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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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We're all newbies again LOL  Did anyone catch the news about Lotte Free? Am I wrong or didn't they just not renew his contract because of him going into the military soon?  All the so-called reporters are insisting it's due to the scandal, but I've not seen Lotte Free saying that.  Plus they JUST had him on the April calendar!  I hate the slanted press :(

​No.  I haven't seen that news.  Where did you read this?  I wonder if it is because his contract has expired with KeyEast.  Once that expired, I think a lot of his contracts are going to go away as KeyEAst would want to help get its other artists those top spots/contracts with top Korean companies. I think he has a contract with that cosmetic company Face Shop.  First, BYJ had that contract. He then helped KHJ to get it.   With KHJ no longer with KeyEast, he may loose a lot of contracts.

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DramaFever, but they posted it from AllKPop, I think.  It was the writer of the article who added that little speculation.  KHJ's KeyEast contract just expired, & I doubt he'd bother w/another one until he gets out of the military.  But I fully expect the nasty netizens to make all sorts of unwarrented assumptions.
BTW, there's an article on Soompi about how some girl on one of the variety shows got her ribs cracked practising martial arts moves - and here I thought that was not possible per all the haters LOL LOL LOL  Time tends to bring out truth...

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Guest shariman66


To answer your question dear, the fans or some TripleS have always insisted that our boy is the weakest link ~

Let me recapped - the weakest singer, the least talented etc.

Being able to emote while singing a song was not considered as being a 'good' singer at least in our boy's case.

Supposedly his only role then was to be the face of SS501 aside from being the leader.

Oh, let's not forget they kindly stated that he's one of the best dancers, if not the best, in his group.

I guess their old agency, DSP, also preferred that status-quo since he's the one whom they sent to a lot of shows from debut.

Which led to some fans ~ read TripleS ~ being unhappy that he was being promoted more than the others.

Their grouse had always been that he was given a lot more chances or preferential treatment thus more recognition & popularity.

DSP didn't give him a lot of lines for most of their songs though except for the solo performances which every member was given.


My take was & still is DSP was really smart to promote the group using the most photogenic & charismatic member of the group which happens to be their leader.

We are forever grateful to DSP for being so intuitive. 

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​- Hey - you forgot to mention the long eyelashes!

Seriously - I'm also watching IG for the first time - still on Ep 9 - sigh - I need more hours in a day - or less work... -  

but I ALWAYS knew he could ACT, SING, DANCE and look unbelievably attractive all in ONE PACKAGE from the beginning - with a sweet and tough personality  - how come others don't get it?? 


Shariman - I am going to address your earlier comment in DETAIL  - once I get off work....

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To answer your question dear, the fans or some TripleS have always insisted that our boy is the weakest link ~

Let me recapped - the weakest singer, the least talented etc.

Being able to emote while singing a song was not considered as being a 'good' singer at least in our boy's case.

Supposedly his only role then was to be the face of SS501 aside from being the leader.

Oh, let's not forget they kindly stated that he's one of the best dancers, if not the best, in his group.

I guess their old agency, DSP, also preferred that status-quo since he's the one whom they sent to a lot of shows from debut.

Which led to some fans ~ read TripleS ~ being unhappy that he was being promoted more than the others.

Their grouse had always been that he was given a lot more chances or preferential treatment thus more recognition & popularity.

DSP didn't give him a lot of lines for most of their songs though except for the solo performances which every member was given.


My take was & still is DSP was really smart to promote the group using the most photogenic & charismatic member of the group which happens to be their leader.

We are forever grateful to DSP for being so intuitive. 

Hello Shariman - 

To answer your question dear, the fans or some TripleS have always insisted that our boy is the weakest link ~

Let me recapped - the weakest singer, the least talented etc.

Let me see if I get this - the "weakest" link? Wow - you know - when I first discovered the group through Episode 4 from BOF - I still didn't put KHJ the singer and the character Yoo Ji Hoo - as one and the same - and his appearance had me confused for I thought he was half and half - Half white and half-Asian. So then I looked up pictures of his family and he didn't seem adopted...but that was the start of my interest in him, because while looking him up, through the pics, videos in Youtube, and comments on youtube vids -I fell in love with his dorkiness (remember his silly "choco-pie" during the BTS of Unlock, or his scenes in Thank you for Raising me up? Just to name a few), charm.


 So ignoring any of the comments that insinuated his ability was lacking - I flat out decided I was seeing a major talent - in acting, singing and dancing.  Then I saw him in "Love letter" although the YouTube versions were barely watchable because the video quality was very poor - and felt he was absolutely adorable! I also noticed his female counterparts – also felt the same way….

