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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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4 hours ago, ConnieK said:

These ordel is so long honestly. From 2014 to 2016 even an ordinary divorce among married couple doesn't take these long. HJ is suffering so hard just because of his wealth. I mean these affair was dead long before but gosh the pain he is enduring from that person is so hard to handle anymore. I do understand the tears of his parents.  These girl is heartless I dnt care what her fans are saying. I'm sorry for his Korean fans my wish for him is to settle in Japan after ms     

The Japanese fans will support him well far from the haters that choi made for him. 


The evil has never had a heart anyway. i do not think a snake woman and a criminal like  choi hye mi has a fan.The one who support her is not her fan but the ones who has a like mind or,the ones who are full of hatred and jealousy and the ones who are greedy for money. These people do not care about justice and morality . They simply support choi 's criminal action which is very wrong because they become criminal themselves..  I would hate to live in the same community with these kind of people

.In my opinion  What the court must do is to make sure any criminal act will not be allowed and will not be accepted by the society.and by the court of law. I hate to say that so far the criminal suspected choi hye mi seems to get so much privilege from the SK court beside her lacking of the evidence to support her claim. . I want to say again that i hope the SK court can show the international community that their court is not the play ground for any criminal to play around to destroy someone's life. It's so sad and get a bad feeling to see this practice is allowed to happen in the court of justice  in so call developed country as South Korea.

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I never believed there could be a person behind Choi before - it seemed too far fetched...but I have changed my mind the last few months. 
The texts between Choi and her Mother clarified what many were suspecting from day one....
Whereas I just believed she was the typical, psycho, bunny boiling type. I didn't think she had many people backing her - other than her slightly overweight, creepy lawyer. 
Well it seems I could have been very wrong. 


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4 hours ago, ConnieK said:

I'm starting to wonder why they always postpone these case or they know if he can start defending himself it's obvious choi will be put in jail and case will be close and whoever is funding these trial has to pay the actors and he hasn't reach his target on these case???There is someone making money out of HJ. That person is big with his cronies . One day they will be exposed. 


I'm sure sooner or later the person behind and his/her cronies will be exposed to public. Actually i believe people in the entertainment circle and medias knew who is behind choi's actions beside her greed..They/he or she might think they have a good action 's plan and will be well covered by the power they have but they've  never known their luck can drop anytime soon.  I still believe there are more good people than bad ones in the court of justice and the bad one will have to pay what they did more than they got at the end.  

I sometime forget HJ is an famous artist. I now see him as a normal man , a human being who has been wrongly accused by a greedy jealousy woman who aims to destroy his life and his career when she could not get what she wants from him. I do not see a couple relationship among them either before or now. In my opinion she knew well the relationship she had with him were not a couple as she liked to believe and she agreed with it because she had a secret agenda to trap him..

Well a good thing from choi hye mi 's scandal is the popular K male artists can learn to be far away from a snake woman like choi hye mi.They can learn to be careful of snake women and learn the trick that this kind of women will use to trap them. Any women who are too easy and act overly cute and innocent beyond her age that's the signal that they must be careful.

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I find the article from LAZERKIM 's blog is very interesting.


The article " CASE REVIEW "  credit to LAZERKIM



By: LazerKim


Some of us might have already been confused with the nonsense multiple lawsuits that Choi filed against Kim Hyun Joong as he fought back by filing Criminal Case against her. There were at least 3 cases that Choi’s camp filed against KHJ in two different court of law, the Civil Court and the Family Court. While Kim Hyun Joong filed various Criminal Cases against Choi at the Criminal Court.

Let’s not get mixed up, the criminal case that KHJ filed is still on going procedure which I believe is closed door to the public. The court hearings that we have read from June 3rd to Oct 30th 2015 were all about the 1.6BW damage lawsuit on miscarriage by assault filed by Choi as she claimed she had miscarriage cause by KHJ’s beating on her in 2014!

