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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Well, he seems to be fighting back this time. She is taking things too far, He has been a gentleman the last 9 months. 
 Good going, Hyun Joong! Fight back! 
Seems he has hired a lawyer (now his contract with KE expired, seems he is free to speak up...or is he still with them?) 
I just hope he is ok. 

​It's about time.  I hope she is not going after Laser Kim.    Is Lazer Kim based in the US?  I hope so.  Thank goodness for freedom of speech.

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Does anyone know if she is really pregnant?  Someone stated that the Korean media has said that he went to the OBGYN with her and that she is indeed pregnant.  Which is it?  Is she pregnant or not?  Does anyone know?  Is that what the Korean media is now stating?

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Did someone already post this?


Kim Hyun Joong…[article] MASS LAWSUIT??

Posted on May 4, 2015



By: LazerKim


Well well well…what have we got here? An update fresh from the oven! “Choi has filed a mass lawsuit claiming she was psychologically harmed by the spread of false rumors on the internet as well as hate comments.”  My first impression was WHAT? This is so funny!

If ever Choi is having psychological damage, what’s new about this? The entire world knew all along something is wrong with her the moment she step into the media and spill out her dirty laundry to the public! Why blame news readers in stating their opinion?

I believe she already anticipated those hateful comments as she stated in her interview on Feb 25th “She’s also aware and understanding of the public’s negative opinion of her and her pregnancy.”      So why is she filing a mass lawsuit??

Well, if they filed a lawsuit on LK, I think I got my legal rights to know who is filing the lawsuit against me, therefore I’ll be able to know her name, her identity! The news said there were 100 netizens who shall be investigated by the police! Well, good luck, I’ll be glad to meet my co-fans in SK, do I get free air ticket to SK jail? Let’s party!! LOL!



I’m just curious, why is she doing this? Is she not getting what she wanted from Hyun Joong that’s why she’s out there in the media again? This is becoming a pattern that I noticed every time she seeks for attention from Hyun Joong she gets on with tantrum!

In another news outlet, it stated this “Her lawyers announced on May 4 that they were filing the charges because the insults and libel that were directed towards her and her unborn child were “beyond the level of common sense.”

What child? Is this issue been legitimately proven? Has she taken the PT and DNA test since there was no update pertaining this issue! I’m just asking! And I would only believe in it, if Hyun Joong confirms it, since Choi had already lost her credibility!

Now look who’s talking about common sense? Who started all of this circus?? Whoever gets such insults in this drama, it’s Kim Hyun Joong who gets them not only from haters even from media, what insults are you talking about Mr. Lawyer? Hyun Joong is the victim here and not your client who spread all that alleged assault and pregnancy issues!

What do you expect from the public? Sympathy to take Choi’s side? KHJ fans have been suffering from mental torture from what Choi brought to us with her media plays, now she wanted to suppress KHJ fans from letting the whole world know how disgusting we feel about her own doings?

Did anyone suppress your client from talking to media even we knew it’s all lies? If Choi doesn’t want to be criticized, then why is she always been at the media seeking for attention? Whoever is guilty of defamation in this drama, it is Choi, her lawyer and media!



I still think it’s really high time for KHJ camp to speak up pertaining this pregnancy issue before this matter create a huge war if Choi would pursue this lawsuit! If we get to the roots of all these it’s because no one believes Choi is pregnant. And no one can blame KHJ fans to react on all these circus because we will only believe in Hyun Joong!

I have clearly emphasized that whatever the results of those legitimate PT and DNA or whatever Hyun Joong has to decide on, his fans would respect it and to put an end to this drama! This pregnancy issue cannot be kept forever, otherwise there will never be peace. Now we know she’s not missing in action!

And yes quite surprisingly, if she’s pregnant for real, why can’t she just focus on her pregnancy instead of paying attention to the internet? I think she should be reading what is gonna be good to her pregnancy or the baby, IF this is legit and real! Don’t you think so?

I would just like to react to those news! As usual, I’m stating what I think and feel, I guess this is what blog site is all about! If Choi has the right to speak out to the media through internet, then I get the same human right to speak up!  I’m done, now I rest my case! Thank you!   See you SK!! See you Choi!!  Remember, free air ticket to SK jail!! LOL!



