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Would it be possible to get a TV signal from my cable internet coax cable.


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plugging a TV into the same coax cable I get my cable internet from?
I use Cable internet. If I have a TV tuner for my computer, can I use the same coax cable I use for my internet, and use a splitter to split the cable into two, and use it also for my TV Tuner card?

My cable internet provider is also my cable internet provider.

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Ideally u want a separate line coming into your house for internet and cable TV to maximise the signal going into everything. However, splitting the cable at the point where it goes into your cable modem does work fine for some people so you'll never know unless you try.

To split it off, you need to buy a 2 way splitter. Very important is to look and see how high of a frequency the splitter supports. You need one that goes up at least 2000MHZ (2ghz) or higher. Regular TV splitters only do something like 5mhz to 950mhz which is too low. Your internet will constantly disconnect on you or not work at all if you used those. "Satellite" or "digital cable" splitters are the ones that are 2 or 2.4ghz. Also, more expensive 2ghz splitters tend to have lower signal loss and may help prevent dropouts in your case.

Aside from the splitter, you also need to use RG6 coax cable... one that goes from splitter to cable modem, the other goes from splitter to your TV tuner. There's usually small writing on the cable itself to tell you whether you're using RG59 or RG6 cable. RG59 cables aren't properly shielded like RG6 is and will likely give you problems if you try to use it.

PS: I'd first plug it into your tuner card and make sure you can even get TV at all. If you don't then either your tuner isn't compatible with the cable channels or the cable company put a special filter on that particular coax cable to remove the cable channels. However, I don't think that's likely since they usually only do that when you have internet but not TV thru them (like me).

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