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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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An old interview, have read it few times before but again and again, I didnt realize the whole thing that onnie said before so I decide to post it again :P

2011.07.08 Tenasia Interview Part 1


She was a woman we envied so much the past few months. Goo Ae-jung of MBC TV series “The Greatest Love” who was loved by Dokgo Jin, Korea’s hottest star and Yoon Pil-joo, the man who was perfect in every way. But it is probably actress Kong Hyo-jin’s acting capability that made viewers be jealous of yet not hate Goo.

What was most impressive about the Gong that 10Asia met with was her attitude which did not contain an ounce of doubt when it comes to loving and being loved. We may live in times where it is getting increasingly difficult not to doubt the love and interest one shows you but Gong was a woman who does not run away from it thinking it is excessive nor accept it as being natural and instead knows how to be thankful for it. Below are excerpts from the interview.

full article, go to here

some part that attracted me the most.

Interviewer : I had felt this before too but it was through “The Greatest Love” in particular that I felt that you were an actress with a good sense of balance. It seemed like you focus most on the actor that is standing in front of you, rather than focusing on your own acting. And that’s why I think that’s why the drama was able to be balanced even with a somewhat excessive character like Dokgo Jin.

Kong: You’re correct in that I’m someone who does my acting depending on my scene partner’s acting. Because I have to listen to the other person’s lines to remember my own lines. That’s actually what dialogue is about, right? But I think Cha would probably be able to do his acting even if I weren’t there because he memorized everybody’s lines, not just his. He’s someone who can start acting out his own line even if he were cut off midway but I’m someone that needs to hear the line before mine to act out mine so we’re completely different people.

Interviewer : Director Kim Tae-yong said you’re an actress who is great at concentrating in particular. That you have the ability to be in the moment, even if you don’t know what’s going on completely.

Kong: Well this may seem like a cliche answer but you can’t get scared the moment the camera starts rolling. Instead, I get this momentary energy when I think to myself, ‘Everyone look at me. Look at how good I am.’ I place faith in myself and believe in myself. Listening to music and the sort only gets me more nervous because it pulls my mood down. So I’ll just sit at ease and then the moment we go into shoot, immerse myself completely momentarily. If Dokgo Jin was in front of me and I loved him, I wouldn’t be able to help myself from looking at him with loving eyes because I really love him, not smile using my mind and facial muscles. And I’ll believe that what I’m feeling in my heart will get delivered to viewers through my muscles in a quiet yet proper way. I think that the moment I need to do some acting, that I need to do something about the acting, is when the unnecessary details start coming in.

Interviewer : But I’m sure you can’t help yourself from having such thoughts when you’re acting because you want to do well. So how do you stop yourself?

Kong: Well there have been times where I’ve read my script and have thought I’ll probably have to wait for a certain scene but the scene doesn’t turn out to be sad once we film it. So if I feel that wailing is too much, I’d change it to me holding back on my sadness. I trust in myself. That what I’m doing is right, that my emotions are making the right judgement. I don’t force myself to do things.

Interviewer : For example?

Kong: In “The Greatest Love,” Dokgo Jin told Goo Ae-jung about his condition to her for the first time before she goes into her press conference, right? And in the script, it said that Goo will cry a lot but it wasn’t working for me once we got on set to shoot the scene. It also wasn’t like he was standing in front of me with his head shaved so I just didn’t see him as someone who was going to die. (laugh) And it was because I felt that it didn’t make sense to hear his story and feel sad about it so quickly. I felt that I wouldn’t believe it, that he was lying. So I stuck to my judgement and didn’t cry. Of course, I had also wondered to myself whether I had made the right decision or not.

Interviewer : Do you think a lot about such scenes you wonder about even after you’ve shot them or do you just forget about them?

Kong: I think about them quite a bit. (laugh) Things such as was I acting too calm? Did I laugh too much here? But I don’t think being enthusiastic in every scene is the way to go about acting because it’ll tire out even the viewer. Plus you can’t emphasize what you want to emphasize.

Interviewer : Like so, there are moments an actor needs to tune himself or herself to their characters but I think there must’ve been moments that your real self and Goo overlapped.