I got this info from my comment box down there and putting it up up here, shared by a fan Martha, thanks for sharing! This info came out while I was writing this article. May I quote:

“HJ’s lawyer has spoken and said they are already checking on the lawsuit and getting ready to take legal action. He also said that regarding the paternity they still only have the medical certificate she sent them in the very beginning.”

This is the best info news I have ever read for months, so this is quite a relief that KHJ camp are intending to take actions. Thank God, I’ve been waiting for this!

Source> (http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview?newsid=20150504222025010) (News source shared by Martha thanks!)


KeyEast was unable to report updates pertaining Kim Hyun Joong’s MS schedule, ex-girlfriend Choi, legit pregnancy, ect. I would believe KeyEast is still the official agent of Hyun Joong, since there was no public notice being announced that Hyun Joong contract with the company had expired.

The fact that the company responded to the media therefore Hyun Joong is still with them! It’s so easy to respond like saying Kim Hyun Joong is no longer within our management therefore we have no knowledge pertaining his whereabouts! But nothing like it was being said, so they are still responsible with Hyun Joong. This is just my opinion.


UPI NEWS UPDATE    (news details from link below)

Kim Hyun Joong is also being sued for $1.48 million by Choi on ground of “psychological harm”??? Wow, now her true color is just showing!  In this news stated:  Maeil Business reported Choe had also targeted her online antagonists for spreading malicious rumors — including stories claiming the two were visiting an obstetrician.

Oh great, this makes me laugh! Who can spread such rumors? Of course the person who wanted to be pregnant! Whom are you joking with Choi? So therefore, she is filing charges against Kim Hyun Joong and his fans for the same grounds? Great!

I have just read this news and this really surprise me! Hyun Joong should be the one to file against her for causing himself, his family and his fans all these mental torture for the last 3 months!  Why don’t I file the charges too?

I think I know what’s next to this episode! Since she have not taken the legit PT and DNA test, therefore her so-call pregnancy is still in question! I can guess how she can get away with this and put all the blame to Hyun Joong and his fans! Stay alert, keep checking on updates, let’s see if this guess is right!

I shall be posting updates on this article page, you may visit from time to time as usual. Stay tune everyone!! Let’s keep our eyes and ears open! Thank you!

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I will say, that anyone who posts actual threats or unfounded accusations stated as truths should stop.  I'm not talking about things like  'I think she's lying' or 'it's unforgiveable he hit her' but rather some of these that I've actually read:  'she's just a wh0re who totally lied to get money & that baby's the lawyer's' ( my personal fav theory for the fictionalized version of this LOL) or 'KHJ should have his nether part cut off" or worse 'KHJ's parents tried to force her to get an abortion'.
Threatening people w/bodily harm or accusing them of doing illegal things w/o proof, or actively trying to defame another person (which usually involves unproven accusations & ad hominem arguments) are the problem.  Making it sound like speculations are facts - HUGE problem.  Both KHJ & Ms Choi have been the victims of this, as have (soooo sadly) KHJ's parents & even his unborn baby :(   
I have opinions about Ms Choi.  Not real nice ones.  But I do attempt to not air them in public forums...  Telling people what I think of her undisputed, public actions is one thing.  Threatening her is another.
Somebody said that KHJ actually encouraged her to file the suit.  That really sounds like him, in fact.  I haven't seen confirmation of Ms Choi suing HIM - if she is after he DID tell her to file against the threatening netizens, then, well, I have been saying that actions speak so much louder than words :(

I would like to say that LazerKim continually & repeatedly states that all her speculations etc are just her opinion - I think that's ok.  I know some who don't but whatever.  She also backs up her thoughts from actual published articles detailing what different parties in this mess have done, or said they did etc.  Backing up an opinion using published articles is NOT slander BTW

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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Yes...I agree that threatening anyone is a horrible horrible thing.  I hope that people are not threatening her life because honestly, I don't think she's worth going to prison over.  

Has anyone seen NYCGirl?  She updated the front page but I haven't seen her post anything.  Is she still with us?

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UPI NEWS UPDATE    (news details from link below)

Kim Hyun Joong is also being sued for $1.48 million by Choi on ground of “psychological harm”??? Wow, now her true color is just showing!  In this news stated:  Maeil Business reported Choe had also targeted her online antagonists for spreading malicious rumors — including stories claiming the two were visiting an obstetrician.

