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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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:angry::angry::angry:I'm Very Angry:angry::angry::angry:

[2017.01.10] MBC Every1 Video Star

Hides The Face of Kim Hyun Joong ...



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@SuperfandeKhj     &    @princessmich123

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[단독] 檢, 김현중 전 여친 기소..법정공방 새 국면 |Daum뉴스

[Exclusive] DA indicted A for attempted Fraud & defamation on 6th.


YESSSSS!!! DA indicted evil CHOI for attepted fraud & defamation!!!

It's about time!!!! May justice be served!!! [This is for criminal case]

Our prayers will be all answered!!!!

District Attorney = prosecutor

Hey, every1, let's go post comment to the article n show our support for HJ & prosecutor's indictment!



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Today Court News!! update!!!

Per articles, as Choi was indicted for criminal offenses,

civil court wl make a decision 4damage suit after the 1st trial of criminal case.


Per articles, Choi now demands 700MW

claiming mental damage suffered from abortion demand by

HJ/his parents & HJ's breach of 600MW settlmnt.


Prolly criminal case will progress a lot faster than civil case.

For now, I m waiting for criminal court day!

Hope it's in very near future.


civil case: damage suit, appeals court handles HJ/A's appeals at the same time

criminal case: A indicted 4fraud/defmtn, trial coming soon!!!

Per comments in a DCKHJGALL post, Choi's side said yesterday in court that a new witness, Choi's friend, wl testify on next court day.



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[ENGL Partial] BizEnter An interview with KHJ's legal counsel, Atty Jun

김현중 담당 변호사가 밝힌 前 여자친구와 갈등·항소심·형사재판-비즈엔터




In KBS ENT, Atty Jun said "an evidence(s) was[were] submitted to prove the charges recently made by prosecutor."

Per a DCKHJGALL post, less than 5% of the cases appealed agnst 'no-charge' decision get decision reversed to 'charge' after reinvestigation.


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So AllKPoop has sort of put out a story on this, but the headline reads as if it's just a continuation of the civil appeals etc.  It's the 2nd to last paragraph where they actually state that Choi Hye Mi has been charged & will be criminally prosecuted.  SUCH biased reporting - it makes me sick.

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So am I understanding this correctly.  She has dropped the money she wants from 1.2million won down to 700 thousand?  Is that correct? Or did she loose the 1.2 MW lawsuits and she now created a new lawsuit with new charges for 700 thousand? Does she have new charges against him?  I wonder if SKorea has some type of law where people can be charged as a criminal for filing fake lawsuits?  This crazy woman could file appeals for years and years to come if their court system does not stop her.    I think his lawyers were saying that she can't prove the stuff from the lawsuit she filed where she wanted 1.2 billion so now she created more stuff and she wants 700 thousand.  

I'm glad he is moving on with his life and not allowing her to stop him.  

I wonder how he will rebuild his career with TV stations blocking his face like that.  It is one thing I really hate about Koreans/Korea in general.  They really don't give stuff a rest and they really like to hurt people/drag them through the mud for long periods of time. I know that is a general statement and we should not make general statements about a whole group of people.   I hope he just leaves that country and restart his career somewhere else.    Even thought they know the truth, they still prefer the lies that were told on him.

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Credit to Milagros KHJ
Case of Kim Hyun Joong 
Choi Under Indictment for defamation and attempted fraud, 'change of situation' by the prosecutor
* according to some media ms. Choi now claims that the parents of Kim Hyun Joong suggested abortion and that caused his mental anguish
* the legal battle of Kim Hyun Joong vs "a", enters a new phase... the civil case of demand of 1,6 trillion won (demand for her against him, in which, we recall, the Judge gave judgement entirely in favour of Kim Hyun Joong)
* in the civil case, that is the demand for her against Kim Hyun Joong where asking for 1,6 billion won, let us recall that the judge gave a sentence entirely in favour of Kim Hyun Joong.
Kim Hyun Joong was acquitted of all charges that she gave him, and was found not guilty of all charges by the court. In addition to this, the court ruled that she should pay to hyun joong compensation for defamation.
The court concluded that she had no evidence to establish that the assertions and allegations she has made against Kim Hyun Joong are true, therefore, could not demonstrate even a single of the charges for those who sued him. However, the court if found evidence that she had defamed hyun joong.
Therefore, to sum up: the court ruled that, Kim Hyun Joong is not guilty of all charges and choi has to pay to Kim Hyun Joong compensation for defamation.
After that decision of the court, choi made an appeal to this decision.
* now it has been reported that choi changed the requested amount in damages in its application, I mean, it has changed the amount that you demand to Kim Hyun Joong. I no longer ask for the 1,6 trillion won, now he is asking for 700 million won.
* it seems, the civil suit will be completed only after the criminal case has first conclusion in the court
* by the looks of it, choi is trying to seem more reasonable in their demand for money, doing the change in amount of 1,6 billion won who has asked for from the beginning, to 700 million won (claiming 600 Alleged breach of the agreement and the maximum of 100 for alleged damage). After more than two years of demanding the unreasonable, irrational and exageradísima amount of 1,6 trillion won, now it seems is thrown back in their demands for money. Looks like a desperate move at this point, when your expectations are seeing more and more lost. But, in any case, any amount you ask and demand is totally irrational and unfair and absurd, among other things, since she has made false accusation and scam of money (among other crimes and now with the attempt to bribe the attorney), And He's suing Kim Hyun Joong for alleged facts that have never been shown (false accusation) and on which there isn't a single valid proof, in addition to having been shown enough of the lies of her.
* side of Kim Hyun Joong, "the former partner ( Choi ) has been accused by the prosecutor for defamation and attempted fraud"
* Kim Hyun Joong vs. Ex-partner, the legal battle to welcome a new situation... the case of demand of 1.6 trillion won the criminal case against her.
* side of Kim Hyun Joong, " she made false accusations to smear him... Pregnancy (the first) is also a lie."
* Choi Under Indictment for defamation and attempted fraud, 'change of situation'
* Kim Hyun Joong vs. Choi, first appeal... to request a 1.6 billion won to ask for 700 million won, change of sum in the claim.
The lawyer of Kim Hyun Joong spoke about the legal conflict, appeal and criminal trial against choi.15966160_1276625855763898_23037924261958


