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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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That psy-choi is not only getting desperate but her story's evolving into such a bizarre melodrama ~

The way she went on about her reason for being silent these last few months had me choking with laughter.

Who does she think she's fooling? Those who prefer being fooled by her, well, no help for them since they are determined to be blind.

But for the rest? She's even making those who were formerly against him rethink their initial opinions of her & him. 

In the end she would be the one ruining her own self rather than our boy. 


One thing that really hurts my heart is that our boy even thought of committing suicide ~

I have to admit that when this incident first broke & he was condemned so pitilessly, I prayed earnestly for our boy's safety because I had this fear that he would resort to the above ~ can't even bear saying it out loud ~ 

SK entertainers were & still are notorious with choosing this alternative, right? It even seems to be a trend for them to end their lives whenever they were in a bad situation. What kind of a society does it reflect when someone is mercilessly urged to kill himself or herself rather than to find a viable solution? So darn scary ~  

So our prayers are still very much needed for our boy & his family ~ including Mr Lee, his awesome lawyer.

Additionally, suicide is the scariest form of death ever. And here in the USA anyone suspected of suicidal attempt would be hospitalized in a well secured place but it seems like koreans are kind of heartless when it comes to suicide. i feel so sorry for them

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Can someone tell me if there is any serious English media that talk about entertainment news in Korea and do it professionally, without using sensationalist headlines, as certain site I'd rather not to mention the name because it gives me heartburn? If there is I ask to those who want to find out what happen with dramas and music in Korea, go to that site instead of wasting time on another that disrespects us as newsreaders.


 When people open their eyes and see the reality, will realize how foolish that have been. 

@magdale I really hope so, but I suspect that even if a big rock hit their heads or they fall in Niagara falls people like macoy and its cronies will continue with the broken record.


Edited by angel76
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At this point, despite AllKPop's actual reporting being somewhat one-sided (although not so much editorializing), the comments are still more in favor of KHJ than otherwise (much more so than previously) - you can tell that by the number of likes.  There are probably 4 pro-KHJ for every pro-Choi.  So I still think it's important to go there and give the readers the facts that the site doesn't.  It really is the only thing I go to AllKPop for since I do find them skewing the stories.

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At this point, despite AllKPop's actual reporting being somewhat one-sided (although not so much editorializing), the comments are still more in favor of KHJ than otherwise (much more so than previously) - you can tell that by the number of likes.  There are probably 4 pro-KHJ for every pro-Choi.  So I still think it's important to go there and give the readers the facts that the site doesn't.  It really is the only thing I go to AllKPop for since I do find them skewing the stories.

I agree.  AS much as we might hate Allkpop, we need to go there and defend KHJ in large numbers.  Do not let the likes of macoy control that website and post bad things about him. Or at least we need to counter the negative people on the site.  

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I keep question...(myself)

when this will end.. How tired to read this and those..

don't want to read but still read ..

how tired me as outsider and reader.. his family will be more and more tired because they the one who face this situation.


hope they are strong enough to face it till the last..


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I agree.  I remind myself that I can always just walk away from this but KHJ & his family cannot :(  This may be a minor injustice compared to so much in the world, but it's one that I can do a tiny bit to help (because what's kept KHJ still relevant in the Korean & Asian entertainment world are his FANS - US!)  If me sending a card to his parents brightens their day for 5 seconds, it's worth it to me.  If the little group of us posting real information over at AllKPop manages to turn the tide of opinion on just that one site, I think it's worth it.  
KHJ may be a big Hallyu star w/lots of money, but he represents all victims of smear campaigns - whatever the context.  I believe it to be very important that people think objectively, do research & try to figure out the facts before denouncing people.  The idea that its ok to destroy a person just because they have been ACCUSED (IE not convicted, just accused) of something awful is WRONG.  Any time it happens I will speak out against it.
So anyone who takes this lightly, who sneers about people getting all worked up over 'shallow' things, over 'people you don't know' - THEY are the ones ignoring a serious problem.  KHJ's dad's interview really highlights this.