Oh great, this makes me laugh! Who can spread such rumors? Of course the person who wanted to be pregnant! Whom are you joking with Choi? So therefore, she is filing charges against Kim Hyun Joong and his fans for the same grounds? Great!

I have just read this news and this really surprise me! Hyun Joong should be the one to file against her for causing himself, his family and his fans all these mental torture for the last 3 months!  Why don’t I file the charges too?

I think I know what’s next to this episode! Since she have not taken the legit PT and DNA test, therefore her so-call pregnancy is still in question! I can guess how she can get away with this and put all the blame to Hyun Joong and his fans! Stay alert, keep checking on updates, let’s see if this guess is right!

I shall be posting updates on this article page, you may visit from time to time as usual. Stay tune everyone!! Let’s keep our eyes and ears open! Thank you!

Hi theone4me, thanks for sharing this. I guess this lady is in desperate need of public attention. It seems to me that she's "money hungry" - well, she found her business! hahaha - Or she's mentally ill. In case she is, she needs help...This girl is getting crazier. I am not sure how I feel about the law suit. This doesn't make any sense. Now, I wonder what she will do next. I heard she's delivering the baby on September - I hope the baby grows up in good hands though. What a shame! I don't understand this girl. Her credibility is nearing zero. What a messed up story this is....Any psychological pain she has been suffering is her own doing.xD




Keyeast Refuses to Confirm Anything About Kim Hyun Joong


Keyeast Refuses to Confirm Anything About Kim Hyun Joong


Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong‘s management company Keyeast clarified that they will not be confirming anything about his private life.

A Keyeast associate said on May 4, “We are unable to confirm anything regarding Kim Hyun Joong’s private life. This goes for military service, relationship with his ex-girlfriend, pregnancy, childbirth.”

Earlier that day, a media outlet said, “Kim Hyun Joong went with his ex-girlfriend to the hospital. The baby is growing well and she will give birth in September.”

Also on the same day, it was revealed that his ex-girlfriend, known only as Miss Choi, filed lawsuits against netizens posting malicious comments.

Meanwhile, Miss Choi filed a lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong for assault. He apologized and was sentenced to a fine, but afterwards, Miss Choi revealed that she was pregnant with his child, refueling the controversy once again.


Source (1) / soompi news

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May 5, 2015


Kim Hyun-joong’s ex files charges




Singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong’s ex-girlfriend, surnamed Choi, pressed charges against Internet users for spreading false information and writing insulting comments about her, claiming that they greatly damaged her mental state.

According to legal sources on Monday, Choi requested that the Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau investigate more than 100 Internet users for defamation.

The majority of the users are expected to be Kim’s fans.

Choi pressed domestic violence charges against the 28-year-old singer in August. Although Kim partially denied the charges, he was fined 5 million won ($4,600).

The two started dating again but soon broke up at the end of last year. Choi, however, surprised the public when it was announced in February that she was pregnant. She said she will be responsible for the child but will not marry Kim.


By Jin Min-ji

credit : JoongAngDaily




*** Well, he can't delay it any longer...............he has to go. But, ahhh............MS! Stay strong, healthy, and happy. Wish him the best. Good luck! xD


Kim Hyun Joong reported to be enlisting on May 12




Word has come from sources in the industry that Kim Hyun Joong's enlistment date has been set for May 12, and that he is no longer allowed to postpone the date. This comes after the news of the singer and actor delaying his previous March/April enlistment date to settle matters with his ex-girlfriend.


According to Dispatch, they learned that Kim Hyun Joong will be entering his initial 5 weeks of basic training at a camp in Gyeonggido on May 12, at 2 PM. One source told the outlet, "He recently went on a trip to Jeju Island with his friends, he's now quietly waiting for his enlistment."



This also raises questions about his situation with his ex-girlfriend as she has recently sued him for damages, and she's expected to give birth in September.


When asked to confirm this enlistment date, Key East Entertainment refused, stating, "We can't tell you anything related to his enlistment. He wants to go as quietly as possible, other than that we have no comment." 


Another rep explained, "He wants to go quietly, so in consideration of his wishes, the agency has decided to keep all the details regarding his enlistment private." 