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Guest shariman66

Oh, I'm so happy & thankful! So very thankful that things are moving along at last!

That psychoi is truly a mental-case ~

Whoever still finds her believable is in need of a psychiatrist, like seriously.

The barefaced cheek ~ to accuse hyunjoong's parents of suggesting the supposed abortion?

What is she? I'm thinking she possesses a Medusa-like tongue/s, since she's always twisting facts right & left. 

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10 hours ago, odik said:


1st court day held for damage suit appeals

김현중 항소심 첫 변론기일







Hi odik, thanks for sharing this, Ahhh..............where & when will the end be? This is taking a long turn. :o

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Thank you so much for all updates.. I feel so sorry for the Korean and its system that allow choi hye mi continues to dis-grace Korean women and damaged their dignity..Ii's like I.m witnessing an innocent man being bullied and destroyed by an evil in front of the public and people keep watching like nothing happen. I feel really sad for KHJ's family and feel scary for people who live in such society. No wonder why there are so many suicide there.

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Read this comment, and sign the petition.

Truth should be revealed, that is what law and court exist ...


First, Journalism means telling the truth, and being human: The reason for this petition is to alert the media in South Korea: DISPATCH, SOOMPI, THE FACT, AND THE REST to the meaning of journalism, which means telling the truth, and not selling your soul for the love of money to cover up the truth, and not using your pen, internet, and paper to broadcast false news that could destroy people's life in a bit.

Second, I wonder if the people behind all this false and bias news have conscience, or if they're human. I have seen several lives been destroyed by the false news created or been broadcast by all this media companies in South Korea, and l think that it needs to stop.  Broadcasting false news do kill, because people can't take being false accusations, DISPATCH, SOOMPI, AND THE FACT, you are killing your country's image for all your false accusations against your celebrities (people). There are so many blackmailing of celebrities by the lazy women/girls in Korea, and the reason this is still very much happening is because the media is supporting all this women in destroying lives that those innocent people have built for several years, through thick and thin, you Korean media are the ones encouraging all this women, because you paid then for all the false, and blackmailing stories they scheme up, but why can't you investigate the truth before publishing a destruction news?

Even you own people ( celebrities) doesn't have a life, no privacy, because you have to know everything that's going on in their bedroom, or else, you will cook-up false stories just to make money. what do you think will happen to you with the money you make through others people's pain and sadness?  For once in a life time, can you media sit and think, if you're being human or monster? i have so many examples of celebrities that DISPATCH, SOOMPI, THE FACT AND OTHERS have destroyed their reputation such as: KIM HYUN JOONG , and PARK YOOCHUN just to mention 2 out of hundreds. Even when you DISPATCH, SOOMPI, THE FACT knew that Kim Hyun Joong is not guilty, and that he was framed and blackmailed by that gold digging CHOI HYE MI and her MOTHER, you turned a blind eye and still continued to slandered KIM HYUN JOONG. Is that what journalism is about? Even when Choi hyemi told you so many false different stories, and when you knew her stories are being made up by her, you accepted it without finding out the truth, and published it, then you keep playing the blame game with the world. DISTPATCH, SOOMPI, THE FACT, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? DO YOU ENJOY DESTROYING LIVES? DO YOU HAVE CONSCIENCE? DO YOU HAVE TO SELL YOUR SOULS TO THE BIG MAN OR THE WOMEN BLACKMAILING YOUR SONS IN OTHER TO MAKE MONEY? What will it take for you media companies to start telling the truth and practice the REAL JOURNALISM, and stop selling your souls for money.

In Park Yoochun's case, you media are the judge and jury, just like you did to Kim hyun joong. You crucify Park yoochun, but what happened now that the court found the accusers guilty of false allegations? South Korea media, will you apologize to him?  I want you media companies to understand that, the reason why Korea is popular worldwide is because of your celebrities like Kim hyun joong and so on, Kim hyun joong's fans all over the world are more than what you liar medias could ever think of. You medias need to stop disgracing your countries by writing false news. In Korean societies, journalism has become the media of mass destruction providing supplementary false news to people at all stages and to the general masses..For the most part, Korean medias uses their power to hurt, instead of helping citizen autonomy. The ways the media treat their subjects (people) in Korea have generated much concern, because they use people in various ways to reach their greedy goals.

Last, but not the least, Stop publishing damaging news about KIM HYUN JOONG, and the rest. I wonder why you media never accused CHOI HYE MI of lying? DISPATCH, SOOMPI, THE FACTS, and KOREABOO, you all need to stop the aiding and abetting of all this lazy women in Korea who wants to get rich by blackmailing the celebrities, and the wealthy.



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