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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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ok.. newbie to the thread (but not so much to mr jang keun Suk)

and i don't know why i like this guy so much.. that smile is just awfully delicious.

(i want to have his kids too.. Hahahahahhaahah)


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Guest supErnova1114

LOL, I have just earned the nickname "Mrs. Jang" from my friends since I talk about him so much

at school...XD

I watched the DoReMi movie yesterday---JGS oppa looked so adorable!!! XD

He's such a great actor, he can look so charming and so sad at the same time......!!

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waa.. hey henna, if u both are in paris at the same time, u might bump into JGS in paris or at the airport! then u can tell him u're his soompi girl in person 8D imagine that!

someone was wondering where he is right now. yeah.. where exactly is he in the 5 countries mentioned? nobody seems to know.. mystery, mystery

Rachel.. u give me hope :blush:

In the Etude interview with Go Ara, he mentioned that his youngest fan is his 7 year-old niece who wants to marry him. I thought he was an only child. a cousin perhaps?

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Guest Strawberii

LOL, I have just earned the nickname "Mrs. Jang" from my friends since I talk about him so much

at school...XD

lol i totally understand!! My friends complains so much about how i'm like obsess with Jang Keun Suk :lol: but then they soon join my little obsession once i force the asians one to watch Hong Gil Dong and as for the americans well i just make them watch the fanmade jang keun suk's mv with me and hear me rant on about him ;)

In the Etude interview with Go Ara, he mentioned that his youngest fan is his 7 year-old niece who wants to marry him. I thought he was an only child. a cousin perhaps?
Yeah, i questioned that too when i saw it, i thought they might have mistranslated it because sometimes that happen


Just Wondering, but how are the presents that you guys want to send to JKS going? (Have you started, almost done, etc.) I just want to know about the progress so i know if i should work faster or something.

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Guest SillyYun

Kuroneki: u should make for us haha! ur artwork is nice :P I will remake an ad on the project again later..working now very busy.

Updated list of people joining the JANG KEUN SUK BIRTHDAY PROJECT.



ldh-ldw lover




















maymay and GANG - please provide their names so i can take note of whose presents/letters i've received


kiss the rain.


Strawberii, All the presents/letters, I will collect them, and put them into boxes, Box will be one that is printed with patterns and graphics instead of the boring brown boxes. And our lovely silkpaper and kuro chan made birthday cards to represent us to send to Jang Keun in general. Outside the card, they will HAND MADE cards related to JKS birthday or something..Inside, we will write one card in english, one card in Korean on birthday greetings. Medea will be the one who will provide the card composition, and I will write it down, if not kuro and silkpaper can write it in and send to me. I will put the card, and your presents/letters into the box. To send the gift, U can wrap up the gift, and then put in a box or wrap over with parcel paper. When I receive, I will ONLY open the brown paper not the WRAPPING paper. So inside the gift, Its better if u state down your name so Jang Keun will know who sent to him. I WILL NOT OPEN ANY OF THE PRESENTS. But please do not send FOOD, LIQUID, Flammable things or battery stuffs. Because those are not allowed on planes. Then, I will put them into a pretty box, and Wrapped it up and send it. Oh yes, and of course u still can make birthday cards to him, the ones that kuro and silkpaper made are representing Soompi :)

Everyone please join and send love to JANG KEUN!

Theres a month for all of u to prepare so theres still time!

Sorry maymay: I will translate that article in afternoon cos im working now quite bsuy today..

That article is about how he works with the baby

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yes, yes.... henna, if you meet him, pls tell him tt soompi eels are doing sumthing special for his birthday! pls tell him to come to SEA ^___^

btw, Eels, finally i could downloaded ALIEN SAM from China site. *some1 posted the site here last time - thanks to her*, but no subtitle, its originally Korean.

im still d/l-ing the rest of episodes. will upload on my YT. Kidariseyo... ^_~

i hope some1 will sub it in English. *pray pray*

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Guest SillyYun

^NO MAYMAY! this is a surpriseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we cannot tell him now..

Please don't go tell him on his cy or anywhere..

We want to surprise him, thats why I want to gather as much as we can so it will look more WOW..

and thats why I'm not limiting the size of gifts..but dont send a human size teddy bear! its too much haha!

the subs are currently editing by se7enyujah..

waiting for her then i'll send to kje_chocolate for timing it..

once shes done, she'll upload and tada we got the subs

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Guest SillyYun

ah its ok maymay

LOL ur name is my niece's name haha!


just to inform everyone again..

As i have said earlier..

I cannot GUARANTEE YOU THAT JANG KEUN SUK WILL REPLY TO US or ANSWER TO US. but my duty is to SEND PRESENTS/LETTERS TO HIM and MAKING SURE IT WILL REACH HIM. How to confirm it will reach him? It depends on how much U have trust me, and I have assurance that IT WILL DEFINITELY REACH HIM. Whether Jang Keun will reply or not, it is up to him. I hope everyone understands that I am not Jang Keun Suk's real mama haha!