Kong: Those moments… came about quite often. Especially in the final episode. Because I just felt so happy to be with my man. I had become completely possessed with the person who loves Dokgo Jin. So much that I was asking myself if I’m going too far with being happy. I was so happy.

ops, I quote more than half of interview :D the whole interview is very interesting to read, re-read and re-read again, because I found my self, everytime I re-read onnie's interview, I keep finding new thing that I missed before :)

why I quote these part is because before, though I keep saying that onnie is very natural in acting and I love that acting style of her, actually, I keep asking to my self, what is it exactly the natural acting? I mean how she did it? how she can be natural?

and just now I get to understand how she did that natural acting, from her voice, her expression, her body languange, and her fashion too. Onnie doesnt react base on script though her line based on script, but she reacted based on her opponent act. A person who act based on script ofcourse would be really different when that person act based on other's act toward her/him right? How can be I didnt notice this before? :\">

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2011.07.08 Tenasia Interview Part 2


interview : From “Ruler of Your Own World” to “The Greatest Love,” it somehow seems that you have the ability to make the male actors seem like younger brothers to you. Even the great Dokgo Jin. It’s like you look after them.

Kong Hyo-jin: Yes, I know, right? I think so too. I think such habits exist within me because I’m the oldest in my family, the oldest daughter and I’m blood-type A. I have to look after my younger brother, Seung-beom… I practically raised both of them. (laugh) So I think that’s why but I’ve gotten extremely used to looking after guys. And I guess that vibe somehow gets passed onto the men I work with. I make them perceive the fact that as I gradually open my heart to them, I also see completely through them. so that the chemistry always makes me ship her with her leading man LOL

interview : I guess you’re not that scared of guys.

Kong: I think I try to act like equals to them, regardless of age, once I get close with them. (laugh) Even Cha Seung-won used to say to me, Goo Ae-jung, you’re sneaky! Don’t make that face! And that I look at him as if I know everything. Then I’d respond, “Come on. How would I know that…” :)sure, uri gongvely is a little naughty! :D

interview : How sneaky! (laugh)

full article on kkong-bae.tumbrl.com

some parts that very interesting to me :

- Kkong : I did not have the talent nor charm to appeal to the opposite sex and I knew it would be difficult for me to be portrayed as someone’s ideal woman because the image of me being wild and strong-minded had become fixed. So I was thinking that I’ll probably have to find satisfaction in being a cool woman that people want to be like. But it’s true that I had been working on creating a new image through the TV series “Thank You” and the movie “M.” And Yu-kyung in “Pasta” wasn’t supposed to be the character she turned out to be but I changed a lot of things about her.

- Kkong : The reason the level of satisfaction I got from “Pasta” was high for me was because I got to create and show the character I wanted to portray. And I was happy that the public liked it. That’s why I’d been thinking I would like to take on another character that’s like this when I was handed “The Greatest Love.” I’m so happy that people now consider me as an actress that can play loveable characters as well.

- movie “Crush and Blush”. Kkong : .......... I told myself, I’ll wear a strange coat, strange shoes, and give up on trying to look pretty! I’ll reveal all of my weaknesses! (laugh) And maybe that’s why but I felt like I was entitled to more compensation for it. I’d write responses like, “Who are you! I’m Kong Hyo-jin!” ................ I became indifferent to everything after “Crush and Blush.” I had revealed myself completely. What would I be scared of? (laugh)

- Ryoo Seung-beom. Kkong : ........... he told me, “Hyo-jin, you have to act in more of an adult way” to which I’d respond, “What would you know about my acting when it’s your first time here today?” and we bickered on and on. We didn’t talk about each other’s acting in the past that much but from a certain point on, we’ve come to be the most critical observers of each other’s acting. LOL sure, she and RSB must've been bickering many times seeing their personality :D
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2011.07.08 Tenasia Interview Part 3


full article on kkong_bae-tumbrl.com

okay, some parts that I'm interested :

Interviewer : (laugh) I’m guessing your positive attitude comes from such love as well. But when it comes to art, there are people who believe that certain things can only come from pain. And to some actors, it also serves as their source of energy.

