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Guest adikkeluangman

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Hello Malaysians! I'm new so add me up in your clan yeah ?

I'm Jun btw and I love love love... not obsessed, yeah right, but love Super Junior!

Unfortunately for me, my Ma wont let me buy the tickets, even with my own money! ;(

...therefore I shall cry in misery until the day of the glorious concert.

Anyone else here is going to SuJu's concert ?

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Guest arinkorin

^Thanks for the thoughts. Since now K-Pop a bit mainstream and gain more fans. At this moment, even mainstream newspaper already posted news about K-Pop although sometimes picture not latest or info is wrong but still good.

Somehow, when new fans know about K-Pop, sometimes they thought I just a newbie and follow the bandwagon. That really made me and my friends pissed off. But then, they only into one artist and claimed that they know it all in K-Pop world. Puh-lease.

I miss those time when random artist came to Malaysia and we all go watched and stalked as much as we can. Maybe I don't have money to travel all the way to Korea to watch concert or anything. Soompi is only my K-Pop outlet but that not mean I don't know anything happening about K-Pop in Malaysia. Been there, done that.

A place have been booking for something big to happen. I can't wait to know the details.

Even if I hear my friends brag about their k-pop knowledge, I would get a little bit pissed off, what more if it's a longtime fan like you! I think I've liked K-pop long enough, but when I remember you and some forummers that I knew through kpopkingdom, I have no right to brag at all. haha. *salute salute*

I never had the chance to stalk any korean artists so far. Now that K-pop gets a little bit famous, perhaps it's harder to stalk them if they do come to Malaysia. Hoho, I think the most precious moment was when The Cross came to Malaysia and spent the summer with fans eh? or not? haha. I had to miss that one too. masa tu kecik lagi, mak tak bagi ponteng sekolah. hahaha :lol:

oh, hello JunQi.

so you're not going to the concert? is it because of the ticket price or the permission?

herm, that's sad to hear but there's still time before the concert,

why not u try to convince your mom that it'll be okay for you to go?

be a good daughter and let her know how much you wanna go? haha.

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annyeong yorobun!

salam n selamat sejahtera. huhu. a few pages since my last and very first post.

seem that everybody is introducing themselves? i am missauditor from kuala lumpur. my residence is at old klang road. very very near to mid valey.

how i get to kpop scene? blame a variety show ' we got married'. it was intro by a fren who studied in u.k. it was around late nov of 2008. i love most is hwangbo (i bet not many know her). my second love is ss501. than came kim tae woo, cnblue, ft island, 2pm (during their again and again period), kara, wondergirls.

compared to drama. i prefer variety shows. i watched a lot of kbs's i.e. invicible youth, 2 days 1 night, sgb. other than that, those in youtube, kara bakery, good daddy, life theather.

talking about korean food, i love yook gae jang at mid valey's food court. i takda lagi jumpa restaurant korean food yg halal selain seoul garden. i hope i can drop by someday dekat ampang point tuh.

and currently i m attending hangul class at icls. anybody there too this semester? i signing alone, so it will be good if anybody from here is also in the class. the chance sure is pretty slim. hurhur.

*wave adikkeluangman* takde post baru ke kat tae woo oppa nye thread?

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Guest adikkeluangman

JunQi Welcome here. Well, still got time to go to convince your mom to go to the concert. Methods like, bring your mother too. At least, she will not worried on anything. Or asked your friends that will go to concert to convince your mom. Maybe she worried about your safety. At least if have some real friends she will be OK.

arin itu semua kenangan silam yang tak mungkin kembali. ewah. I think most precious moment for me were The Cross (although I don't went to the vacation) but the time spent. They were crazy bunch. Others was 2AM. We're the first one that notice them first in KL and then they noticed us like 30 minutes until others fans saw them. I bet they thinking us the crazy fans coz we almost everywhere as they goes secara kebetulan. Pergi makan jumpa, pergi jalan pun jumpa. tak terlintas nak stalking pun tapi terserempak je.

missauditor ni mesti akauntan ni. kite pun suka tengok kbsw tapi sebab variety show is clash with the evening drama that my parents watched. kite dah lama tak DL or anything. tengok drama pun if yang ada di TV. tak kisah sangat pun. Korean food at MDValley FC tu... ha ha ha. sekali makan terus taknak. takde rase., portion sket plak tu, mahal.. hahaha. amek korean klass at which center. dulu rasenya ada juga my friends yang amik kat situ. tapi dah lame la. like 2,3 years ago.