If Kim Hyun Joong is indeed enlisting on this reported date and everything goes as scheduled during his military service, he is expected to be discharged in February of 2017.



source : allkpop


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I found this article on LazerKim and the link is from kdrama stars - http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/83284/20150504/kim-hyun-joongs-ex-sues-netizens-for-malicious-comments.htm

and someone commented that she is not a fan....but her comments are very perceptive.I found one part of her quote that really made me agree with her. I am Korean, born in Korea, but my family moved to the US very early in my life. And discovered my "inner Korean" (to quote a fan here) only since discovering Kim Hyun Joong last year - after years of wanting to be and trying to be more Americanized.

Let me make it clear,  I love America and very proud to be an American citizen....and watching in wonder at all this makjang display happening in the life of KHJ. And wondering even more about the Korean media - and wondering how much of it is from legitimate media sources vs. trash tabloid sources....since it seems that only the tabloid sources get the full translations with all of its sick innuendos....

Here is the quote from a Mrs. Hamm -  that I agree with her 100%:

"I want South Koreans to know that people get to know more about you worldwide because of KPOP and KDRAMA ( worldwide known celebrity like Park Si Hoo, KIM HYUN JOONG, Lee Byung-hun, Rain and so on.) So, why are you allowing these lazy, desperate and gold digging women to ruin them? These men (celebrities) are the building blocks, representatives of your culture that makes foreigners rush or wants to learn more about your culture. What happened when these building blocks are been removed or destroyed? It’s high time that you people need to stand up against blackmail and supports your ‘sons’, if you did not stop all this women from blackmailing and destroying your reputation, sooner or later nobody will know or heard anything about your culture, tourism, KPOP,KDRAMA and also foreigner will be afraid of coming to your country because just a little contact with this women might lead to lawsuit or blackmail."

I love KDrama for its men - gotta love 'em - such a combination of strength and gentleness (although ever since I discovered KHJ - have not really watched any other dramas other than his (and repeatedly at that)  - and gorgeous and tall to boot - and to see DramaFever, AllKpop and KDrama publishing relentlessly these tabloid articles with insinuating comments at the end - makes me wonder if they are killing their own source of income?

These men are Korea's "sons" - why NOT support them - by publishing equally positive articles about them? Why Not?  Especially In KHJ's case.  Korean women are just as outstanding or not -  as any woman in any culture - and it is a shame to see someone like this woman give such a bad image of Korean women.

 I believe that is the Korean culture of required military service that creates a tough protective male, that also allows Korean woman to be more "spunky" , but in KHJ's case - she has gotten beyond any normal realms of acceptable behavior...and creating such a bad image of Korean women....



Edited by lkh2
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I found this article on LazerKim and the link is from kdrama stars - http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/83284/20150504/kim-hyun-joongs-ex-sues-netizens-for-malicious-comments.htm

and someone commented that she is not a fan....but her comments are very perceptive.I found one part of her quote that really made me agree with her. I am Korean, born in Korea, but my family moved to the US very early in my life. And discovered my "inner Korean" (to quote a fan here) only since discovering Kim Hyun Joong last year - after years of wanting to be and trying to be more Americanized.

Let me make it clear,  I love America and very proud to be an American citizen....and watching in wonder at all this makjang display happening in the life of KHJ. And wondering even more about the Korean media - and wondering how much of it is from legitimate media sources vs. trash tabloid sources....since it seems that only the tabloid sources get the full translations with all of its sick innuendos....

Here is the quote from a Mrs. Hamm -  that I agree with her 100%:

"I want South Koreans to know that people get to know more about you worldwide because of KPOP and KDRAMA ( worldwide known celebrity like Park Si Hoo, KIM HYUN JOONG, Lee Byung-hun, Rain and so on.) So, why are you allowing these lazy, desperate and gold digging women to ruin them? These men (celebrities) are the building blocks, representatives of your culture that makes foreigners rush or wants to learn more about your culture. What happened when these building blocks are been removed or destroyed? It’s high time that you people need to stand up against blackmail and supports your ‘sons’, if you did not stop all this women from blackmailing and destroying your reputation, sooner or later nobody will know or heard anything about your culture, tourism, KPOP,KDRAMA and also foreigner will be afraid of coming to your country because just a little contact with this women might lead to lawsuit or blackmail."

I love KDrama for its men - gotta love 'em - such a combination of strength and gentleness (although ever since I discovered KHJ - have not really watched any other dramas other than his (and repeatedly at that)  - and gorgeous and tall to boot - and to see DramaFever, AllKpop and KDrama publishing relentlessly these tabloid articles with insinuating comments at the end - makes me wonder if they are killing their own source of income?

