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 Eng Trans for @khjbelinda 's tweet - Chinese trans of HJ's parents' magazine interview
Cr: @Princessmich123
1. Qa: How do you feel about your son's enlistment?
A: (replied by HJ's mom) Watching HJ suffered so much alone, especially with his quiet personality (a man of few words), my heart ache for him. It was really painful.
Qb: HJ got enlisted in the midst of the lawsuit controversy, did he say anything to you (HJ's parents)?
A: HJ said not to worry too much. Despite enlisting in the midst of the lawsuit, he had already discussed with lawyer and the matter would be properly settled.
2. "If one were to commit suicide, that would be most terrible. But this is not a major issue so please do not worry". That was what HJ's parents said to HJ to comfort him. HJ had thought of leaving the entertainment industry for good. Even when HJ met the lawyer for the first time, he was in such a state of mind.

3. Q: When did you know the existence of Choi richard simmons?
A: Only knew of her existence last year when the matter was reported in the news. This Choi richard simmons knew very well how softhearted HJ was. Really shameless!
"When the matter happened last year, HJ told us not to worry and that he would take care of it himself. HJ did not want the parents to get involved in the matter."
HJ's mom said "Because of the major operation to be undertaken last year, in order not to worry the parents HJ told them he would settle the matter. That was why HJ was left on his own to deal with the matter then."
5. Q: With regard to the child's matter, did both families try to resolve the issue?
A: Met Choi's parents for the first time on 17 January with an apologetic heart. Saw the baby ultra scan photo taken on 9 January, supposedly 5th week of the pregnancy, but there was no name on the scan photo. So there was a strange feeling of "What's this?!"
6. "Choi richard simmons did not look well on that day. So we told her, as the body of a pregnant woman may be weaker, it would be better to go to an integrated hospital for a proper check-up. When you (Choi richard simmons) are healthy only then will the baby be healthy."
7. "(We said) since she had gone to this particular hospital during her miscarriage previously, we had made an appointment with a larger hospital so that it could better ascertain the health of the mother and baby. There was no other intention (with regard to the miscarriage issue). But Choi's parents were furious and said that it was the first time their daughter was pregnant, why say such things?! We said that HJ told us. After that, Choi parents stopped talking."
8. After 17 January, there was no further visit to the hospital to check up on the status of the baby. When both parties met again on 17 February, Choi richard simmons retorted that she had already given the medical check-up report, why was there a need to go for another check-up?!"
9. "When we met again, Choi's parents said they already knew about the 1st pregnancy. It was then, for the first time, we found out about the 600 million won settlement. After talking to HJ over the phone then we learnt that Choi richard simmons had said that she would sue him (HJ) for assaulting a pregnant woman, feeling afraid he gave her the 600 million won."

10. Q: With regard to the discrepancies between the alleged assault and the truth, was there any intention to take legal action?
A: Despite a sense of unwillingness, we had originally thought of letting the matter passed since money had already been given. But now that the issue had evolved to its current status, we are more firm with our current stance.
11. "Saw the settlement agreement between HJ and Choi richard simmons. In general, the victim side in receipt of the compensation (money) may stipulate certain clauses. But it was hard to understand with regard to Choi richard simmons's demand to keep silence on the her receipt of the 600 million won, and then told the media that it was in the name of her final love for the man that she dropped the charges."

12. Q: Why cannot verify/ confirm since all went to the hospital together?
A: Choi richard simmons did not turn up for any of the 4 previous medical appointment as she insisted that HJ must go together. Hence, on 12 March the appointment was made to turn up at the Seoul Asan hospital (首尔峨山). Legal representatives from both sides also turned up at the appointment.
13. Q: The whole process of reconciliation, pregnancy and lawsuit after the assault incident was astounding?
A: While we would not comment on the specifics, it was hurtful how this issue was unilaterally being reported on. What the other side had said was not true at all and we would leave it to the lawyer to deal with it.