I’m not a lawyer however, allow me to iron out one by one on how I understand this cases as a layman and allow me to share it with you. Here’s a run down of those cases filed by both parties as follows:

** Choi’s litigation on Civil case and Family Lawsuits against Kim Hyun Joong:

 1.  Civil Case on Miscarriage by Assault 2014 (1.6BW Lawsuit) – Filed in April 7, 2015

  2.  Family Case on Paternity – Filed in Sept. 24, 2015 after so-called childbirth

  3.  Family Case on Child Custody Rights – Filed in Jan 9, 2016 by Mrs Choi

** KHJ counter charge Criminal Cases against Choi  filed in July 23, 2015:

1. Criminal Case on Extortion

 2. Criminal Case on Defamation

 3. Criminal Case on False  Accusation

 4. Litigation Fraud



** Civil Case on Miscarriage by Assault (1.6BW Damage Lawsuit filed by Choi)

This lawsuit was filed by Choi in April 7 2015 demanding for 1.6BW damage saying she had miscarriage caused by assault in 2014. This is the case we’re currently talking about which has an on going series of court hearing that was postponed 3 times.

The court hearing started in June 3rd to Oct 30th, 2015, having series of 4 court hearings. On the 5th scheduled court hearing which was set in Dec 23rd 2015 pertaining to the same I.6BW lawsuit, the court potponed it to Feb 3rd, then postponed it again to Mar 18, and now postponed it again for April 22 this time upon Choi’s request with no specific reason stated in the news.

According to Atty Lee, the 5th hearing should have been the last chance for Choi to present all their evidence to the court pertaining to the said miscarriage by assault. Next should have been KHJ’s turn to present his witness and evidences. Here’s Atty Lee’s statement in Dec. 14th 2015 in connection to the supposed 5th court hearing which was postponed 3 times, here it goes:

About the damage suit (1.6BW Lawsuit), it has NOT been proven that there was miscarriage by assault or forced abortion, Choi’s side provided no evidence.    After the 5th hearing on the 23rd Dec our witness will testify, after that KHJ will testify about circumstances he gave 600MW and the trial expected to be over.     

(Atty Lee’s statement Trans credit: Sunny @sunsun_sky  Fr my article “Case Update”) source:https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/12/14/kim-hyun-joong-article-case-updates/

** Family Case on Paternity       (Filed by Choi)

This case was filed by Choi in Sept 24, 2015 weeks after her so-called childbirth. Choi was accusing KHJ of denying the so-called baby which we all know was a lie, and so a week after the published childbirth in Sept 10, KHJ had his DNA test taken in Sept 17 in a private forensic lab.

However, Choi refused to comply in this DNA forensic lab where KHJ took his DNA test and filed this Paternity Case to be able to secure a court order for DNA test both on KHJ and the child in a forensic lab designated by the court which transpired in Dec 14th on DNA testing and the result was release in Dec. 21st 2015.

** Family Case on Child Custody Rights     (Filed by Choi’s mother)

After the DNA test results on both KHJ and the child was released, which turned out positive that KHJ was the father, Choi’s mother filed for family case on Child Custody Rights in Jan 9th 2016 and the 1st court hearing was held in Feb 26, 2016. The next court hearing pertaining to Child Custody Rights shall be on April 18th at the Family Court.

** Take Note:

Atty Seon was saying his camp will sue KHJ’s legal team for defamation but that was just all press releases, which was unintended! In short, Atty Seon doesn’t have the guts to sue Atty Lee for real, knowing he himself is in the wrong track!

All the cases that Choi filed against KHJ was all about money, as she demanded for 1.6BW damage lawsuit on the fake miscarriage by assault 2014 and the most recent lawsuit was Child Custody Rights, as her mother filed the case demanded for child custody and child support, I suppose.



** KHJ Criminal Case filed against Choi

KHJ filed criminal case on July 23rd 2015 and in July 28th, the Criminal Court released a travel ban on Choi as ordered by the procecutor, as she was deemed guilty as charged based on the preliminary investigation.

** Criminal Case on Extortion – KHJ claimed that he was threatened by Choi into exposing her alleged miscarriage by assault in 2014. After filing for injury damage 2014 which was already settled, Choi continued demanding for money till 2015.

** Criminal Case on Defamation – Choi exposed scandalous private messages to the public thru the media which were all fabricated with the purpose of destroying a man’s integrity and public reputation.

** Criminal Case on False Accusation – Choi accused KHJ of Miscarriage by Assault and bringing it to the public with no solid proof which remained damaging to KHJ’s reputation.

** Criminal Case on Litigation Fraud – Choi filed a case against KHJ with all fabricated text messages and fake medical records!



