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Phones/Money in bra?

Guest fallenangel0nearth

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I never put my money in my bra... cause I have no idea where the money have been or who have touched the bills before...

But, I do put my phone in my bra when I'm not wearing anything with pockets or when I'm not carrying a bag xD

It's just so convenient to put my phone in my bra rather than holding it and carrying it, which is such a hassle.

Besides, it won't get lost or stolen without me noticing =) haha.

I don't think keeping phones in your bra is weird. But I put my contacts box in my bra... now, I wonder if that's weird ^^" haha.

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If I don't have any pockets and I don't have a purse on me, yeah I will, since I don't always carry a bag. But I'm almost always wearing jeans. If it's some occasion where I have to wear a dress/skirt/whatever other uncomfortable crap, then I might keep money there. Just in case of an emergency or whatever. But I've never had to pull money out of my bra. Oh, and I'm a small C, so I'm not well-endowed enough to keep anything bigger than paper in my bra. And I don't have a phone, but I wouldn't be able to fit one if I did. Unless if I was wearing a padded push-up bra.

Lol. My friend has a bra that has a built-in pocket. where she keeps her money if she needs to. ;D

EDIT: If I'm wearing a cami that has a built-in bra and a real bra underneath, then I can fit a lot more stuff. HAHA. :]

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Guest itsyumey


Well, most of the time I have pockets or a bag so no problemo.

But occasionally when I'm all out of pockets, I'd stuff it up my sleeve.

Honestly, the thought of throwing something into my bra never occurs to me whenever I'm in need of a pocket.

I do think it would work well though. Because bras are not as loose as sleeves. ^^

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Guest EHNerJI

There... isn't much room in my bra O.o;

So, no, I don't. But my friend always keeps her phone/ipod in her bra haha.

Iunno.. it's kind of weird when she takes it out and people look at her funny lol

I generally have a bag, too. So I never felt the need to do that.

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