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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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theone4me said: Teleri, I know what you mean.  Really and truthfully, after all of the stuff he has gone through, the only fans left are his true fans.  After all the mess, what he has is solid fan base that will be here after he goes in/come out of the military in a couple years.
And no Soompi.com and AllKPop.com have not posted the news.  Sigh!!  I wonder who is behind all of these kpop websites.  I'm beginning to wonder if they are sponsored by SME, JYP and YG.   All you see is news predominately about artists from those agencies.   You never see any negative stuff about their artists.  When reading negative stuff at these sites, it's usually artists from other agencies that get posted.  I don't read ALLKPop.com that often because I don't like how the website has changed over the years.  It used to be a place where they posted stuff good and bad on ALL the artists.  However, at some point they started offering behind the scenes this or that with JYP artists.  They stopped posting negative stuff and only good stuff about JYP and his artists.  That is when I realized, they were in bed with JYP sort of speak.   Then, they got in bed with SME and YG as well.   So the information from that website is always 1-sided tacky propaganda for those 3 agencies. 
 If KHJ had been a part of SME, I guarantee you, no negatives articles would have appeared about KHJ on allkpop or other kpop sites.

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class="blog_h2 entry-title"Kim Hyun Joong Lotte Duty Free Wall Paper for April 2015

Springtime is in the Air!

credit to http://en.korea.com/kimhyunjoong





source : korea.com


*** NICE bracelet...................

class="blog_h2 entry-title"Kim Hyun Joong – Japan Fan Meet -”Bracelet Giving to 400 Fans”


April 07, 2015 1:50 pm hyunlina

A memorable time for fans who have received the henecia trademark bracelet U:zoosin from Kim Hyun Joong ssi himself. He distributed 400 bracelet on his last fan meeting event last Feb 21,2015  in Chiba , Japan..He mentioned  on this event that this will be last fanmeet event before his military service for two years.. so he made this bracelet event something special where he himself wear it to each of his lucky fans hand.

Sweet treatment to the fans like this makes them very special and love!  Happy memories to last

for a life time. Thank you Kim Hyun Joong ssi for treating your fans so special!

we always wish you all the best in all your undertakings.!





source : korea.com

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lxands said: But I wonder why KHJ is keeping his mum. Is he protecting sum one who is not Choi? Anyway I strongly believe all these happens becos he was framed, and that sum one was determined to bring him down. Using Choice for the assault case didn't affected him much, now they frame & accused him for premarital sex, and honestly I dun believe there's any baby at all.

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@lkh2  Hmmm...I don't know what is going on.  First, everything has been quiet on KHJ front but I don't think Allkpop posted anything on his concerts in Japan which I thought went well.  They also didn't post anything about his record going platinum in Japan.  I sent them a tip on that but they didn't post anything.  With JYJ, I seriously believe SME was behind that silent treatment.   But JYJ is kind of hard to ignore.  Those guys are seriously talented, they had support from some within the industry that hated SME's monopoly and they kept going no matter what was thrown at them.  But then again, the Cassies, their fanbase is no joke.  The Cassies were sending letters to TV stations, to SME, having meetings to try to figure out what was going on with the 5 guys and they held protest outside of SME.  LOL!! I wouldn't really want to mess with that fan base as they are a force be reckoned with.    Thankfully, CJES took JYJ in and helped them.   JYJ is successful because they have a huge fan base that did not abandon them no matter what was done to them in public and behind closed doors.. KHJ needs that same kind of support if he is to be successful once he gets out of the military. 

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Guest shariman66

September 2015?Is there any significance to that particular month?
Oh!I'm a bit slow, sorry.The supposed 'birth' of that creature's 'child' with our boy.I'm praying hard that there'll not be one.

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NYCG @ Thanks for the address. I 'm sure in the next 2-3  years we can talk to Hyun Joong in English..

I love this picture very much . He looked very happy and enjoy his moment.

Thanks a lot to the photographer.

Credit go to   Kimhyunjoongthailand.com


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Guest shariman66

Actually I believe this forum is created as a platform to talk, gush, drool over KHJ as well as inform his fans of his activities.

However whenever there's any unfortunate news involving him those hate-loving trolls would speedily make their appearance here to leave their unwanted remarks.There has been quite a few times ~ the ones that I read after backtracking ~ early 2010, remember the DSP president bringing our boy to a certain unpopular ex-president birthday party?- mid-2010, all the hullabaloo about disbanding, betrayal of leaving SS501 in the lurch etc.Mostly though he was attacked quite viciously at the SS501 forum ~ even by some of his supposed biased fans in the group ~ not to mention by the other members' fans.But then I guess those supposed fans of his weren't truly stout in their support anyway since they are actually some of those who have left him since the August incident.  They seemed to be easily swayed & influenced by the SK media play as well as the oh-so-believable trashy sites.But then it's their loss & definitely not our boy's ~
Well, leaving that unpleasant history behind us ~ 
Anymore 'beanie' pictures?I remember seeing a lot ~ I liked the ones in late-2006 ~ the first time he became a blonde & tried to hide it, wearing beanies to music shows.Then at his practice sessions wearing the inevitable beanies & the customised grey artmatic 3/4 pants ~ Anyone?

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While looking for beanie pictures around 2006, I captured these lovely moments from the Mission 2007 DVD set - Disc 2  - This is the part where KHJ is asked to draw someone and he draws Jumg Min as a horse  - yes - we know about the whole group calling Jung Minnie a "horse"  -  this was the name Jung Min chose for himself - and everyone teases him by making the whinnying sound  a horse makes....so this is the sequence where he shows his horse picture of Jung Minnie.  Do you see the U type of character on top of the horse?  It is KHJ's interpretation of the sound coming out of the horse/Jung Minnie's - it translates to heeeeng   heeeng (said in a horsey whiney tone of voice)
I apologize for the poor quality of the DVDs...I kid you not - the original recording was made for TV - which may show a decent quality - but on a computer monitor...it could use a lot of improvement....


And this is KHJ's artwork representation of Jung Minnie (this is how he calls Jung Min)KHJ%20draws%20Jung%20Minnie_013583_zpseotmwwdt.png

Below that we have 2 pics of Leader and Baby - the camera today  loves Baby, and then it loves Leader...in terms of focusing.....they  are at the Japanese supermarket.  

 Baby keeps on repeating out loud (although no one pays attention to him) "we don't have [enough] money" for the food purchases as Yong Seang drops off 2 whole boxes of a curry mix (you only would need 1 or 1/2 a box.....funny !)....


So cute and adorable!

Edited by lkh2
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shariman66 said:
Anymore 'beanie' pictures?I remember seeing a lot ~ I liked the ones in late-2006 ~ the first time he became a blonde & tried to hide it, wearing beanies to music shows.Then at his practice sessions wearing the inevitable beanies & the customised grey artmatic 3/4 pants ~ Anyone?
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