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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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Directly came here after reading the soompi news on unnie appearing on Superman Returns. :D

I also didnt know that Hyojin unnie is close with Haru's mom Kang Hyejung and she's Haru's Elsa aunt on top of that :D

Thanks for sharing the video btw :)

Love all the pictures and info on IOTL. Seriously cant wait for the drama!!! :D

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# GHJ Update [20140520]
- GHJ in Easy Magazine (Cover) published today
Edit : Sorry, i made mistake for translation. :((
This picture for TV Series Magazine vol 326 May 201466d6579dgw1egkjjxc1zaj20h20m8tco.jpg
cr : _LingHui_Weibo

《电视剧》2014年5月下(总第326期)10 封面故事【王大花的革命生涯】专访闫妮、张博;封面人物【孔孝真】独家专访
cr : 电视剧杂志 Weibo

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@cassia, paradicez, amazoooon
Thank you :-*

# About Kang Hye Jung
Thanks for all updates, new information, translate and video. Great job @all :x
I also see a lot member who made a post. ;)

Now, i will remember Kang Hye Jung as one friend of GHJ.
I am glad to know that GHJ still hang out with her friends (many friends besides pushbutton gangs). ^^
I didn't know about KHJ. Because of that i tried to find information about her.
I am also looking for picture of them (GHJ-KHJ) together, but i can't find it. :(

What i found was KHJ-RSB photos in Soompi Thread Couple Together and Not Together. :-?
I was a bit surprised to see list in there. :-O

That's information come from May 2006. I'm not sure all information is true, because i can't find information from other sources.
I have heard some couple in there list before, but some couple just know from there. :-O
Maybe some just rumors? Maybe some are true and caught by pers? Only them who know.
But almost all GHJ friends in that list? KMH? SMA? :-O KHJ? SHK?
Don't give me off topic, ok? ;) I just wanted to share what i found. hehe... :)>-

# GHJ and KMH
I am sure all of us have seen pictures of them together.
In early May, KMH did photo shoot for Oh Boy Magazine. You can read in here.
From that photos, GHJ fans making this picture. :))

- Same Clothes

cr : AmyWing Weibo
- Same Pose
cr : AmyWing Weibo

This picture from High Cut Magazine
cr : AmyWing WeiboMe : Have same feeling with my avatar picture? :))

Me : So young? :))
cr : 只是默默_文 Weibo

cr : 只是默默_文 Weibo

Me : I love this comment :x
fr : Ellie夏末 Weibo
Tool translate :
happy in such a complex in the movie business you have each other, and emotions to each other, can be happy for each other really [心]

cr : Ellie夏末 Weibo

cr : Ellie夏末 Weibo

:x I love this thread and all friends in here :x

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孔孝真吧 #孔孝真##孔晓振##赵寅成#《主君的太阳》+《那年冬天风在吹》20秒剪辑,视频甚短,但是超级有fu~|主君的太阳+那年冬天风在吹剪辑 CR DC ↓ Gong Hyo Jin baidu That Winter, The Wind Blows+The Sun of My Master-- 20 seconds clips, video is very short, but is super fu CR DC **************************************** http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE0NzA5Njgw.html ***********************************************************************

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Hi... :-h :-h :-h

# GHJ Update - New Picture [20140521]
from : Naver News

# News from Osen
공효진, 부츠에도 무보정 11자 각선미
OSEN= 최나영 기자 l 2014.05.21 08:12

[OSEN=최나영 기자] 배우 공효진의 눈부신 11자 각선미가 공개됐다.
최근 한 온라인 게시판에는 강남의 한 카페 앞에서 우산을 쓰고 있는 공효진의 모습을 담은 사진이 공개됐다. 화이트와 베이지가 가미된 쟈켓을 입은 채 민트 색의 레인부츠를 신은 공효진의 모습은 보기만 해도 시원해질 정도론 눈길을 끈다.
화장품 브랜드 ‘비오템’ 모델로 활동하고 있는 공효진은 촬영을 위해 평일 서울 강남의 한 카페에 등장하자 그를 알아 본 주변 시민들의 환호가 이어졌다. 공효진의 패션은 물론이거니와 평소 많은 여성들의 ‘워너비 스타’로 주목 받는 그녀이기에 지나가는 시민들의 발걸음을 멈추게 할 정도로 시선을 끌었다.
한편 공효진은 오는 7월 방송을 앞두고 있는 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’를 통해 겉으로는 시크하지만 누구보다 인간적인 정신과 의사 지해수 역을 맡아 브라운관 컴백된다.