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Eng Trans of @Miyokolovekhj 's tweet - 
Chinese translation summarizing part of the interview with HJ's parents.
In gist, before leaving for Japan HJ already knew of the pregnancy. Right around the commencement of the Japan Tour (Gemini tour), Choi contacted HJ and continued to pressurize him, causing him psychological stress! Because of this issue, HJ's dad comforted him, telling him for the sake of the concert's success and the impact on his agent company, it may be better to not irritate Choi but to settle with her nicely. That was why HJ had comforted her (through those text messages). But Choi manipulated those text messages from HJ (to create lies)! HJ was really hurt when he saw those 'edited version' of his text messages. Still, they thought that given Choi is pregnant, they decided to continue to treat her nicely.
When the concert tour was over, HJ continued to be very nice and (even more) tender to Choi than before. But then the matter suddenly took a turn and accelerated into something bigger (maybe referring to the lawsuit).

credit translation: @Princessmich123 
(CH translation author wrote: This family is way too kind!) 


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Kim Hyun Joong side said , Mr. A former girlfriend has been requested of Obstetrics and Gynecology for five medical records.
Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer submitted on March 22 to the Seoul Central District Court civil section 25 application, also invited the National Health Insurance Corporation, a total of five mentioned maternity hospital to investigate, He said, they are currently awaiting the results.
cr: @cek66
KHJ side, requested medical record to 5 maternity clinic that she
cr: @4everhyun 

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Thank you so much NYCG @ for the update information and translation.

Why do i think that the whole thing looks like a choi family business. They probably spent sometime to prepare for this plan before come out with the trapped pregnancy. Shameless woman.

.It's interesting to know what the 31 years old experienced woman like the psycho choi did to make herself in the position that being pregnant by the man she wanted to hook. I do not believe HJ will want to touch this woman again after realizing she was greedy for money if he was in good conscious. Well we still don't know whose baby.

This is like an organized crime for me. Hope no more choi woman in SK society.

Edited by vivian6686
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Thank you so much NYCG @ for the update information and translation.

Why do i think that the whole thing looks like a choi family business. They probably spent sometime to prepare for this plan before come out with the trapped pregnancy. Shameless woman.

.It's interesting to know what the 31 years old experienced woman like the psycho choi did to make herself in the position that being pregnant by the man she wanted to hook. I do not believe HJ will want to touch this woman any more after seeing she was greedy for money if he was in good conscious. Well we still don't know whose baby.

This is like an organized crime for me. Hope no more choi woman in SK society.

I agree, it is clear that she wants to do what ever she can to keep him. I mean her side is worried about him acknowledging a ultra sound, but they are not doing a paternity test,she can have one done its a blood test that is safe,women who may have multiple partners,or rape victims gets this done at anytime before the baby is born. Going to five clinic it look like she was desperate...

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Kim Hyun Joong's Legal Team Offers An Update


