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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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40 minutes ago, lxands said:

You mean the accident in 2010, a few days before SS501  Love Ya comeback, right? I always find the accident fishy...he had several broken ribs but surprising nothing abt the accident came out in the official news, even though  KHJ at the time was already a huge Hallyu star. It was just the company reps came out saying they had to delay the comeback because of KHJ's accident.



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I sincerly  hope it was truly an accident not the other thing ortherwise I feel the SK entertainment industry is the place for gangsters or mafia to run business and take adventage over the talente youngsters who are musicians or singers who want to be a good artist.

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On 26/1/2016 at 4:13 PM, lxands said:
6 hours ago, vivian6686 said:


I sincerly  hope it was truly an accident not the other thing ortherwise I feel the SK entertainment industry is the place for gangsters or mafia to run business and take adventage over the talente youngsters who are musicians or singers who want to be a good artist.



HJ was with one of his friend on the motorcycle and HJ had scorchs on his body plus broken ribs. But the car which hit them might be gangster/mafia. The CEO of DSP is friend with an ex.president/dictator of SK, so all is possible. My poor HJ who is so innocent/naive, it's so unfair!!


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3 hours ago, France060686 said:



I see your point now . Actually he could be dead with the violent incident like that . That's why i sincerely hope it was truly an accident.

Let' s pray for HJ and his family.

Kim Hyun Joong is born to be a good man and the man who can heal the world. I believe whoever want to destroy him will eventually end up destroy themselves. HJ may have to walk in the difficult path but that will make him stronger and greater. He has proved he is quite special and stand out from other stars in SK entetainment

Thanks to all fans and non fans who believe in him , admire his sincerity and want justice for him.    In my opinion these people who strongly support him not.because he is Kim Hyun Joong , poppular star but because they can see how unfair the SK public, the medias  and even the justice system treated a citizen of SK. Why no one see that the medias and choi hye mi and her lawyer have repeatedly violated his right again annd again and even the justice system could not protect him I wonder if HJ is just nobody what will happen to him and his family when he was target to be destroyed. The more i think about this the more i feel stronger to continue to support him as a fellow human being not as his fan. I do hope more and more people see him as a person who has been unfairly mistreated by the system and habitual practised not as a top star of SK.

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I miss Kim Hyun Joong!!!!! :lol:

Acting crazy shouting at the top of my lungs.  How many more days we got before he returns?   NYCGirl Where is the count down clouds that contains the number of days?   You have posted that picture before.   I can't wait to see him in another drama.

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Last night i rewatched "  we got marrited ". The show that brought me to Kpop and SK entertainment. I was still laughing everytime i watch this show. HJ and Whang Bo were so great there. HJ 's  naiveness and his sincerity and honesty are so visible and undenyable. I really like this show. I love to see HJ in variety show especially reality show because we can see his real charecter and his raw reaction. He is too good to deal with a tricky and greedy woman like choi hye mi and her family. No wonder why he was easily trapped by her lies. I truly hope the court and the police will take blackmsill and extortion seriuosely . I hope this case can send a warning signal to other greedy women who want to do the same as choi hye mi to think twice before committed to the same crime as her.

Whenever i think about what has happiened to HJ 's case i feel so frustrate and hurtful to realize that the saying " justice delay is justice deny " is so true. I just hope the court will find its way to give justice to its innocent victim that has been victimized by premeditated plan.


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Did anyone heard that the 5th hearing tomorrow is postponed to March 18th which will be after the family court ( Feb 26 ). ???????

The reason ....they changed the Judicial personnel. Is this means the judge ? Why ? 

Why they did not do that in Dec last year before postponed to Feb23rd.

I wonder what.is happening to this case and the SK justice system.

However i hope they do this for justice reason not the other.

I can't help to feel fishy about this after all evidences against choi hye mi 's claims.


Or they prefer to put pressure on the possibly innocent rather than the criminal suspected.


I was told The court hate to be criticized.....Uhmp..But how about justice ?

Then can we criticize the ignorance of justice system ??

How about the well being of an innocent who was wrongly accused in any case ?.

I have to repeat the saying again and again " Justice delay is justice deny " .

The SK court has showed us how this saying works.

The saying is real as we can see the damage toward HJ's life keep continueing.


I said before I will stop following Kdrama and Kmusic except HJ's works and i did.

Now. I'm going to stop buying all products from South Korea.

Until i feel justice is valued in this country and a criminal action is not ignored.

My action surely mean nothing for SK's GDP's growth .

However the impact toward SK as a respectful country is huge.

I hate to feel that even the court can not protect the innocent,

and the justice system seems to be manipulated and corrupted.

I truly hope I was very very wrong and i want to be wrong.

I will apologize if I was wrong...


