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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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Another clip is released back at DC Gallery... It's when he was singing 2PM's song... couldn't really hear his singing, but seeing him dancing makes up for it... :P:P:P


And another one... I think this one is when he's singing HOT's Candy? *I saw pic of Candy Candy on the background... :P*

edit: OMG, this one is soooo cute... a must see!! :lol::lol::lol: I can't stop replaying it... :D


thanks for the clips! ive already uploaded the first in in YT .. still currently downloading the 2nd clip .. but when i checked the link again, it was already removed? ... but hopefully, the 2nd clip w/c is still downloading will be successful so i can upload it in YT ...

the first clip:

-- JGS performning 2PM's Heartbeat (fancam)

edit: the 2nd clip .... enjoy! ^^

-- HOT's candy @shiro, u're right! this is soooooo cute!!! ..
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Guest NewlyConvert

Second Activity - Organizing Group Booking Of Jang Kuen Suk (SG) Fanmeeting Ticket

- As discussed with aiili81, she suggested we should have a group booking of ticket but we still no idea if we can get discounted price if we ordered in group

- Anyone Interested?

xkiku, keep me in the loop please

not sure if it's gonna be with sistic, but if it is i don't think they have discount for group booking

nevertheless, keep me in the loop =)

thanks to all that have provided pictures and the video of his FM.

though i'm not into that red leopard print pants of him, i think he looks good!

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thanks for the vids!!!

hes just so adorable....i just hope that someone will post the subs soon ...i really want to know what he was talkin about with his friends and the MC and the random jojo dance and all...

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Guest xjl_linda

i'm downloading it now ... i'll be uploading it in YT in a few mins ... be back in 15 mins ... thanks for the clip btw! ^_^

here's the YT link.. enjoy!

-- Y Star news..clips on his DJ-ing, singing YAB OST's, interviews, dancing JOJO dance with his Team-H .. clip from 4:24 is about JGS has only 3 actresses' phone no. namely PARK SHIN HYE, Sung Yuri, Cha Ye Ryu ..

Actually he said he had 4 but when it comes to say the names, he only said it 3 coz Ha Jiwon changed her number and he didn't know the new number now :D

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Guest Kul 크리

Hello Eels, i'm newbie here :D I'm gonna run wild because of all of his pics and clips... cuteness n hotness overload >///< Thanks for all the updates, pics, clips and translation. Eels rock cri >//<

Just wanna share some of my works...



My compie is still hella lagging due to hundreds of pics saved continuously, i will make more soon. If u like them, just pm me for the download link. Hope u like it cri >//<

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Guest poorocker

I have not been back in Asia for a long time, finally have a chance at the end of March/Early April to Singapore + Taiwan. It does not look like I'll see JKS at all. :(

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Hi girls, DecLovey and I are going to order the Cri.J Fanmeeting hoodie from Dvdheaven. Anyone else wants to tag along and order together so we can spilt the shipping cost together. We are currently checking prices with other online stores like Jkpoppy. If you all know of a cheaper place to order , do let us know! Thank you.. We are from Singapore btw

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Guest xjl_linda

thanks for the clips! ive already uploaded the first in in YT .. still currently downloading the 2nd clip .. but when i checked the link again, it was already removed? ... but hopefully, the 2nd clip w/c is still downloading will be successful so i can upload it in YT ...

the first clip:

-- JGS performning 2PM's Heartbeat (fancam)

edit: the 2nd clip .... enjoy! ^^

Thank you bitzes for all the link at YT for JGS fan meeting clips, love to see them ^^

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Guest poorocker

My dear Eels friends ~ thank you for the photos and video clips postings and all for the FM!!! If I would be so lucky to ever make it to JKS' FM, I promise to do the same. I am going to Asia but am not hopeful to get on his schedule :( Wish us all lucky to see him live one day!

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a million thanks to you guys.... for the vids, news and pics.

oh gosh :crazy: i m so speechless........ he is so so so soooooooo cute in

he is like a kid and i dont mind to be a mother of such a cut kid even though i am just 6 years older than him and still single. ummmm now i know why he is so popular with older women cos he is way too cute even i also want him to be my baby boy :P

sorry i am crazy now just dont know how to surpress my craziness

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shiro, shiro, S'pore FM must be in May!!! or else i can't make it!!!! :( :( i can't miss this chance again!!!

thank you Veevee for the translation! it's quick! calling S'pore eels, we should all go together! xkiku your idea is great, count me in!

newlili, thanks for the clip!!! :* off to see it now...

The article accompanying the clip: could some kind soul please translate?

팔방미남 장근석, 소방차부터 박남정까지 완벽 재연


드라마 <미남이시네요>로 폭발적인 사랑을 받았던 미남배우 장근석 씨가 대규모 팬미팅을 가졌습니다. 팬들을 위해 자신이 태어나기도 전에 불려진 80년대 노래와 댄스를 훌륭하게 소화해 찬사를 받았는데요. 그의 팬미팅 현장으로 함께 가보시죠.


