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2 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


1. My guess is SG's classmate.

Wow, the guessing game comes back to LYW's thread. 

3. Who else if not him, carpenter/handyman? Btw, are you sure they are same person, I mean carpenter = handy man? I watched ep4, and he was kinda awkward. Not sure if it's the actor's acting, or it's his personality. 

4. MS's husband. coz in the preview, drunk JH came out from the restroom and bluntly said to him "son of a bitc..." :D I'm so looking forward to this part! 


I guess the ever elegant chaebol JH only does cursing when she's drunk?  Maybe to that despicable man only.


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2 hours ago, QSD said:

Frankly I can't tell if that's the same actor we were assuming that he's a carpenter.  Can you guys really tell?


Actor Kim Sa Kwon as a charm carpenter, the warm-hearted character who slowly shares his heart with Kim Jung Hye (chaebol daughter). 



It's him, right? 

So, as we all think he has love-line with DH, but probably after he meets JH, the scenario changes?

He surely meets JH later because of the avenger club.

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4 hours ago, may2429 said:

I also think sudden appearance of carpenter was uncanny and awkward,maybe because I watched a few horror movies, the little house with a room full of tools is scary, Do Hee was so bold to follow a stranger to his house. 


This is drama, so just... accept it! haha... :lol:

in reality, if I were DH, I wouldn't go to a male stranger's house alone in a rainy night.  It's creepy... 

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Have you guys watched episode 4 with subs? I was only able to watch it raw and kept on waiting for sub version.


I am just eager to know what DH said to the battered wife, it seems that DH was angry after finding out that her daughter is being friends with the student who bullied DH son. I do understand why she's upset but it's not like the battered wife know of it, right? They always try to understand her situation and received a lot of help from them without saying anything, so couldn't she at least try to understand her too before saying anything? I mean, her situation isn't that easy... -- well this is all if DH is scolding the battered wife and getting angry at her. Still have to see subs to make sure.


I am still not interested with Carpenter. If they will include him for the romance then let it be for DH and make it a funny one... LOL

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@yanki I just PM-ed you sub's link. 

I think as a Mom, DH didn't overreact at the situation. Her son (HS) is verbally (and sometimes physically) bullied at school in daily basis, but she can't do anything to help him. She feels upset, angry and useless. Then, she knew MS's daughter (SY) is friend with the bullies, and MS had been aware of it too, but she hid it. DH felt betrayed because she thought SY also joined the bullies, and MS, as her friend/sister, didn't do anything to prevent it. (SY didn't do anything though).

If I were a Mom like DH, I would get angry too. 



I remember when I was kid, I was bullied at school too, and my bro just went to my class and taught the bully and his gang a life lesson, not caring his gang joined the bully or not, haha . Then, the bully's Mom (our neighbour) came to my house to tell my Mom about this. I and bro were scared Mom would punish us, but no, our Mom was angry at the neighbour, saying her kid bullied me first, so it was what he deserved. :lol:

I know it's not totally right, but don't test Moms' limit by using their kids, they will do everything for kids, even turn their backs against the world :) 


Don't worry, the Ajummas' bond is strong. This incident helped them understand each other more. The relationship without fight or argument is not real relationship, IMO. :lol:

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Glad to see the show has maintained the 5 ratings, in ep5 we get to know a bit more about Mi Sook’s matter, and also there’s a scene in it makes me wanna ship JH and stepson, he cares about her feelings.


 I was laughing hard at the “noble” onion , also shed a tear when Mi Sook finally speak out her pain about her daughter. This drama made me cry and laugh in the next minute like a crazy girl.

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14 minutes ago, may2429 said:

Glad to see the show has maintained the 5 ratings, in ep5 we get to know a bit more about Mi Sook’s matter, and also there’s a scene in it makes me wanna ship JH and stepson, he cares about her feelings.


 I was laughing hard at the “noble” onion , also shed a tear when Mi Sook finally speak out her pain about her daughter. This drama made me cry and laugh in the next minute like a crazy girl.


Wow, really?  Interesting... tempting to watch raw now.  Should I???

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36 minutes ago, QSD said:


Wow, really?  Interesting... tempting to watch raw now.  Should I???

