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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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I was reminding  once Hyun Joong told in an interview as he had difficulty expressing affection to his parents. He bought them a car and later an apartment and he had problems for give it them. I thought maybe he was not very close to his parents at the time. But now with all this, I can see how close he is to his parents, he staying with them before going to the MS and the support they have given to him when was exposed the evil game of  certain woman. I'm glad for that. 


[I just find this pic but I couldn't find the credits and the pic without edit] 




[Photo]Kim Hyun Joong Japan Mobile Site Update 2015.6.1
Cr: loveforever8666






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I was reminding  once Hyun Joong told in an interview as he had difficulty expressing affection to his parents. He bought them a car and later an apartment and he had problems for give it them. I thought maybe he was not very close to his parents at the time. But now with all this, I can see how close he is to his parents, he staying with them before going to the MS and the support they have given to him when was exposed the evil game of  certain woman. I'm glad for that. 

--I feel the same . At least one good thing is he get much closer to his parents . I'm sure this means a lot to him to see  his parents support him fully and they are even fighting for him especially his father..I do think that the unconditional love and acceptance he got from his father has given him tremendous strength and confident.

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NYCG@ or lkh2 @

I kind of lost here I can't find e-mail address. Please let me know what e-mail address that i can send a letter to HJ. Thank you very much.

I will send a birthday card by mail probably it will arrive after his Birthday though.

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NYCG@ or lkh2 @

I kind of lost here I can't find e-mail address. Please let me know what e-mail address that i can send a letter to HJ. Thank you very much.

I will send a birthday card by mail probably it will arrive after his Birthday though.


Hi Vivian -  Here is the Email Address that I sent to - you can cut and paste: 




(They said to NOT send to BOTH) choose only one of the above to send to.

They also said only the Email will be translated to Korean to attach on your original email.  At this moment, we can provide translation service only for English, Japanese and Chinese.  If you do not want your email translated, please designate in your content that you do not want translation.


English notice from DC gallery regarding letters for KHJ
cr: @loving_khj ·com







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KHJ vs Frmr GF, First Hearing 2day: Due to two sides' diff claims, it wl b a day 2check factual/legal points of view
김현중vs 前여친, 오늘 16억 손해배상 소송 첫 기일 | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150603062806872/ … 양측은... 상반된 주장을 펼치고 있다. 따라서 이날은 변론에 앞서 사실관계나 법적관점을 되짚어보는 시간이 될 것으로 보인다
Trans Cr: @sunsun_sky



김현중vs전여친, 오늘(3일) 16억 소송 첫공판 임신 증거 나올까 | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150603060106588/ … 첫 공판이 6월3일 오후 4시 30분...서울지방법원에서.... First hearing wl b held at 4:30pm..

Cred. sunsun_sky

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That's right - it is already June 3rd 2015 in S Korea now - thank you again NewYorkCityGirl for this information! First hearing to be held at 4:30 pm SK time - so it means that right now in USA EST it is  6/2/15 and 8:10pm, and in Korea it is 9:10am  6/3/15.

First hearing coming up in 8 hours....

People People -  did you notice that the picture that accompanied the article in SK has the pic we all know - of him wearing his ICE cap saluting solemnly:! 


Wow -  how the media has changed - and not constantly putting on that same pic of when he was walking into the Prosecuting office ...

This time they are showing him going into the military - this is like a total change from former viewpoint of him, in the choice of pic for him - very very good publicity for him - I totally applaud it.

NYCG - I hope you don't mind - i am putting the article and picture up so that people will see what I am talking about in the choice of pic for him...

김현중vs 前여친, 오늘 16억 손해배상 소송 첫 기일

출처OSEN | 입력 2015.06.03. 06:28

기사 내용

[OSEN=김윤지 기자] 가수 겸 배우 김현중과 전 여자친구 A씨의 법정공방이 본격화된다.

3일 오후 4시 30분 서울중앙지방법원에서는 제25민사부 심리로 A씨가 김현중을 상대로 제기한 손해배상 청구소송 변론준비기일이 진행된다.

