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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Guest shariman66

Nope ~ that picture or the show was in 2008, dear.I think it was one of those shows during Chuseok?Anyway, all 5 members were in hanbok.Remember that scary comic lady who kept asking for our boy's phone number in a few shows ~ one of them was 'Strong Heart'?Well, this show was actually the first time our boy had to give her his number because he lost a game against her.Or should I say he opted to lose since he didn't want to agree with her if I'm not mistaken.
Has anyone ever watched an old show called 'X-Man'?YJS & KHD were the MCs with that comic lady who hosted SS501 'Thank You for Waking...'?One of the games in that show was, 'Of Course!', where you had to keep saying that & then attacking your opponent verbally till the other party was unable to answer back.Well, the above show had a game somewhat like that.
Lol! Sorry, ladies for my long-winded explanation.  Still hoping for some more 'beanie' pics ~ hee ~

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shariman66 said: @nycgirl
Nope ~ that picture or the show was in 2008, dear.I think it was one of those shows during Chuseok?Anyway, all 5 members were in hanbok.Remember that scary comic lady who kept asking for our boy's phone number in a few shows ~ one of them was 'Strong Heart'?Well, this show was actually the first time our boy had to give her his number because he lost a game against her.Or should I say he opted to lose since he didn't want to agree with her if I'm not mistaken.
Has anyone ever watched an old show called 'X-Man'?YJS & KHD were the MCs with that comic lady who hosted SS501 'Thank You for Waking...'?One of the games in that show was, 'Of Course!', where you had to keep saying that & then attacking your opponent verbally till the other party was unable to answer back.Well, the above show had a game somewhat like that.
Lol! Sorry, ladies for my long-winded explanation.  Still hoping for some more 'beanie' pics ~ hee ~
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Some Updates:
Another of these pics.  :)
Kim Hyun Joong Japan Mobile Site Update [2015.4.13]
cr: @loveforever8666 


Can't remember if this pic was posted already 
Hyun Joong playing "virtual golf"
cr: Holhyun instagram

Another poll (already closed)11115596_730210343765558_103973839688380Jaksal~ "Message Board"
cr: akichi428 via @Holhyun

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Wow - @NewYorkCityGirl - Nice soccer pics - never have seen those! (Well - there is a lot I haven't seen) - but these are really nice! I like the last pic a lot too...
Now continuing in the awesome wet hair scenes started by Vivian6666, and I followed with full-on hair shampooing in Gi Seung Sa, here is one of my all-time favorite wet hair look - in Playful Kiss - Episode 6 - around 53 minutes in - Baek seung Jo has given an angry kiss   - to Oh Hani - but she is completely flustered by it and wonders how she is to behave when she next sees him -the following 3 are some of my favorite captures of the whole of Playful Kiss.....
 and then - he comes out of the bathroom with a towel on his hair - prolonged fainting episode on my part.........

and he hides his reaction to her by being angry - look at that expression on his face - I still think that is a hot expression.....pk%20ep%206%206_zpsxu93rzz1.jpg

Finally, after some back and forth movement where they try to avoid each other - he leaves - leaving a very flustered Oh Hani....PK%20ep%206%201_zpsg2lkrqiw.jpg

Don't want to leave with the last image of him moving away while disgruntled....
so here is another pic of him and Oh Hani after he has found a place for them to neck in the car.and he tells her that now she is his sunbae because she has saved a person's life - and killed a mannequin....and then she says that she will apply again to be a nurse - because she thinks it is a great calling - Yay to all nurses!! and the pic below is when he says "I'll help you". He is so proud of her!

I am watching Playful kiss now for the 3rd time in 6 months - since I discovered Playful Kiss - and I just discovered that there are PK forums on soompi - and also BOF ( I think) and also IG - How am I going to find the time to look at all of those forums - some may be inactive....

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Can I just say, that I read most of BoF & Playful Kiss a LONG time ago (big anime/manga otaku here) - & could not even finish 2 episodes of the BoF anime.  It says WORLDS of how much I adore watching KHJ that I finished BOTH of these dramas!  I will spare everyone the rants against Japanese shoujo mentality & conventions....  I will forever refer to Jan Di as 'stupid girl' however 

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class="yiv3289249323post-title" id="yui_3_16_0_1_1429147697302_17474" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85);"Kim Hyun Joong…[article] SEARCHING JUSTICE
by LazerKim



By: LazerKim


In my previous articles after the Aug nightmare, I kept saying "we forgive but we never FORGET!"  I'm not writing this article to add fuel to what seemed to be burning hot the past months, but to give ourselves a bit of a space to think, now that we have cooled down by this time. I think it's time to search for justice.