KKong: That’s how it is with Seung-beom. He says that actors have to carry a time-bomb-like sadness and loneliness within them. But such things really don’t exist within me because I’ve lived an easy, well-rounded life. Even when I was filming “The Greatest Love,” one of my greatest fears was that I’d lose my positive energy. That I’d form this weird attitude to defend myself. Because the excessive charisma you sometimes see in actresses comes from them telling people not to mess around with them and to protect themselves. I’m scared that I’ll become more spiteful with age, not easy-going. And it’s what I’m most heeding attention to. Even my personality now has changed a lot from when I was in my early twenties.

Not long ago I talked about an artist that have painful life-story, used to be greater artist. But again, now I realize that it's not the case for all artist. Onnie gongvely is an example \m/

and this part surprise me!

Interviewer : Do you want to become a good actor or a good person? Or do you think the two can co-exist?

Kong: Well if I had to choose between marrying at a suitable age then living a stable life and doing everything I want to do as an unmarried actress… I might change my mind but I think I’m slowly leaning more toward the latter. I keep thinking that I want to be recognized as a good actress and make my name known more. I won’t be able to do well at both. Although it may be possible. Ah… What do you think would be good? It’s really hard for me to answer that question right now.

Interviewer : It definitely seems like you want to achieve more as an actress now though.

Kong: Yes. For sure. I think the reason I can’t give you an answer right now may be because I’m scared of choosing and wanting to be a good actor over wanting to be a good person. Because before, I would have 100 percent chosen the latter. I had a bigger desire to be a good mother, a good wife and live a healthy life. But these days, I’ve been wondering what it will be like if I filmed a valuable movie that the whole world will take notice of even if I may have a bit of a hard time. That’s why I’m hoping I’ll get to work on a movie that’s that powerful. A movie that’ll make me want to gain more with confidence, a movie I can completely throw myself into.

I really had missed many important point of onnie's previous interview. In this interview, surprisingly, onnie expressed that she prefer to achieve her goal as great actress and for a while, didnt think much of getting married, having child and live happily as a casual woman... this is really interesting because I remember that in one of her 2013's interview, she seem have desire of having a family... will search that article and post later.. :-B

anyway, guys, I truly recommend kkong-bae.tumblr.com if you want to check everything about her! ;) one of best recognized GHJ's collection :-bd

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Hello Gongvelyans...translated transcript of GHJ/JIS interview Pt 1.... Engsubbing in YT vid in progress.....
PS: @readlead....sorry I took so long, biyane.