김현중 측이 산부인과 5곳과 국민건강보험공단에 이와 관련된 진료기록 조회를 요청하는 등 양측은 A씨의 임신과 유산과 관련해 상반된 주장을 펼치고 있다. 따라서 이날은 변론에 앞서 사실관계나 법적관점을 되짚어 보는 시간이 될 것으로 보인다.


변론준비기일은 해당 사건의 주요 쟁점과 향후 입증계획을 정리하는 시간으로, 변론기일은 통상적으로 그로부터 3,4주 후에 진행된다.

김현중은 2012년부터 약 2년 넘게 교제한 A씨와와 임신과 유산 둘러싸고 진실 공방을 펼치고 있다. 이 과정에서 A씨는 지난 4월 정신적 피해를 이유로 김현중을 상대로 16억 원 상당의 손해배상청구 소송을 제기했다.

김현중은 지난 달 경기도 고양시 덕양구 육군 30사단 신병교육대로 입대했다. 2017년 3월 11일 전역할 예정이다.


[Copyright ⓒ OSEN 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]


Lookit our Hyun Joong!  - What a great pic - it shows that they are choosing a very good perspective of him to use a military enlistment picture!!!

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[Tweet Updates-2] [6.3.2015]
The article also said that in the hearing only the two legal counsels will attend 
[to represent each side respectively] 
이번 공판에는 양측 법률대리인만이 참석한다...
김현중vs前여친, 오늘(3일) 변론준비기일..당사자는 불출석 | 다음연예 
두사람의 법률대리인들만 출석해 각자의입장을 주고받을예정이다. 
Two legal cousels will reprsnt respective side
http://media.daum.net/v/2015060306211786/ …
credit translation: @sunsun_sky

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@vivian6686 Kim Hyun Joong as a great performer . Love it.C11524563-47.jpg

A beautiful smile from a great performer. I really miss his great smile with his talking  eyes.

What a happy innocent eyes he has hee.

another innocent smile


Vivian this your entry - but I loved the pic so much - I am putting it up here again - Thank you to Vivian and to nobleKHJ- where I believe this is from!!!!

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[TRIAL~Tweet Updates] [6.3.2015]
1) KHJ's lawyer prepare to sue against A due to libel 
2) Kim Hyun Joong's parents finally burst into tears and said "KHJ had so much pressure on this." 
cr: @4everhyun
3) A's lawyer produced medical proof that states "No menstruation for 4 weeks" 
as pregnancy proof. HJ lawyer "What (the heck) is this?" LOLOL
cr; @501wangja

[TRIAL-translations-1] [6.3.2015]
#1 KHJ's father "my son gave 600MW for assault to pregnant woman": 
Choi's medical certificate shows no-pregnancy. 
#2 "When they went for ultra sound (to confirm pregncy), 
Choi's Atty put a stop on it"

cr: @sunsun_sky


[TRIAL-translations-2] [6.3.2015]
KHJ's lawyer showed a strong confidence after hearing
This article has a very good interview with Atty Lee after the hearing. 
I will translate the interview part with numbers on each post
[인터뷰] 김현중 측 변호사 "A씨 임신·유산거짓.김현중 명예찾겠다"|다음연예 김현중측 변호사는 취재진을향해 강한자신감
http://media.daum.net/v/20150603190506526/ …
cr translation: @sunsun_sky 


Hyun Joong's parents said they will explain everything that transpired in the trial
to Hyun Joong on the 18th when they visit him in the training camp 
김현중 부모 "
18일 열리는 아들 훈련소 퇴소식 보러갈 것"
credit translation: 
Marta Plaza


Cr. @4everhyun 
Kim Hyun Joong's parents finally burst into tears and said "KHJ had so much pressure on this.