I thought he NAILED Yoon Ji Hoo (and every other character he played)  - I had read the Manga (sigh - repeatedly), watched the anime, and rewatched the Taiwanese version repeatedly - so when I saw his take on the manga/drama - I was blown away (to put it mildly) by how he was able to portray a character so completely opposite of him and his playfulness. That's when I knew he was immersing himself in the drama. I also loved how the drama was written for his part and gave it a depth and dimension lacking in the Shoujo manga.

I also came across the same demurring comments on his singing, and dancing (and I actually took it personally) - and apparently in the very early dvds - he still had not developed the fan base that he had now - and there are many scenes where he was treated as the face - and not even really the leader - as the others assumed the role - it seems that everyone got to assume the role of leader while he was still maturing in the group even with him present. I was starting to become protective about him.....

When I first watched the group in action - they were ALL adorable - but I soon realized that it was KHJ that I was looking for all the time - and hardly seeing him - he had so LITTLE air time, so little face time.  I mean - many of the SS501 songs barely featured him at all - and he was always WAAAAYYYYY in the back and many times the camera cut him off so that he wasn't even in the picture! (You’ve heard me rant about this before….)

So I started buying the dvds – and then realized I was fast forwarding to any parts with him in it….I also realized from the “Begins I and II” that he appeared to be loved by his managers and vice-versa – and if I loved him over the others – I could certainly understand their reactions too. He was also humble and sweet.

Which led to some fans ~ read TripleS ~ being unhappy that he was being promoted more than the others.

Their grouse had always been that he was given a lot more chances or preferential treatment thus more recognition & popularity.

DSP didn't give him a lot of lines for most of their songs though except for the solo performances which every member was given.

I did not know he was being promoted over the others….I thought that EVERYONE ELSE was being promoted BUT him…. So I don’t understand where they got this feeling?

 I mean, he rarely had air time, face time, and only half lines for the songs!!!! Where do they get this he was being promoted over the others???

Can you imagine any of the other members as Yoon Ji Hoo?  I don’t think so! So why the complaints that he was being promoted over them?

I mean – in many parts he just played the backup guitar while the others did their song and dance on the stage, and he had like a HALF a line or so in the songs….

Which is why I find many early concert vids very frustrating. He is barely in it!

My take was & still is DSP was really smart to promote the group using the most photogenic & charismatic member of the group which happens to be their leader.

We are forever grateful to DSP for being so intuitive. 

I too am “forever grateful”.  Finally, I am at the end of my rant. I firmly believe he was UNDER PROMOTED during his group days – and if anything – the two main lead vocals had a LOT more air time, face time on their concerts.

When they went to the variety shows  it was the hosts’ relentless focus on him constantly – so it is not a matter that he or DSP had any control over……the hosts chose who they would concentrate on….

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Guest shariman66


& I thought I was bristly passionate in defending our boy from those 'others'!

Well now, it's good to know there's another fiery defender around ^_^

Oh, the 3rd picture by @vivian? Yeah, hard to not notice those enviable lashes of our boy ~ 

His cordi-noona used lash-curlers, did you know that? 


Ok, get ready for a loonnnggg post, lol.


I thought he NAILED Yoon Ji Hoo (and every other character he played) 

I was blown away (to put it mildly) by how he was able to portray a character so completely opposite of him and his playfulness. That's when I knew he was immersing himself in the drama.

Dear, if you ever posted this at the 'BOF' or even SS501 soompi forums in 2009 & even now in fact, I'm sure you'd get lots of brickbats ~

There were a lot & I do mean a lot, of fans who definitely did not & still do not share that view of ours, including some fans of his ~ ex-fans now(?)

They have labelled him a bad actor or since 'IG', an improved one but God Forbid(to them), never a good one.

One of the reasons they cited was our boy's 'wooden' or 'emotionless' acting.

We could argue till the cows come home that it was the character's personality but then these self-acknowledged 'experts' would counter with the fact that the actors from Taiwan & Japan managed to capture the 'true' characterisation of Hanazawa Rui or YJH ~ forgot the Taiwanese name for him ~ 

Woe betide to those who disagreed ~ they'd be disparaged as fans who couldn't see past his beautiful face ~ well, I do agree that his face is a big distraction but come on now, it doesn't mean we couldn't judge whether the acting is good or otherwise.

