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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Aigooo~~~ uri maknae nomu yebbeu..
















Sigh... I'm still at cloud nine from all those pics and fancams. I still can't help feeling giddy looking at all those pics. KYahhh >.<~~
















I remembered going crazy and smiling to myself when I first saw those pics.. I was like " YES! YES! YES! They finally did it" Haha....
















I can't wait to see the current filming of WGM. We are lagging abt 2 mths right?? I think at this period, looking at those smiles and expression, their WGM episodes would be filled with natural skinships and those adoring glances.
















Going back to the performance, remember when they had to MC with Yuri, and there was a part when they were lipsyncing(sp?) to a song and they were facing each other, however they got shy and burst into laughters..
















You can see that there is a difference in them now. They are so much more comfortable with each other.
















Staring at each others eyes while calling the other DARLINGGG~~~.. Still having those shy expressions. However, this time, their gaze are filled with joy and confidence...
































Happy 200th Day uri YongSeo Couple. May your love stay strong and sweet always..

















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Guest baby_bo




Those who understand Korean.. can you please help me?





I was given this link so that I could download that YongSeo fancam.. the clearest fancam but I don't understand korean at all :( can someone help me please? What part of this site can i download the vid?








MORE PICS OF SEOLADY at Dispicable Me PressCon




eherm.. RING DING DONG :)


















posted by shinhdeplol @ gg soompi thread.. credit as tagged


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Guest tripplemama








































Hi potatoes!! So glad to see so many newbies!! Yeah, I agree with BluMistLaydee, we don't want to appear harsh, naggy or strict. But hey, this is a thread that we all love. I'll be devastated if this thread is closed especially during a time that all of us are spazzing like mad. LOL! So, take heart and remember the rules! Spread the YongSeo love gogumas!!
































Crystal and baby_bo!! thanks for the info and date!!!
































Wuri poor couple...their schedules are so tight!!
































28/08/10 - Both arrive back to Seoul from Tokyo and Hong Kong. Then rush to ChuCheon concert.
































29/08/10 - Yong has recording for Inkigayo, then WGM filming with Hyun (maybe after or before Inki), then to Incheon concert rehearsals plus the actual concert itself.
































They have no rest. Poor things...sigh, but they still made many people happy with their performances and i bet they are happy when they are together!!
































Aigoo...let me go home and watch ep21 with subs... thanks everyone who have been providing so much info!!































































sorry to cut your post....my lovekim
































their schedule is super pack..flying from one country to another..
































However, their faces do not show of any tiredness or fatique but instead they are glowing...
































I guess they really need each other...like vitamin (ok talking nonsense here)
































BTW just love Hyun make-up...so natural...
































Can someone post the photo from dc..cause I cannot access it...pretty please ...
















































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Guest yoreizei










Hello, this is my 1st time posting here..






Just wanna point out the Power of YongSeo..












Did we break our thread record?? 799 users was online on this thread while waiting YongSeo's duet fancam last night..






Much more than what usually we had when streaming WGM's new episode..






Btw, Happy 200th Goguma's Day..



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Guest omgirly




























i know i'm super late, but omg, this past weekend was daebak! 






























































i couldn't watch the streaming wgm episode on saturday (friday here) and yongseo took the stage at 3 am this morning, plus i've been behind with reading all of the pages here on soompi. a heartfelt thank you to everyone for trending #yongseo on twitter last night, for posting the awesome screen caps and photos in the thread, and for the links to fancams. i spent a few hours today spazzing on everything you all shared since i couldn't join in yesterday/last night. i love this thread!!! thank you everyone!!!






























































we're 2 months behind on episodes and we've just caught a glimpse into where our beautiful couple is in their "relationship" right now. of course, we all will hang on every yongseo episode they show because we'll get to see HOW they got to be as comfortable as we saw them on the stage, but i would love to see something current. i can't wait for the joint chuseok special they recently taped with the adam and khuntoria couples. i'm hoping that our couple was influenced by the other couples during the chuseok special. although we treasure those rare special skinship moments they do share, i have a feeling the "touchy" couples could've loosened them up, either through coaxing them into skinship or because they felt at ease since everyone else was doing it. who knows. we'll see. can't wait!






























































thanks to  baby_bo for the cute pics of hyun at the despicable me presscon pics. ring ding dong indeed! biggrin.gif







































i also had a little moment looking at her necklace pendant in those pics. the stones in that heart pendant look blue. might be the angle, but i couldn't help but let my imagine runaway from me, thinking who may have given it to her. wub.gif






























































happy 200th day anniversary, yongseo couple and to all fellow goguma fans! have a wonderful week!!





































































































edit: jealous yong in the last episode was too cute. oh, and seeing them wear their wedding rings outside of wgm makes me so happy.





