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[Taiwanese Drama 2009] Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness ~下一站,幸福

Guest heliane_maine22

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Whew, okay, I finished updating all the youtube links for Episode 18 and the english subbed preview of episode 19.

So, how many are looking forward to episode 19?

Lately, yes, I've realized that previews can trick us, haha. XD

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Guest BigHeadDog

it seems that since the last few eps left in this dramas the previews are so tricky lol...wondering what makes him so mad lol...

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i can't wait to see Ep. 19 soon with subs and have noticed that the previews have been tricking us, and to me they are somewhat more exciting than the episode itself- especially lately but still good :]

the clip of Xiao Le asking GX if he likes MC was adorable as well!

lol you watch this too~!^

yes , it was ADORABLE! what was fun about this scene was the lawyer daddy being questioned by his son , and he cant seem to be able to defend LOL ..xiao le can be a little lawyer himself hahah he know how to trap people .if you dun like mu cheng , why will there be me ~

不喜欢吗?不喜欢吗?不喜欢吗?不喜欢吗?不喜欢吗?( he did it with such fun~~~hahah )

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You know, I've been wondering something, what happened to Mu Cheng's stepmom? The last time we saw her was when she found those photos and realized Mu Cheng had been telling the truth all along. I was expecting her to show up at the trial but she never did and she hasn't been seen since then. Anyone know if she's going to show up again?

i dun think she will be back ..as per the novel .but who knows ..

supposely she shd have left the home during that period .

I still get over that this is Chris Wu's first time acting. His scene from Ep. 16 and this one here near the end as well as with the flashback of the past really brought more to his character, amazing acting credits. I mentioned this before, I usually find the second male lead so over the top and annoying but he isn't. He is doing great and I feel like the cutting the hand was more slitting the wrist as in Ep. 18 it looks like he just bandaged up his wrist area...

i think they cut on his viens so might suffer certain handicap if not treated ..actually this is not chris wu first time acting ^ , he was in one or two taiwan movie (some of short films ) (one movie involve the theme of homosexuality ) . he was nominated for new comer and best support male actor for the 11th taipei film festival

Miao Miao 渺渺 2008

in fact he has some drama experience before but not of idol drama nature and one of them is by the same director of autumn concerto ^ a short drama

i really think his acting is pretty solid.. the magnitude of emotions he had poured into the role is amazing , there was no traces of acting but just real and raw emotion . .especially that scene in esp 10 of his confession and also of esp 16 ~ it was awesome ..something i seldom see from a supporting role in idol drama even the main lead...

Oh! I just watched it and was wondering what his dad and that lady said to him to make him cry like that. Does anyone know what they said to make him cry? Even after they shot the scene he was still crying! Poor kid. Glad to see that he had his friend w/ him on the filming set though.

hmm they never really say what the father said to him but i suspect if he dun do the scenes well , his father can be pretty strict . he disappeared after talking to him so the kid might think the father wont be back ??~ i dun know .but ( xiao xiao bin come from a single parent family .he and his father are very close)

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Guest snorkel_puss

I CAN'T BEAR IT ANY LONGER WITH THE MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MC AND TY D: gosh i wish TY was just out of the drama already LOL i just want to watch MC and GX

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Guest heartdrops

Oh! I just watched it and was wondering what his dad and that lady said to him to make him cry like that. Does anyone know what they said to make him cry? Even after they shot the scene he was still crying! Poor kid. Glad to see that he had his friend w/ him on the filming set though.

Yeah, like shirley said, they didn't show what XBB whispered to XXB's ear, but you can pretty much predict that if XXB won't cry in the scene, then XBB will leave him (or something along that line). Then XBB left the scene and everyone tricked him that XBB really did drive his car away. Poor guy ~

I loved the scene where grandma gave Xiao Le the shot<33

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i didn't know you were here too?!

i have watched this drama then stopped then picked it back up from Ep. 16!

it was a cute clip and GX was trying to distract Xiao Le, Xiao Le is too smart and so he knows that his dad likes MC but he just wantst o hear it as confirmation!

what does 不喜欢吗 mean?

hiiii~~ yess i have watched this from the start lol just that i seldom come to this section ..ahh this drama , the writing is amazingly good ^ .