In Aug 2015, Atty Lee reported as to why KHJ filed a counter charge Criminal Case against Choi which I have posted under my article Crime Headline. Also please take note that KHJ is definitely going after those who are involved in this conspiracy particularly media outlets in destroying KHJ which was stated by Atty Lee from this statement translation below. Allow me to post Atty Lee’s report again so that we can further understand this case. Here as follow:





(Trans Cr: Sunny @sun_sunsky, thanks for sharing!)



There’s one thing that I’m not clear about that I would like to share with you. Allow me to refresh our memory back in Aug 22 2014, as Choi went to the police station and reported that she was assaulted by KHJ. After the police made inquiries and investigation on KHJ and choi, the police reported that there was no sufficient evidence that choi was assaulted by KHJ!

Then why did Choi still filed the assault case at the Civil Court if the police already reported that there was no enough evidence of assault by KHJ back in 2014? He was fined by the prosecutor since he admitted to mutual altercation but definitely not assault!

And I’m wondering as to why the SK civil court of law accepted the lawsuit that Choi filed on Miscarriage by Assault if there was no assault which was proven by the police in 2014, then what else is there to prove? I’m sure those bruised arm and leg photos shown by media was not brought to the court since those were proven to be all fake!

Aside from the fact that so-called Choi’s pregnancy in 2014 was not proven since there was no medical record that she can produce until at this time, except for stupid fabricated text messages and yet the court accepted the case?

Again this is just an innocent question that makes me wonder! Was the police report on Assault in 2014 being disregarded? I’m sure those judges do watch the news, and during that period in 2014, this news was all over SK and worldwide! I’m sorry I don’t mean to mock around, I’m just wondering that’s why I brought this up!



As Atty Lee stated in Aug 2015 report, Choi threatened KHJ on exposing the miscarriage by assault in 2014. However, I think this blackmailing even started back in 2014 since Atty Seon was openly threatening KHJ in his statement to the media saying this:

STATEMENT FROM “A” LAWYER    Sept. 12, 2014  ( Fr article: Scandal diary)

“Our current stance is that he needs to firstly admit to multiple accounts of assault, reflect, and apologize for his actions. Should he not, we will inevitably have to submit additional documents and request for an arbitration. We will take action as needed. Our biggest goal is to reveal the truth, and for that to happen, he must admit, apologize, and reflect.” sourcehttp://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2014/09/kim-hyun-joongs-ex-girlfriend-releases.htm

This statement came from the news in 2014 and was a very clear threat on KHJ, pushing him for public apology even he’s not guilty of Choi’s accusation in 2014, or they will bring out additional documents to pin him down to the public. I have speculated that those documents he was pertaining to were those fake miscarriage abortion medical records which the media posted!

It hurts every time I read this statement from Atty Seon and that letter of apology that they forced KHJ to write and published to the public knowing he’s innocent! He was totally crucified by this evilness that Choi created until at this time that I shall never forget. Who wouldn’t wait and rejoice when she finally heads to the jail where she deserves to be?



I know this civil case will drag on, however, I appeal to all not to forget this case until it’s over and I shall remain faithful to my updates pertaining this case. If there may be some info that I may have missed from this article please feel free to bring it up and I shall be adding it up in our gathered info.

I shall be notifying everyone by this post “LK updating blog” thru Tweeter and WordPress subscribers which lands thru your email, having the same article main title, below article shall be my updates at this same page that you may check it out. I think this is easier to follow thru without getting lost on whatever is going on pertaining KHJ’s case.

Before I end, I shall be posting important dates and events below this article and my old articles from my archive in which I have written informations pertaining KHJ case as I invite you to go over those articles, just to refresh our memory about the case since this will be even confusing as the case get deeper along the way.

When KHJ comes back on track, for sure the first thing he would ask from us is to foget and leave all of these behind us and move on. I shall be waiting for him to say that to us. But until then, I shall remain focus with my updates on this case until the case is over and that he has clear his name to the public.

And with that I bid everyone a good day! We move on with our daily lives as usual, but we never forget!         Missing you Kim Hyun Joong!!

                                                                                     LazerKim here writing

Photo credit as tagged, thanks Ms.D

bwiwu1hcuae3rku (1)


Here’s a run down of important events and its dates that I do not want to forget simply because Choi’s camp and the media has always been twisting news and statements that’s making the public forever confused.

Jan 5, 2015…… After the Aug 2014 nightmare which ended in Sept settlement, the pregnancy fiasco behind the scene started and Choi demanded for money from Hyun Joong again before his departure to Japan for Gemini concerts. However, Hyun Joong declined to her demand.