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hi gogumazzzzz

ahhh just got scolded by my superior...T.T gonna counter that with yongseo's super-duper-full-love-performance later! hmphhhh >.<

baby_bo, this fancam -->yonghwa at yongseo's couple house happened yesterday.... as quoted by triplemama (cr. lovekim) i

wonder what were they doing in their house? probably practising for their performance at incheon??? :wub:

U CAN SEE THEM HOLDING HAND @ 2:14 thanks to crystal for the link! ^_^


whahahahaah they even held hands AGAIN!!!! :w00t:edit: or maybe hyunw ante dto get the mic from yong?

edit: sorry for the lousy caps... my office computer just got reformatted so it's without lotsa necessary softwares T.T so i had to make do with what i have right now

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Warning, this is going to be a very long post.







Took me so long to finish all the posts since I left Soompi last night after watching a few fancam. Can’t concentrate during meetings cos I really want to read everything and the thread keeps jumping. Many people mentioned before that we are going to jump 10+ pages if they hold hands in the past but we did better than that, 30+ pages and still counting. Have not seem all the new fancams as I am still in the office.







While I was reading, I was like “hey I agreed with that, this is so funny, that is so true, I love your description, I feel the same too, yes yes yes, I need to reply this and I want to add on to that”. There are some many things. So sorry, will not be able to mention anyone in my reply here.







Yes, we have gone through a lot with the ups and downs of this thread and become a closely knitted online family and the number of members keeps on growing everyday. Just look at the number of new posters! This is the first time; I am so active in a thread (although not as active as some of the pillars of these thread eg miel, crystal-malfoy, lenova, d3seohyun, clumsy, baby_bo, nazeewa and many many more). With so many goodies shared by everyone, I shared similar feeling with j2blee that she felt uneasy when she had to go away and not able to help with the subs and that I also want to return the favours. I really have fun during this monumental milestone of our Yongseo couple yesterday. Gogumas Hwaiting!!!







Enough of my ajunma’s cheesy sentiments. Back to spazzzing.







I don’t think MBC will be cutting any scenes from the performance by Yongseo in the concert as they will be showing it in Music Core since WGM belongs to them. Since we now know that they may be filming that day, it is possible that MBC has a hand in making the duet happened. To quote the WGM PD, they will create the mission but what happened is entirely up to the couple. Hence, I also strongly agreed that they did discuss about what to do on the stage (it is the only professional thing to do) but those stares and happiness are real. Just compare it with SM town concert that was definitely following instructions with no added feelings.







About the articles by alkpop, I start to think that the reporters love Yongseo too with all the cheeky comments unlike the negative tone articles when the news about them filming WGM first broke. Reporters are very important to the image of an artist as they can make a mountain out of a mole hill. Hence, the road ahead of them will be easier as positive reviews of them make it easier for them to acknowledge their relationship (if any) to the public later. Fans will be affected by what they read too. If every article said that they are meant for each other, how well they take care of each other, the antis will start to think since I can’t have him/her, at least he/she has a great personality and takes good care of him/her, I should feel happy for them and wish them well. For all you know, they may be the first “Korean Sweethearts”, a couple that achieved greater heights in their career being together. Gogumas family is getting bigger each day and now we have a lot of SNSD fanboys joining us too.







Of course, the recent showcases of cnblue with the international fans showing great support for YongSeo (*winks* oceanprince) may have cause the entertainment companies to realize that they have huge potential as a couple and agreed to the duet. Maybe Purestupidity can share the atmosphere at the concert venue when they performed, were there boos or scream of delights from Korean fans.







Anyway, to end this super long post. Jung Yonghwa, if you are reading this (since by some miracles our wishes are granted very often), you will be losing your love light if you let her go. Trust this ajunma. From a Chinese saying, we eat more salt than you eat rice. (Meaning we have more life experience) Keep up the good work of polishing the jewel, Seohyun is shining like a diamond currently.