不喜欢吗 (bu xi huan ma ?) : dun you like ?! ( in this context we add a "her" behind sine we know he is talking abt mucheng^^ but the tone he use was like it was a statement lol not a question )

because on their way to the school , his father appeared to be quite unhappy as he didnt sing along with xiao le on the car .when playing kid's songs ( it appeared guang xi will always sing it with him ) .so he asked what is wrong


Xiao Le , do you know there is a kind of feeling that , you do not know how to get along with someone , because you do not know what is in the person 's mind ?

Xiao Le : you can asked him ? (the sub used the male he )

GX(he simled): There are things you cant just asked . Sometimes you will worry , his answer isnt what you want to hear , it might make you upset

(keke his should be in terms of her but in chinese the he and her is the same prounication but different characters , the chiense sub used the male he )

Xiao Le : Just like when i asked mu cheng if i can eat the cake , mucheng wont let me eat it

GX: Never mind , It's okay . let's go to class .


xiao Le : Daddy , have you heard of the story of the north wind and the sun ?

GX: Yes

Xiao Le : Mu Cheng said that the north wind blows , the man walking on the road had to put on more clothes . And the warm sunlight from the sun will make the man remove the clothes .

( hahah okay actually i think xiao le sentence all jumbled up ..he kinda of didnt use the correct structure . like he shoud use "But" the warm sunlight , haha but the kid use AND ...but it is okay , he just a kid so er .his story telling skills is keke )

and this is a famous fable ..where the wind and sun compete to see who can make the man on the street remove his clothes , the wind will blow and the man who walk will have to put on a lot of clothes because of the cold , but the sun will need to just shine warmly and the man remove his clothes because of the heat , so the sun won )

GX: i have heard this story before / but i am not the sun ( tai yang gong gong - a kiddy way to call the sun^^ like sun haraboji )

(i think the story which XL want to say is that his father can be like the sun and use his warm heat (aka the gentle warmth and maybe passsion ^^ ) to let mucheng revealed her thinking to him and not be like the north wind ^^who will make someone so cold that they are unwillingly to reveal more .instead to protect himself , will put on more shield .

... isnt that so cuteee

.the son advising the father literally to appoach his mother with warmth and gentleness and maybe passion^^ so he will know what is she thinking ~~ *as in the fable of "removing the clothes" hahah which i think GX will be so happy to seee hahahaa )

rather than be too cold like the north wind blows . and make her put on "more clothes" as keep a further distance ^^

i know abit too much for a 5 year old to be able to link this up but hahah it was too funnie ..suddenly he pop out this fable and i go like huh and i realise ohhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ )

xiao le : you are ! . granny say you are smart at work and never give up

GX: Xiao le , let's stop this. We are going to be late, let's go

lol then the son leaned close to his ear and whisper

Xiaoe Le : the person you just mentionmed , that is mucheng , right ?

GX : shhhhhhhhh:

Xiao Le :" dont you like mu cheng ?! dun you like her ?! if you dun like mu cheng , if you dun like her , why would there be me *( aka why will i exist ^ )

XL : dont you like mucheng ~? are you saying you dun like?!! dun you like her ! say it !

gX: xiao ........look's there is a plane ! ( hoping to distract his questioning hehe )

XL: dont lie to me . dun you like mu cheng!! SAy , dun you like her ! dun you like her !