BY Julie Jones | May 26, 2015 10:55 AM EDT

The legal team representing actor and singer Kim Hyun Joong has released an update on the conflict between him and his ex-girlfriend, identified only as Choi.
His ex-girlfriend is claiming that an incident in which he physically assaulted her caused her to miscarry a pregnancy. She filed assault charges against him for that and three other incidents, dropping all charges after he apologized and made a financial settlement of over $500,000. He paid an additional fine when the one charge, which was documented, resulted in a court appearance. Kim Hyun Joong contends that they only had one mutual physical fight.
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The couple reunited late in 2014, vacationed together, broke up, and Choi now says she is pregnant again. Choi is currently asking for $1 million for the emotional damage from the miscarriage and $600,000 for publicizing the previous settlement.
Kim Hyun Joong's legal team claimed that the actress did not provide sufficient evidence to prove that she was pregnant at the time of the assault or that she miscarried as a result of it.
On May 12, Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer Lee Jae Man told X Sports News, that a medical report Choi submitted was inconclusive.
"She doesn't have any evidence to prove that she was pregnant. We have requested that she provide us with a diagnosis confirming her pregnancy, but they have not responded to us."
A text exchanged between Choi and Kim does talk about a possible pregnancy.
"The only evidence of the pregnancy that they have revealed is the conversation between Choi and Kim Hyun Joong. But even this conversation appears to be fabricated by Choi."
On May 26, Lee Jae Man told Naver TV that he received a list of the gynecologists that Choi visited.
"We'll be looking over the records for pregnancy and miscarriage," said Lee. "We haven't been able to confirm which of the five hospitals gave her a diagnosis of pregnancy and miscarriage. We are waiting for the results."
Kim Hyun Joong's legal team stressed that the singer will take responsibility if the child is his. 
"But Choi has not giving us any proof that it is actually his child. We will be taking legal steps after confirming the truth in court."
Kim Hyun Jong is currently serving his 21-month mandatory military duty. His last acting role was in the drama "Inspiring Generation."
The dramatic story has attracted many netizen comments and a large percentage were negatively directed at Choi, who recently said she was planning to sue netizens that slandered her.

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Netizens side with Kim Hyun Joong in latest update in his legal dispute


According to the legal officials on the 26th of May, the legal representatives of Kim Hyunjoong have requested the court to send out request of corroboration on the pregnancy and miscarriage that Choi has claimed she suffered from to the 5 gynecology clinics Choi has previously listed.
Choi is currently stating that she is currently pregnant with Kim Hyun Joong’s child and that she has also had a miscarriage last June as the result of Kim Hyun Joong physically assaulting her. Since as of this moment there is no solid proof of Choi having a miscarriage or having been impregnated previously, medical records should be the turning point of this case.
In a phone call with Korean media OSEN, Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer stated, “Choi is currently of the position that her pregnancy last year ended with a miscarriage due to Kim Hyun Joong physically assaulting her. She could very easily hand in medical records which would corroborate her story but has failed to do so up to this point. A is saying she will hand the records into court but in case she fails to do so we have requested records from the 5 hospitals that she listed as the clinics she received treatment from.”
Kim’s lawyer also spoke about the possibility of settling the case saying, “If she returns the 600,000,000 Won she received from us for damages and comes forth with the truth in order to recover Kim Hyun Joong’s reputation a settlement is definitely possible. However at this point such a thing seems unlikely.”
[+ 13, – 0] The girl lies about taking back her case on Kim Hyun Joong as if she did a favor but actually took 600,000,000 Won. 2. Went to Jeju with Kim Hyun Joong 4 days after she claimed she was assaulted. No sign of bruising that she claimed to have a week ago. 3. Media plays herself to be a pregnant woman who knows only love that does not wish to lay any responsibilities on the father. While in the dark she requests 1,600,000,000 Won in mental damages. 4. March 12th she meets up saying she will confirm the pregnancy but refuses ultra sound, a photo of an ultrasound comes a week later 37 minutes after she claims to have entered the ultra sound room. What is she hiding?
[+ 11, – 0] If she can return the money and return Kim Hyun Joong’s image to the clean image it was at before settlement would be possible. But is is possible to return his image back to before 2014 August. He restrained himself and controlled himself so well for 10 years. Could she return it to the way it was? ㅠㅠ
[+ 6, – 0] I guess there is still hope for forgiveness if Choi realizes her fault and speaks the truth. I wonder if she will be able to take this last opportunity when she’s come so far..
Source: OSEN, Star Today