These men are Korea's "sons" - why NOT support them - by publishing equally positive articles about them? Why Not?  Especially In KHJ's case.  Korean women are just as outstanding or not -  as any woman in any culture - and it is a shame to see someone like this woman give such a bad image of Korean women.

 I believe that is the Korean culture of required military service that creates a tough protective male, that also allows Korean woman to be more "spunky" , but in KHJ's case - she has gotten beyond any normal realms of acceptable behavior...and creating such a bad image of Korean women....




Thank you so much lkh2@ for your post.

I feel exactly the same as Mrs Hamn has expressed. I 'm so glad that she honestly express her opinion about SK.I totally agree with the point she made. What she said is so true . The Korean keep destroying themselves. I think the Korean problem is jealousy. In KHJ's case they allowed a desperate woman to ruin their reputation. . I'm not Korean  and I must admit that I learn to appreciate Korea culture because of HJ. For me he is the one who showed me the beautiful side of being Korean. I was so shock to see how Korean medias and Korean public did not realize how much they had devalued their own treasure. The way they allowed the medias to destroy KHJ it like they are destroying themselves and devalued themselves. It's really a pity that they do not realize this..At least in my opinion  I feel they are actually do not value justice and honesty. Shamelessly behavior and lie for money is acceptable for them.

Edited by vivian6686
miss spelling
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Finally I found this post.

Why this woman is like that again? It was a long time without to know about her. Maybe she was worried the people forget her.

To sue 100 people for negative web comments about her? then why she exposed openly her life??? obviously the people comment. And fortunately 90% people - or more- are realizing that she is not a saint indeed. I suppose she is rich or something for to be suing people like that. And what the heck is going on filling against him again? for her pregnant unexpected? perhaps he got her pregnant while she was asleep? LOL for all the stress on the lasts months? I know who of these two got the most horrible comments all the time. And isn't she. She is behaving like a brat, rich little girl. It's time to grow up. I know it's a horrible thing as the people destroy with words the people's life, the people can to be very very cruel. But anyway I think she has the great option of not reading those comments. I'm very glad Hyun Joong will not be quiet against her this time. IMHO.

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So she means false rumours, that she and he didn't go to the hospital together? they only have the certification she got them in the very first months? he actually see her at least one time with her baby bump? very interesting...

And too bad Dispatch posted the date for his enlistment. I hope it to be some days later or after, not that date. the last thing he needs right now is that a lot of people to be over him.

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Kim Hyun Joong revealed to have been sued by ex-girlfriend Ms. Choi for $1.4 million + his side responds 

May 4, 2015 @ 7:42 pm


It has been revealed that Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend has filed a damage lawsuit against the singer-turned-actor. It said she's suing him for the psychological pain and suffering she's experienced through the recent ordeal.


Y-News revealed on May 4th that Ms. Choi filed the damage suit last month asking for 1.6 billion KRW (~ 1.4 million USD) in compensation for the psychological and emotional stress and suffering she had to go through while in the midst of pregnancy.


Legal representative of Kim Hyung Joong told media outlet DongA, "We've confirmed the lawsuit of Ms. Choi. Currently, we are seeking a way to respond. This case is not something that we will negotiate on to settle. We will be taking strong measures, and if needed, we are willing to countersue.


As previously reported, Ms. Choi has also filed a mass lawsuit, looking to take action against over 100 netizens who posted malicious comments and spread rumors about her.


SEE ALSO: Kim Hyun Joong reported to be enlisting on May 12


Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong previously delayed his military enlistment back in March, and was thus expected to enlist sometime this month. But with more lawsuits in the picture, it's wondered whether he'll delay once more.

Edited by theone4me
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@Vivian (reply to Vivian)


lkh2 said: I found this article on LazerKim and the link is from kdrama stars - http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/83284/20150504/kim-hyun-joongs-ex-sues-netizens-for-malicious-comments.htm

and someone commented that she is not a fan....but her comments are very perceptive.I found one part of her quote that really made me agree with her. I am Korean, born in Korea, but my family moved to the US very early in my life. And discovered my "inner Korean" (to quote a fan here) only since discovering Kim Hyun Joong last year - after years of wanting to be and trying to be more Americanized.