For them it's kind of black or white, if you agree you are an unbiased critic & if you don't, a biased fan thus your opinion isn't valid ~ simple conclusion, right?      

 I also loved how the drama was written for his part and gave it a depth and dimension lacking in the Shoujo manga.

Please, don't even mention this aspect ~ they literally became raging lunatics when he was given more airtime & his character was fleshed out ~

The way they went ballistic you would think the writers had blasphemed or taken out of context something set in stone, lol! 


Anyway, when this soompi forums have been moved back, safely I hope, I'd again suggest you go through the earlier posts because due to the arguments & absolute orneriness of some posters at BOF & SS501's forums our boy's fans started to converge here to re-cap, discuss etc his dramas. 

About his almost non-appearance in the early concerts DVDs'? 

I think all his fans or as we have been touted, his 'biased' fans have been pointing that out since way back but ~ you really should read up his group's forum because it's all there, seriously.

Or SS501's MVs because they too have been quite a war-zone between the fans of our boy & his other members, especially since BOF & the influx of new fans who had just discovered KHJ. Aah, haha, by the way the other members' fans were more prone on commenting than KHJ's, not that he has less. The reason being if his fans were to comment on what you observantly noticed, they would be upbraided by these lot ~ his fans would be given the 'favourite' refrain, you know, him being the weakest yada yada ~   

I guess they couldn't forgive him for becoming a lot more popular than the others & they always blamed DSP for giving him more opportunities, in their eyes anyway.

I agree totally on what you observed here ~ it was the hosts’ relentless focus on him constantly ~ he was the one that they loved to focus on, wasn't he?

But that too became an issue ~ in fact anything pertaining to our boy became quite a big issue with some of the members' fans eversince BOF.

Yet if you'd watched them on shows, you'd see that he tried his best to stay in the background ~ almost always passing the mic to one of the others, especially PJM or HJB.

Anyway, I think I'd better stop here or else I'd be cautioned for being too long or being controversial & perhaps offending someone, lol.


Seriously though, my apologies if I did offend anyone. It wasn't intentional, believe me.

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DramaFever, but they posted it from AllKPop, I think.  It was the writer of the article who added that little speculation.  KHJ's KeyEast contract just expired, & I doubt he'd bother w/another one until he gets out of the military.  But I fully expect the nasty netizens to make all sorts of unwarrented assumptions.
BTW, there's an article on Soompi about how some girl on one of the variety shows got her ribs cracked practising martial arts moves - and here I thought that was not possible per all the haters LOL LOL LOL  Time tends to bring out truth...

​I practiced several different kinds of martial arts - and believe me - it is very easy to get injured in some way - I can easily believe ribs cracking just by practicing by yourself  - if you do not have the musculature to be doing those strenuous powerful screw type punches that releases at the last moment...although it was me versus punching bag when I injured my big toe doing a roundhouse kick....

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​No.  I haven't seen that news.  Where did you read this?  I wonder if it is because his contract has expired with KeyEast.  Once that expired, I think a lot of his contracts are going to go away as KeyEAst would want to help get its other artists those top spots/contracts with top Korean companies. I think he has a contract with that cosmetic company Face Shop.  First, BYJ had that contract. He then helped KHJ to get it.   With KHJ no longer with KeyEast, he may loose a lot of contracts.

​I went to the local Korean store -Cosmetic section -  they had the Face Shop poster (KHJ was NOT on that poster) about 7 months ago - they don't have the Face Shop poster any more (last month) - but anyway - about 7 months ago - I went there and while spending a fortune (!!) on a CLio eyeliner (put it on directly on the upper eyelid's lash line, extend DOWN, not up)  asked if they knew anything about KHJ  - and the saleslady - looked in her 30s looked at me blankly, and said something to the effect of his being "no more"  - meaning not with the Face Shop any more.  Just now - I checked to see about his contract and his Face Shop contract was from September 2010 until September 2013 and here is the link to Hyunnies:https://hyunniespexers.wordpress.com/2012/07/04/info-kim-hyun-joong-is-still-the-face-shop-model-september-2013/

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong is still THE FACE SHOP Model (September 2013)

6 Votes



Hi fans! A lot of rumors going on! KHJ will still be our ambassador until September 2013. During recent 2 year contract period, Kim Hyun Joong has successfully performed his role as a TFS celebrity spokesman, therefore we have decided to continue to use him one more year. He will be our model for both domestic and overseas market. Thank you fans & our dear customers for supporting throughout the years. Have a pleasant evening :-)

Source Facebook   http://www.facebook.com/thefaceshopkorea

. Apparently he contracted with them to be their domestic and international model  originally for 2 years, then it was extended by one year to September 2013.  There are some really gorgeous CF that he did for them.. 