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Each time I read about these interviews (thanks to our generous translators),
I cannot imagine the emotional pain that HJ had to go through .... 
his parents included. 
To see your child hurting so much is the worst and unimaginable feeling for any parent. I'm glad that they have chosen to speak out ....to tell the story and expose the truth. 
And what court will not believe them....they're decent people. There is really no need to convince the court right? Who in their right mind will believe this woman over HJ's parents?
From day 1, I have asked myself ....why HJ? I'm sure HJ would have asked himself the same question. He would never have imagined something like this to happen to him...he would never have imagined that a woman he once fell for was this evil.
...and even when the truth is revealed, there will always be people who will still choose to believe the lies...people who will remain unforgiving...people who will continue to unfairly label him. They may never go away.
She's delivered a big blow to HJ. She's destroyed everything that's he's worked hard for. She's cut a deep wound and the scar will be there for a long time...permanent even.
Time heals all wounds but in this instance, it could take a long time... even after MS. This is why we have to continue to support HJ. We have to reassure him that we will not leave him. Let's pray that HJ or any of our loved ones, will never ever meet, much less get involved, with a person like this woman. 
credit to: @nanet302 of @loving_khj

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After reading so many news about KHJ, and maybe there will be settlement...  I am not KHJ's Lawyer but I fan that is again worried, 

This person who ruined someone's reputation best describe her as evil, I say NO to settlement, if she get away with what she did, she'll do it again and another person will be ruined, she has to go to jail

1. Evil hearts are experts at creating confusion and contention. They twist the facts, mislead, lie, avoid taking responsibility, deny reality, make up stories, and withhold information. They are manipulators

2. Evil hearts are experts at fooling others with their smooth speech and flattering words. They play with other emotions and fool them.and they are all gold diggers

3. Evil hearts crave and demand control, and their highest authority is their own self-reference.

4. Evil hearts play on the sympathies of good-willed people, often trumping the grace card.

5. Evil hearts have no conscience, no remorse.

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Now public opinion is over her, the netizens are not believing her story anymore, they're beginning to suspect that she lied from the beginning. Her lies are falling down so I see the agreement as a way to pressure, maybe not to her but those who have been her accomplices, her family and friends. If all goes well, and there's no agreement they may face a civil and criminal prosecution.

Let's have faith that this time everything will be at KHJ favor

Edited by angel76
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[Part3] Eng Trans of additional info on HJ parents' magazine interview based on Chinese translation by :倪嘉路Karenkim13 (These info were not included in my earlier translations.)

Wanted to translate this part of the interview because I strongly feel that HJ has been so misunderstood by people that whatever he does (after the alleged assault incident), some bad people (especially the trash media) will always twist his words and actions to put him in a bad light to defame him. HJ does them no wrong and certainly does not deserve to be treated this way. I'm glad HJ parents had the opportunity to straighten things out on his behalf.

I also wanted to share this part of the interview because it showed how much HJ really loves his fans. He mentioned about giving a free concert on the 10th year on several occasions and he really kept his promise to his fans. No doubt there was a tinge of sadness because the concert did not take place but as a fan of HJ, I'm already touched by his sweet gesture and thoughtfulness. I believe there will always be another opportunity for a concert by HJ for his fans in the future. As of now, I'm just happy and proud to be KIM HYUN JOONG fan.


- HJ parents also talked about the criticism surrounding HJ's enlistment. HJ's intention to enlist was clear when he received the enlistment notice. Yet people linked his enlistment to the lawsuit controversy and badmouthed him that he was trying to escape/ run away from the issue!

- HJ parents mentioned that in the letter handwritten by HJ to his fans, HJ mentioned that he left (for enlistment) feeling in debt. There was a hidden reason for saying that. This year would mark the 10th anniversary of HJ's debut and he had wanted to organize a free concert to thank his fans who have been supporting him for the last 10 years. The original plan was to hold the concert in April, after the Japan tour, and to be enlisted in May. Unfortunately, the free concert plan fell through and he had to be enlisted. HJ felt very apologetic towards his fans, and hence, he wrote that (feeling in debt) in his letter to the fans. HJ parents retorted that those who do not understand the situation should refrain from talking (nonsense)!