Let me make it clear,  I love America and very proud to be an American citizen....and watching in wonder at all this makjang display happening in the life of KHJ. And wondering even more about the Korean media - and wondering how much of it is from legitimate media sources vs. trash tabloid sources....since it seems that only the tabloid sources get the full translations with all of its sick innuendos....

Here is the quote from a Mrs. Hamm -  that I agree with her 100%:

"I want South Koreans to know that people get to know more about you worldwide because of KPOP and KDRAMA ( worldwide known celebrity like Park Si Hoo, KIM HYUN JOONG, Lee Byung-hun, Rain and so on.) So, why are you allowing these lazy, desperate and gold digging women to ruin them? These men (celebrities) are the building blocks, representatives of your culture that makes foreigners rush or wants to learn more about your culture. What happened when these building blocks are been removed or destroyed? It’s high time that you people need to stand up against blackmail and supports your ‘sons’, if you did not stop all this women from blackmailing and destroying your reputation, sooner or later nobody will know or heard anything about your culture, tourism, KPOP,KDRAMA and also foreigner will be afraid of coming to your country because just a little contact with this women might lead to lawsuit or blackmail."

I love KDrama for its men - gotta love 'em - such a combination of strength and gentleness (although ever since I discovered KHJ - have not really watched any other dramas other than his (and repeatedly at that)  - and gorgeous and tall to boot - and to see DramaFever, AllKpop and KDrama publishing relentlessly these tabloid articles with insinuating comments at the end - makes me wonder if they are killing their own source of income?

These men are Korea's "sons" - why NOT support them - by publishing equally positive articles about them? Why Not?  Especially In KHJ's case.  Korean women are just as outstanding or not -  as any woman in any culture - and it is a shame to see someone like this woman give such a bad image of Korean women.

 I believe that is the Korean culture of required military service that creates a tough protective male, that also allows Korean woman to be more "spunky" , but in KHJ's case - she has gotten beyond any normal realms of acceptable behavior...and creating such a bad image of Korean women....




Thank you so much lkh2@ for your post.

I feel exactly the same as Mrs Hamn has expressed. I 'm so glad that she honestly express her opinion about SK.I totally agree with the point she made. What she said is so true . The Korean keep destroying themselves. I think the Korean problem is jealousy. In KHJ's case they allowed a desperate woman to ruin their reputation. . I'm not Korean  and I must admit that I learn to appreciate Korea culture because of HJ. For me he is the one who showed me the beautiful side of being Korean. I was so shock to see how Korean medias and Korean public did not realize how much they had devalued their own treasure. The way they allowed the medias to destroy KHJ it like they are destroying themselves and devalued themselves. It's really a pity that they do not realize this..At least in my opinion  I feel they are actually do not value justice and honesty. Shamelessly behavior and lie for money is acceptable for them.

Hello Vivian, 

I am replying to you in 2 parts since it is long:

Hello Vivian,

Thank you for your response – I think you represent a lot of international fans viewpoint on the whole issue…

I agree with you to a point, but want to point out some positive glaring aspects of Korean "justice"... For example, I think – in my opinion - that the Prosecuting office handled KHJ's case very well – when it could have gone totally totally crazy…..

for example - against all the tabloid media speculation of repeated assaults etc - they fined him a measly $5000, and as a prosecutor said in his interview - it was only because KHJ admitted that there was a physical altercation (he did NOT say it was kicks or punches) and in fact the final release from the Prosecuting office said that it was during a martial arts demo - which makes it even less of a crime than the way it had been previously presented by tabloid media.

In all fairness, and part of the Prosecuting office’s duty, although Ms. Choi withdrew her charges, the Prosecutors office had to followup with KHJ,  because KHJ admitted to one portion of one part of her claim they were required by Korean law to follow up on his statement.

And their follow-up final conclusion showed a very fair result.

 The Korean keep destroying themselves. I think the Korean problem is jealousy. In KHJ's case they allowed a desperate woman to ruin their reputation. . 


I wonder if we in Amerian are ONLY seeing the Tabloid like and sensationalistic news in translation….and not the more rational ones (if there were any).


