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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Exam Time









Many moons ago, I said that I can be a goguma professor and maybe set some questions related to Yongseo for fellow goguma aliens while we were spazzing on goguma planet. Found this at baidu. Quite cute. Although not set by me but a teacher in Korea, at least I fulfil the promise in a way.












Seohyun and Yonghwa bet that the person who wins 2 ping pong games in a row, will win the bet. The probability of Seohyun winning Yonghwa in each game is 1/3. Hence, what is the probability of Yonghwa winning the bet on the fifth game? (There are no game that end in a tie)













P.S: If my teachers in the past were so creative, I will definitely scored As.



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Guest anizet














More Yo~ng pictures during RDR - Love Light performance (Hallyu Concert) :wub:


















































credits as tagged










He is totally blown away by Hy~un! :wub:



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thanks for the shares everyone. i love coming on here and always finding something to look at for yongseo. the reason i'm commenting this time is to ask if anyone knows where i can go download RAW wgm episodes for the yongseo couple? i didnt want to have to go download full episodes, but if there isnt a choice, i may just have to do that. thanks in advance!
































































































































































you can download all Yongseo couple RAW episodes @ chiara's blog :
































































































































































chiara's blog
































































































































































she has all episodes and a lot more.. (basically everything CNBLUE related)

















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cr. panGG

LOL... yong in straighter hair or undone hair version??? he looks like any other normal guy...except that he's a cutey! xD

ohya, i agree with the comment translated by sweettaeng & woollylamb that yong has a really nice straight nose... i haven't had the chance to say it but deng! yong's side profile is a killer!!! >.<

sorry for being random... it just popped my mind after looking at anizet's posted pics :wub:

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Guest YongSeo
































































[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 7 LL































































[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 8 RDR+LL






























































































































Okay.. I need to take back what I wrote previously. It is clearly shown in these 2 fancams that hyun did not take yong's mike. In fact,Yong takes his own mike! So perhaps hyun gave a pat on yong's shoulder to signify good job done!

































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I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but Allkpop is having another of those couple-who-should-be-together-in-reallife-polls, and our Yongseo couple is waaaay behind. Please vote!


Best regards,


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I don't think we should take this poll too seriously. It's more a battle between fanclubs (Hottest vs. the rest) rather than between the actual couples.















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























@anizet:  those pics of Yong seems like he is really happy. its like he is not in performance mode. his focus is to serenade his wife. :)








Yong was busy before Incheon music wave right? with his international schedules and ingkigayo filming then Incheon music wave. but looking at those pictures, there is no hint of fatigue on his face. because he is with Hyun.








also in the episode were CNblue came from thailand, while walking to the carpark, he looked tired. but upon seeing Hyun, he was all smiles. he even wanted to spend the whole day with her even if he is reallt tired.








He likes her, enough said. :)








on Seohyun's part, she would never touch a guy unless it is work-related. She held hands with Kyuhyun in SMtown concert but she looks uncomfortable and awkward. buy in Incheon music wave, although holding hands with Yong could have been scripted, but she was not awkward at all. it seems so natural. and after that, both of them were all smiles. she even waited for Yong near the stage door. unlike the SMtown performance with Kyuhyun were both of them just walked off stage.








@redtulip:  LOL at the exam paper. the teacher must have been a big fan. my teachers used to do that. include some current events and famous personalities in the exams.








By the way, who among the goguma aliens here can make a great FMV? I thought of a song that would be great for an FMV. based on the lyrics, the focus of the FMV would be mostly on Hyun. I tried to make an FMV but I sucked. :)








EDIT: here is the song Soraya - Suddenly. this a beautiful song and I remembered immediately Seohyun's life with Yonghwa. hope someone makes a nice FMV out of this song. :)









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@seoshi.love- totally agree.. just ignore that pool thinggy.. everyone know that yongseo couple is well-love especially from adult fan...we all know, both yong,hyun have lots of fan, but maybe they are not yongseo shipper..


no SHOULD BE REAL, because they already REAL..only gogumas know how real they are now..because some people have their owned POV to judge if they real or not..just let time decide everything.. and we as goguma's fan, pray for the best for our couple...our yongseo couple always in positive mind. so we are..so nothing can effect them..together, they gonna faced it and enjoy their marriage.


yongseo is :wub::wub:


still enjoy their performance..kekeke..


yongseo,hwaiting!! gogumas hwaiting!!



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Guest kazumanoid

[FMV] CN Blue - Y, Why feat. Seo Hyun

waahhh...why my tears are falling while watching this video?..maybe i just remember the very first time they met where they were so awkward and now they're just so comfortable with each other...this song is one of Hyun favorite from CNBLUE's album..

YONGSEO is real...♥♥♥


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Guest princessjulia




Hi everyone!




Finally after being a silent lurker for three months I decided to jump on board.


I log in to this site every now and then and each time I can feel the love not only for Yongseo but to each of the members of this thread as well...


You guys are simply awesome! And to think we came from different parts of the world!


Thank you for the wonderful works of art displayed here for us to see. Goguma fighting! wub.gif



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Guest ahn_annann
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope I'm not too late
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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origin size http://a.imageshack.us/img521/4089/sweetf.jpg

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo




hello everyone :)


will edit this later... cause ive got something to say..


but first let me post this.


cr. as tagged posted by jamesluvsosi @twitter




YOu can clearly see YOngSEo couple after their perf.. kyah! :wub::wub::wub:


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Guest bAngs_zatie












hmmmm...its seem their hundredth anniversary days always end up with performing on the same stage...thats what i call FATE!!!!







hahaha...can i anticipate for their 2nd duet on their 300th anniversary...lol...is there someone that celebrated their 300th anniversary days???hahaha..







i think i already read all page but i don't think i saw someone post genxv vid about the 'why i love yongseo?'.....or is it me that mayb skipped some post???







anw,can someone give me the link???TQ....







n thanks RDRsubs...yuki already subs it but i lost the link..hehe





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you can download all Yongseo couple RAW episodes @ chiara's blog :
























chiara's blog
























she has all episodes and a lot more.. (basically everything CNBLUE related)















































thank so much for this. your great, as is chiara for having all things cnblue! :)
























so anymore information on when TRAX's mv is coming out?
























and... cant wait till saturday for music core. for yongseo :)
























edit: dreamyboo OMG i love that video. thanks for sharing. favorite song. favorite couple. thanks again!





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Guest kakmutia
































































Hello nigt shifter !!! Since I don't know what to say, and I just immerse with all of what you've done for this couple, Daebak !!!

















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Guest Caliope

Trax MV coming out September 1.

Now, is September in Korea??

I want to see the MV... ^^ and the episode ^^

Omg!! Last week and this week are soo incredible.

Thank you so much everyone for sharing pics, fancams and more.

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   to share YongSeo so sweet couple  :P
































































































   I very love YongSeo  ^___^
































































































Credit : As tagged  & Share on spdstudio.tistory

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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