Hmm it was the question he asked her, not any kind of physical touching or anything like that ( lol) I suggest for subB) 


And about the ideal guy in Do Hee’s imagination, that’s funny nobody thought of it 

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Oh yeah, JH’s husband started to feel uneasy ( can i say jealousy?) towards his own son now, does this implies something taboo? Writer-nim? :lol:

P/s: (whisper) well, one of the way to revenge his father is to steal his wife (evil laugh)

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@vaiduakhu  Yes, I think that actor is the handyman.  This is in his younger days, one suave looking man.  I thought he wasn't at the script reading, but he's there on the right side in black T-shirt.  I wonder if he's the same guy in the last pic in the bottom with blue jacket and a black T-shirt.

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Finally done watching episode 4 with subbed. I still couldn't help but feel annoyed with DH's reaction. Yes her son was bullied and they suffered but still, the way she reacted and talked to her was a bit...disappointing.  JH said it "You said you have something to tell us right? is it about it?" at least they knew that MS is planning to let them know about it and not kept it a secret. And yeah, I just think she didn't tried to at least understand MS's situation even a bit... she's (at least  in my opinion) the one in the most difficult situation.

Anyways I am glad that they reconciled. I LOLed at the scene of DH and Carpenter LOL... -- thought it was super cliche scenario haha and DH acting like the "clumsy maiden or heroine of a drama" lol I still am not interested with Carpenter though...


At first, I thought that Step-son's mother is funny because of the way she act but after watching ep. 4.... she can be a bit scary. No wonder Step-son wanted to get revenge. JH's husband is also no good... it seems that they are planning to sell the land that Step-son's grandparents left?

I just hope that they will not make the abusive husband "sympathetic" - although part of what I am looking forward to in this drama is the way their "enemies" will end up. At first you will think "ah they are not so bad, maybe there is some kindness in them, maybe it's not their fault that they are like that" etc.  Which is mostly the reason why some people chjoose to stay in an abusive relationship or stay with people negative people. But yeah, you do not always have to understand them and stay with them and bear with what they are doing.

So I am looking forward to what will happen to these people... I hope that we won't get that "I made a mistake but now I learned and I will change so let's live happily ever after"--  kind of ending (especially for the abusive husband) I hope that both JH and MS will leave their husband and be happy.


I am slowly getting attracted to Step-son and JH's ship lol

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this drama is like an eating show for our queen, eating in every episode


eating + fashion show in exact 


can't wait for ep 7 to see how our JH handle the situation


JH now learn a new skill = wash onion ( ep 6) 


I can tell Yowon like to be with lady Ra Mi Ran very much from the NG video, our queen was laughing all the time when she was around. 


Sometimes JH's hair is straight, sometimes its curly (?)


All earrings for JH are so big 



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LOL I noticed that as well, there was even a video on IG with a compilation of her eating. Watching her makes me want to eat too sometimes lol. I like every clothes she wears though...at first I thought that DH's character is getting more exposure than the rest, but maybe now that the problem is no longer about her then we will see more about the rest of the characters.

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She only stayed for about half an hour.


Korean fans gave her questionnaire to answer, here's some of it


Q: The reason of not cutting short hair like character JH in the webtoon?

A: Used to have short hair character ( Seo Yoon in EOG), want some difference, also because long hair takes long time to grow.


Q: What is the moment you feel JH is cute when you see your acting?

A: Uh....haven't thought of it


Q: What's on your mind when heard about Bulyaian ( fans of Night Light)

A: Hard to pronounce


Q: Next challenge you want to take in acting?

A: 1. Romance comedy & Love drama

    3. Criminal & Dark 


( Love drama or romance comedy, oh yes! I’m not a fan of love story but I’m so looking forward to Yowon’s acting in love story now I don’t know why)


Good student taking exam from fans

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Everyone has a big daughter to take care of 


She needs mom’s love and caring 



She needs mom to feed her occasionally 



She needs mom to remind her not to waste money 



Sometimes she throws a tantrum, mom has to endure it



But she is not a bad daughter, she will help in house chores when she’s in good mood 


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