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Guest adikkeluangman

^Hi there, welcome to this thread.

Soompi is US based. Founded by a Korean-American. You can check the facebook and the soompi forums info thread for more info about soompi. Soompi have 2,3 Malaysian staff/mods for articles and forums mods.

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Hiyaa Missauditor!

I'm Malaysian and Joongboholic too...keke.Stumble upon them after watch BOF and surf about SS501 via internet when i have a boring life in Dubai.Afterthat still believe in that couple...and i always check on joongbo tread,hyunjoong,ss501 and hwangbo tread @Soompi.Guess i saw ur comments too, many times...hehe.Latest is ss501 Bangkok Persona Tour.So many stories behind related to our fav couple.Great!!And u follow Hwang Bo twitter too..mmmm.Ok lah..see u...Happy New Year! :) Sagyero!!

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fellow malaysian i really need some help in this forum thingy. I want to buy a domain name for my invisionfree forum and turn it to a dot come but i dun know how to change it. I was wondering do anyone knows how to change it? I'm really bad in this kidda things..Pls do help..thanks in advance!!

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Guest fishyyyyy


i'm a malaysian but staying in singapore so i don't understand a single bit of malay:(

i asked my cousin to help me buy the SJ concert tix and i already got it!! :)

i bought the 200+RM one.

does anyone knows what things are going to be sold at the concert venue??

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Guest adikkeluangman

yumei86 Maybe you can ask at the tech section. I also not familiar with those thingie. I also want to try out for my blog too. Hope it resolved already

fishyyyyy Maybe you can ask at this thread HERE.

Singapore, The Philippines and Thailand got much love on K-Pop these days. Why must everyone skip Malaysia. :mellow:

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Guest arinkorin


yes. agree on the skipping Malaysia part.

I'm tired of being jealous of the Thai fans, but now that Singapore and Phillipines are getting more k-pop artists too,

it makes me a little bit sad. Oh well, I just hope that after Super Show 2 in Malaysia,

more organizers are willing to take the risk to bring more Korean artists to our shore :)

I'm still waiting for the day FT Island or Big Bang to come for a show here.

I still can take it if other artists that I like won't come to Malaysia in this short time,

but FTI and BB already have their own fanbases to come....

and oh, I think girl groups are gaining more fans in Malaysia too,

but do you guys think they're allowed to come perform in Malaysia with their usual dressing code?

honestly, I do think that their outfits are a little bit exposed, but I don't think they're as sexy as the Western artists, no? It'll will be such a sad thing if they can't come just because of the regulations nowadays.

oh yeah, one update about Super Show 2 in Malaysia.

There are a lot of projects that are being spread around by some Malaysian fansites, and for those who are going to the concert, do visit this blog for further details:


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Guest adikkeluangman

If only more local organizers realized that they can made big money by bringing more Korean artists. Instead of to that local people that travel to Korea or other neighboring countries to see fave K-Pop artists. Part of the problem rely on money/sponsorhip, I guess. KR artists mgmt co. have many demand since they knew that their artists been sought after.

Another thing is due to different language and target market. What I mean here, MY have more language and races. So how the label want to concentrate on that. Imagine this scenario, in Thailand, Artist (KR), audiences (TH). So only two language involved but here. KR, English, Chinese and maybe Malay. Maybe it is remeh kind of thing but that is problem. Remember few events ago here whereby most of the details in Mandarin and it is hard to get info in English or in Malay. But now things have change a bit.