And on that aspect of tabloid media – yes I agree – they are destroying their “sons”. I felt the same way. I kept on thinking – how can they do this to KHJ – who represents Korea …and then I realized ….their response was BECAUSE  he represented Korea – they had to treat him as badly as they would their own son…hoping that punishing him would cause him to self-reflect and change his ways - punish him with self-reflection, complete media ban and silence on anything to do with him….


and even when the Prosecuting office cleared him with a minor charge….the continued self-reflection, positive media silence is still following him…


so my question is this – is he OFFICIALLY banned from the networks like JYJ were? Or is he CHOOSING to keep a low and quiet profile as self-reflection?

Like Park Shi Hoo did : http://www.dramafever.com/news/park-shi-hoo-reportedly-considers-korean-comeback/


– even after Park Shi Hoo was cleared of all rape charges and in fact the text messages clearly show he was set up with timed releases of statements to the tabloids for extra money for settlement…..http://www.koreabang.com/2013/stories/south-korean-drama-actor-park-si-hoo-in-rape-scandal.html ( Everyone should check the link - it is amazing what the texts reveal and how it is seems so familiar!!)

I just finished taking a sociology class  and one of the topics I learned was about internal justice and how there are different ways that a society imposes social order – and it seems to me that Korea - a deeply Confucian and Christian country - does it by peer pressure or “shaming”. Usually this kind of peer pressure and public shaming is extremely influential in changing the future path of a citizen – and I think this was what Korea was possibly trying to do…but I am not sure there was any OFFICIAL ban from public media in Korea – I think he was choosing “self-reflection” possibly due to negative public feedback until recently…..

This is important - because those who say he SHOULD be in self-reflection - it may simply be their desire - but if he is not OFFICIALLY banned from media  - then heck - KHJ can go and perform in japan if he wants - because he is not officially  banned......

End of part 1 reply. See below for part 2



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Thank you so much lkh2@ for your post.

I feel exactly the same as Mrs Hamn has expressed. I 'm so glad that she honestly express her opinion about SK.I totally agree with the point she made. What she said is so true . The Korean keep destroying themselves. I think the Korean problem is jealousy. In KHJ's case they allowed a desperate woman to ruin their reputation. . I'm not Korean  and I must admit that I learn to appreciate Korea culture because of HJ. For me he is the one who showed me the beautiful side of being Korean. I was so shock to see how Korean medias and Korean public did not realize how much they had devalued their own treasure. The way they allowed the medias to destroy KHJ it like they are destroying themselves and devalued themselves. It's really a pity that they do not realize this..At least in my opinion  I feel they are actually do not value justice and honesty. Shamelessly behavior and lie for money is acceptable for them.


Reply part 2:

 I was so shock to see how Korean medias and Korean public did not realize how much they had devalued their own treasure.


I don’t think Koreans  - with their entrenched Confucian morality and Christian morality standards - saw him as their treasure AFTER the spurious tabloid releases by Choi….therefore – they went ballistic with this – and I believe Korea is having an incipient start of feminism – so this added more fuel to the fire….and then there was that period of media silence from when he first walked into the Prosecutors office in September and the final review that was completed in January. 


The way they allowed the medias to destroy KHJ it like they are destroying themselves and devalued themselves. It's really a pity that they do not realize this..

 I agree with you - I am not sure they see that they are devaluing themselves....

So even if we only see the most audacious, salacious, fraudulent and sensationalistic articles.....it doesn't really explain the positive media silence other than that of the Confucian/Christian standards in play....although these are the very characteristics of KHJ that make him so likable....

I am SO gratified that the tide has turned in terms of comments from international and I hope Korean commenters  – unfortunately I recall too clearly the ugly vicious comments against KHJ in August, and now the comments on these same tabloid American sites – are actually not fully blaming KHJ!

 I was trying to translate via Bing/Google – the tweets – and the comments on the Korean news sites – and the ones that I could make out – are  not blaming KHJ!

In fact – I believe that those KHJ Henecia in Korea had quite a large part in the change in opinion (why else would Choi be going after a 100 of them??), but I think far more of it was when his wonderful parents held that special interview that clarified so many things. Bless his parents. Bless the Korean Henecia.

Oh my goodness – when you think about it  –the Korean Henecians - they were right in there with KHJ. If we feel this way and we are thousands of miles away and if what happens to him, we take it personally, can you imagine how Korean Henecia must have felt? They had, like many of us fans internationally, not only had to go through the enforced shame, put-down, bewilderment and confusion after the initial August onslaught, but they were in the same unforgiving country….Bless those Korean Henecia who stuck by him!


