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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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BY: Ariana Raven her comment about Ms. Choi again allegation against Kim Hyun Joong's  who assaulted her after she caught him cheating, and also pushed her to get an abortion in allkpop .com 

Ms. Ariana Raven answered all allegation point by point.


In her letter, Ms. Choi began by explaining why she is speaking up after remaining silent these past few months. She stated, "I have been keeping my silence after I filed my lawsuit. I did not try to make any clarifications or issued any responses. This was because I had believed that I thought that the truth will be revealed through the court. However, the longer I remained silent, the more attorney Lee Jae Man (Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer) attacked me. Without any concrete evidence and relying only on assumptions and guesses, he made me into a national criminal."

The only reason she did not try to make any clarifications or issue any responses until now is because she knew that whatever statements she would continue to put out there, Mr. Lee would respond immediately and would put into question everything she says. Because in the begining you couldn't get her to shut up and just kept continuously going to the media because she was seeing how she was getting away with it since KHJ nor anyone from his agency was speaking up to dispute what she was saying. But as soon as Attorney Lee came into the picture and started to put HER business out there (the parts of the story that she conveniently left out of her satements because it obviously made her look bad) in order to clarify the situation by giving KHJ's side of the story. It was then and ONLY then that she and her lawyer went silent.

She says "I believed and thought that the truth would be revealed through the court" this just sounds like she is pissed off that the court didn't side with her by not accepting her stupid text messages as evidence. So, now she's back at media playing and is gonna try to get the people to feel sorry for her again. And what the hell does she mean by saying that Attorney lee is attacking her with no concrete evidence and relying only on assumptions and guesses? He has all the legit medical certificates that has proven her to be liar, it doesn't get more concrete than that. But what else can be expected from someone who only knows how to function through edited messages and photoshopped pictures.

She also added, "I thought that this was, of course, a price that I had to pay. Because dating Kim Hyun Joong, liking him, being assaulted by him, reconciling with him, and getting impregnated by him again were all due to the choices I made. So I tried to endure it all. I tried to hold it all in. But the funny thing is, it turns out that 'silence is admittance'. I learned that suddenly at one point, attorney Lee Jae Man's claims had become accepted as the truth. Currently, I'm even at the risk of giving birth pre-maturely due to the immense stress I'm under. I think it'll be hard to endure it longer. So I'll reveal the truth, and if there is anything I've done wrong, I will ask for forgiveness."

Now she knows how it feels. In the begining when she kept running her mouth and KHJ stayed silent, almost everyone was saying he was definitely guilty because he wasn't speaking up to try and defend himself. Therefore, everyone just accepted all her bull$h!tt as truth. Karma is definitely a richard simmons, don't you think Choi?

And it doesn't matter if she has the baby prematurely, on time, or in another year from now because as soon as it's born the DNA test will be done. She won't be able to weasle her way out of that one, since he is the possible father of that baby he has every legal right to know and confirm it.

She then listed several points, refuting the claims that Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer has been mentioning over the past few months, while also revealing new information.

1. Kim Hyun Joong's assault and bodily harm

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says that there was never any assault. He says I fabricated the assault case from May 30, 2014 (2 weeks for full recovery) and July 22, 2014."

Ms. Choi goes on to say that she reported Kim Hyun Joong on August 20, 2014 for 4 cases of assault by Kim Hyun Joong. She explained that even when she withdrew the assault charges against him later, the court pursued legal action for injuries that were caused. To get out of being hit with a serious criminal charge, Kim Hyun Joong needed her to issue a statement to the court about why she did not want him punished. 

There is no way this woman is a victim of domestic violence as she's been wanting people to believe. A victim usually stays with the abuser because she has no where to go, for the sake of the kids, or she's afraid for her life. In her case, she didn't live with him, they had no kids, and at that point she had already gathered enough courage to not be "afraid" and pressed charges against him. Once a REAL victim gets to that point theres no way in hell they drop the charges, they go all out and see it through that the bastard gets put in jail. Also, an abuser always wants to keep the victim around so they can continue abusing them, but funny how in all her previous texts it was HIM that was always trying to break up and get away from her. Not to mention that by this time that she pressed the charges against him she had already (according to her) had lost 2 babies because of him, did those two lives mean nothing to her, that when she was so close to finally getting her "justice" she decides that she no longer wants him to be punished because of her supposed love for him and is also recieving half a million dollars behind the scenes. Pfft, victim of domestic violence my butt!!