  • 0:01 - 0:04Tudou Entertainment Express Interview It's OK It's LOVE OTP PT 1
    0:06 - 0:09Screen Text: IOIL OTP INTERVIEWJo In Sung/Gong Hyo Jin Pairing Creates Chemistry
    0:11 - 0:12ScreenText: Greet Tudou Viewers
    0:13 - 0:15GHJ: Hello everyone, I am Gong Hyo Jin
    0:16 - 0:19JIS: I am Jo In Sung. Very happy to see everyone.
    0:20 - 0:21Together: We are JIS and GHJ
    0:22 - 0:24JIS: This is my first time greeting Tudou viewers.
    0:25 - 0:27JIS: Hope to greet everyone often in future.
    0:28 - 0:29Screen Text: Introduce drama IOIL and your character!
    0:30 - 0:34GHJ: IOIL is about people experiencing pain in their hearts
    0:35 - 0:41GHJ: A story of healing one's internal self and mutual healing.
    0:42 - 0:46GHJ: Hence, during the healing process, this OTP gains mutual understanding
    0:47 - 0:52GHJ: Begins a passionate romance, like any two lovers.
    0:53 - 0:55GHJ: Both are always bickering, getting mad for the slightest reason.
    0:56 -0:58GHJ: Often say 'let's break up' but later forgive each other.
    0:59 - 1:05GHJ: It depicts a story where there is no miracle in love/romance.
    1:06 - 1:07JIS: What about the character you portray?
    1:08 -1:10GHJ: I portray a character who is a first year resident 
    1:11 - 1:20GHJ: Who is an above-average practising psychiatrist, Ji Hae Soo.
    1:21 - 1:26GHJ: She has a strong overbearing personality, and a big temper.
    1:27 - 1:31GHJ: But is also a female doctor with a warm heart.
    1:32 - 1:36JIS: I portray a mystery writer-cum-radio DJ
    1:37 - 1:41JIS: Who suffers from OCD
    1:42 - 1:47JIS: Yeah...it's such a character.
    1:48 - 1:49Screen Text: Your impression of each other!
    1:50 - 1:56JIS: I have long been hoping to work with GHJ 
    1:57 - 1:59JIS: Thinking when will I get an opportunity. Looks like this time, my hope is realized.
    2:00 - 2:05JIS: Hence, I am very happy to have this opportunity.
    2:06 - 2:11JIS: On the other hand, Hyo Jin is the kind of actress who can enhance her male actor's appeal.
    2:12 - 2:20JIS: Through partnership in this drama, GHJ has raised me up to a higher level. Thank you.
    2:21 - 2:26GHJ: We both entered K-ent at about the same time. We are actors from the same generation.
    2:27 - 2:28GHJ: We have known each other for a very long time.
    2:29 - 2:31GHJ: I've always hoped for an opportunity to work together.
    2:32 - 2:35GHJ: Being able to portray a deep romance story like this
    2:36 - 2:40GHJ: I feel very emotional and happy.
    2:41 - 2:44GHJ: During the filming process, both of us have different style of acting.
    2:45 - 2:52GHJ: We learn from each other. I think this is a fabulous time to meet.
    2:53 - 2:54Screen Text: GHJ, your rating for male actors you've partnered with!
    2:55 - 2.59GHJ: First is the youngest, DO. How can his eyes give out such a clear and innocent look?
    3:00 - 3:01JIS: SHe just told me a little. Says he has a beautiful 'glance/look'.  3:02 - 3:06GHJ: Yes. How can he have such a good-looking pair of eyes?!
    3:07 - 3:11GHJ: Since he is the youngest, there really is no baseline for being cute and good-looking.
    3:12 - 3:19GHJ: Such a drama character requiring this kind of 'look' is suitable for DO. 3:20 - 3:22GHJ: Since this is his first project
    3:23 - 3:27GHJ: He looks nervous. My impression of him is cute, warm and easy-going.
    3:28 - 3:29GHJ: SO I want to give him many things, to help him calm down.
    3:30 - 3:33GHJ: Want to see him (in future) as he grows and improves.
    3:34 - 3:37GHJ: Among us, Lee Kwang Soo's words are like a 'Pen from God'.
    3:38 - 3:41GHJ: He(LKS) has such profound thoughts of DO. 3:42 - 3:46GHJ: Seeing him perspire a lot as he is acting, seeing him work hard
    3:47 - 3:57GHJ: In this project, he will have a good performance. Comforting to watch him act With such energy.
    3:58 - 4:00GHJ: I do think of partnering with him again. 
    4:01 - 4:10GHJ: And there is sunbae Sung Dong Il. In the drama, he is also my sunbae.
    4:11 - 4:16GHJ: Just like what sunbae SDI said, every actor will want to try
    4:17 - 4:20GHJ: To create a kind of acting ambience
    4:21 - 4:25GHJ: To make a meaningless location interesting. I received a lot of help from sunbae.
