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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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1424444_985689904857496_3533745115029642[ENGL 151228MBN AttyL intvw only] Why did Choi reveal original textmsg? 김현중 전여자친구측 문자원본공개,왜?
http://www.mbn.co.kr/pages/vod/programView.mbn… … 
Cr: sunsun_sky
credit via yoji





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She saying Choi is a big fat lied about her abused thing towards khj as shown on the pictures.... she is saying last year pictures show no bruised up on her arms as she claim.‪#‎khj‬ ‪#‎김현중‬
thank u jackie for translate that





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Good God!!!  More and more stuff is being revealed as this entire thing unfolds.  Thank god for his father going through the text messages.   Both Choi AND her mother can go to jail for this. The fact that the mother sent her daughter BACK TO someone accused of abuse is crazy.  What kind of mother does that?  If a man abused me, my mother would have wanted to kill that guy not send me back to get pregnant by the guy.  Sounds like all of this was planned by her mother.  Those two could have gotten away with this if they just took the $600,000 and left.  But they got greedy and now they have gotten caught being plotting/scheming for more money.   All of this drama was based on lies and greed for money (one of the deadly sins).  Such trashy women!!!

God is amazing!  The truth always comes out!!


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2 hours ago, theone4me said:

Good God!!!  More and more stuff is being revealed as this entire thing unfolds.  Thank god for his father going through the text messages.   Both Choi AND her mother can go to jail for this. The fact that the mother sent her daughter BACK TO someone accused of abuse is crazy.  What kind of mother does that?  If a man abused me, my mother would have wanted to kill that guy not send me back to get pregnant by the guy.  Sounds like all of this was planned by her mother.  Those two could have gotten away with this if they just took the $600,000 and left.  But they got greedy and now they have gotten caught being plotting/scheming for more money.   All of this drama was based on lies and greed for money (one of the deadly sins).  Such trashy women!!!

God is amazing!  The truth always comes out!!



Yes, God is amazing. Continue to pray for more truth to be revealed.

In my country we have the saying " If you want to find a good elephant you must look at its tail and if you want to search for a good woman you must look at her mother. " This saying is so true.

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4 hours ago, bhenderson said:

Is that really her pictures? I dont find her that hot. Anyone feel the same? I cant understand why he fell for her, she is just average pretty. Her eyes seemed so have plastic surgery done, making her beauty very unnatural to me. Whatever...

I do not think he chose her.. I think the situation is that she nagged stay around and he is guy ( lets be honest here) if a women throws it out there enough they will go for it...  ( this is something that even strong willed men have a hard time to resit..) She also preyed on his kindness, of cause we don't know him in a scene of being around him 24/7, but from the stance that i have seen for these past 1 year dealing with this type of situation how he had not reviled her to the media he did not show her texts to him and he could of with out her permission too.. ( logic here,what ever she has on her text messages , he has it two )... Tbh he could of really damaged her more if he wanted to but he did not do any of that.. 

PS.. where i say logic i'm being sarcastic cause the haters seems to forget that he has texts also and that if his are condition to her then the court can not find them valid hints why they did not expect them.. So there logic just kills me.. lol..  So its not towards you .. 

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5 hours ago, bhenderson said:

Is that really her pictures? I dont find her that hot. Anyone feel the same? I cant understand why he fell for her, she is just average pretty. Her eyes seemed so have plastic surgery done, making her beauty very unnatural to me. Whatever...

When you look at her face very closely, she is a very unattractive woman.   She gives off a horrible aura even from her pictures.   He must have been very lonely to be with her.  Eunha28 is correct.  I think she stalked him until he finally noticed her.  She appear to have been relentless in her pursuit of him.  

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I was mad when I read he got a bruise on his eye. how could she? he will has a problem with his eye now? OMG

We suspected the pregnancy was premeditated but now with the messages with her snake mom, it's SO OBVIOUS she went to Jeju on december 20th for get pregnant from him :angry:

And girls, I don't understand how can she lie sooo shamelessly...only for to give a little example, if you read again her infamous pasts messages, you can see it. Now she says there was another pregnancy on july 2013, but in her messages she said to HJ in 2014 "it was the first time she got pregnant from someone"  and  they insist they lived together for two years, but on her messages, supposedly HJ ask her in 2013 if she wants to live with him, I don't think so anyway, but if it was real, then they lived together 1 year not two years xD seriously, how can there are some people that still believe her? 