So, in exchange, Kim Hyun Joong's side gave her 600 million KRW as a form of compensation for damages for the assault. However, Ms. Choi points out that this 600 million KRW that was issued to her in compensation for the assault, is now being described by attorney Lee Jae Man as a settlement fee for when she blackmailed Kim Hyun Joong about revealing her former pregnancy and miscarriage to the world.

Whether the money she recieved was for "compensation for assault" as she claims, or if it was for "blackmail" money as he claims, it still doesnt change the fact that she TOOK the money and LIED to everyone about not recieving a single dime and dropping the charges out of her love for him to make her self look nice and innocent and him as an a$$hole. She's been just completely playing the people for fools and messing with their emotions since the very beginning.

She says she never once mentioned the word 'pregnancy' or 'miscarriage' in her court documents, and that it was Kim Hyun Joong who warned her to never mention that to his agency Key East or his lawyer, nor her court documents.

With this, she included text messages from Kim Hyun Joong that tell her "this can't be mentioned in your lawsuit", "you'll get hurt too". She also included the report from the prosecution (see below) that found Kim Hyun Joong guilty of causing bodily harm , and she also says that Kim Hyun Joong himself confessed to his assault during the questioning with the prosecution. Afterwards, he asked her to send a petition to the court [saying that she doesn't want him punished].

Of course she didn't mention the pregnancy and miscarriage in her court documents, but that's because it never happened and she wouldn't have been able to prove it in court, which is EXACTLY what ended up happening. Not because KHJ "warned" her to never mention it like she's claiming.

Another reason that she states that he told her not to mention it is because "she'll get hurt too", but isn't he suppose to be an abuser, then I think he wouldn't care if she too got hurt. He would most likely be like "To hell with it, if your gonna f**k me over like this, then I'm taking you down with me" but till this day he has not exposed her name or her face so that she can truly feel the embarrasment that he and his family are going through.

2. Pregnancy and miscarriage

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says I was never pregnant back in May of 2014 and that of course there was no miscarriage either. Attorney Lee says that my medical document that describes my 4 weeks of no menstruation cannot be proof of my pregnancy."

Ms. Choi then goes onto say that that her menstruation cycle is very consistent and that she noticed right away when she didn't have her period on her scheduled day. So she tested for pregnancy with pregnancy testers on several occasions (May 14,15 of 2014), even with Kim Hyun Joong around one time, and they all indicated 2 lines (pregnant).

She says Kim Hyun Joong had told her to visit the hospital and she did, but it had been too early to see anything on the ultrasound. However, soon after she learned of Kim Hyun Joong's affair with a female celebrity 'L'. So she confronted him and asked to break up. It was then that Kim Hyun Joong told her it wasn't true and assaulted her for 30 minutes (May 30, 2014). She says she started to suffer bloody bowel discharges and suspected of miscarriage, and event sent Kim Hyun Joong a text saying, 'Because you hit my stomach plenty of times, I think I miscarried.'

So apparently KHJ simply said "Nope, I'm not cheating" and just proceeded to go ape sh!tt on her richard simmons for no good reason, even though he was aware that she might be pregnant with HIS child. Riiiight, sure he did, I for one totally believe it. AND, she made sure to be mindful of how long this particular beating lasted too. An exact 30 minutes, not a second less or more lol

She visited the hospital after her bruises subsided 2 weeks later (June 13, 2014), and the hospital told her that they noticed that her endometrium is thickening again, which indicates that her menstruation cycle is once again starting.

According to her he assaulted her for 30 freaking minutes, and seeing how skinny she is (if in fact it is her on those bruised up pictures she gave to Dispatch) in comparison to his strong build, then theres no way she woudln't have had to go to the emergency room THAT same day NOT 2 weeks later, especially if she then noticed that blood was coming out of her richard simmons (which is mind boggling because with a miscarriage blood comes out of the vagina and not the anus).