I guess since he will be going into the military - not sure if his contracts for CF will be priority?

Eye candy from Face Shop Facebook: Making of Face Shop CF: FACE%20IT%20Power%20Perfection%20BB%20Cr



and here is another one.. Nice High quality pics........http://ss501explorer.blogspot.com/2011/08/photo-kim-hyun-joong-thefaceshop-press_857.html

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​@lkh2 and @Shariman66   You're right @ 501%. HJ is very humble with SS501's members and let the micro to the others, but HE is the choice of cameras in every shows because his 4D humour, his beauty of course, his natural charisma and because he is sweet and humble and so very talented.

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Hey - I knew KHJ was very alert and always scanning the situation around him...but he saw a fan collapse  during his BREAKDOWN period - 


"That talk session was abruptly interrupted after Kim Hyun Joong suddenly cried out, “Did she collapse?“, while rising from his seat in shock."  You can see the full article here......My comment on this is - I'm surprised only 1 fan fainted.....



June 8, 2011

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong spots a fainted fan during his showcase [2011.06.08]

Posted by Crazy4Hyun at 7:24 PM
Source + Photo: Newsen
Credit: Kingpolo @ ALLKPOP
SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong is being praised as hero for quickly spotting a fan who fainted during the middle of his live showcase.
The showcase was held to celebrate the release of his solo mini-album, “Break Down“, and fans were overjoyed to see that fellow SS501 members Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng made a surprise appearance, taking part in a talk session with Kim Hyun Joong.
That talk session was abruptly interrupted after Kim Hyun Joong suddenly cried out, “Did she collapse?“, while rising from his seat in shock.
Kim Hyun Joong called security for assistance, and the young lady was taken to a local hospital for a check-up and treatment.
KeyEast Entertainment stated, “During the showcase, a fan fainted with mild symptoms of exhaustion. Quick emergency measures were carried out, and she was taken home safely after her hospital treatment.”


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​@lkh2 and @Shariman66   You're right @ 501%. HJ is very humble with SS501's members and let the micro to the others, but HE is the choice of cameras in every shows because his 4D humour, his beauty of course, his natural charisma and because he is sweet and humble and so very talented.

​Honey, you are so perceptive!

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·        Newbie


Posted 20 hours ago (edited) · 




& I thought I was bristly passionate in defending our boy from those 'others'!


Well now, it's good to know there's another fiery defender around 


Oh, the 3rd picture by @vivian? Yeah, hard to not notice those enviable lashes of our boy ~ 


His cordi-noona used lash-curlers, did you know that? 


Hi Shariman66 – I loved your long reply – couldn’t reply earlier – I was at the Korean Store – cosmetics department checking out if the Face Shop Poster (without KHJ) was back hanging on the wall– it wasn’t  - but then – it might have been another store ….


LOL – I completely agree with you on every count – but like you  - I have to start with any sincere apology towards any SS501 lover – and I am one of them – if I have offended in any way….please forgive me – that is not my intent – sometimes my defense comes across so strong …..


OK – here goes – and please remember that I was first an SS501 group lover –and then fixated on Hyun Joong.


Oh, the 3rd picture by @vivian? Yeah, hard to not notice those enviable lashes of our boy ~ 


His cordi-noona used lash-curlers, did you know that? 


Actually for most Asian eyes – to have our eyes look open and awake – have to use the eyelash curlers – but never knew he used it – lol – well it looks great on him…..This is an example of him being woken up from a nightmare...Ep7 - the night before when he is being challenged in car racing - and he doesn't really like to drive at all.....ep%207%201_zpsnilqy46f.jpg



fter much searching I finally found the SS501 forum last week – and once we move to the permanent one – will definitely take a look again – I generally have a tendency to ignore anything that doesn’t seem true, so I do vaguely recall some mention of some upset SS501 fan on a You Tube vid blaming KHJ for the breakup of SS501 – and the immediate response of someone else countering pretty well, plus – since I had read other accounts of it – I was not led astray at all – but decided to hold my impressions until proven wrong…..