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Girls... did you all see the video clip during the football game where she was there... how she throw herself to him... she keep moving hoping KHJ will notice her... hitting his back cheekly... getting KHJ to help her to stand to move back to her original seat... mmmm... could stand her... forever playing with her hair... that is the 1st time I saw her still photo with KHJ long before the scandal broke out... that is why I know how she look like but did not know her name.  .... 



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Maha Henecia (@MahaHenecia):
Kim Hyun Joong (Hold on: Pain Ends (2015) – Best year awaits (2016) 


An article/blogger discussed the english translation made by sunny_sky  that I posted above: Posting it here, please continue to spread things that are the truth, I am just fustrated, Media in SK is very Bias with the CHOI's family. I am sooooooooooooo sad and angry, they don't read facts they prefer lies, I guess it's because it's part of their culture, as I watched Korean Novela, I noticed, mother's really do everything to catch a big fish for their daughter, in any way just to get them marry a rich future husband, that's why now I am not surprised. I feel so bad also with their Judicial system.


Atty Lee Interview - Choi’s intention on revealing text message – watch out here for full interview translation… Cr: @sunsun_sky Like we all said “The truth will always come out one way or another”, the liar Choi has got caught with her own proof – ‘Text message’… Now it is clear, Choi family is backing her… She has tried her best to obtain money from Kim Hyun Joong in name of…

Like we all said “The truth will always come out one way or another”, the liar Choi has got caught with her own proof – ‘Text message’…

Now it is clear, Choi family is backing her… She has tried her best to obtain money from Kim Hyun Joong in name of

Love, pregnant, abortion, alleged assault, miscarriage, continuous lies

Adding up, now she is demanding 3.4 BW in name of child…

The DNA test result is out, Hyun Joong and his family has acknowledge the child, but what if they (Choi camp) had prearranged something to get a DNA result as they needed – Just asking?

If you ask me, there are only two ways

*When Choi had guts to premeditate and bring out alleged assault case and so on to get money as much as possible from Hyun Joong then sure there is 1000% possibilities for them to do the same in name of child, PT result…

* The whole world knows that Kim Hyun Joong is in army and he’ll complete his service on Feb 2017… So even if she (Choi) lie’s or manipulates stories telling she got 200 times pregnant, 100 times miscarried, 150 times aborted and she lost one leg and one hand due to continuous assault no one will be ready to hear her cooked up stories… And it is impossible for her to blackmail or threaten Hyun Joong…

Therefore the only possible way to dig money is – ‘CHILD’ (knowing it she would have got pregnant)

(Many questions and doubts are lingering inside my mind regarding Choi’s 2015 pregnancy and delivery which I have spoken in my previous article… Please read it up!!!)


The statement from Atty Lee which left a wound in my heart

KHJ has said “I got bruise on my eye and I’m handicap for my life”

My Statement

Assaulting a man, throwing the whole family into these kind of trauma – what is the need? Money? Or is someone helping her out to get what she want (money) and what they want (defame him so no more an entertainer) (Totally my thought)

Whatever it is Kim Hyun Joong will clear his name and fight for justice till the end and we fans will support him and spread the truth as much as possible…

Choi and whoever it is 2016 will give you big luxury house ‘JAIL’ – keep waiting!!!

More Updates

 Kim Hyun Joong father’s interview on Section TV – Cr: @sunsun_sky

He said, “Choi’s 3.4BW demand, suspect’s premeditated lawsuit by Choi. On July 13, 2014 Choi mother has directed her to maintain the relationship with Hyun Joong until the end of the year”…

“Sorry to the baby we will follow legal decision, If Choi cannot raise him well”…

“Choi mom has said her – Think how you can get most out of him. You have to endure well and must keep it till the end of the year… Though there are many mountain to climb over”

He added up, “Saying to keep it till the end of the year even before filing lawsuit in August 2014 is very odd. As Hyun Joong’s dad I can’t help but take it as premeditated”

images (6)

Reminiscences of 2015

We are almost at the end of the year (2015)… During this twelve month journey we (KHJ and fans) faced many ups and downs… The obstacles which we met were quite big… Many tried to destroy us (KHJ & Fans) but the love/trust which we had for one another and the bond between us were STRONGER than they imagined – they were amazed!!!