The end.







So sorry if I bored you all.












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Guest lovekim
























































ooh...me just read from chinese sweet potato fan...(i love her!)








































29th Aug, YongSeo's 200th Day, in the morning, it seems that the couple had a short filming in their house.








































Maybe they might have done a mini rehearsal since Yong had to go for Inkigayo recording later in the afternoon, and couldn't make it for the concert rehearsals.








































Someone took photos of Yong arriving at their place, Hyun was already at their home waiting for him~








































Credit: 小雨








































Erms...there are photos but we've seen them already, from DC...i shall not spam. Hahaha!








































oh ya, I forgot to reply you Bamz!! You asked why some of my cnblue photos from the SG Showcase are from the front and some from the top. That's becoz i passed my other camera to my unnie who was sitting on the second level. Thus, the "aerial" photos. Hahaha! And she was very near the stage and my JongHyun. sobs!









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Guest tennistensai




Seohyun in Trax's Oh My Goddess teaser


cr: Chichinhu@twitter


really a goddess....



Seohyun look too prettyyyy!! who's hand is she holding?? lol.. it would be great if she acted in this mv with yong~


the yongseo performance was HOT! i hope wgm episode will show the making of this perf. i'm sure it's going to be super funny with yong~ teasing hyun~ all the time. lol. XDDD



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#insert fireworks and flying balloons

after 7 hours...Gosh, that was long...

the last time I visited this thread was friday, at page 877, and how come...

only 2 days, and I had to catch up to page 919...

that was hard...

I would like to thanks all the goguma shippers for making this thread growing so fast..

and of course, happy 200th day goguma...

about the good things that happened, well, you all guys had said your cents, and I have no objection...

korea's sweetheart indeed they are...

fiuh...gotta eat something..

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Guest wting89
























































































20100829 한류콘 - 씨엔블루








































































don u think it seems like hyun initiated to hold yong's hands {by holding out her hand towards him} at 5:32.








































































also, from how hyun's hand swing/moved at 5:35, it seems like they held hands till yong moved from her left to right to join her bandmates. p.s hyun seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking whether to wait for yong.








































































thts how i interpreted it. what do you think. *restart the vid & spazzes*









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Guest missmoomin101

I'm a newbie here, originally (and still) followed ssangchu couple, but I have to say I'm loving Goguma couple!! They are just too cute for words.  Am very happy to see the thread so active!  Everyone's posts are so interesting to read, and I'm having so much fun in this community (even if I'm more of a lurker! sweatingbullets.gif). Goguma Hwaiting!!!

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Guest haeanna








































































































SeoGoddess :wub::wub::wub:








































cr : nh0x_tete_89 at GG soompi thread









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Guest iamaya.027






Can't wait for episode 22. This early yeah. Lol.


Who's holding Seohyun's hand at the teaser?


It seems like a lot of people like to hold her hand eh. :P:tongue::tongue:


But she looked really really really really pretty in that one. So pure. Haha. :D



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Happy 200 Days To Our Dearest 
















































































- YongSeo Couple -













































































































































































































































































































































Let's stroll down memory lane

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 1: The first meeting of the husband & wife to-be





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 2: Their first DATE-  exchanging commitment card & photo, bought couple SOCKS, MUGS & RING, showing off their couple RING





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 3: Their 2nd date - visit the bookstore & went to the amusement park





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 4: Their 3rd date - Duet "FALLING SLOWLY" & went to the Music Store, Yong bought Hyun a guitar & Yong reveals his WISH





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 5: Their 3rd date - A visit to their NEW HOUSE-to-be






























































































































































































































































































































Ep 6: Meeting the brother in-laws & taught them dancing






























































































































































































































































































































Ep 7: Brother In-Laws teaching Hyun how to play the Bass guitar & Drums, the JEALOUS hubby & A visit to the SPA










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To be continue later.. 
















































































































































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Wow, it's jumped to 10 pages since my last post last night.


Sweet potatoes have been spazzing a lot~ kekeke. ^^


Again, thank you guys for the fancam links!


Countdown starts for Saturday~


Seohyun's really really pretty in the teaser, can't wait for the full MV.


How I wish it's Yonghwa who's holding her hand..


Oh well, I can dream, right? ♥


EDIT: Oh yes. HAPPY 200th day, YONGSEO~ ♥



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