But of course the reason why I want more people to join because I hope the more, the chances of him posting some replies will be higher. But no matter, what it is.. 100% GUARANTEE CHOP OFF MY HEAD, he will get the stuffs.

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Guest SillyYun



ldh-ldw lover




















maymay and GANG - please provide their names so i can take note of whose presents/letters i've received


kiss the rain.




Names updated..

Im going to do my work now..

I'll be back with the article trans later in afternoon

Lotsa work today..sorry!

I wonder what is JKS doing now..

hes probably in US or Spain..

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Guest supErnova1114


I still need to find something suitable for Geun Suk.....!!!

I thought about giving him a sketch i made of him---but then i draw too ugly...T.T

Then it was a cap....

and then i thought: he must have like a million of those

chaegyeong: OMG, WHO IS THIS KID?!!?

I wanna be his youngest fan......T.T

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JGS in paris? that's cool!!! DongBangBoys, if you are lucky enough.....GO STALK JGS!!! XD

SillyYun~can you add my name to the list please? thanks. Of course I trust you!! You've done so much for the soompi eels!

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dun worry SillyYun, we believe in you! ^^

whether he will reply us or not, its depend on him.

we definitely wanna show him our LOVE and SUPPORT for him. and pray for his happines & healthiness :wub:

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Guest DongBangBoys

me too Mamajang! You keep forgetting me -tear-

or am I supposed to pm you or something?

maymay: LOL I wish I could meet him -tear-

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Guest oceanangel

SillyYun For the Birthday Project, is it alright if we send a letter only and have like a small gift INSIDE the envelope with the letter? Cuz I don't think i can send anything big...

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Guest SillyYun

Medea,tejung,supErnova1114 sorry forget u eels haha!

yaya..medea is supposed to tell kuro what to write in korean? Medea i'll pm u the details on composing but u have to add on some stuffs..cos my grammar sux..oh yea..kuro can take a picture of the card inside and outside after making..silkpaper will write the card inside in english, erm..my handwriting is ugly..Medea I'll pm u what to write but u can add on some stuffs..heeeeeee!

Supernova: LOL how about getting him yourself in a bow LOL

oceanangel: yes of course u can but dont send liquid or food stuffs..small accessory is fine!



ldh-ldw lover




















maymay and GANG - please provide their names so i can take note of whose presents/letters i've received


kiss the rain.







Dongbangboys naked for JKS

Dongbang is layyiwen's friend? both are from france?!

lucky people..maybe u can go to famous places to catch him photoshooting?

How should we write in the card? We will be translating it..someone add on stuffs help!


Dear Jang Keun Suk,

These are the gifts and letters from Eels Jang Keun Suk International Soompi fans. We would like to wish you a happy birthday.

Eels international soompi fans are from all over the world, we have gather all the presents, letters to send you, showing our support and love to you.

We hope that your birthday wish will come true, and all the best in whatever you do.

No matter what happens, We eels, will always support you and be there for you.

We thank you for giving us so much entertainment, laughter, tears, fun in your productions.

May your wishes come true!

Jang Keun Suk FIGHTING!


PS: If possible, we would hope that you will give us a message or reply so we eels international will know that you have receive the gifts and letters.


Jang Keun Suk Soompi International fans



kekekeke...what to add on or edit?Mama Eel is too strict? haha how do we make it not so scary? I think we should not post the fan club soompi link LOL cos its so empty haha!

Ok, I suddenly thought of doing something..I thought of printing at my office(I'll be dead if i got found out haha) LOL meaning "BLACK AND WHITE" and I can't print much..

like a sentence from each of u, to him, and I will make it into a file binding them? Simple binding.. or few pages slot in between the card?how about that? I'll put that in the box too?

I think JKS will be so EXTREMELY happy if he found out theres EELS from FRANCE!

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Guest DongBangBoys

Dongbangboys naked for JKS

You would put that in <_<

Dongbang is layyiwen's friend? both are from france?!

lucky people..maybe u can go to famous places to catch him photoshooting?

LOL I'm not from France. I'm from Texas, yo. I'm going to Paris this summer and when I found out JGS was going to be there I got all excited then I read that he will come back June 4th or 5th. I'm going to leave to Paris june 8th. -tear- I'm going to miss him by a few days! HOW SUCKY. MAYBE MAYBE He'll stay.

Mamajang!! I told you many times to call me Henna maybe you just like saying dongBANG over and over. You perverted mama. XD

hahah I got you now!

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Guest SillyYun

hey Jang Keun yeoja~ he might be there at that time, u never knowwwww maybe he delay? or maybe its my mistake to presume?

He will be back on MID JUNE! i mean he still has China to go..

Just prepare in case u see him..if u do, take a pic with him shoulder to shoulder muahaha

can someone share the lyrics of doremi songs that he sang?

korean lyrics :P

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