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So far I think that the South Korean justice system is doing it's job, in a slow, plodding, methodical way, and without saying much about what is going on.  The laws of disclosure are obviously different there than in the US - in some ways better, some ways worse - so Choi Hye Mi & her legal team can get away with stuff she could not in America. But then, same goes for SK - there are things that they can put a stop to that WE can't.  We really, really do not know what is going on behind the scenes in this case - I'm talking the legal case here.  Taking a cue from dramas in any country is tricky - some of the perceived situations are happen or at least people believe they happen, but the frequency?  Not so much.  Corruption happens in all countries, but that doesn't mean every case is corrupt.  In THIS case, we know that KHJ has money and some powerful friends and allies in the industry - it looks like Choi Hye Mi does as well.  So if the court system were so terribly corrupt, it would take money from EITHER side..... 

I certainly have no intention of turning my back on everything hallyu over this case.  I'm so sorry - I live in a country (the US) where horrific miscarriages of justice happen around me - but I still love what's good here.  Same with South Korea, or in fact ANY place on earth!  We have the SAME mob mentality in the US as seen by the netizens on Daum or Naver in SK - just go on ANY political site right now & read the comment section ~sigh :( ~  So no, I'm NOT going to boycott SK or stop watching KDramas (which are about the only TV I can stomach right now) nor stop listening to KPop which I love.  

I will just continue to support KHJ and see what the end result of the investigations & court cases are.

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Teleri @ Thank you so much for sharing your thought . I respect whatever you choose to do.

Since i share a lot of my opinion here I just share what i did toward this case when i feel it's not right and mistreat still continue even in the justice system. It's hard not to react when i see how a person is forced to feel so powerless when he just want justice . it's hurtful to see a person 's life being tossed by the powerful system. I truly feel it's strange that the court acts like they're buying times for chou hye mi.

Honestly I have no intention at all to persuade anyone here to boycott SK 's products or SK entertainment. It's  just the way I can use my small power to respond to injustice. I'm just happy to sacrifice myself for it. .

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If there is another court postponement. Lets look at it in a positive note. If we think about KHJ has no more to fear from this lady,  She has no more cards to use, she has already extorted all of her cards, but for KHJ he has not he has been quite in this, a postponement can only work more in KHJ favor.. Think about it this could give them time to really check about dna, and other things.  All this dose is give more time to really investigate the situation.. Having a new Judicial personnel can shine new light on the situation maybe see know things, that the other Judicial personnel did not see before.. Thinking positive is the best course in this..  From what I'm seeing is that , what Choi banked can start to back fire in her face. The time she has taken is not always a good thing in cases like this..

Also just as much as there are people who are corrupt there are people who believe in justice... 

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25 minutes ago, eunha28 said:

If there is another court postponement. Lets look at it in a positive note. If we think about KHJ has no more to fear from this lady,  She has no more cards to use, she has already extorted all of her cards, but for KHJ he has not he has been quite in this, a postponement can only work more in KHJ favor.. Think about it this could give them time to really check about dna, and other things.  All this dose is give more time to really investigate the situation.. Having a new Judicial personnel can shine new light on the situation maybe see know things, that the other Judicial personnel did not see before.. Thinking positive is the best course in this..  From what I'm seeing is that , what Choi banked can start to back fire in her face. The time she has taken is not always a good thing in cases like this..


It's good to hear positive side of the changing judicial personnel. Of course we should be positive and think positively..

However I 'm thinking that the result of choi hye mi 's lawsuit will affect the family court on Feb 26rd  .I feel it's better to know the result of choi's lawsuit before fighting for the custody of the child in the family court. At the least HJ will know better what he has in his hand.

I still think justice delay is justice deny.

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6 hours ago, vivian6686 said:

Did anyone heard that the 5th hearing tomorrow is postponed to March 18th which will be after the family court ( Feb 26 ). ???????

The reason ....they changed the Judicial personnel. Is this means the judge ? Why ? 

Why they did not do that in Dec last year before postponed to Feb23rd.

I wonder what.is happening to this case and the SK justice system.

However i hope they do this for justice reason not the other.

I can't help to feel fishy about this after all evidences against choi hye mi 's claims.

.......sorry to cut your post short


I understand how you feel.  I stopped purchasing things that are made in Korea a long time ago.  I don't buy their phones, cars, refrigerators, nothing!!   I buy KHJ music from iTunes and that's about it.  Since he hasn't made anything recently, I won't be buying anything.  I've moved back to watching more Japanese dramas and HK movies (I love movies from HK) because for the most part, Korean dramas are too fake and I despise how women are portrayed.   I still love my Junki Lee, So Ji Sub, Kang Don Won and Kim Hyun Joong.  I also like Shim Minah and Yoo Seung Ho.  If the actors I just named aren't in the movie or drama, I don't watch it.