Trans BY: Princessmich123

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***IDK why people can't leave him alone...............:wub:




Kim Hyun Joong’s Legal Rep Requests Medical Records from Five Clinics Regarding Ex-Girlfriend’s Alleged Pregnancy and Miscarriage


Kim Hyun Joong’s Legal Rep Requests Medical Records from Five Clinics Regarding Ex-Girlfriend’s Alleged Pregnancy and Miscarriage


Singer-actor Kim Hyun Joong‘s legal representative has taken a further step to clarify the confusion surrounding the alleged pregnancy and miscarriage of the star’s ex-girlfriend, Choi.

On May 22, the 25th civil department of the Seoul Central District Court has requested reports from five different medical clinics and the National Health Insurance Service, as per Kim Hyun Joong’s request.

Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer Lee Jae Man told news outlet Star News on May 26, “We are planning on receiving information from the clinic that Choi has revealed to have gone,” adding, “out of the five clinics mentioned, we are not sure where she received the miscarriage report and pregnancy report. We are currently waiting to hear back.”

The star’s ex-girlfriend Choi has claimed that she is currently pregnant with Kim Hyun Joong’s child, and that she had a miscarriage after being physically assaulted by the star in June of last year. Regarding this accusation, his lawyer commented, “We do not have concrete proof that Choi was pregnant and miscarried the child last year. When we receive the medical reports, they will be definitive evidence that could be used in court.”

The two sides will hold a pretrial conference on June 12 regarding the alimony demanded by Choi.

Kim Hyun Joong is currently enlisted for his mandatory military service, but will continue with the legal procedures through his legal representative.


Source: (1) / soompi news

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I went & sent a letter to that email site that should translate, print & send letters to KHJ - I read his parents' interview, especially about him hiding in the dark, remembered how I felt at boot camp - & just wrote one.  NEVER do that - didn't even send any letters to the Beatles when I was a little squealie fan girl, but this is different - the more support he gets the better his morale.  I've done that 'write to a soldier' thing before - I'm retired military so know how thankful the guys are for that :D 

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I went & sent a letter to that email site that should translate, print & send letters to KHJ - I read his parents' interview, especially about him hiding in the dark, remembered how I felt at boot camp - & just wrote one.  NEVER do that - didn't even send any letters to the Beatles when I was a little squealie fan girl, but this is different - the more support he gets the better his morale.  I've done that 'write to a soldier' thing before - I'm retired military so know how thankful the guys are for that :D 

​So glad you did this Teleri - So did I - I sent it to the email place where they can translate it....I also have NEVER written a fan letter in my life ....but Kim Hyun joong is very very special.....

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This is from the Women's Dong Ah magazine - translation is provided by sunny at sunsun - clarifies the 3 issues. Women's DongAh Magazine is a part  of the Dong Ah Ilbo - the leading newspaper in SK...



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Just watched that video about training - well, THAT took me back LOL  I'm retired US Navy & I've gone thru boot camp myself - 11 weeks, not 5...  Pretty much the same thing (in the Navy we didn't get firearms but we got thrown in a pool & had to make flotation devices out of our uniforms - fortunately I'm a fish...).  

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I'm sorry but under no circumstance should he settle with Ms. Choi.  None!!

She should go to prison for what she has done because she maliciously set out to destroy his career and to destroy him as a man.  

The only way the Kims should accept a settlement is if

1.) she gives back the money she STOLE through  her lying 

2.) she apologize to the public for what she has done to KHJ AND his fans

3.) if that baby is his, she gives up full custody of that baby where he doesn't have to be bother with her accept once a month for her visitation.  She is going to make his life HELL if she is allowed to be apart of KHJ's life on a daily basis. She will use that baby to hurt him even more. She is already using the baby to hurt him and it aint even born yet!! 

Like someone earlier stated,  I think even her family might have been a part of this.  I don't believe her parents and her brother did not know she was going to sue for 1.6 million.  They knew what she was doing.  From KHJ's parents discussion, that whole family sounds disgusting and KHJ's  baby should not be a part of that.

I'm sorry but this is how I feel as I read more and more of what happened to him.   It makes my heart sad.  It really does.

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