Jan 6, 2015…..Choi met with KHJ’s dad about pregnancy 2015

Jan 9…..KHJ departure to Tokyo in preparation for Gemini concert

Feb 22…… Hyun Joong arrived Seoul after Gemini concert series. Choi’s interview with Women’s magazine was published. Choi’s pregnancy 2015 fiasco started!

Feb 23……KHJ denied Choi’s claim in reconciliation and marriage.

Feb 25.…. KHJ, parents and Choi at the hospital for ultrasound after Choi letting the kim waited since Choi kept postponing the hospital schedules for check up.

Feb 27 – KHJ’s parents first interview with media pertaining Choi’s so-called pregnancy. Interview link>http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/02/kim-hyun-joongs-parents-speak-out-through-an-interview-on-chois-pregnancy-hospital-visits-and-their-sons-thoughts

March 2015……Choi continued media play exposing fake text messages to media

April 7, 2015…..Choi finally filed the 1.6BW lawsuit on miscarriage by assault 2014,

May 3….. Choi filed for multiple lawsuits on KHJ Korean fans on malicious comments.

May 11, 2015….. Choi came to the media again and exposed numerous text messages between her and Hyun Joong pertaining the alleged miscarriage and assault!

May 12, 2015…..Hyun Joong started his Military training and as Atty Lee already preparing for Criminal Case against Choi Hye Mi on defamation, false accusation, extortion ect.

June 3 …. 1st civil court hearing Miscarriage by assault (1.6BW lawsuit) proceeded…….

July 22 …….2nd civil court hearing proceeded…..

July 23….Atty Lee formally filed for Criminal Case against Choi

July 28, 2015….. Travel ban was imposed by the Criminal Court to Choi Hye Mi and is still effective at present which means the criminal case is still on going. However, I understand the criminal case investigations and proceedings are closed to the public.

Sept 10… Choi was reported to have allegedly given birth to a baby boy and did not even informed Hyun Joong’s parents about it!

Sept 17….KHJ took his DNA test in a private forensic lab which Choi’s camp refused to comply.

Sept 23….3rd civil court hearing proceeded….

Sept 24….Two weeks after the alleged childbirth, Choi filed for the Paternity Lawsuit at the Family Court in Seoul.

Oct 30…. 4th civil court hearing proceeded….

Dec 14….Hyun Joong and Choi’s baby had their DNA test as per court order by the Family Court on Paternity lawsuit filed by Choi.

Dec. 21…. DNA result was released, and positive on Hyun Joong as father of Choi’s child

Dec 23….Civil court hearing on Miscarriage by assault postponed by the court for Feb 3.

Jan 9, 2016…. Choi’s mother filed for Child Custody Right at the Family Court

Feb 3….Civil court hearing postponed for by the court for Mar 18.

Feb 26….1st court hearing on Child custody Rights filed by Mrs Choi at the Family Court.

March 18, 2016…..Civil court hearing postponed for April 22 as requested by Choi!

April 8…..Family court 2nd hearing on Child Custody Right.   Upcoming court hearing

April 22… Civil 5th court hearing on Miscarriage by Assault (1.6BW lawsuit) Upcoming



I started covering KHJ’s case from day 1 in Aug. 2014 by gathering facts from news translated by KHJ fans and from the trash media to write about it. However, a lot of news info were not published or misleading news items which are all biased reporting on choi’s camp, and so I relied on KHJ fans who has been so kind to translate the news from SK.

Since we do not have so much updates pertaining the case specially on the Criminal Case against Choi filed by KHJ, which I think the proceeding is not open to public, may I humbly suggest that we go over with those info which I have written in my previous articles. I hope it can be a help to us to be guided since Choi has the motive to confuse the public!

LK articles dated from Feb 23, 2015 to the present are the ones I covered these cases. Here are just few out of those articles as followed, you may click after the arrow.

Crime Headline link>https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/08/07/kim-hyun-joong-article-crime-headline/

Case Updates link> https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/12/14/kim-hyun-joong-article-case-updates/

Presscon Response link> https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/09/19/kim-hyun-joong-article-presscon-response/

New Life link> https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/12/28/kim-hyun-joong-article-new-life/

Endless Drama link> https://bibettesia.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/kim-hyun-joong-article-endless-drama/




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Guest shariman66

Perhaps the reason why psyChoi & gang wanted to postpone is it's getting hard to handle 2 things at once?