With this, she included text message history between herself and a close friend, showing the pregnancy tester results (see below).

3. July abortion and assault

"Attorney Lee Jae Man insists that the repeated pregnancies and miscarriages are lies. The only pregnancy they acknowledge up to now is the current pregnancy. Of course their position is that they have to do a DNA test for the current pregnancy as well."

Ms. Choi then goes on to reveal that after she miscarried on May 30, 2014, she was impregnated again in July 2014. She also says that in their text messages, Kim Hyun Joong also mentioned how it might be too early to go check now (June 29), showing that he knows from her previous pregnancy that going to the gynecologist early will not produce anything on the ultrasound.

Isn't she the one who claimed that the reason she didn't tell her parents about the first pregnancy was because she felt ashamed about getting pregnant out of wedlock? She obviously wasn't ashamed enough if she continued to have sex without protection knowing what the consequences would be. I mean helloooo this is her supposed FOURTH pregnancy and she's still NOT married, so what shame was she talking about?

So after waiting, she went to the hospital and the result was that she was pregnant, and the ultrasound pictures revealed her womb. She says this diagnosis has already been submitted to the court, and that attorney Lee Jae Man should be well aware of this (even though he does not mention this part in his claims).

Well isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

She has the nerve to say that Attorney Lee was aware that the diagnosis had been submitted to the court but he didn't mention it on the claim. BUT, she too was fully aware that the medical certificates about 'pregnancy' and 'miscarriage' were NON existent and didn't mention it on her claim either. HYPOCRITE!!

She then revealed that this time she also lost her baby, not due to miscarriage, but due to abortion as Kim Hyun Joong did not want the baby. She said text messages show that he had kept suggesting getting an abortion.

How could she seriously put the blame on KHJ for her ultimate decision to abort the baby (assuming what she is saying is true). I mean seriously, he could have suggested it a billion times but at the end of the day he cannot force her to do it. If she truly wanted to keep her baby she could have, but clearly she didn't want to have it either. It's her body, so she is the only one that can choose to go through with it or not.

She also detailed what happened after her abortion by saying,

"Kim Hyun Joong even said that we should take a trip to Jeju Island together after my [abortion] surgery. I told him that I was having a hard time because it had only been a few days after the surgery, but Kim Hyun Joong even asked me if it was possible to talk to the doctor about it over the phone.

Notice how she is only mentioning here how it was hard for her after the surgery to be able to travel, but nowhere does she states how she was sad, depressed, or even angry at the fact that this would be the second baby she has now supposedly lost and had to get rid of because of his actions. Oh yeah, I truly believe her when she says that she suffered psychological damages due to her miscarriage lmao

What is important here is that only 3 days after I received the abortion, on July 10, Kim Hyun Joong assaulted me. 

What is important here is that she seeks psychological help ASAP.

She is claiming about 50 beatings by now and like 4 pregnancies in the span of only a few months. With no real evidences, no credible witnesses (her sister DOESN'T count), no legitimate documents (texts obviously don't count either), and continously getting caught lie after lie. I mean seriously, KHJ has been a celebrity for 10 years now and he has never been involved in any scandals before. He has never shown to be an aggressive or cruel person to anyone much less to a woman. And don't anyone come telling me that he admitted to hitting her because it's NOT true. All he admitted to was to pushing from both sides, so if that makes him an abuser then we should start reffering to her as an abuser too because she pushed him also. It just doesn't make any sense that throughout these past 10 years not even ONE single person have said anything negative about him, on the contrary people are always saying how kind and hardworking he is, and so far, even his fellow soldiers have said only great and positive things about him. There is also the fact that he is successful, handsome, and alot of girls find his personality to be charming, so he must surely have dated a few other women before Choi, why aren't ANY of them stepping up and claiming abuse? or how about all the girls including the so-called celebrity that he was supposedly cheating on her with, why aren't any of them coming forward aswell? She is the ONLY one who is painting him as this horrble monster but doesn't seem to have ANY proof to back it up. Does she really think people are gonna believe that for those short few months he went completely psychotic JUST with her and now miraculously is back to being stable again. If that's the case (which I don't believe for one second) then she needs to realize that the VERY TOXIC element in his life is HER because no else brings or has ever brought that monstrous side of him out.