As for the judicial system, I think we can all pretty much see it is a joke!  They postponed someone's court date knowing this is causing a lot of damage to his career .  They postponed the date due to personnel changes!!! WTF!!!  That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  I disagree with anyone who thinks this is a good thing.  The longer this drags on, the longer it will take for KHJ's career to bounce back.    She needs to be convicted first so he can get custody of the baby.  This works in her favor not his.   No matter how much people criticize the judicial system in the US, it is still one of the best if not the best court system in the world.  This crap would never go on in an American court.   This is looking like this is going to go on for years and years to come.    Choi will attempt to manipulate the court system until KHJ caves in and give this fifthy woman and her family what they want.  

I wonder how this child will feel about his parents when he reads or learns about this when he grows up? 

Again, the true victim in all of this is the child.

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Theone4me @ it's truly a painful feeling to wittness the way the court treated this case.

The hearing postponed from Dec. 23 /2015    to    Feb 23 / 2016 then postponed again to March 18 .

i wonder how many times they can postpone it.

Or what will be next reason to keep this case hanging.in the air. 


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2 hours ago, theone4me said:


I understand how you feel.  I stopped purchasing things that are made in Korea a long time ago.  I don't buy their phones, cars, refrigerators, nothing!!   I buy KHJ music from iTunes and that's about it.  Since he hasn't made anything recently, I won't be buying anything.  I've moved back to watching more Japanese dramas and HK movies (I love movies from HK) because for the most part, Korean dramas are too fake and I despise how women are portrayed.   I still love my Junki Lee, So Ji Sub, Kang Don Won and Kim Hyun Joong.  I also like Shim Minah and Yoo Seung Ho.  If the actors I just named aren't in the movie or drama, I don't watch it.


By the way, I didn't stop buying their stuff because of Kpop industry.  I stopped buying it because it is so cheaply made and from an accident I had when I owned a Hyundai car.  In the car accident, that cheap Hyundai got crushed like someone smashes a soda can between their hands.  I still can't believe I walked away alive with very little injuries (impact mainly on the passenger side).  Anyone who would have been on the passenger side, would have been in serious trouble.   Then, as I bought a house and started to purchase things, I would read about performance of items.  So my appliances are german made (still working great after 10 years), my car is a ford truck manufactured here (been in a couple accident and still in 1 piece), my silverware is from Japan, cookware is French, laretc etc and nothing is from Korea.  

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 I own a  Hyundai - it was between that and a Saturn (I've had Saturns before).  The Hyundai won out because Saturns are being made anymore.  I've owned Toyotas before as well.  German cars are the best engineered, but ANY small cars are crushable.
Korean cosmetics are absolutely wonderful, and I watch KDramas because they are my favorites for many reasons (like, written by women for women, lots of actresses of all ages, pass the Bechdal test most of the time, have good stories that DON'T just depress me)....  And KPop - well, it's fresh, energetic, reminds me of MoTown, has gorgeous young men doing wonderful choreography - and Big Bang, JYJ, KHJ...
The Japanese men are the MOST misongynistic of any in the first world countries, BTW.  & China still has lots of human rights problems.  EVERY country has problems.  I happen to enjoy the Hallyu culture and Korean entertainment, and this scandal is not stopping that for me.
Let's see what the courts actually DO, shall we?   I think it's really premature to start assuming the legal system in SK is against KHJ & totally corrupt simply because it is slow.  Every other case I've seen (NOT the ones in dramas, but things like Park Si Hoo's scandal where HE was being set up, or Clara's case) the court kept quiet about proceedings and we didn't find out what happened until the case was over.  They managed to deliver fair verdicts however.  So have some faith.

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Since we can do nothing about the lawsuit except waiting patiently or being frustrate.  I choose to let it be and enjoy myself with SS501 M ''Pick and HJ's reality show and variety shows. All his previous works are so entertaining to watch. In M' PICK and X- Man HJ was a very shy young man with full of commitment and determination. He did what he had to do even though he was very shy. I have seen a lot of that situation in his reality shows and variety shows. WGM always give me a good laugh at his straightforward and his naive-ness  His nature is his real charm. I love his sincerity and his brunt honesty that sometime bring trouble to him.

Watching his works and listen to his song are such a healing to the soul. It can really take my mind away from the frustration of injustice . It also reminds me how a talent young man he is. It is the first time i feel his talent was underestimated by people because of his look. Hyun Joong was born to be a star not only an artist. I could not find yet any stars that have the same charm as him. However what I love the most about him is his character and his personality. His sense of humor is terrific it always give me a choke. His weakness is also his charm and his strength. He is also one of good guys who will be easy to be taken advantage.

In his last concert he told the fans to remember only the good time we have together and keep that in our hearts till we meet again. I think he means every words he said. I come to understand how important to remember that because it can really make me smile now.


Love this pic. of him . Wait patiently and relax .

Hyun Joong Fighting

Credit as tagged


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