GX: okay , xiao le ! i will give you the answer after your class^~

and as he walked . the son still doesnt give up

Xiao le : dun you like her ! .you must like mu cheng .

you like her , you like her till forever ( haha he was chanting it like a song )~~

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Guest Shellymelly

in the last scene, was GX looking at MC's phone? he looked like he read something and got really mad o_O and i was squinting trying to figure out if maybe it was MC's phone or not... but can't realy tell XD

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in the last scene, was GX looking at MC's phone? he looked like he read something and got really mad o_O and i was squinting trying to figure out if maybe it was MC's phone or not... but can't realy tell XD

i think it is because it is the pink phone ..the grandmother send the photo to her phone , he picked it up .later another mesage arrived and he picked up the phone again

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Maybe it's a message related to Hua TY.. there are not many things right now that can make GX mad like that.. But arrggh, another major cliffhanger! I hope they soon clear up all the misunderstandings - even though MC won't tell GX the truth, I hope Ren mama will!

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Guest tangtang

I CAN'T BEAR IT ANY LONGER WITH THE MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MC AND TY D: gosh i wish TY was just out of the drama already LOL i just want to watch MC and GX

LOL! Me too!

TY is eating up GX and Mc's airtime.. :)

Thanks, shirley for the translation.. XL is so cute talking to Daddy Ren.


Maybe it's a message related to Hua TY.. there are not many things right now that can make GX mad like that.. But arrggh, another major cliffhanger! I hope they soon clear up all the misunderstandings - even though MC won't tell GX the truth, I hope Ren mama will!

Yeah, maybe its regarding TY.. cause GX is very angry,

TY is the reason why GX is always angry. :D

Btw, he is so cute checking on MC's phone!

2 tweetss from Van re AC!

Yes... #1 in taiwan.. <3


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Guest heartdrops

I also think the message is something about Tuo Ye.. hence the preview of GX getting mad?

^ WOOT WOOT. Hope the rating continues rising!

He also posted it on his fb hahas.

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i have a feeling this show hasnt beat the ratings of fated to love you because hi my sweetheart and now down with love.. otherwise it would have gone pass 10pts ages ago.. i mean when fated to love you was on i rmb it had two mini cooper competitors (i rmb not even bothered to youtube them after watching fated, but i still do youtube hi my sweetheart and quite like it too)

although i just KNEW, by the time it took for the grandma-XL scene that theres no way they would air that pool side scene =.= and now we realise it should be near the end of ep 19!


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although i just KNEW, by the time it took for the grandma-XL scene that theres no way they would air that pool side scene =.= and now we realise it should be near the end of ep 19!


the pool scene should be right in the middle if not the eariler part of esp 19 because they have to rushed to the police station for tou ye^

LOL! Me too!

TY is eating up GX and Mc's airtime.. :)

Thanks, shirley for the translation.. XL is so cute talking to Daddy Ren.

lol i think next week , the murder defence will be in full scale .so .....yes it should be something related to you ye ,

a) either Hwa mother had sms to thank mu cheng * which i doubt so , since the elderly normally dun sms)

B) tou ye himself had sms her to thank her or maybe even worse to see her ?~ something along those lines maybe ~

actually it is not merely about if he know about what happen 6 years ago .but also about the trust * like his assistant said ) the other never trust him with the truth ~! ..like as if you cant take the truth kind of feeling . .it eat at him .

ah also i find it werid that the grandmother ren never correct xiao le when he used his father 's name ..ren guang xi . ~i meant when xiao le called mu cheng in the past , i can sort of have an explanation for that but now .his daddy ..he shouldnt be calling guang xi as guang xi ~ :mellow: if a kid did that in my house ..i am sure my mother will lecture --;;;;;~

i like the exchange of words between mu cheng and guang xi ..that is the beauty of the writing , it moved with ease to the next stage of revealation without feeling as if it was so deliberately staged ~ the writing are pretty poetic at times ..so closer to the heart .(like one esp when he asked her to tell him if she know him ...that day after that esp at the university ..he said it : Please take pity on me ! (请你同情我) ( normally you will just ask please tell me (请你告诉我) but the writer added in this special way of dealing with how they speak their heart .~~)

GX: do you really think so ?

MC: you do not need to remind me .

i know very clearly what is my position

Apart from being Xiao Le's mother , i am nothing

I know you do not even love me

the reason why we are together , isnt it just because you want to take revenge against me ? until you are satisfacted !