    4:26 - 4:29GHJ: Our style of acting is similar. We often end up with NG. 
    4:30 - 4:35GHJ: My reason for getting NG is just like his. That's quite comforting.
    4:35 - 4:40GHJ: (JIS and GHJ both giggle)Sunbae also gets NG for this reason. I learn a lot from him.
    4:41 - 4:47GHJ: And there is Jo In Sung. He has an authentic performance, of higher level.
    4:48 - 4:51GHJ: Compared to my haphapzard acting style
    4:52 - 4:59GHJ: I see the process of his acting, we try to complement each other's style 
    5:00 - 5:06GHJ: And also, his 'glance/look' is his ace.
    5:07 - 5:09GHJ: His 'glance/look', when I see from afar
    5:10 - 5:18GHJ: Enables me to really immersed in acting. This is what we call partnership chemistry.
    5:19 - 5:20Screen Text: Jo In Sung Compliments Gong Hyo Jin!
    5:22 - 5:24JIS: Now I will begin my compliments for her.
    5:25 - 5:33JIS: In acting, I have my shortcomings too. Partnering Hyo Jin enables me to learn a lot.
    5:34 - 5:38JIS: What can I do to act in a more natural style 
    5:39 - 5:43JIS: Do I do it(act) like this? Why don't I have such an ability?
    5:44 - 5:48JIS: If I want to act that way, what do I do?
    5:49 - 5:54JIS: In certain areas, Hyo Jin is more than capable
    5:55 - 5:59JIS: In our process of (script) dialogue, I became more intrigued by Hyo Jin.
    6:00 - 6:09JIS: If we are both not prepared, will communicating this way enrich our performance?
    6:10 - 6:11Screen Text: It's OK It's LOVE, Areas Worth Anticipating!
    6:11 - 6:15GHJ: First, from the moment I received this role
    6:16 - 6:20GHJ: Finally be able to partner with such a team. I highly anticipate this partnership.
    6:21 - 6:25GHJ: First, is PDnim, a korean director who can capture and make an actress more beautiful. 6:26 - 6:31GHJ: Production team and lighting team all in one team, honestly in korea
    6.32 - 6:38GHJ: This is the team that every actress hopes to partner up. My opportunity is here.
    6:39 - 6:43GHJ: And also meeting writernim Noh Hee Kyung, I feel very lucky and honored.
    6:44 - 6:48GHJ: There is nothing to worry about. Plus I can partner with Jo In Sung
    6:49 - 7:01GHJ: This drama's character is very charming. It's a strong character, a role I've never had before.
    7:02 - 7:07GHJ: I greatly anticipate. And am learning constantly.
    7:08 - 7:14JIS: Being able to partner with a writernim who writes excellent screenplays, and a PDnim who films cinematically,  7:15 - 7:17JIS: Teaming up again, I feel very happy.
    7:18 - 7:27JIS: A 30 year old character is a youth stage we can all understand.
    7:28 - 7:34JIS: Having seen the script, I feel very good already.
    7:35 - 7:42JIS: On location filming, the ambience was harmonious, I am grateful.
    7:43 - 7:49JIS: For me, I also greatly anticipate this partnership.
    7:50 - 7:51Screen Text: Time To Greet Tudou Viewers!
    7:52 - 7:56GHJ: Tudou viewers, the drama is about to start its broadcast 
    7:57 - 7:59GHJ: We haven't seen the edited version yet.
    8:00 - 8:01GHJ: Will it do well? I am getting nervous.
    8:02 - 8:06GHJ: Also, this love story is bluntly straight-forward, strong and wrought with crisis  8:07 - 8:13GHJ: The story of each character, viewers will enjoy watching a lot
    8:14 - 8:18GHJ: And will exclaim "So it's like that!", and will greatly anticipate
    8:19 - 8:21GHJ: This drama is a new love story
    8:22 - 8:28GHJ: I think and believe many people will want to watch it
    8:29 - 8:32GHJ: The later part of the script will be more interesting. Will something huge ensue?
    8:33 - 8:35JIS (Both giggle again) I feel the same too.
    8:36 - 8:40JIS: Will this drama become a new kind of love story?
    8:41 - 8:49JIS: If everyone will have the same feeling (like us), that will be wonderful.
    8:50 - 8:51JIS: Hope everyone will like this drama.
    8:52 - 8:58JIS: If everyone likes this drama, we will feel energized when filming on location.
    8:59 - 9:02JIS: Please give us more attention. Thank you everyone.
    9:03 - 9:04GHJ: Thank you.
    9:05 - 9:09CR: Tudou Ent Express/For Entertainment & Fan Support Purposes Only. Engsubbed by JadeCloud. Thank You All!--------------------end of translated transcript---------------

