks also to redtulip who provide early translation which made me rewatching that scene again and again. thanks a lot.

and also to crystal, thank u for posting the fancam of CNBLUE at Daejon hana green concert. i was reading the fanacc of the perf and was wishing for the fancam to experience it myself. u r my angel too ^_^ . and also to everyone that post comments, and pic and links and vids and everything, thanks a lot!! u guys are super amazing gogumas!!

my most favourite scene in this weeks episode:

1.first thing that i notice in this episode is how the brotherly love between CNBLUE boys and they are really sweet. i'm truly suck at brotherly love between friends

2. i love it when yonghwa is sulking and shows more of his duckling face to wifey and his brothers. (yong choding is soooo cute ^_^ )

3. i luuuuuuurve the skinship between yong and hyun in this episode as being said by ck1Oz, which is really a lot. (yeah,thanks for pointing it out and i do notice all that progression ;) )

4. the scene that i can never get enough of it even when i've been replaying it for nth of time is when they are running at the end of the ep which is totally cute+romantic+childish which is the kind of love that i adore.. ^_^*jealous*

5. lastly, i love all the scenes from this episodes which really makes me flutter from the beginning to the end. waahhh......so sweet+cute+romantic+refreshing episode..love it! :wub:

sorry for long and babling post. it's been a long time(but not that long) and i just need to get it all in one time.kih3..;p thanks a lot everyone. love u all gogumas.. :wub:

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wahhh seokyu holding hands again i feel jealous for yong hahaha....i bet he must be mention this(her holding hands with kyu) later with hyun keke...hyun a...save ur hands for yong,but i'm happy she still wear her ring^^






i'm so happy that yongseo have 30mins eps this week,they balanced the duration with adam and khuntoria couple,this week adam get longer,later yongseo or khuntoria got longer...i think that's fair,it's no need to be controverted...we are WGM family isn't it? :rolleyes:












how come i forget to give many many thanks for all goguma spazzers here with your beautiful screencaps and translations..it really helping,kamsahamnidaaaa^^


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Guest monie1909

What Hyun and Yong doing thousands miles apart?

Yong..and the anjells..with a ring.. ;):D




Hyun..having fun. :) .Smtown LA after party..yuri and a fan..?lookin pretty as ever



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Guest scatterbrain

After we saw their duet,the most recent event that shows their progress, how can we still doubt this couple?

i think yong and hyun are already comfortable with each other now. at least they are good friends. am hoping that it will blossom into something else eventually...in a few years maybe...they still have to pursue their career.

The 1st time yong MCed in Inkigayo (mid july?), he did not wear his ring during those times. he stopped wearing it after he dropped it. then he started to wear his ring again @ the end of july and has been wearing it ever since.

yonghwa mentioned before that sulli is a cute dongsaeng. so he just treats her like a sister. and i dont think that it's entirely true that sulli is yonghwa's ideal type. he didnt exactly said that she was her ideal type. the radio show happened when CNblue first debuted. yonghwa already said that they didnt have any and the DJ sorta forced them to say their "i" girl. and yonghwa said 'everyone likes sulli nowadays' he dindt specifically said that he liked sulli so i think the media distorted it. after that in another radio show, yonghwa was asked again about "i"girl and he didnt mention anyone.

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Ring Ding Dong time again. I am sure we can see very clearly even if we are myopic.




Cr: as shown in picture.




Fan taken pictures of Yonghwa on the way to inkigayo








At Jang Keuk Suk Fan meeting today as a special guest.








@d3seohyun, your caps are amazing, I did not even notice their similiarities in mannerisms until I saw the caps. 180+ is a lot but i love it.




I like the fake facebook picture, so creative.




Thanks J2blee for the translation again, you really make me want to start learning more about the beauty of the language. Anyone know a good korean language course in Singapore to recommend?









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Guest _d3seohyun
































































*blocking off and LOLing at antis and non-believers' comments*































































































i'm staying in my happy goguma land :D













































































































































































































I love how Yong seobang approached and comforted her worried and pouting Hyun buin































































































after missing a shot. looking straight into her eyes and guidng her by the arm/waist(?)





















































































































































































































































































































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