Lot of great things and unpredicted things happened

*We (Fans) started of the year (2015) with a great news – “Japanese Comeback“

*We received an immeasurable gift from Kim Hyun Joong – “Imademo” Japanese full length album

*We had the best date – “GEMINI” First Japan tour

*We got an outstanding Christmas present – “GEMINI” concert DVD

Everything was going fine until the second nightmare which broke out on February 2015….

*An unexpected situation turned out and it existed…

*Choi and her lawyer’s media play, inconsistent statements and lies were unstoppable…

*Media played a vast role in Choi’s drama

*Non fans started to jump sides…

Looking at the public mixed reaction (Comments) and the false articles – some fans got hurt, some did not mind, some opposed, some fought and defended… We (fans) acted differently having one thing in our mind – “Each year thousands of people might visit the earth and leave… Yet there have never been someone like Kim Hyun Joong and there can never be one – he is UNIQUE!!! Our forever IDOL!!! We’ll always STAY RIGHT BESIDE HIM

IMADEMO massive hit

#2 spot in Oricon Daily Albums Chart

#3 in Oricon Weekly Albums Chart

Pierced Heart

The way Kim Hyun Joong ran out of control while hearing ‘Your Story’ which fans sang for him at Makuhari will always pierce the heart of whomever watches it…

Why he cried? Actually many reasons are hidden in those tears and we all know it…



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 When I saw her appearance  and her gestures I think it explains her behavior and her actions.  No doubt why this woman can do what she has done. In my eyes her outside look is almost ugly but  intentionally have made personallity to be very invited to men in her gesture.  Even though her look is almost ugly but her inner soul inside that body is much more uglier than most women in general. 

I truly wish choi hye mi will be punnished and put behind bar for her evil's acts..  Being a mother is one different thing from being a liar. blackmailer , abuser and a gold digger. Even if choi truely the mother of the baby it does not make her less a liar and a blackmailer. She dffinitly must take  responsiblility for the crime she did. 

ATT; Lee was so clear in his interview and he is so right. I'm so happy to see HJ's  side determines to reveale the truth no matter what.  I admire  ATT.Lee 's hard work  in fighting to find  justice for HJ. I will patiently wait and enjoy the New Year.



There will be a lot of great things that we can look forward to in 2016

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On 12/31/2015 at 5:43 PM, Teleri Nyfain said:

Oh I feel so bad that the Ilsun Jaksal will close :(  Best for KHJ's mom, of course - she needs to be away from stress.  Choi Hye Mi certainly does need to pay for the wrongs she's done.

And that  comment about his eye - OMG makes me so upset.


I feel the same about the Il-San branch. The mom's health is the most important though. 

About his eyes I hope it's not as bad as it sounds.  His eyes should be O.K now.

I wonder how  choi hye mi;s tricky lawyer will do to manipulate the public for their next medias play..

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20 hours ago, bhenderson said:

Is that really her pictures? I dont find her that hot. Anyone feel the same? I cant understand why he fell for her, she is just average pretty. Her eyes seemed so have plastic surgery done, making her beauty very unnatural to me. Whatever...

She looks plastic from head down! Even her hair is coloured

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@ NYCG @ Thank you so much for posting the above concert. I enjoy watching it so much and thank you very very much NIXIE for the translation. HJ was so great here. It is really a great concert.. Watching this concert i forgot about all bad thing that happened. He is truly a great entertainer . His smile, his voice and his dance ,s move are so healing. I realize everything i see in this great  concert, the fantastic performance is a result of thousand practises and thousand sleepless and ton of sweat of the person.. I really appreciate HJ;s talents and admire him so much that he earns everything from his hard working. God Bless him.

While he is in the embrassment of God I will pray for his wellness and his happiness..

So, happy that at the least we have quite a few of his concert vedios to watch while he is in MS.

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Guest shariman66

'So, happy that at the least we have quite a few of his concert videos to watch while he is in MS.'

It is good that some fans have uploaded them & @nixie is very considerate enough to translate a few of his videos ^_^

However I do hope fans continue to buy his CDs, DVDs & Blu-Rays for their own collection. 


That's great! I've been keeping up with another site where 'Imademo' & 'Please' were the Top 2 songs for 2015 or for most months in 2015, I think. Here's the site :


This was for the month of December & as you can see the number of views for both songs far outpaced the others.

Come to that, quite a few of our boy's songs were on Top 25 most of the time.

Wonderful, right? It shows that his fans have been ensuring he is not forgotten ^_^

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