Kim Hyun Joong brought over a female celebrity 'J' to his home. I went to visit him with a friend of mine, and caught the two of them in bed naked.

If she caught him in bed naked with another woman in HIS home, then how the hell did she get inside his house in the first place?

She states that she went to VISIT him with a friend so clearly that means that they were not living together. And I seriously doubt that he had given her a key to his place if he was gonna be bringing women to his house and have sex with them there, when she could easily walk in at any moment and catch him cheating. So, either she's lying, OR she somehow broke into his house that day, OR she got a hold of his keys one day and secretly made copies, OR maybe just maybe, she knocked on his door that day and KHJ went over to open it, let her in and then went on to continue having sex with this supposed celebrity right in front of her. SHE IS SUCH A NUTCASE LOL

And I was once again mercilessly assaulted by him in the presence of that female celebrity and my friend. I will be calling that female celebrity in as a witness."

What kind of friend does she have that just stands there and watches her get "mercilessly attacked" and doesn't call the police? She doesn't say that her friend was also attacked or hurt by trying to help her from being abused, so again, WHY didn't the good friend of hers not call the cops?

And give me a break about "calling the female celebrity in as a witness". If the celebrity is well known, then I HIGHLY DOUBT that she would put her career on the line by getting involved in this messy situation. Plus, I don't think that she would want to be seen as some sort of richard simmons that goes around sleeping with a man that is already in a relationship. Even if the celebrity is just starting out in the entertainment business, I still don't think she would risk being exposed in such a negative way as to be sleeping around. That might work here in the U.S. where it might make someone really famous but it definitely doesn't work that way in Korea. I believe she is just using her scare tactics again like she did with the whole miscarriage story to try and settle out of court and get the money she wants, because clearly this whole court case doesn't seem to be working in her favor. But watch out and don't forget Choi, that KHJ is no longer dealing with you by himself and Attorney Lee DOESN'T play games.

4. Current pregnancy 

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says that I didn't show them the fetus back in January of this year, and that in March, I even blocked their entrance to the ultrasound room."

Ms. Choi calls this an absurd claim, and explains that getting an ultrasound requires her to pull down her underwear. She says it's hard to even do such a thing in front of her own father, so how could she invite Kim Hyun Joong's parents into the ultrasound room with her? She then reveals that she however asked Kim Hyun Joong to come in with her, but Kim Hyun Joong's mother blocked their conversation. And that this is why Kim Hyun Joong and his parents were not present inside the ultrasound room with her.

Everyone knows that you do not have to pull down your underwear when getting an ultrasound because only the belly gets exposed, but if she still felt uncomfortable then she could've easily just let KHJ and his mom into the room and tell his dad to wait outside. I mean his mom is obviously a female and has also  gone through an ultrasound herself so I don't understand why she says it was hard to invite them into the room. Plus, in my opinion I think it's smart for KHJ to NEVER be alone with her again. Seriously, she basically is saying that he assaults her every chance he gets so I wouldn't have put it passed her to now be saying that he beat her in the ultrasound room aswell, had he gone in there by himself with her.

She also explains that this was the hospital chosen by Kim Hyun Joong's parents and that even the doctor in charge showed them ultrasound pictures and told them the child is growing well, so she isn't sure why they suspected her of being not pregnant.

If this was true then why didn't she bring that doctor into court as witness to testify to that being true, but instead on the second hearing she only brought her sister as a witness, like people would be so stupid to consider her sisters testimony credible. I would think a doctor's testimony would hold more weight, don't you think?

She also points out the Kim Hyun Joong's lawyers found pictures she sent her friend, which showed her taking a trip somewhere on a bicycle. They used this to raise suspicion asking how a pregnant woman could be going on trips. However, Ms. Choi says she had been simply sending pictures she took from a previous occasion to her friend, never in her wildest imagination thinking that they would dig up such photos and use it as proof to bring suspicions up about her pregnancy. 