Girl groups? Erm... that is hard question. Yeap, dress code is one. Coz their image is part of their thing. The last Korean girl group that came was Baby Vox (but they don't perform) and Jang Na Ra (but she solo and have decent dress code). Got few others too but they mostly for video shooting and magazine photo shoot.

Macam best pula dapat dengar Nobody di HOTFM. Tapi bukannya selalu sangat dengar radio pun. B)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest arinkorin

phewh. it's been a while.

so did anyone go to watch Super Show 2 recently? how was it?

Honestly, I think that was one of the best concerts in Malaysia so far. It was very successful in my opinion.

1. The boys were great! They tried their best to connect with the fans that night. Fan service, awesome vocals by the K.R.Y trio and whatnot. They seem to enjoy the night too, and the highlight of the night for me was during the Shining Star performance when Eeteuk and Donghae cried while some of the other were teary-eyed too.

2. The crowd. Ahha, I love the crowd this time. I don't know but I guess almost everyone were supporting that night. The mexican wave before the concert started, the fanchants, the shouting for Henry&Zhoumi, the blue sea and everything. As Eeteuk said, "Malaysia no.1! Asia no.1!". Everyone was being cooperative towards each other! Honestly, I didn't memorize the fanchant to the song Our Love, but I could catch up instantly thanks to the ELFs around me shouting. Same goes to the time when everyone was shouting Henry&Zhoumi during Blue Tomorrow, that was even not in the plan! :D

3. The stage set-up, the sound system were also amazing! thumbs up to Red Star, Marctensia and the Korean team for making this concert a great one!

ohhh, so I heard that a lot of Korean stars are coming to our shore next?

U-Kiss, 2NE1, Taegoon & DNT?

well, I have to wait for official news before anything. In the meantime, I hope everything goes well and more Korean artists will come to Malaysia. :)

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Guest adikkeluangman

Thanks for the updates. Hopefully all plans will fall through. Well, we sure deprived for K-Pop stars to come here. It better start with not popular artists that going up to popular one.

Super Junior concert was awesome. Enough said. The boys sure surprised with the fans support. The concert got good reviews from local newspaper. It such nice to read that.

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Singapore, The Philippines and Thailand got much love on K-Pop these days. Why must everyone skip Malaysia. :mellow:

Blame the government! They didn't allow korean artist to come because they are too 'sexy'. If i'm not wrong it is the same problem with TVXQ for their tour. Takde sponsor la sangat =.=

But they allow pussycat doll to come <_<

btw, anyone is going to U-Kiss fanmeeting + concert?

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Guest aizutto

Hi everyone!

I am actually from Singapore.

I am interested in going for the U-KISS fanmeeting in Malaysia but I don't want to do telegraphic transfer as it is costly.So,I am hoping if anyone is willing to help me?

Do PM me.. Thank you so so much!

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Guest adikkeluangman

syalovee Hi welcome to this thread. The rules is fine and if foreign artist can respect Malaysia rules why not. PCD or the organizer dah kena denda when they do the first offense.The second time around, they wore quite decent clothes.

When the girls appear at Genting last time, me and my friends are so amazed on how subtle their clothes are.

TVXQ?! Isn't that they got the issue at this moment. At that time on the tour, no local organizer are willing to bring the boys in. SM just exaggerated when they announce about stop in Malaysia and it goes to other artists too.

It is true that it is hard to get sponsor to bring Korean artists to Malaysia. Just go and asked about local organizer that bring Korean artist here. How much the artist fee (the popular the artist, the higher and demanded the company is) and this not included their entourage. Just SM artist only it could be like 20+ people and their expenses. It is not easy like to bring SG/Indonesian artist here. :rolleyes:

aizutto I hope you will found someone that can help you.

I'm so late on recent stuff lately. When is U-Kiss coming again?

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