I'm moving forward towards that direction on how we can search for justice that cannot be denied forever. We all know there was injustice no matter how I twist and turn the situation it still boils down to a certain conclusion that this nightmare were all made out of lies.

The fact that this nightmare can possibly mark on him forever is one thing I cannot digest or accept, because injustice was shown right in front of us! Are we just going to let this pass by, count to experience and just write it in the history of SK showbiz scandal? Are we going to allow history to be manipulated by lies too? I won't!



Here are some set of facts that we have to start bearing in our mind to be resolved:

1. The fact that Kim Hyun Joong was accused of assault in Aug 2014, that this case was closed clearing up Hyun Joong from this case, BUT the damage was done and nothing was resolved to go after the people who damaged his career life and his name.

2. The fact that in Aug 2014, the person who accused him monopolized the media in destroying him and that none in the media outlet took his side of the story. On the contrary those media outlets even twisted his words with obvious intention of deliberately misleading both the local and foreign public.

3. The fact that another scandal was placed on his head again in Feb by the same person who accused him of assault, bringing another scandal to the media that caused Kim Hyun Joong, his family, and his fans to mental and emotional torture.

4. The fact that proof of lies had been laid out right in front of our eyes on both scandals in Aug and Feb brought to the media, yet nothing was done to those lies and to the liar!


My question:  Who has the right to file charges against the accuser aside from the Kim Family? Does KHJ fans has the right to seek justice for Kim Hyun Joong? I would like to know! I believe justice can be served, if justice is being sought after.



In this particular scandal I think a lot should be done to correct the past for the sake of the future. Specially that INJUSTICE to Kim Hyun Joong was clearly shown through trial by publicity, judging without due process and ruthless inhuman bashing from his haters.

He was totally roasted by the media in Aug scandal, while the accuser totally manipulated the entire situation that I can only imagine the flow of cash within the media outlets during that nightmare in bringing Kim Hyun Joong down! However, they failed!!

And the accuser was not even contented with the 1st scandal, she again brought another set of LIES in Feb to totally pin down Kim Hyun Joong, his family and his fans to mental torture pertaining Choi's so-called pregnancy!

I honestly find it cruel to let the lies win! I find it foolish to let wrong doings get away, and I find it really weird to let all of these be tolerated by society. What can be done so that this scandal may not become a precedent in the future?

How I wish someone from KHJ camp would make the right move to correct this wrong doings done to Hyun Joong. How I wish KHJ fans has the right to take legal actions against those who destroyed his life, his career and his future as a human being.

How I wish someone from KHJ camp would reveal Choi's identity for once and for all! If not, then I think a credible private detective in SK can find out her identity!!



Aug scandal...... I would like to point out on evidences used at the assault case in Aug. shown by the media. In the police report stated, there's no substantial evidence to file a case, therefore I may conclude that those evidences shown by media were indeed fake! And that Choi was not after justice, but simply to create a scandal and destroy Kim Hyun Joong!

Feb scandal.......In the interview with Hyun Joong's parents, Mr Kim mentioned that those text messages between Choi and Mr Kim, were cut and paste to make them appear that the Kims have a bad intention in those text that Choi presented to the media.

I'm not a lawyer to identify if there was an unlawful act done in this scandal, so I made a brief search about defamation, let's see if this case has sufficient ground to file against Choi and the media.



The term "defamation" is an all-encompassing term that covers any statement that hurts someone's reputation. If the statement is made in writing and published, the defamation is called "libel." If the hurtful statement is spoken, the statement is "slander." A person that has suffered a defamatory statement may sue the person that made the statement under defamation law.

Elements of Defamation

Defamation law changes as you cross state borders, but there are normally some accepted standards that make laws similar no matter where you are. If you think that you have been the victim of some defamatory statement, whether slander or libel, then you will need to file a lawsuit in order to recover. Generally speaking, in order to win your lawsuit, you must show that:

  1. Someone made a statement;
  2. that statement was published;
  3. the statement caused you injury;
  4. the statement was false; and
  5. the statement did not fall into a privileged category                                            Source: http://injury.findlaw.com/torts-and-personal-injuries/defamation-law-the-basics.html



    As I was searching on SK laws pertaining defamation, I stumbled in an article that may be interesting to you. This article was posted this early morning April 12, 2015, which may be politically motivated, but what caught my curiosity is the article title "A Country of Liars" by Kim Dae Joong, posted by Chosun Media. This was stated, as I quote:

    National Intelligence Service director-designate Kim Seung-kyu, in a lecture he gave late in May when he was justice minister, said: "The three representative crimes of our country are perjury, libel and fraud."  The common denominator of the three crimes is lying; in short, we live in a country of liars. The prosecution devotes 70 percent of its work to handling the three crimes, the former justice minister said.