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jadecloud said: Hello Gongvelyans...translated transcript of GHJ/JIS interview Pt 1.... Engsubbing in YT vid in progress.....
PS: @readlead....sorry I took so long, biyane.

  • 0:01 - 0:04Tudou Entertainment Express Interview It's OK It's LOVE OTP PT 1
    0:06 - 0:09Screen Text: IOIL OTP INTERVIEWJo In Sung/Gong Hyo Jin Pairing Creates Chemistry
    0:11 - 0:12ScreenText: Greet Tudou Viewers
    0:13 - 0:15GHJ: Hello everyone, I am Gong Hyo Jin
    0:16 - 0:19JIS: I am Jo In Sung. Very happy to see everyone.
    0:20 - 0:21Together: We are JIS and GHJ
    0:22 - 0:24JIS: This is my first time greeting Tudou viewers.
    0:25 - 0:27JIS: Hope to greet everyone often in future.
    0:28 - 0:29Screen Text: Introduce drama IOIL and your character!
    0:30 - 0:34GHJ: IOIL is about people experiencing pain in their hearts
    0:35 - 0:41GHJ: A story of healing one's internal self and mutual healing.
    0:42 - 0:46GHJ: Hence, during the healing process, this OTP gains mutual understanding
    0:47 - 0:52GHJ: Begins a passionate romance, like any two lovers.
    0:53 - 0:55GHJ: Both are always bickering, getting mad for the slightest reason.
    0:56 -0:58GHJ: Often say 'let's break up' but later forgive each other.
    0:59 - 1:05GHJ: It depicts a story where there is no miracle in love/romance.
    1:06 - 1:07JIS: What about the character you portray?
    1:08 -1:10GHJ: I portray a character who is a first year resident 
    1:11 - 1:20GHJ: Who is an above-average practising psychiatrist, Ji Hae Soo.
    1:21 - 1:26GHJ: She has a strong overbearing personality, and a big temper.
    1:27 - 1:31GHJ: But is also a female doctor with a warm heart.
    1:32 - 1:36JIS: I portray a mystery writer-cum-radio DJ
    1:37 - 1:41JIS: Who suffers from OCD
    1:42 - 1:47JIS: Yeah...it's such a character.
    1:48 - 1:49Screen Text: Your impression of each other!
    1:50 - 1:56JIS: I have long been hoping to work with GHJ 
    1:57 - 1:59JIS: Thinking when will I get an opportunity. Looks like this time, my hope is realized.
    2:00 - 2:05JIS: Hence, I am very happy to have this opportunity.
    2:06 - 2:11JIS: On the other hand, Hyo Jin is the kind of actress who can enhance her male actor's appeal.
    2:12 - 2:20JIS: Through partnership in this drama, GHJ has raised me up to a higher level. Thank you.
    2:21 - 2:26GHJ: We both entered K-ent at about the same time. We are actors from the same generation.
    2:27 - 2:28GHJ: We have known each other for a very long time.
    2:29 - 2:31GHJ: I've always hoped for an opportunity to work together.
    2:32 - 2:35GHJ: Being able to portray a deep romance story like this
    2:36 - 2:40GHJ: I feel very emotional and happy.
    2:41 - 2:44GHJ: During the filming process, both of us have different style of acting.
    2:45 - 2:52GHJ: We learn from each other. I think this is a fabulous time to meet.
    2:53 - 2:54Screen Text: GHJ, your rating for male actors you've partnered with!
    2:55 - 2.59GHJ: First is the youngest, DO. How can his eyes give out such a clear and innocent look?
    3:00 - 3:01JIS: SHe just told me a little. Says he has a beautiful 'glance/look'.  3:02 - 3:06GHJ: Yes. How can he have such a good-looking pair of eyes?!
    3:07 - 3:11GHJ: Since he is the youngest, there really is no baseline for being cute and good-looking.
    3:12 - 3:19GHJ: Such a drama character requiring this kind of 'look' is suitable for DO. 3:20 - 3:22GHJ: Since this is his first project
    3:23 - 3:27GHJ: He looks nervous. My impression of him is cute, warm and easy-going.
    3:28 - 3:29GHJ: SO I want to give him many things, to help him calm down.
    3:30 - 3:33GHJ: Want to see him (in future) as he grows and improves.
    3:34 - 3:37GHJ: Among us, Lee Kwang Soo's words are like a 'Pen from God'.
    3:38 - 3:41GHJ: He(LKS) has such profound thoughts of DO. 3:42 - 3:46GHJ: Seeing him perspire a lot as he is acting, seeing him work hard
    3:47 - 3:57GHJ: In this project, he will have a good performance. Comforting to watch him act With such energy.
    3:58 - 4:00GHJ: I do think of partnering with him again. 
    4:01 - 4:10GHJ: And there is sunbae Sung Dong Il. In the drama, he is also my sunbae.
    4:11 - 4:16GHJ: Just like what sunbae SDI said, every actor will want to try
    4:17 - 4:20GHJ: To create a kind of acting ambience