Bing Translate :
Gong Hyo-Jin, boots, even non-correction 11 characters long legsOSEN = Choi na young reporter l 2014.05.21 08: 12
[OSEN = Choi na young reporter] actress Gong Hyo Jin was unveiled by a dazzling 11-party legs.In a recent online bulletin board in front of a cafe umbrella of the Gong Hyo Jin's photographs photographs were disclosed. White and beige, with a hint of mint-colored jacket and wearing rain boots, Shin Eun-Hyo Jin's degree be cool to see the ball looks like Ron.Cosmetic brand 'Biotherm' serves as a model for shooting the ball in Seoul Gangnam Hyo-Jin was one of the Café on weekdays and let him know what appeared in this area led to the cheers of residents. Gong Hyo Jin's fashion is, of course, and as usual, many women's ' wannabe star since her passing by ' aspiring citizens attracted enough attention to stop the footsteps of.On the other hand, Gong Hyo-Jin comes ahead of July broadcast of SBS drama ' new plant in cool, love the seemingly through ' chic but not human than anyone can take a psychiatrist is making a comeback on both the big station.nyc@osen.co.kr

# More Picture
cr : AmyWing Weibo

cr : 孔孝真吧 Weibo / GHJ Baidu
cr : SOOP FB

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# GHJ in Easy Magazine [Fans taken]

cr : lilyluna Weibo

cr : lilyluna Weibo

Did you buy this magazine? ;)
Share picture please :)) :)>-

Edit :

I found text interview from Baidu. I can't make translation. :((
With tool translate, it looks like the content of that interview's almost similiar to previous interview?




你演了很多Comedy Romance,这次的新剧《没关系,是爱情啊》是想挑战其他的路线吗?






孔孝真:当然很关心,我自己也很常看综艺节目,《最高的爱情》结束后《Running Man


cr : lilyuna from Baidu

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Guest cassia_lela

- the IOTL cast sat with same pose... and they show that they are tall :)) maybe it is really conversation, or maybe the photographer want them to make some pose, but look, kwangsoo talk to sung dong il, while JIS look with smile face to unni :))

- thank u for the magazine posting, so lovely... is it the different interview with the ones that got translated before? I only read the comedy romance... maybe comedy romance queen? :))

- oh yumenas, thank you for KMH and GHJ same pose picture, their friendthing is  really really sweet... and for the biotherm picture also

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[孔孝真]浪漫女王的反转 The Gong Hyo-jin' romantic queen of reverse

这是你第一次来上海吗?对上海印象怎么样? 孔孝真. 这好像已经是我第三次来上海了,以前去过新天地,很多人告诉我那里有很多好吃的地方,因为每次来上海都是工作,所以也就去过新天地那块区域。

this is your first visit to Shanghai? The Shanghai Impression? Gong Hyo-jin. This seems to have been my first 3 times to come to Shanghai, to the new heavens and the earth, and a lot of people tell me where there is a lot of tasty food, because each time that Shanghai is working, and I also went to the new horizons that area.


去年《主君的太阳》中你饰演的“太阳”一角在中国也造成了很大的轰动,大家都觉得你的语气和小动作非常可爱,当初是怎么来研究这个角色的? 孔孝真. 不管怎么说,因为那个女主角一直是在可以看到鬼的恐怖之中,是一个不太和一般人有沟通的角色,也正因为是这样她不太会跟人对视,有人在的地方她也会觉得很不自在,会显得很拘束,一直很害怕。表演的时候为了不显得非常奇怪,不让观众产生非好感,能可爱的看待,在这方面是我一直注意和努力的地方。还有就是……把那种不安感也可爱得演绎出来是我比较用心的地方。

This past year the Lord of the sun, that you played by the "sun" a corner in China have also caused a great sensation, and all of them think that your tone and tricks are cute, and it was how to study the role of? Gong Hyo-jin. No matter how you say it, because the heroine has been in seeing the ghost of terror and that is a not too and it is generally a communication of the role, it is because it is so that she doesn't talk with the people in the video, and it was in an area where she would feel very uncomfortable, and it would be a binding, has been very afraid. Show the time in order to not be very strange, and not let the audience have a non-favorable to lovely view, in this regard, I have always been attention and effort. Also, there is ... that feeling of uneasiness is also lovely in interpreting that I compare my heart. ******************************

剧中有很多鬼神的恐怖镜头,你自己在拍的时候也会害怕吗? 孔孝真.完全不害怕,呵呵。因为化妆都很有趣,我们现场都是在逗“鬼”玩,还要求一起拍照然后上传。不过正式电视剧播出的时候看到后期做得CG处理,就觉得“哇,原来可以做得这么恐怖啊!”