They wouldn't have had to go "digging" for anything if she had only produced LEGITIMATE evidences to the court in the first place. KHJ's side had repeatedly asked her and her lawyer to submit her medical records to the court for months now to prove her claims but till this day they have not done so, they only know how to give out crappy richard simmons text messages that are clearly edited so it's no surprise it was rejected by the court. Does she not get that SHE has been the ACCUSER all along, therefore, the burden to PROVE what she has been saying lies on HER. Instead, she has been shady as hell and only releases information bit by bit when it's convenient for her OR when she doesn't get her way. So, she has no one but herself to blame if everyone has become suspicious of EVERYTHING she says or does.

[News Update-3] {8.1.2015]
1) The father of singer and actor Kim Hyun-Joong,' All year my son thought about killing himself ... my wife worried & even Wrote a suicide note. " 
'연중' 김현중父 "아들 걱정에 아내 자살 생각..유서 썼더라"
http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1110214449 … 
2) [ENGLISH] 150801 Interview by HJ's father per posts by @Hjlove09 per NEWSEN
3) KHJ's Father: Sorry to fans, who have waited/believed till now. 
Fans/people caring for HJ, please don't listen to media, not to my words but please wait for court decision
4) KHJ father: on A's revealed messages "My text messages was fabricated previously before given to media to publish. So can't be trusted" 

cr translation:@sunsun_sky



Hyun-Joong Kim's truth! but Ms. Choi's marauding false claims!
[15/08/01]연중-김현중의 진실! 언플만 일삼는 최씨의 거짓 주장!










Edited by newyorkcitygirl
adding the video
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Thanks as always @newyorkcitygirl for sharing all this info with us, thanks also to sunny  who has worked hard these months translating Att Lee interviews.

Ms. Ariana Raven's comment, refuting each one of Choi's allegations is very valuable, is good to share in every site so everyone can read it and get its own conclusion.


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Kim Hyun Joong's father reveals his wife considered committing suicide




Kim Hyun Joong's father had an interview with 'Entertainment Relay' about his son's current situation.

He said, "I'm revealing this for the first time now, but because of Hyun Joong's abuse incident last year and then the pregnancy incident, we couldn't raise our faces. We haven't gone outside even once until April. We lived with one candle lit outside our house. I thought something would go wrong at that rate."

SEE ALSO: Ms. Choi refutes Kim Hyun Joong's side's claims + reveals that Kim Hyun Joong assaulted her after she caught him cheating, and also pushed her to get an abortion

He continued, "It might be because of [the living situations], but his mother said, 'If he commits suicide, I can't live. I can't see him commit suicide in front of me,' and wrote a letter that was like a will. She wrote, 'You came here because I didn't take proper care of you. I am largely at fault. I will leave this world first so you live on'."

He added, "I was so mad that I ripped it all. I thought, if my wife died and my child died, how could I live? I convinced her out of it. Aside from revealing what's the truth or not, I am thankful that we are alive, that we did not end up holding funerals even though we were at risk of suicide."

Do you think the father should have revealed Kim Hyun Joong's mother's mental state publicly?


Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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This case could set a legal precedent in SK if the authorities act intelligently with steady hand, with all the evidence presented by attorney Lee there is no doubt of her guilt. If in Spain even the king's sister and her husband have been investigated by corruption, why a nobody cannot be judged in SK if it has been proven that she commit several crimes. 

We don't really know why those other friends have said nothing, maybe it is not that they don't want it, maybe agencies have forbidden them to do so. Their culture is so radical in issues like this that is terrifying

Or.. maybe they already give statements.. but.. all the statements just private and confidential using at the court only. Who knows right?

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AllKPop has to stick their trashy 2 cents in no matter what the issue, don't they?  
Newyorkcitygirl, thanks for posting Ariana Raven's wonderful letter & for posting the video of KHJ's dad plus translation.  I'm so sad for his family, what they've gone thru.  We knew it in our heads, but this shows the reality and it tears my heart up.  That lowlife trash Choi.  

