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To @all SoGongers : Be strong! Fighting! \m/

cassia_lela said: Yes lilian, it's make me proud of her that many people around entertainment world like her, admire her, even want to be her costar.

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Guest lilian89

yumenas, thank you for the news.Mm, that gif is from Vulcano high, not from Guns and talks :D . I'm a little bit sad about some people comments related to unnie, but i think this dating news was also good to show who are the true fans. If you are a fan, you want to know everything about your idol because you appreciate her talent, mind, beauty, personality and so on, not only because you want her to be a couple with someone and stop being her fan just because she's not dating who you want her to date. The level of immaturity in that people is big!

To be honest, i think she fits more with LJW when it comes to personality. It's kinda scary if you think how many haters she would have had if she would have dated Sjs taking into account his fanbase.Maybe internationally they have\had a lot of shippers, but in SK i don't think they were too many. I only hope that LJW intentions are good and honest.

The men kiss really well at least, lol.

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Guest cassia_lela

Yes yumenas, it shuld be the one she with won bin. Haha. Oh glad to know that unnie with the director still in contact though unnie just got few scenes. Yes, unnie may not have the v line etc, but as he said, she is beautiful, she can shine in her own way...

Unnie, would u come to the vip premier of the pirates? Miss u unnie... U passed for KMH unnie, please, attend for the SYJ unnie...

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@lilian and @cassia
Thank you for corecting my mistakes. I put wrong link.
I am ashamed. X_X Last night, i am sleepy? :P
Sorry @all. I have edit that. ;)

Agree with you. I understand your feelings. Because i also feel sad to see comments like that. :((
To be honest a lot of things i wanted to say in shiper thread. Since 'GHJ's dating news' came out, i haven't written anything in there.
I had mixed feelings. But what i do is trying to understand this situation and what happend.

I'm sad, if there's (shiper) who blame GHJ. Due to the fact that GHJ's having a boyfriend.
But we as shiper, can not like that. GHJ has her own life and she deserved to be happy.
Only GHJ who know what's best for her and what's she want.
So, to accept this fact (GHJ's dating LJW). I really appreciate her choice and trust her.

As you say, though many shiper supporting, but in fact there're also fans who disagree. Even i see that fans who acts hard (harsh). :(
Still remember about the haters? At that time there were actually other things also happened to account weibo GHJ.
And it's because of a shiper things and fangirls. If i think like this, i think GHJ suffer a lot. :(
And what makes me upset, when GHJ dating news out, there're still fans who do like that!
They should be happy because of what they fear not come true. But why do  they still make a bad comment?

Like you said, the positive things from this problem is to selects the true fans.
I'm actually amazed at GHJ fans in Baidu (GHJ Baidu).
Some of them are shiper, but they're still support GHJ, although they were sad.

To @all friends in here, let's try to be a good fans!
Fighting! \m/

Me : I want to Hugs GHJ. :(( >:D<:x
Please keeping smile. Wish the best for you ^^
cr : 文EngNameIsWEN Weibo

# From GHJ Fans in Weibo
Bing translate :
You happy, I've seen you smile, you're sad I accompany you to cry, don't never give up there, you live with it, that's all I can do.
Google translate :
I watched you laugh you happy, you're sad, I cry with you, never betray accompany you bear all, this is all I can do.
cr : KKongMi Weibo

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@Lyrayoo There is no home for Lee Jin Wook and Gong Hyo Jin at shippers' paradise at the moment, but feel free to create one. ^^

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Guest cassia_lela

this is episode from healing camp, here is for tudou and for dc

I guess that the host forgot his name call unni hyo jin for asking about Lee Sun Gyun, but unni is busy so she hang up :)) unni, are u really busy? we want to know also how is LSG :))

cr: DC

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Guest lilian89

Probably she was really busy, filming or something, lol. I think she and LSG are pretty close, because other than Gong Yoo, he is her only costar from dramas, who always goes to the premier of her movies. Also he always speak very nice about her in his interviews, he was in fact the costar who admired her the most or at least the one who expressed the most his admiration for her in his interviews.

Ah, i would really like to see this 2 again,in a movie or drama, they also had really good chemistry together.

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Guest cassia_lela

already watched it ^_^ both are unique, has name in fashion, movie and drama :))

I don't know what this article talking about, it's from GHJ's DC but it's a survey, which I don't know to survey what :))


the first place is song ji hyo, then go ara then uri gongvely unni... argh... what this survey about :((

can someone help me? thank you before and thank you so much :x

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Guest lilian89

cassia_lela, google translate the title as: Artists such as one would do well.

Bing translate: Will be good to work like a celebrity.

Also is saying something about this artists being good at everything.

Help anyone?

Edit: I think it's a survey about celebrities who are good at everything and they will be good workers.

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not exactly sure. but the survey is done by some part time job site, and the survey is about artist who looks like they can do work well?
song jihyo won 1st with 47.7% then go ara(24.9%), then gong hyojin(13.5%) as for guys, they only mention that kim woobin won 1st.

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Guest cassia_lela

Thank jilian and qiets. Oh, so it's abt who matched u well to work... No wonder SJH got the first place. Hehe

but i like that ghj unni got the third place...maybe they saw how unni has determination while in running man. Haha

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Guest lilian89

Maybe is about actresses who chose fast another project after finishing the previous one, not about being strong...

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Guest marikolah

I think I read that GHJ and her new beau attended Jo Eun Ji's wedding together?

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Guest lilian89

Yeah, it says on an article that were witnesses who saw this 2 at the wedding and they were acting like lovebirds deeply in love, but i think they denied staying together at the same table or something like that.

There were also some article about them being together in Hawai, but it was also denied, as only GHJ went there, LJW didn't.

Its kinda weird if you think about: GHJ bff has a movie with LJW, HJW who is GHJ male friend also has a cf together with LJW, in that fashion show he stayed between GHJ and Honey Lee, who is also another friend of her.Who's her next friend with whom LJW will cooperate? Lol. :-?

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Guest cassia_lela

Yes, that's also I know that ghj and ljw didn't sit at the same table. Must be hard for them. That's why we didn't get any pictures from the wedding maybe, and it's a very private wedding.

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