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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@​Jackie KIM

OK dear fans this is from sports news in Korea that I translated n a tweet on tweeter...then I'm going to sleep since I'm dying kkkee...Sports news is saying khj lawyer who pertinent the court to have proof evidence of khj ex of pregnancy and the girl side couldn't provide with such paper nor evidence of pregnancy in the past nor now. The girl lawyer is just saying they can proof by text message now the case will go ahead... she wants 1.6 million $ for metal stress but khj lawyer is counter suing her for dragging khj through the mud since last summer n seeking the money she took last year from khj...in a tweet khj parents was very emotional n crying saying the girl was never pregnant in the past and currently too and feel heart breaks for their son who's been through hell those long month without being able to speak freely...(shared with credit please)

This is from sports news in Korea which I'll transtate in English in a minute... 엑스포츠뉴스=한인구 기자] 배우 겸 가수 김현중(29) 측이 전 여자친구 최 모씨 측이 임신을 입증하는 증거를 내놓지 못했다고 밝혔다.

서울중앙지방법원에서는 3일 제25민사부 심리로 최 씨가 김현중을 상대로 제기한 손해배상청구소송 변론준비가 진행됐다.

김현중의 법률대리인 이재만 변호사는 이날 "최 씨측이 제출한 진단서를 보면 임신을 한 것이 아닌 임신한 사실이 전혀 없다고 적혀있었다"며 "최 씨 측에서 김현중과 주고 받은 문자메시지를 임신 증거로 제출할 것이라고 예고했다"고 말했다.

김현중 측은 앞서 최 씨가 방문한 산부인과 5곳과 국민건강보험공단에 임신 유산과 관련한 진료기록 조회를 요청한 바 있다.

최 씨는 지난해 8월 김현중을 폭행치사 및 상해 혐의로 고소한 뒤 김현중의 사과를 받고 소를 취하했다. 이후 지난 2월 김현중의 아이를 임신했다고 주장했지만, 김현중은 이에 반박했다. 이어 최 씨는 지난 4월 김현중을 상대로 정신적인 피해를 입었다며 16억 원에 이르는 손해배상청구소송을 제기했다.

 This translation is from daum news...nothing to add except khj lawyer wants records from the five client the ex went too. The girl side couldn't provide the papers nor Dr medical records showing she had miscarriage nor was pregnant last year or now...the only thing the girl lawyer was saying they can proof by text message by the two parties involved.

Retweeted sunny (@sunsun_sky):

Q: whats biggest Q?
A: A n KHJ met on Dec20 last time. A's mdcert shows impregnation on Dec20. On Jan3 KHJ was informd of pregncy.

Media/ newsmen waiting outside the Court
cr: @LuckyGuy的Henecia_Sasa



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[Interview] Kim Hyun Joong lawyer: "A false pregnancy, miscarriage, 
.. I'm going to find (bring back) the "honor of Hyun-Joong Kim"
HJ's laywer emphasis that he will do the best fr regaining KHJ's reputation...
cr: @4everhyun
[인터뷰] 김현중 측 변호사 "A씨 임신·유산 거짓..김현중 명예 찾겠다" | 다음 연예
source: http://media.daum.net/entertain/enews/newsview


HJ's lawyer: After claiming she's pregnant, Choi posted on her own SNS: "I'm going to go cycling until Chuncheon" ...http://media.daum.net/v/20150603200507272/ …
"...And also she received X-ray exam that was generally not allowed for pregnant women due to the fetus' health."http://media.daum.net/v/20150603200507272/ …
Trans Cr: AlienPrinceKHJ

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[TRIAL-translations-3] [6.3.2015]
Attorney Lee Interview #1
Q: What's been presented?
A: Hearing is...[explains what it is] There's only one evidence from A's atty. 
The evidence was a medical certificate for 4th week no period.
It wasn't a medical certificate for pregncy. Med.Cert. for 4th week no period is what clinic issues per statement of person. A side couldnt present pregnancy medical certificate.
That is issued aftrr many tests. So A proved herself that she wasn't pregnant.
Q: Treatment after miscarriage?
A: "A side couldn't present nothng for it
Wasnt it because she was never pregnant or miscarried? 
"Other than Medical Cert. for 4th week no period, they said they will present text messages. How can they be evidence?
Heard there's a friend who can confirm pregnancy. 
Even if A said to her 'I'm pregnant,' how can the friend be a witness? 
That's something the friend can't claim.

credit translation: @sunsun_sky

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