미남 황태경으로 여심을 훔친 배우 장근석. 그 매력의 끝은 과연 어디까지일까요. 팬미팅 현장에서 직접 확인하고 왔는데요. 지난달 31일 서울 올림픽공원 올림픽홀에서였죠. 배우 장근석이 대규모 단독 팬미팅을 가졌습니다.


"안녕하세요. 장근석이에요."

'장근석의 亂(난)'이라는 타이틀로 열린 팬미팅. 잘 자라준 훈남 대표주자 장근석의 아역배우시절부터 현재까지의 모든 것을 보여주는 난장파티였는데요. 그는 따뜻한 발라드 곡으로 팬들에게 인사를 전합니다. 수 천석 규모의 관객석이 들썩이는데요.


"오늘 여기 오신 분들은 진정한 근석 씨의 식구입니다. 지금 밖에 빅뱅과 SS501이 근석씨를 견제하고 있어요. 그 분들을 물리치고 오신 분들입니다."


"진짜로 제가 아이돌이 된 것 같아요. 사실 일본에서 팬미팅을 할 때는 2천석은 긴장이 많이 안됐었거든요."

평소 가수 못지않은 가창력으로 OST와 CM을 직접 불렀던 장근석. 이번 팬미팅에서도 가창력을 아낌없이 뽐냈는데요. DJ로 깜짝 변신한 장근석. 정말 멋지죠.


"오늘 집에 그냥 다 못 보낸다~"

드라마 <베토벤 바이러스> 시절을 떠올리게 만드는 지휘자 포스를 선보이는 장근석. '닥치고 찬양하라'는 의미의 '닥찬크리'가 입에서 저절로 나옵니다.






"지금부터 기대해."

팬들의 기대를 결코 저버리지 않는 장근석은 실버색 반짝이 의상을 입고 무대에 등장해 그룹 소방차의 <통화중>을 열창하는데요. 뒤이어는 화이트 셔츠에 까만 뿔테안경을 쓰고 박남정 <널 그리며>에 맞춰 현란한 스텝을 선보입니다.

박남정의 ㄱㄴ댄스도 멋지게 소화하는 장근석. 관객석에서 탄성이 쏟아져 나오는데요.

Q) 공연 중 가장 인상에 남는 부분...?

A) "저 혼자 솔로로 박남정 선배님 노래를 부를 때 그때가 가장 크게 와 닿았던 것 같아요. 노래 부르시는 분들이 굉장히 많았고. 저도 처음 추는 춤이었는데. 아 옛날춤이 더 어렵더라고요. 요즘 춤보다. 그래서 하면서 좀 고생을 많이 했었죠."

뜨거운 파티 후에는 팬들과 솔직한 대화의 시간도 가졌는데요. 헌데 '허세근석'의 오명을 이제야 벗은 그가 다시 홈페이지 운영을 선언해 충격을 주었습니다.


Q) 공식홈페이지를 만든다고...?

A) "글을 쓰고 싶은데 팬들이랑 소통을 하고 싶은데 할 곳이 너무 많은 거예요. 그래서 미니홈피를 다시 하기에는 위험요소가 너무 많고. 이걸 어떻게 해야 하나. 그래서 공식홈페이지를 만들어서 제가 사진도 많이 올리고 많이 놀아요."

또 여배우들에게 의외로 인기가 없다며 팬들을 안심시키는 자상함도 보여주었는데요.

Q) 여자스타와 친한가...?

A) "진짜 신기하게 제 비밀 하나 알려드릴까요. 제 휴대폰에 여자배우가 전화번호가 4명도 안돼요. 박신혜 씨. 성유리 씨. 차예련 씨. 뭐 없어요. 진짜로 하지원 누나 번호 바뀌었어."

그래서일까요. 이날 팬미팅에도 그의 남자친구들만 잔뜩 모였는데요.


Q) 초대 받은 소감은...?

A) "오늘 보니까 <2010 장근석 팬미팅 장근석의 난>인데. 이게 아마 올해 들어서 한 18번째 난 정도 되고요. 작년에 487회 정도의 난이 있었고."

남자친구들이다보니 거침이 없습니다. 연예계 패셔니스타로 꼽히는 장근석의 패션의 실체를 낱낱이 공개하기도 했는데요.

Q) 학교에서 장근석은 어떤가...?

A) "워낙 옷을 잘 입고. 따라 입을 수가 없어요. 왜냐하면 일반인의 남자 옷장에는 그런 옷이 있을 수가 없거든요. 일단 오늘 입은 바지나 신발 평소에 잘 입고 다니는데 가끔씩 한 12시 반쯤에 잠긴 목소리로 학교로 온다고 하는데 오는데 저희는 몰라요 온 줄 그런데 저 멀리서 거지가 한 명 걸어올 때가 있어요."


"왜냐하면 학교에서는 최대한 학생 같이 보이고 싶어서요."

장근석의 친구들과 팬들이 함께 어우러져 가족 같은 분위기에서 진행된 대규모 팬미팅. 분명 모두에게 정말 즐거운 시간이 됐을 것 같습니다.