It has a lot of ghosts terrorist lens, you yourself, in a time of fear? Gong Hyo-jin. Do not be afraid, Haha. The makeup, it is very interesting that we live in and the "ghost" playing, also called for a picture and then upload it. However official broadcast when the post-do CG processing, it was felt that "Wow, you can do so much terror! "


你演了很多Comedy Romance,这次的新剧《没关系,是爱情啊》是想挑战其他的路线吗? 孔孝真.浪漫喜剧一直是人们喜欢的,之前的《Pasta》、《最佳爱情》、《主君的太阳》等都属于浪漫喜剧,不过慢慢的我现在也会想改变一下,挑战一下真挚的故事,所以这次才会挑选了新剧《没关系,是爱情啊》。

Did you play the many Comedy Romance, this new series is okay, love, ah, is a challenge to other routes? Gong Hyo-jin. a romantic comedy has been a favorite, the Pasta, the best love story, the Lord of the sun, of which is a romantic comedy, however slowly, I now also want to change the and to challenge the sincerity of the story, so this will be a new â It's OK, the love of it.


很多人都说孔孝真是最适合演浪漫喜剧的女演员,自己有经常听到这样的称赞吗? 孔孝真.其实在我们国家只要演浪漫喜剧,有好的收视都会成为“浪漫喜剧女王”,所以并不是只有我是“女王”而已(笑)。

Many people have said that Gong Hyo-it is the most suitable for romantic comedy actress, you have often heard the praise? Gong Hyo-jin. In fact, in our country as long as the romantic comedy, and there is good television, will become a "Romantic comedy queen, so it is not only I is the "Queen" (laughter).


新剧中会和赵寅成合作,对于赵寅成的印象怎么样? 孔孝真.这是我们第一次合作,之前和他一共就见过三次面吧,现在完成了中国的活动日程回去就会跟他一起进组了。赵寅成是个很真挚的演员,感觉他是个很细心、亲切的人。之前我就很想要跟他合作一次,现在真的有了这个机会,让我更期待我们的合作!

new drama, and Cho In Sung for Cho In Sung impression? Gong Hyo-jin. this is the first time that we have, and he has seen 3 times, and now is a good time to finish the Chinese calendar of events back to be with him to the group. Cho In Sung is a very sincere as an actor, I think he is a very careful and friendly people. Before I want to tell him that I have the opportunity for this, so I am looking forward to our cooperation!


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这次除了赵寅成,还有当红IDOL组和EXO成员D.O.的加盟,会期待和他的合作吗? 孔孝真.那个角色因为是只有赵寅成会碰到的人物,所以应该到最后一集都不会有一起合作的场景,很遗憾呢!呵呵。我们就在之前会餐的时候碰过一次面,他还是坐在很远的地方。D.O.真的有很高的人气啊,我身边有很多认识的人知道我们要出演同一部作品,很早之前就开始一个个要求我去要签名,所以我都有一个要求签名的list了(笑)!

This time, besides Cho In Sung, and when the red IDOL group and EXO D Members. O . Joining, look forward and his cooperation? Gong Hyo-jin. the role because it is only Cho In Sung will encounter in person, so it should be the last set will not have a scenario, and it is regrettable! Haha. We will be before the meeting at the time, he was still sitting on a long distance. D . O . really have a very high popularity, ah, I know that they are aware of the people understand that we are the same, there has long been a request that I should go to Signature, and so I have a request of the signature list (laughs)!