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[News Update-1] {8.3.2015]
1) Exposing KHJ's text messages is an abuse. Exposing personal life without consent is an abuse. 
2) If text messages were released to prove a crime, its different. 
But text messages exposed this time was too extensive. 
It seemed to be done to bury KHJ thru exposing personal life
3) Is it appropriate to release in media ext messages exchanged in private? Exposing personal life without consent is an abuse. 
[KOR word used is violence]
4) Citizens in a republic have the right to have freedom of personal life. Entertainers are no exceptions
5) There shouldn't have been such an exposé. 
Even though a media company obtained such material, they should have limited the report only the part directly related to the case
6) Exposing personal life cant be justified just because the subject is an entertainer. 
There are frequent paparazzi-like reports/videos & text message exposé
7) Entertainers are citizens too. In republic all citizens are free people.
No individual should invade other individual's personal domain & use it for commercial purpose
8) To expose personal life is to attack the citizen's right. 
As citizens, we must be mad at exposing personal life without consent, regardless of what happned betwnee KHJ/A.
김현중 휴대폰문자공개도 폭력적이었다|다음연예

http://media.daum.net/v/20150803094754150?f=m …
cr translation: @


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[News Update-1] {8.3.2015]
1) Exposing KHJ's text messages is an abuse. Exposing personal life without consent is an abuse. 
2) If text messages were released to prove a crime, its different. 
But text messages exposed this time was too extensive. 
It seemed to be done to bury KHJ thru exposing personal life
3) Is it appropriate to release in media ext messages exchanged in private? Exposing personal life without consent is an abuse. 
[KOR word used is violence]
4) Citizens in a republic have the right to have freedom of personal life. Entertainers are no exceptions
5) There shouldn't have been such an exposé. 
Even though a media company obtained such material, they should have limited the report only the part directly related to the case
6) Exposing personal life cant be justified just because the subject is an entertainer. 
There are frequent paparazzi-like reports/videos & text message exposé
7) Entertainers are citizens too. In republic all citizens are free people.
No individual should invade other individual's personal domain & use it for commercial purpose
8) To expose personal life is to attack the citizen's right. 
As citizens, we must be mad at exposing personal life without consent, regardless of what happned betwnee KHJ/A.
김현중 휴대폰문자공개도 폭력적이었다|다음연예

http://media.daum.net/v/20150803094754150?f=m …
cr translation: @



NYCG @ Thank youso much  for the news update. This is the most reasonable news and most human from SK since this case start. I feel really good at the last that there are some brave souls in SK have realized how much their medias have violated the right of a man and let the  ill-will personality to destroy the person's life in front of their own eyes.


This woman is truly a dangerous creature may be the words crazy is not enough for her level of capability to damage everything that block her way. Her actions is proved to he a truly national criminal as she herself mentioned in her letter.

Kim Hyun Joong 's father is really great. He is patient,  stable and very thoughtful. He is such a respectful man. HJ is very lucky that his father always behind him.

I wish all fans will send a lerters of support to his parents and him I will send another one tomorrow or after tomorrow.

Edited by vivian6686
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[News Update-2] {8.3.2015]
1) TWNews on KHJ dad's intervieww in Entertainment Relay:
"HJ Mom was so worried the son may end his life that she wanted to end hers too"            
                                                                                 捨不得看兒子痛苦... 金賢重母留遺書想自殺:我的錯
http://www.ettoday.net/news/20150802/543912.htm… … 
cr: SuperfandeKhj Henecia
2) CHinese fans spotted discrepancy in A's claims mentioned on 11 May & 30 July!! (Lol...she can't keep track of her lies!) 
3) On May 20, as a result of pregnancy or blood test. 
On May 15, IM Te machine two-line photo IM me on the user manual says in the diagnosis in obstetrics and Gynecology. 
http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=khj&no=140722&page=1 …

cr: translation: @Princessmich123 






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News update:
HJside"A media play first...file additional charges for revealing msgs" 김현중 측 "언론플레이 최씨가 먼저..문자 공개 관련 추가 고소" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150803162414606?f=m …
Trans Cr: Princessmich123 

Kim Hyun Joong's Father Opens Up on His Son's Legal Dispute with Ex-Girlfriend Miss Choi
By Ilin Mathew| Updated: August 2, 2015 10:53 IST


South Korean actor Kim Hyun Joong is going through a legal dispute with his ex-girlfriend Miss Choi.Facebook/Kim Hyun Joong
South Korean actor Kim Hyun Joong's father recently opened up about his son's ongoing legal battle with ex-girlfriend Miss Choi.