Will get back to you when I go through the SS501 forum after the permanent move – and get a better feel for what you are saying because it seems to be a sore spot still for both sides……


We could argue till the cows come home that it was the character's personality but then these self-acknowledged 'experts' would counter with the fact that the actors from Taiwan & Japan managed to capture the 'true' characterisation of Hanazawa Rui or YJH ~ forgot the Taiwanese name for him ~


I watched the Taiwanese version – Meteor Garden at least twice after being introduced to it by a Chinese friend who adored them – and frankly – in terms of their physical appearance - I think their looks and personalities are so distinct and outstanding (they were chosen out of thousands and thousands)  they can easily give the Korean boys a run for the money – (except for Yun Ji Hu of course – no one can beat him - IMHO). 


But the Taiwanese storyline does follow the manga – which – in my opinion makes him (Hanazawa Rui)  a LOT less likeable– and that is ok – it’s a director’s prerogative when he buys the rights to the story – but in my humble opinion – I liked the characterization of the Korean Hanazawa Rui/Yun Ji Hu  - which showed him to be quite a decent person (different from the manga and the Japanese and Taiwanese version) – although very closed off in the beginning – which is expected for this character….


For example, in the Taiwanese version – the Hua Ze Lei/Yun Ji Hu  character is constantly going back and forth between the heroine and his first love….and the Gu Jun Pyo’s Chinese version was more and more likeable throughout….whereas I didn’t really like the Korean Gu Jun Pyo version that much – he was so cruel and nasty and consistently caused her pain (and of course she prefers THAT – over gorgeous, dependable and rescuing Yun Ji Hu – (shakes head in confusion) – I’d like to quote -  in full agreement with another fan’s comments here -  “stupid girl”). Ugh – go figure.


Here is another capture from my blu ray of BOF ep 7 - Yun Ji Hu in brown leather.....how can a guy look so hot  just standing there??



If I have offended people here – please realize it is only my opinion…


I am really waiting for the permanent Soompi site to come into being – will check out the SS501 and BOF …..


By the way – I even think Yun Ji Hu barely had any screen time at all in BOF – I mean – the rest of the characters were great – but still – I kept on thinking – where is Ji Hu?    Ji Hu – where are you – when you are coming back to the screen???


Which is why I like Playful Kiss – he seems to have a few more minutes of screen time in Playful Kiss – Finally I end with one of the few actually focused pictures of Yun Ji Hu (yay!!!!)






Shariman - thank you for your thoughtful reply....

Edited by lkh2
my 2 cents on how KHJ looks in clothes that fit
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I don't know  about screen time - KHJ had a LOT of screen time on BoF - & you are right about the differences between the manga & the KDrama.  I hated the manga, but that was due to not liking the character of the Jun Pyo character mainly.  Rui (the Japanese Yi Hoo) did go back & forth a lot - still preferred him totally over the main guy & kept wishing he'd choose the main girl & take her away from the jerk, but not like in the Kdrama.  I was totally shocked at how Yi Hoo decided SO quickly that stupid girl was his preference & had HIGH hopes that maybe, just maybe, they'd let him have the girl in the Korean version.  Kept yanking my chain thruout.  So much bitterness LOL LOL LOL  I really really loved the Kim Bum loveline, tho!

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To answer your question dear, the fans or some TripleS have always insisted that our boy is the weakest link ~

Let me recapped - the weakest singer, the least talented etc.

Being able to emote while singing a song was not considered as being a 'good' singer at least in our boy's case.

Supposedly his only role then was to be the face of SS501 aside from being the leader.

Oh, let's not forget they kindly stated that he's one of the best dancers, if not the best, in his group.

I guess their old agency, DSP, also preferred that status-quo since he's the one whom they sent to a lot of shows from debut.

Which led to some fans ~ read TripleS ~ being unhappy that he was being promoted more than the others.

Their grouse had always been that he was given a lot more chances or preferential treatment thus more recognition & popularity.

DSP didn't give him a lot of lines for most of their songs though except for the solo performances which every member was given.


My take was & still is DSP was really smart to promote the group using the most photogenic & charismatic member of the group which happens to be their leader.

We are forever grateful to DSP for being so intuitive. 

​Oh Gosh....You just reminded me how bad it used to be for him when the group first came out.  It was as if he didn't even exists and Jung Min was always jumping in front wanting attention.  Jung Min was  talkative and he would jump in front of the media when the group talked publicly.   Hyun Joong appeared to be the shy one not wanting all the attention.    Come to think of it, Hyun Joong has never been the one to hog the spotlight and who try to grab attention from the media when the group did promotions.  However, the reporters always ask him questions and he would speak in a low voice.  He never jumped in front of the microphone to talk but the reporters always asked him questions.  I remember this distinctly because I would think to myself, "Will Jung Min shut up so the others can talk. or Why is Jung Min always jumping in front of everyone when the reporters come?"  Jung Min would even say, "I should be the leader since I talk for the group all the time."    I like Jung Min though.  I like all the guys because each has his own charm.  