    4:21 - 4:25GHJ: To make a meaningless location interesting. I received a lot of help from sunbae.
    4:26 - 4:29GHJ: Our style of acting is similar. We often end up with NG. 
    4:30 - 4:35GHJ: My reason for getting NG is just like his. That's quite comforting.
    4:35 - 4:40GHJ: (JIS and GHJ both giggle)Sunbae also gets NG for this reason. I learn a lot from him.
    4:41 - 4:47GHJ: And there is Jo In Sung. He has an authentic performance, of higher level.
    4:48 - 4:51GHJ: Compared to my haphapzard acting style
    4:52 - 4:59GHJ: I see the process of his acting, we try to complement each other's style 
    5:00 - 5:06GHJ: And also, his 'glance/look' is his ace.
    5:07 - 5:09GHJ: His 'glance/look', when I see from afar
    5:10 - 5:18GHJ: Enables me to really immersed in acting. This is what we call partnership chemistry.
    5:19 - 5:20Screen Text: Jo In Sung Compliments Gong Hyo Jin!
    5:22 - 5:24JIS: Now I will begin my compliments for her.
    5:25 - 5:33JIS: In acting, I have my shortcomings too. Partnering Hyo Jin enables me to learn a lot.
    5:34 - 5:38JIS: What can I do to act in a more natural style 
    5:39 - 5:43JIS: Do I do it(act) like this? Why don't I have such an ability?
    5:44 - 5:48JIS: If I want to act that way, what do I do?
    5:49 - 5:54JIS: In certain areas, Hyo Jin is more than capable
    5:55 - 5:59JIS: In our process of (script) dialogue, I became more intrigued by Hyo Jin.
    6:00 - 6:09JIS: If we are both not prepared, will communicating this way enrich our performance?
    6:10 - 6:11Screen Text: It's OK It's LOVE, Areas Worth Anticipating!
    6:11 - 6:15GHJ: First, from the moment I received this role
    6:16 - 6:20GHJ: Finally be able to partner with such a team. I highly anticipate this partnership.
    6:21 - 6:25GHJ: First, is PDnim, a korean director who can capture and make an actress more beautiful. 6:26 - 6:31GHJ: Production team and lighting team all in one team, honestly in korea
    6.32 - 6:38GHJ: This is the team that every actress hopes to partner up. My opportunity is here.
    6:39 - 6:43GHJ: And also meeting writernim Noh Hee Kyung, I feel very lucky and honored.
    6:44 - 6:48GHJ: There is nothing to worry about. Plus I can partner with Jo In Sung
    6:49 - 7:01GHJ: This drama's character is very charming. It's a strong character, a role I've never had before.
    7:02 - 7:07GHJ: I greatly anticipate. And am learning constantly.
    7:08 - 7:14JIS: Being able to partner with a writernim who writes excellent screenplays, and a PDnim who films cinematically,  7:15 - 7:17JIS: Teaming up again, I feel very happy.
    7:18 - 7:27JIS: A 30 year old character is a youth stage we can all understand.
    7:28 - 7:34JIS: Having seen the script, I feel very good already.
    7:35 - 7:42JIS: On location filming, the ambience was harmonious, I am grateful.
    7:43 - 7:49JIS: For me, I also greatly anticipate this partnership.
    7:50 - 7:51Screen Text: Time To Greet Tudou Viewers!
    7:52 - 7:56GHJ: Tudou viewers, the drama is about to start its broadcast 
    7:57 - 7:59GHJ: We haven't seen the edited version yet.
    8:00 - 8:01GHJ: Will it do well? I am getting nervous.
    8:02 - 8:06GHJ: Also, this love story is bluntly straight-forward, strong and wrought with crisis  8:07 - 8:13GHJ: The story of each character, viewers will enjoy watching a lot
    8:14 - 8:18GHJ: And will exclaim "So it's like that!", and will greatly anticipate
    8:19 - 8:21GHJ: This drama is a new love story
    8:22 - 8:28GHJ: I think and believe many people will want to watch it
    8:29 - 8:32GHJ: The later part of the script will be more interesting. Will something huge ensue?
    8:33 - 8:35JIS (Both giggle again) I feel the same too.
    8:36 - 8:40JIS: Will this drama become a new kind of love story?
    8:41 - 8:49JIS: If everyone will have the same feeling (like us), that will be wonderful.
    8:50 - 8:51JIS: Hope everyone will like this drama.
    8:52 - 8:58JIS: If everyone likes this drama, we will feel energized when filming on location.
    8:59 - 9:02JIS: Please give us more attention. Thank you everyone.
    9:03 - 9:04GHJ: Thank you.
    9:05 - 9:09CR: Tudou Ent Express/For Entertainment & Fan Support Purposes Only. Engsubbed by JadeCloud. Thank You All!--------------------end of translated transcript---------------