"오늘 장근석의 난에 함께 해주셔서 너무 감사드리고요. 다음에는 여러분들도 같이 만나뵀으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다."

[저작권자© Y-STAR & Digital YTN. 무단 전재-재배포 금지]

This is basically a transcript of the video. No one's translating it? I'll post up a translation tonight then ;)

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Hello Eels, i'm newbie here :D I'm gonna run wild because of all of his pics and clips... cuteness n hotness overload >///< Thanks for all the updates, pics, clips and translation. Eels rock cri >//<

Just wanna share some of my works...



My compie is still hella lagging due to hundreds of pics saved continuously, i will make more soon. If u like them, just pm me for the download link. Hope u like it cri >//<

OH MHY GOD> I LOVEEEEEEEEEE YOUR ICONS. Especially Size M.! ahhaah.. i was wondering... can you do me a favour! TT_TT i hope you can help!

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There is a update on the www.jangkuensuk.co.kr notice section. Can someone help translate?


안녕하세요. 트리제이컴퍼니입니다.

지난달 31일 올림픽홀에서 열린 2010 장근석 팬미팅 ‘장근석의 亂’이

팬 여러분들의 열화와 같은 성원에 힘입어 무사히 마칠 수 있었습니다.

이에 소속 배우 장근석을 비롯한 저희 트리제이 컴퍼니 임직원 일동은

팬 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

앞으로 더욱 좋은 활동과 발전된 모습으로 성원에 보답하겠습니다.


- 트리제이컴퍼니 임직원 일동 -

추신 : 감사의 마음을 담아 팬미팅 마지막 순서에 공개했던

배우 장근석이 팬 여러분들께 쓴 친필 편지를 올립니다

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There is a update on the www.jangkuensuk.co.kr notice section. Can someone help translate?


안녕하세요. 트리제이컴퍼니입니다.

지난달 31일 올림픽홀에서 열린 2010 장근석 팬미팅 ‘장근석의 亂’이

팬 여러분들의 열화와 같은 성원에 힘입어 무사히 마칠 수 있었습니다.

이에 소속 배우 장근석을 비롯한 저희 트리제이 컴퍼니 임직원 일동은

팬 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

앞으로 더욱 좋은 활동과 발전된 모습으로 성원에 보답하겠습니다.


- 트리제이컴퍼니 임직원 일동 -

추신 : 감사의 마음을 담아 팬미팅 마지막 순서에 공개했던

배우 장근석이 팬 여러분들께 쓴 친필 편지를 올립니다

Thank you ~

Hello. The Company is a tree.

July 31 at the 2010 olrimpikhol 장근석 paenmiting '장근석 亂 of' the

Such as deterioration of fans thanks to members could be done safely.

The members, including actor Jang Geun All staff of our Company, Tree No. 2

Fans will warn you that I am truly grateful.

More advanced activities and look forward to good support will be rewarded.

Thank you.

- Tree No. 2 Company All staff --

PS: Thank you order in the minds of the public who put the last paenmiting

Starring Jang Geun the fans to you to write a handwritten letter raises

think it is his gratitude writing to his fans and staffs

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jang geunsuk dancing 1:59 PM'S HEARTBEAT





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Have been on hiatus since last week becuz of all those projs!

and this thread is gg real fast esp after his fanmeeting.

and thanks guys for sharing the photos, news, videos etc in the fanmeeting!

he is really really adorable and hot i must say! <3

i really hope i was thr to feel the high-ness in them and screaming for JGS!

awww i wonder when will he come to singapore?

maybe apr or may? maybe the last country he visit will be singapore~

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The one we (well, I for sure) have been waiting for... the clip of it's raining... :D :D


And guys, please don't quote pictures or writing one liners. We've been warned by the mods... and we don't want this thread to be closed for pruning, do we? :D *still traumatized by the closing of YB's thread a couple months ago... :P*


Oh, btw, for the full members...

Keun Suk left a handwritten (thank you ?) message in the notice section... The title of the notice is kamsahamnida (that is one of the few phrases I can read... :P) I love his hand writing... :D *since I can't read Korean, his hand writing is the only thing I can stare at... :lol: oh, and the cri at the end... :lol: *

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Guest xjl_linda

The one we (well, I for sure) have been waiting for... the clip of it's raining... :D :D


And guys, please don't quote pictures or writing one liners. We've been warned by the mods... and we don't want this thread to be closed for pruning, do we? :D *still traumatized by the closing of YB's thread a couple months ago... :P*


Oh, btw, for the full members...

Keun Suk left a handwritten (thank you ?) message in the notice section... The title of the notice is kamsahamnida (that is one of the few phrases I can read... :P) I love his hand writing... :D *since I can't read Korean, his hand writing is the only thing I can stare at... :lol: oh, and the cri at the end... :lol: *

Shiro, the link didn't work, the clip has been removed I think, I can't open it and there is a message saying about that :(

Same with me, Shiro, I even can't read hangul at all, except JGS name :lol:.....the only thing that I can do is starring at his hand writing message....:lol:

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