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AllKPop has to stick their trashy 2 cents in no matter what the issue, don't they?  
Newyorkcitygirl, thanks for posting Ariana Raven's wonderful letter & for posting the video of KHJ's dad plus translation.  I'm so sad for his family, what they've gone thru.  We knew it in our heads, but this shows the reality and it tears my heart up.  That lowlife trash Choi.  

I stop reading at there.. it so heartbroken to read all those bashing comments to HJ's parent.

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Just a question, isn't abortion illegal in Korea?  Anyone knows?  This bothered me a lot because even if what she said were true, I don't think she is a good person, considering her age. I can understand a teenager will consider that (abortion) but a woman in her 30s?  Anyway, this story is very horrific..... It gives me nightmare these days.

Edited by bhenderson
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If she decided to get an abortion that's her choice.  But why blame KHJ?  She's given her BFF Dispatch a bunch of trashy (edited) texts, but nothing that shows her getting pressured to get rid of the baby.  
But her timeline is off, she's saying she got pregnant again within 2 weeks or so of a miscarriage, plus the garbage about some supposed abortion in December which again doesn't reconcile w/her current pregnancy (I bet she gives birth THIS month) 

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Guest tammy_12784_52de

I am real mad at this point. I want to know who can do this. Why we don't just release her picture already. It is like talking to a ghost, it is unfair to the world that no one knows who this person is!


i agree with this. people are so quick to believe what this girl says but they don't even know who she is. I mean we all know that KHJ comes from a decent family. what about choi? who is she, what kind of family she has. are they even credible and decent? 

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Yes abortion is illegal but is rarely enforced ... As in many countries.

those interested in reading about potential impact:



I think whatever the facts of the case, the one thing that seems undeniable is that she does not love HJ. Almost anyone capable of thought can see that.


what does surprise me is that, assuming her claims are true, she managed to get pregnant 4 times in the space of 7 months. If she were as embarrassed as she claimed about being a pregnant single mother, would you make the same mistake another 3 times after it first happened? It defies common sense. In addition, why would you sue for a miscarriage that you didn't want to happen only to follow it up by a termination when it does happen again? 

Also her reasons for having lied about the health club excuse does not make sense... She wasn't embarrassed a few weeks prior to that at the hospital but became embarrassed again subsequently? What was the purpose behind getting the cert since it had already been some time since the event ?

It's difficult to tell without having access to the records but surely hormonal levels were measured during all of these hospital visits .


I am one of those against revealing her identity at present. One of the arguments for defamation is that she is unknown and faceless, unrecognisable, whereas he is a well known figure who suffers most from the defamation. I don't intend to help her cause no matter how much I might want to reveal her at this point.

Edited by illublue
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Boycott alkpop, koreaboo, dispatch, kpopartz etc

I don't know if people will follow me but :·

Please everybody, I ask you to boycott allkpop, koreaboo, kpopartz, dispatch, and don't answer to provocaters. When we open their articles, they have many readers and they wins money with our comments. It's difficult I know, but without us, they are nothing. Ignore them, boycott them, don't even mention them. PLEASE!!!

If you can, please translate in every languages for boycotts. If you find other so-called press, don't hesitate to tell us and we will boycott them too!


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News Update-2] {8.1.2015]
1) KHJ side: will file defamation suit againnst Choi for releasing personal text messages & the specific media for reporting them. 
2) Atty Lee: Text messages & pregnancy tester pics are not legal evidences to prove pregnancy but were released in order to defame KHJ 
3) Atty Lee: Text msgs/pregnancy tester were not presented to court. Anonymously releasing personl life of entertainer KHJ deems intentional defamation
4) Atty Lee: If media,that must be discerning for report, publishes any material for financial gain, it has to be restrained. 
So we'll sue specific media for defamation.

credit to translation: @sunsun_sky


[News Update-4] {8.1.2015]
Atty Lee: Choi told HJ 'A dept manager [or section chief] of a media is protecting her.'
cr: @Beinghappykhj
cr translation:@sunsun_sky



OH KHJ's APPA , you look so haggard, please take care of your self too and thank you for loving KHJ's Omma and of course KHJ!!!!