    "Internationally, too, there is a perception that South Korea's representative crime is fraud," Kim said, adding that recent major scandals show how rampant lying is in this country. 

    Lying is so common in our society because few recognize that it leads to crime. "What's wrong with telling a little lie?" they think. And here the big problem is that men of power, rather than ordinary citizens, indulge in lying on a massive scale, to the point where it is regarded as a necessary means of survival in some circles. 

    ...can it be denied that our cultural climate has justified the perception that if you manage to get out of a tight spot by lying first, you will be able to overcome the whole matter one way or the other.

    Source: http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2005/07/03/2005070361027.html



    Reading from that article above, coming from a SK ex-gov't official, that scandals are very rampant in SK not only in their political arena, but most likely in their showbiz community. And that the public easily believe in whatever the media writes! While the liars can easily get away with and so with those media outlets despite of the law implemented by the gov't.

    What has Choi got to lose? She's a nobody, her identity is not even exposed to ruin her reputation if she has! On the contrary, I'm sure she even earned out of her fake stories in destroying Kim Hyun Joong from the media and her backers! While Hyun Joong lost his well-earned reputation, his career, his life and even the name of his family. Is this fair?

    May I just clarify, we are talking about a human life of a young man who worked hard to be where he is and just blew up by a greedy jealous woman out of her lies! And I don't care whoever she is, she destroyed a man in her most evil way and I think this is all WRONG!



    I'm sure we'll not be hearing much updates about Kim Hyun Joong the following days, so might as well have some food for our thoughts. Being a fan is just not for fun, there's something else deeper in this case that we can learn from.

    And maybe you're not aware that there are other matters attached to this nightmare that has to be resolved and learn from it that it will not be a precedent in the future. I'll take this one by one on my articles in the coming days!

    I do hope we were able to cool down our mind by this time that instead of listening to nonsense rumors, might as well occupy our mind with more relevant matters, from what can be learned from the past that can be changed towards the future.

    By this way, we can keep him close to us, that we're doing something productive by bringing out the truth on this nightmare which has been concealed by the media as we seek for justice.  Allow me to say this again....

    "It is not the fault of Kim Hyun Joong to be popular. It is not his fault to be in the global star status, and it is not his fault to be loved by millions worldwide."

                                                                                                        LazerKim here writing


    bwiwu1hcuae3rku (1)

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Teleri Nyfain said: Can I just say, that I read most of BoF & Playful Kiss a LONG time ago (big anime/manga otaku here) - & could not even finish 2 episodes of the BoF anime.  It says WORLDS of how much I adore watching KHJ that I finished BOTH of these dramas!  I will spare everyone the rants against Japanese shoujo mentality & conventions....  I will forever refer to Jan Di as 'stupid girl' however 

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Marcelita Garces said:
NYCG @ Thanks for the address. I 'm sure in the next 2-3  years we can talk to Hyun Joong in English..

I love this picture very much . He looked very happy and enjoy his moment.

Thanks a lot to the photographer.

Credit go to   Kimhyunjoongthailand.com

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lkh2 said: I need to explain - I fast forward the whole drama and only watch when KHJ is in it. Frankly - everyone else is fairly boring except the mom - and I probably offended a lot of you just now - but please realize this is a KHJ adoration forum.....and I am just giving my 2 cents on how much I loved PK and BOF for KHJ. I also fast forwarded through most of BOF, after I watched it once -  but I really liked the Kim Beom episodes with Cha Eun Seo (who also joined Key East - I think last year...?)  I also liked the woman who played Gu Jun Pyo's sister....

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Teleri Nyfain said: lkh2 said: I need to explain - I fast forward the whole drama and only watch when KHJ is in it. Frankly - everyone else is fairly boring except the mom - and I probably offended a lot of you just now - but please realize this is a KHJ adoration forum.....and I am just giving my 2 cents on how much I loved PK and BOF for KHJ. I also fast forwarded through most of BOF, after I watched it once -  but I really liked the Kim Beom episodes with Cha Eun Seo (who also joined Key East - I think last year...?)  I also liked the woman who played Gu Jun Pyo's sister....
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