LKH2  - I knew I had not seen him for a while in Face Shop ads but I didn't realize it had been for a whole year.  I am kind of glad that these contracts have ended.  When he comes out of the military, hopefully, he will start his own agency and have a fresh start with all the companies HE wants to work with.  He needs 1 big hit in terms of movies or a drama (once he gets out of military) to put him back on track with people wanting to cast him again in movies/dramas.   I wish he would get married so that he can for one and for all get rid of that horrible wonan.  

This is going to be a rough 2 years. Actually, this is longer than two years because he disappeared in January/February 2015.  So, this is going to be 2.5 years as he has already disappeared 5 months before his official enlistment date.

 I miss Kim Hyun Joong.  

Thank you to everyone posting pictures.

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I don't know  about screen time - KHJ had a LOT of screen time on BoF - & you are right about the differences between the manga & the KDrama.  I hated the manga, but that was due to not liking the character of the Jun Pyo character mainly.  Rui (the Japanese Yi Hoo) did go back & forth a lot - still preferred him totally over the main guy & kept wishing he'd choose the main girl & take her away from the jerk, but not like in the Kdrama.  I was totally shocked at how Yi Hoo decided SO quickly that stupid girl was his preference & had HIGH hopes that maybe, just maybe, they'd let him have the girl in the Korean version.  Kept yanking my chain thruout.  So much bitterness LOL LOL LOL  I really really loved the Kim Bum loveline, tho!

​Oh all right - I concede about the screen time appearance halfway...he may have had screen time, but he wasn't always focused on...I mean - he may have present - but his face was not focused on.....(when I was looking for pics to capture....the  many out of focus pics were what I noticed....)....well, let me watch it again without fast forwarding so much - maybe I will see more of him....

I agree with the bitternesss...and I love it how dramas can move us, me especially to different places in our emotions - that is why I watch them!!

I too loved the Kim Bum loveline - with his first love that is ....Its like after he lost his first love...and it was to his brother....he seemed like he was experiencing continual trauma from that loss - so that he became a playboy...and soon that way of being - became him/defined him.....

And finally, what I liked MOST about the Korean version was that Ji Hu DID focus on Jandi pretty much early on - I really really liked that .....

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​Oh Gosh....You just reminded me how bad it used to be for him when the group first came out.  It was as if he didn't even exists and Jung Min was always jumping in front wanting attention.  Jung Min was  talkative and he would jump in front of the media when the group talked publicly.   Hyun Joong appeared to be the shy one not wanting all the attention.    Come to think of it, Hyun Joong has never been the one to hog the spotlight and who try to grab attention from the media when the group did promotions.  However, the reporters always ask him questions and he would speak in a low voice.  He never jumped in front of the microphone to talk but the reporters always asked him questions.  I remember this distinctly because I would think to myself, "Will Jung Min shut up so the others can talk. or Why is Jung Min always jumping in front of everyone when the reporters come?"  Jung Min would even say, "I should be the leader since I talk for the group all the time."    I like Jung Min though.  I like all the guys because each has his own charm.  

LKH2  - I knew I had not seen him for a while in Face Shop ads but I didn't realize it had been for a whole year.  I am kind of glad that these contracts have ended.  When he comes out of the military, hopefully, he will start his own agency and have a fresh start with all the companies HE wants to work with.  He needs 1 big hit in terms of movies or a drama (once he gets out of military) to put him back on track with people wanting to cast him again in movies/dramas.   I wish he would get married so that he can for one and for all get rid of that horrible wonan.  

This is going to be a rough 2 years. Actually, this is longer than two years because he disappeared in January/February 2015.  So, this is going to be 2.5 years as he has already disappeared 5 months before his official enlistment date.

 I miss Kim Hyun Joong.  

Thank you to everyone posting pictures.

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​I agree with you - remember the behind the scene interview in "1st Story" where he is giving a tour of his ski lodge/room and he speaks very slowly, and quiet;y and haltingly? Unforgettable.

Also - in - I think "Kokoro - Clips" they are interviewing him, and he again is speaking very quietly and shyly.....  https://youtu.be/hRd_Z44MLPU?list=PLQkl4HlALRYbUuBvvWWU1Uj70E3alQ8Ib



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