At least in my opinion  I feel they are actually do not value justice and honesty. Shamelessly behavior and lie for money is acceptable for them.

It does come across that way doesn't it? However, please don’t put all Koreans in this statement….

and if I – as an American Korean feel bad hearing this – I wonder how KHJ feels when he hears this too? After all he is also South Korean; he has a Korean mother and father who have taught him nothing but being honorable and humble in so many ways…..

Oh, and it hasn't ended yet .....KHJ Fighting!!

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He & his team are fighting back on this one, thank goodness.  I don't think he can postpone enlistment again, nor do I think he should for a lot of reasons.  Dispatch has proven themselves a rag right down in the depths w/National Enquirer & The Daily Mail...

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UPI NEWS UPDATE    (news details from link below)

Kim Hyun Joong is also being sued for $1.48 million by Choi on ground of “psychological harm”??? Wow, now her true color is just showing!  In this news stated:  Maeil Business reported Choe had also targeted her online antagonists for spreading malicious rumors — including stories claiming the two were visiting an obstetrician.

Oh great, this makes me laugh! Who can spread such rumors? Of course the person who wanted to be pregnant! Whom are you joking with Choi? So therefore, she is filing charges against Kim Hyun Joong and his fans for the same grounds? Great!

I have just read this news and this really surprise me! Hyun Joong should be the one to file against her for causing himself, his family and his fans all these mental torture for the last 3 months!  Why don’t I file the charges too?

I think I know what’s next to this episode! Since she have not taken the legit PT and DNA test, therefore her so-call pregnancy is still in question! I can guess how she can get away with this and put all the blame to Hyun Joong and his fans! Stay alert, keep checking on updates, let’s see if this guess is right!

I shall be posting updates on this article page, you may visit from time to time as usual. Stay tune everyone!! Let’s keep our eyes and ears open! Thank you!

Hi theone4me, thanks for sharing this. I guess this lady is in desperate need of public attention. It seems to me that she's "money hungry" - well, she found her business! hahaha - Or she's mentally ill. In case she is, she needs help...This girl is getting crazier. I am not sure how I feel about the law suit. This doesn't make any sense. Now, I wonder what she will do next. I heard she's delivering the baby on September - I hope the baby grows up in good hands though. What a shame! I don't understand this girl. Her credibility is nearing zero. What a messed up story this is....Any psychological pain she has been suffering is her own doing.


​@Willinette, I am so sick of this woman.  I knew she would not stay quiet for long because she loves all the attention. His fans only got 2 months of peace from her.   I love LazerKim's article on this because honestly when I saw that she was suing his fans for causing her emotional stress, I started laughing uncontrollably.  I couldn't stop laughing.  I was like, What! Are you serious?  I'm with LazerKim.  Can his fans sue her for emotional stress?    You don't have to be a Korean or know Korean culture to understand this type of female because she exists in every culture and in every race of people.  She's after his money and fame.  If she can't get his money as his wife, she is going to get it some other way.  Next, she is going to write a tell all book about her 2 month relationship with him.  This is truly a real life drama.  

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He & his team are fighting back on this one, thank goodness.  I don't think he can postpone enlistment again, nor do I think he should for a lot of reasons.  Dispatch has proven themselves a rag right down in the depths w/National Enquirer & The Daily Mail...

Teleri, definitely, he can no longer request for deferment since military is only allowing ONCE, which the truth is he was given a chance 2x.....xD




Top 5 Dance Scenes in K-Dramas


Tango, anyone?

Dance scenes in K-dramas can be a flirtatious exchange or a chance to show off. Other times they can be a gentlemanly act, a bold statement, or pure fun just watching people tumble and fumble in the process. Here are 5 of my favorite dance scenes!


(skipped unrelated.....)


2. “Boys Over Flowers” Episode 3: Ji Hoo and Geum Jan Di

boys over flowers dance

‘Cause there’s sweet satisfaction in wiping the smirks off the faces of mean girls by taking to the floor with a pretty member of F4. Spirited heroine Geum Jan Di (Ku Hye Sun) glides on the dance floor with Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong), the ever-so-knightly friend. Nice way to not only put on a brave face after getting played, but steal the show while you’re at it.

Jan Di was so giddy it looked like she was dancing with a hanger in her mouth.

bof dance collage boys over flowers

Take note, Gentlemen: never leave a beautiful girl alone on the dance floor.


source : soompi news

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