She has a criminal investigation going on at the moment & perhaps they are feeling the heat.

I really hope so & not because they are manipulating the courts.

Let's think positive, right? All our prayers for our Hyunjoong's well-being & bright future.

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Guest shariman66

Hey everyone! Wonderful news to lighten up our day ~

Just read on twitter that our boy is being promoted this April 1st!

There is even an invite to all fans to write him congratulatory messages ^_^

Here's the link for the site:


You do need to register first before you can comment but I think it should be easily done.

So what are we waiting for? Let's register & then congratulate our deserving boy, dears ^_^ 

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Kim Hyun Joong promoted as Corporal
2016.03.21. 09:58
URL 복사
본문 기타 기능

According to news from Army, Kim Hyun Joong was promoted as 
Corporal and as a congratulations to him for this new promotion 
and position, his fans across the world decided to hold a special 
event for 6 days start 3/21 0:00 - 3/26 23:59 KST.

The official event will be hold on April 1 in his unit and this is the 
third promotion for Kim Hyun Joong since his enlist.

Kim Hyun Joong is currently serving in the board.

While all Korean males, age 18 to 35, must serve two years of mandatory military duty, some assignments are more 
dangerous than others.

Kim Hyun Joong has received one of the most dangerous 
assignments, patrolling the Korean Demilitarized Zone or 
DMZ. That's the strip of land that separates North and 
South Korea.

It is one of the most heavily militarized borders in the world. 
Despite an armistice, North Korea has launched more than 
two-dozen attacks at the border since the 1950s. The latest took 
place on October 10, 2014 when North Korean forces fired 
anti-aircraft rounds at propaganda balloons launched from Paju, 
a city in the Gyeonggi Province, just south of the border. South 
Korean military returned fire after giving a warning.

Kim Hyun Joong entered the army on May 12 and as of June 18 
has completed his basic training. And he has been assigned to Paju since June 19 and he's serving there with the border patrol.
[출처] Kim Hyun Joong promoted as Corporal|작성자 하야르


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I am going to need for this to happen to Choi and the reporters/media person that is backing her.  Again, I don't understand how the case below was filed in July 2015 and is settled.  Yet, KHJ's mess continues to go forward almost 2 years later.    I'm glad reporters are being held accountable for telling lies that impact the reputation of famous people in Korea.   I really hope KHJ and his family are able to go after any reporters that have told lies in this case.


On April 1, the Western Seoul District Court ruled that sports reporter “K” must pay the plaintiffs 5 million won (approximately $4,300) each, for a total of 10 million won (approximately $8,700), in lawsuits brought forth by YG Entertainment‘s Yang Hyun Suk.

The lawsuits were filed in July 2015 against reporter “K” for spreading false accusations, and consequently damaging the reputations of both Yang Hyun Suk and YG Entertainment. They asked for a total of 200 million won (approximately $173,600) to be paid for the damages ensued, with each lawsuit asking for 100 million won (approximately $867,900) each.

At the time, reporter “K” had written both a column and report stating suspicions of singers under YG Entertainment administering drugs.

Earlier this month the reporter had been declared innocent, but it appears as though the case got appealed since then.

This time the court acknowledged that the reports written by reporter “K” contained falsified information, but they deemed 200 million won (approximately $173,600) was too severe of a punishment. Instead, they ruled that the final payment amount, mentioned above, would be satisfactory.

What are your thoughts on this ruling?

   Source:  Soompi

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In this case YG filed the lawsuit along with the actor, something that Keyeast did not at the time. Maybe they have the opportunity to fix their mistake when the criminal charges against Choi take course, but we'll have to keep waiting.


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Angel76, Yes.  I'm sure that made a big different since YG Entertainment is one of the big 3 in Korea.  He stood behind the actor as to say if you attack one of my artists, you attack me too.   YG entertainment continues to be one of the better entertainment companies in Korea due the values of the founder and CEO.

Of course, KHJ's case is a bit more complicated because there were assault charges involved, a gold digger is involved and now a baby is involved.  As someone mentioned above, even divorce cases don't drag on this long.  It has gotten ridiculous.  

When is the next court date again and what is that court date about:  criminal charges against Choi or the custody battle for the baby?  Sorry.  I'm all confused now and I'm loosing track of everything.  

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