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Boycott alkpop, koreaboo, dispatch, kpopartz etc

I don't know if people will follow me but :·

Please everybody, I ask you to boycott allkpop, koreaboo, kpopartz, dispatch, and don't answer to provocaters. When we open their articles, they have many readers and they wins money with our comments. It's difficult I know, but without us, they are nothing. Ignore them, boycott them, don't even mention them. PLEASE!!!

If you can, please translate in every languages for boycotts. If you find other so-called press, don't hesitate to tell us and we will boycott them too!

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Boycott alkpop, koreaboo, dispatch, kpopartz etc

I don't know if people will follow me but :·

Please everybody, I ask you to boycott allkpop, koreaboo, kpopartz, dispatch, and don't answer to provocaters. When we open their articles, they have many readers and they wins money with our comments. It's difficult I know, but without us, they are nothing. Ignore them, boycott them, don't even mention them. PLEASE!!!

If you can, please translate in every languages for boycotts. If you find other so-called press, don't hesitate to tell us and we will boycott them too!


i agree 100% with this idea i wish everyone will know about it.i'll try to share it on facebook and the rest. And people reading please engage in this activity too

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Mr. Kim has all my respect, he is fighting for his family this is worthy of admiration. I hope everything goes well and this nightmare will end soon.

Allkpop is a disgrace as a media outlet, they twist and edit news to generate discussions, some of its headlines are quite disrespectful, we know they do just to generate more traffic and comments. This is not the first time they do, you remember what they did to Ailee, since that I don't take them seriously, it shows that those who work there have not the slightest idea of what is being a good journalist, they have no ethics and respect for the profession. We have the power to change this, demanding them to publish the news correctly, if they don't it's as simple as stopping to visit their site and delete our users account, we will see if those who pay to put advertising on sites like this still do.

What I find vilest in the middle of all this game created by Choi, are those who mock of the pain of a father and a mother which had to see how their son has been bashed by the media and the public. I compare it as the Middle Ages, when people enjoyed to see public executions, sadly  we are not far from this cruel behavior from the past. 

It may be that at the beginning of all this there was the doubt because we didn't know what exactly had happened, but at this point with so many inconsistencies, lies and follies on her side, I have no doubt of Hyun Joong's innocence, he has been the victim of a plot well planned by her to discredit him and get his money. When people open their eyes and see the reality, will realize how foolish that have been.

Edited by magdale
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I see a comment that said : 'Suicide, he must do it"

How someone can say that :angry:  They are like assassins. I'm so sad: that's why I ask everybody to stop to go in this sites.


Sick.. with all those bashing comments.. I'm stopping to read all those site.



actually Choi is abuse him.. and now Choi want TO KILL him

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I tried 3 times to make a message to KHJ maknae with happy birthday @ https://instagram.com/kimhyungjun87/

3 times my message was deleted because I ask him to make his 1st wish for the success of KHJL.

His instagram account isn't his! That's managed by his agency. I am very very sad to see that and to see KHJB is a coward and not support his leader with a little message. Maybe he supports him secretly, but he has not the courage to support him with a little word in public. I was TripleS but now, it's finish: I am only Henecia and forever Henecia.

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Yes abortion is illegal but is rarely enforced ... As in many countries.

those interested in reading about potential impact:



I think whatever the facts of the case, the one thing that seems undeniable is that she does not love HJ. Almost anyone capable of thought can see that.



Okay.  So after reading the article, KHJ could have faced a fine of 2 million won for "instigatng an abortion".  That is why she released the text messages stating he didn't want the babies and wanted her to have an abortion.  OMG!!!  She is trying to set him up again and get him labeled as a criminal for instigating an abortion which is a criminal offense in Korea.   I'm so glad the court threw out the text messages.   She can't prove it came from KHJ and therefore he can't be charged with instigating an abortion.   He would have been charged with that if her text messages were accepted in court in Korea.

Edited by theone4me
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