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hello everybody 
if you vote for gong hyojin please don't vote for Leeminho - Kim Soo Hyun-winner - G-dragon-Taeyang Lee Jong Suk -YoInna-CL Why? Because they have many fans so much please you can vote for other with less popular than theyor see of result and select those who are at the end
I also like some nominees but not vote for them or else that gong hyo jin not win

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From GHJ International page.

[ Style Icon Awards Update ]

September 30, 2014 - Top 8-9 out of 20
October 1, 2014 - Top 7 out of 20
October 2, 2014 - Top 7 out of 20

Gong Hyo Jin is currently in Top 5 out of 20 today (october 3) in Style Icon Awards poll.


Let me share how to vote GHJ..

click the Results of SIA before voting.
check all the top 20 list based on the results.
Vote all the celebrities who didn't make it to top 20. so that, GHJ's votes are sorely hiiiiggghhh! and GHJ's position will not changed until she reached the top.. together with lee min ho and kim so hyun \:D/ ( i didn't vote the people who are in top 20 results that's why i checked it before i start) Mianhae :) 
Its just like my marketing subject..  BE COMPETITIVE . ( lol what? seriously? i did?)  Hehehehehe! 

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Guest 2cupsofcoffee

I am totally still suffering from IOTL withdrawal. I'm watching the last episode over and over again because it is just genius and it makes me so happy. Its so funny when Haesoo finds out she's pregnant, she's so angry, and he's so happy. LOL
Btw, if you compare GHJ in the last episode and the first episodes, she lost so much weight! I hope she's eating well and relaxing now.
Oh, and Master's Sun is FINALLY starting airing in my country today. Woot! (Although I've watched it numerous times already, I'm still excited)

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Guest cassia_lela

Yeah, last year unni was out of big ten but still she got it. Well, none can against how she can mix and match her fashion in TMS. And IOTL marks her fashion sense as high as usual. So big hope that she can win too. Before the awarding, mwave will announce who is the top ten. If unni's name isn't there, so let's skip it. Haha.

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Gong Hyo Jin for Marie Claire March 2013

this photoshoot is one of my most favorite among all onnie's magazine appearance. And also almost all pics have been posted few times already, but except one, I dont know if I missed it before :D


complete pics, you can see here! :-bd

my top 3 of this photoshoots :




:x :x :x

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Guest clalenny

*Old... ~Kong Hyo Jin for Aquarius CF


Cr : 啊叶叶爱布利


@red thanks for sharing all the article which I had never read hhi" *FansGakLoyal* :D :D and thanks to @Jadecloud too for your awesome traslation ^^ *KissesToYouBoth :-* :-*

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