He revealed that the family is going through a hard time ever since the 29-year-old's former lover filed an abuse case against him.

"I'm revealing this for the first time now, but because of Hyun Joong's abuse incident last year and then the pregnancy incident, we couldn't raise our faces. We haven't gone outside even once until April. We lived with one candle lit outside our house. I thought something would go wrong at that rate," he said in an interview with "Entertainment Relay", a program telecast on Korean channel KBS2.

He also revealed that the celeb's mother was really worried about him and even talked about committing suicide.

He said she wrote a letter to the actor explaining her concerns for him that read: "You came here because I didn't take proper care of you. I am largely at fault. I will leave this world first so you live on."

"I was so mad that I ripped it all. I thought, if my wife died and my child died, how could I live? I convinced her out of it. Aside from revealing what's the truth or not, I am thankful that we are alive, that we did not end up holding funerals even though we were at risk of suicide,"AllKpop quoted Kim Hyun Joong's father as saying.



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Guest shariman66


Thank you for posting the latest updates every time, dear.

So, my deepest apology for what I'm going to say. Indeed it is not my intention to offend but just to state what I feel.

Is it possible NOT to post the ones with the clearly twisted translations?

If you didn't notice, for AllKPop & ibitimes(?) they changed the bit about our boy being unable to 'raise his face' or go out of his house etc. They twisted it & stated that as being the whole family rather than just our boy. One of the main reasons why his father was badly bashed at AllKPop is because of that deliberately twisted info. Even some of those who are on our boy's side were caught off-guard with it.

Perhaps we too should be careful & take every precaution not to post this kind of blatant manipulation by certain sites.

Some casual posters who might visit this forum may get the wrong impression.

Just my two-cents worth & my apology again.


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I agree in defend HJ much as possible, and I admire those who have worked hard these past months do it here and other sites but let's be honest Allkpop manipulated at will this news to provoke this fights between one side at the other with the purpose of increase its popularity as a media outlet. 

I propose that after the case of HJ finish those who enter there to expose the truth, stop visit as a way of boycott or protest for their lack of ethics. Today is HJ the victim of its unscrupulous actions, tomorrow it could be any other artist.


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[News Update-3] {8.3.2015]
1) KHJ's Atty: "A edited text messages to confuse the issues" 
2) KHJ side: "A media play first...file additional charges for revealing messages" 
3) KHJ side: "A revealing messages is defamation, file additional charges this week"
http://media.daum.net/v/20150803154708048?f=m …
4) KHJ side: "A broke the door, that's clearly trespassing"

cr translation: @



[News Update-4] {8.3.2015]
1) Kim Hyun Joong side: "pregnancy ridden, pork XX comments, the facts and context are different" 
2) Singapore News on KHJ dad's interview:
KHJ mom's almost want to attempt suicide, A twisted text messages previously so can't be trusted
cr: @ToggleSG_ch 
cr translation: @Princessmich123

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Become worse everyday..

She using a dirty attack..

playing with media...

If she is really professionally want to lawsuit HJ. suppose all document must be submitted and proceed the trial. and settle it ASAP.

What she is doing more to revenge, manipulate, destroy and humiliate Kim Hyun Joong.

Even (if ) all the evidence is true. She should submit all..

Aigoo.. tired and sick with this soap opera...

Keep pray and hope.. Kim Hyun Joong and family.. stay strong.. to face this situation till last..



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Like I said b4 ..I don't think HJ is worried about the text mesgs.. He said he just wants the truth to be revealed. We all do and If the truth has to be revealed thru lies then so be it. Atty Lee knows all the lil details to answer back which means HJ told him EVERYTHING. If Atty Lee believes in HJ to take his case and HJ believes in Atty Lee to hire him bcuz we believe in HJ. Then we should not be worried about nothing.. she is like the nothing in the neverending story remember what happened to the nothing at the end it was eliminated by saying a name whether it be GOD or HJ or even Atty Lee name lets just continue to rt/like/share/comment all the positivity that we can to defend HJ.#Justice4KHJ #StayStrongHenecia/TripleS

Edited by ladyb15
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