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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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@Jelve, I'll watch MTF as soon as I'm done with KofB KTG.  He surely is the cutest & most adorable chaebol male lead ever exist in Kdrama. :x Gotta gear up my shipper's heart for the hot kisses tho. LOL
I wasn't able to watch KTG much today, cause I was busy celebrating Li Chun (Spring Festival) w/ my family & friends.  Year of the Sheep just officially started, Feb 4.. I'd like to wish everyone here good health, happiness, love, peace, more blessings and enough strength to get through each trouble this year. Lovelots. :)
And Yoonie-ya! take very good care of yourself there, included you already in my prayer wishes earlier, and I will always do! waiting patiently for your comeback while enjoying the wonderful works you left behind .. FIGHTING! 
*kinda emotional*, right now. nah, this is cause of Tak Gu-ya!  .. Missing Shiyoon you so much! :((

cr: http://www.kbs.co.kr/

EDIT: Hiiii @rachel, just read your post.  KAMSAHAMNIDA!!!! As always, you're the best! You don't how I miss him so much! kyaaaaaaaaaa!!! >:D< :-*

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Yoon Shi Yoon
When you charmed me with your enchanting eyes.Life began to look, so beautiful and full of craze!And I feel a wave of pleasure, running somewhere in me!!!:x :x :x

Yoonie countdown calendar for 2015/02/05:


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@jelve thank you dear, you too!<3 Love that birthday photo of Shiyoon, just right in time my mom's birthday today, Feb 5! :D Did I forget to mention here that she likes KofB, KTG too? It actually inspires her to open up a bakery someday. Haha!
I am nearing BK's final ep. I sympathize Kim Tak Gu so much, that's how effective Shiyoon's acting was(is). I am too attached .. yes, I am a crier but this drama is too much a tear jerker. :(think, I'll breakdown in the remaining eps! Haha! 
Such an inspiration to everyone.. <3 HAI!!!3U6cYAn.gif

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....Always I had this question that if my love to him is cuz of being under the influence of characters that our talented actor had played artistically, or cuz of realizing his true character through those roles?  :-/ 
I was very lucky that the realistic show "BFF" , in which my darling was one of the main casts, was programmed, and I had the chance of watching him in more real situation to find his true character better. :-B 
He is a human being so could have some weaknesses too; but I noticed how he was working hard to turn those weaknesses into his strength; he was looking for the opportunities to help him to grow his skills and to prove his reliability. :)>- 
With watching each eps of BFF I was falling  in love with him more and more  because I discovered more amazing layers of his characteristics, as PSH had already done and claimed that too! 
Besides his melting heart apparent characteristics, how innocent, honest and true he is! =D>
So I found him even more adorable than his played characters... :x :x :x 
Credit of pic to: http://www.crazyforkdrama.com/

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Yoon Shi Yoon!
Every new day Your glory unfoldsFilling my eyes with Your treasures untoldThe beauty of holiness brings worship anewMy Greatest Love Is You!!!:x :x :x

Yoonie countdown calendar for 2015/02/08:


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@violetlove2 I cried a lot in that scene too! :(( Ugh.. why does he need to die? :(  
Btw, I'm on ep 26 right now and up to this point,  I still can't figure out why Eugene turned into a villain. She was nice & adorable .. and yep, a bit still in this ep.. She is the one who is in love with Tak Gu when they were younger and vice versa. The reason that cause she's angry and want revenge to Ma Jun's mom is one too dumb reason to choose the wrong path. :( I guess it makes a good moral tale: One should also not be crazy to succeed in life. I like MiSun though, cause she's always there for Tak Gu but I see that she does so in the way that a friend would and i can’t seem to picture them together. Oh sorry, that's just for now.. have 4 more eps to watch! :D

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Yoon Shi Yoon!
You are the heaven that I’m destined to Love
The man of my dreams who is beyond what I've ever imagined to love!
I’m grateful I fell in love with you
I have found my "PRINCE CHARMING" And I never have to lose a shoe!!!
:x :x :x

Yoonie countdown calendar for 2015/02/09:


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Yoon Shi Yoon!
Being in love with you is no less than a blessing
It gives me butterflies in stomach And contentment in my heart
You are  my constant source of happiness!!!
:x :x :x

Yoonie countdown calendar for 2015/02/10:


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Since official FC shared on twitter, now I can share this picture here:15876661674_b69f2ca713_b.jpg
cr. Siyoon_Inyeon
I just watched the video message,  I understand just a bit, but my heart understood better! I can't describe how much I missed him!! his voice seems huskier, awwww I don't know if it's my thirst but he really seems manlier than before, swoooon!! :x I'm fargirling and... it's too late here.... I should go to sleep.
Hopefully tomorrow there will be a translation avalaible.
Good night/day!!
Fainting..... :P

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Thank you, @rachel! How nice of him to wish us all a happy Chinese/Korean new year holiday! His voice does sound a bit hoarse, as if he had been in the cold for a long time...

I went directly to the Baidu siyoonbar to read the news, and they said that in 18 days he will be promoted!

He said in his message (after a salute):

"Hello my Chinese friends. It's been a long time since I've sent everyone a video message like this. Ah, I miss you so much, and I really wish to see you. But I am so far away, and I'm serving in the military for my country, so I can only use this method to greet everyone. Soon it will be the holiday. I know that China is similar to Korea, where you'll spend the great holiday with your most beloved ones. I hope everyone can spend the spring holiday together with beloved family and friends. Eat more delicious food! Also, please do talk to your family members about those moments when you are outside feeling lonely, so your mood will be better and more relaxed.

I am also working hard on my own work, and I believe that as I keep working hard like this, a year will pass by very quickly. Until that day, I hope to meet everyone and happily share memories that belong to us together. Everyone be happy! I won't forget everyone! And thank you very much, everyone, for continuing to write me letters. And I will continue to wait in expectation." [Hand gesture] I love you all!

@cepshysy - I forgot to wish you a happy spring holiday! 新年快樂! 恭喜財!

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