孔孝真每次电视剧里的FASHION都会制造很大的话题,每次剧中造型的话你也会亲自参与意见吗? 孔孝真.当然在一起分享台本的时候我会跟工作人员一起议论,“这个是什么样的形象?应该是什么样的装扮?”我们都会谈论很长时间。因为也不能一味追求当下流行的东西,所以也会跟服装组一起自己动手制作衣服。在现场也会根据要一直走路的戏、坐着的戏……针对这样的场景也会特别制作一些穿起来舒服自在的服装。

Gong Hyo-jin at a time in the drama of the FASHION will be a lot of topics, and each time the styling, you will also be personally involved in their views? Gong Hyo-jin. of course, at the time to share one of the time, I will talk to the staff comments, "This is what kind of image? What is disguised as? " We are talking about a very long time. Since it is not a taste for immediate popular things, so I will talk to clothing group, do-it-yourself making clothes. The site will also be based on always walk in South Africa, a sitting of the South ... in response to such a scenario would also produced some wear comfortable in the clothing.


之前与品牌合作设计过很多产品,那有没有想过要创立自己的品牌呢? 孔孝真.感觉这是一件很难的事情,通过之前的合作过程就让我体会到这真的是件非常难的事情,经常会有这好像不是一个人可以完成的想法。我还要演戏,如果同时专注于两件事情对于我来说有点不太可能。

Before the co-branding design too many products that have you ever thought to create their own brand? Gong Hyo-jin. I think this is a very difficult thing, prior to the adoption of the cooperation process made me realize that really is a very difficult thing, and it is often this does not appear to be a person can complete the idea. I also want to be an actress, if you focus on two things for me too.


孔孝真好像不怎么参加综艺节目,对于这方面是不太关心吗? 孔孝真.当然很关心,我自己也很常看综艺节目,《最佳爱情》结束后《Running Man》是我出演的最后一个综艺。又跑,又摘名牌……真的太辛苦了,每次有新作品应该都会出演些综艺节目,不过真的觉得艺能也是个很难的东西。

Gong Hyo-jin like that didn't participate in arts programs in this regard is not too concerned about? Gong Hyo-jin. of course, very concerned about, I am also very often look at arts programs, the best of love after the Running Man is my last arts. She had run, and off-hook brand ... is really too hard, each time a new works should be a speech some entertainment programs, but really feel that art is a very difficult thing.


夏天马上就要来临了,能不能跟大家分享下你的美丽秘诀?如何保持身材? 孔孝真.虽然是一直说的事情,就是要经常运动,不过也不可能天天运动啊!像我自己也做不到那样,只要想到一生都要运动的想法就会觉得很辛苦,但只要不放弃,定期每周一次这种,然后搭配对身体好的食物……好好吃饭、好好睡觉,我觉得这是最重要的了,虽然是很基本的东西。


Summer will soon be upon us, so can you share with us your beauty secret? How do you stay in shape? Gong Hyo-jin. although it is has been said that the matter is to regular exercise, however it is not possible movement every day! As I have also done so as not to think that as long as a movement to the idea that I find it very hard, but as long as they do not give up, and regular weekly meetings of this kind, and then match the physical good food ... good food, good sleep, and I think this is the most important, although it is very basic. *****************************************


最后,跟喜欢你的粉丝和Easy的读者说几句吧! 孔孝真.之前就听说中国的粉丝也很喜欢《主君的太阳》,但有时候也会想真的喜欢吗?毕竟都只是听说,不过这次来上海从机场开始就见到了很多粉丝,让我知道了大家是真的喜欢呢!以后我也希望可以和中国的粉丝们有更多可以近距离接触的机会!

Finally, like with your followers and Easy readers say a few words! Gong Hyo-jin. before I hear that the Chinese fans are like the Lord of the Sun, but sometimes I would like to really like that? After all, it is only heard, but this time to Shanghai from the airport began to see the many fans, let me know that they are really like that! I would also hope that we can and Chinese fans have more to close the opportunity!


-baidu 뭔말일까 ㅋㅋ






 CR:baidu ******************************************* @yumenas :-/ :-/ ok :-/ :-/

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Guest cassia_lela

Thank you christine. From what i got on Baidu based on gugle translate, it's parody of you are all surrounded pose. And i got translation "hyo jin awesome aunty" so I guess it's a boy. Seems like unni hang out because it's already mid nite there, but maybe also from the set of IOTL drama

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Guest cassia_lela

ah, one thing that I just know that the recently instagram before the new one *the one that she is alone* is she wore glasses right? :)) does unni really wore glasses?

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daebak !! thank you @christine138 for the translation ^^

Hyojin unnie is really pretty and adorable. The Master's Sun is airing now in our country and people who love and adore Hyojin are increasing :) She really had that magic that captures her viewers that made them love her more <3

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