That day , when we walked out of the hospital , walking side by side .

i was so navie to think , we can go back to the past

I told myself, maybe in this marriage , i can try harder

but if you only need me to play the role of xiao le's mother

Next time , for such work assigment , please do not bring me along

Just let me stay by Xiao le 's side , and i will feel more at ease

GX: those words ? why didnt you say those words to me before ?

MC: Do you care ? Do you know that every day that i am with you , i lived with fear and cautious

Everytime , i took a step toward you , i was afraid i would step on your boundaries

And your boundaries keep changing every day!

I lived in such fear during this period

That feeling of walking on rope , do you understand ?

MC : sorry . maybe i was just too upset from being tricked by Alice

that is why i am saying these words to you!

GX: If i told you that it is the same for me ?

Because I am afraid , that is why i pushed you away

Because i do not have the courage to know the real answer , so i escaped

Because our past is filled with too much lies

Looking at you , i keep guessing which is true and which is false


I am glad that you throw this temper at me

and told me how you really feel

but you must believe me , there is nothing between me and Zhang Ai li

MC: you do not need to explain this to me

GX: I must explain this to you because you are Mrs Ren

Just like how you misunderstand me and Ai li


I also did the same foolish thing

Maybe i should believe you who is right infront of me

what you say , what you do , are all true

maybe we still could

maybe i should have more courage , to believe you

isnt that how it is suppose to be like between husband and wife

If we are to live together for the rest of our life . we must be honest

Maybe there is something that you are afraid to tell me

But as long as you have the courage to say it , i will believe it

MC: I've never want to hide anything from you

Not six years ago , or now

I am sorry , that six years ago when i left you .

maybe you will never be able to forgive me

but i want to tell you , there are reasons why i made that choice

i am going to shower.

GX: What make you think that i wont believe the truth you said ?

Just now, for me , you acted so bravely

for once , you should be brave for yourself ,

I want to know , that choice you make six years ago

Tonight , i make a dinner reservation at the bar on the beach

if you are willing , i hope to find back that "us" six years before

that "us " who wholeheartedly existed just for each other


全心全意,只为对方而存在的我们 )

MC: Then , I hope tonite there wont be any sights of Alice and the pazzapi


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Guest heartdrops

Read that episode 18 peaked at 9.5! Thus, averaging with around a 8.25:

22:00 6.80 1.39 4.37

22:15 7.22 1.64 5.21

22:30 7.89 1.45 5.43

22:45 8.93 2.56 2.09

23:00 9.50 2.75 1.01

23:15 9.34 2.80 0.92

23:30 xxxx 4.66 1.12

23:45 xxxx 3.60 0.55

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Guest tangtang

I also think the message is something about Tuo Ye.. hence the preview of GX getting mad?

^ WOOT WOOT. Hope the rating continues rising!

He also posted it on his fb hahas.

Hahaha.. Yeah, Van is active in socio networking sites.

I remember he posted in his blog, that he is the most searched in taiwan yahoo, and he said something like.. why you are looking for me, im here! Twitter lah. So cute!

Thanks for the ratings.. Low or high, i just love how amazing the drama is! *high 5s*

the pool scene should be right in the middle if not the eariler part of esp 19 because they have to rushed to the police station for tou ye^

Booo for that TY!! LOL!

Thanks again shirley, i havent seen whole of ep 18, bec its so lame i cant understand chinese, and i cant "watch" AC without understanding it.. LOL! Your translation made me drooling with ep 18.. <3

GX and MC's dialogue is so heart warming! ^^

[LQ] [MIN] 下一站,幸福 Autumn's Concerto Episode 18- Don't You Like Mucheng?


ep 18 english subbed


Thanks myvann! :) *happy Happy joy joy*

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GAHH! why is there ANOTHER GX vs TY episode..

omg, as much as i feel sorry for TY, its just dragging on now D=

i have to admit i skipped most of TY's part this episode LOL

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Guest purty.sunshine

I love this drama so much!

Does anyone know where I can get avi raws??? I've only been able to find direct downloads for the first two episodes (I can't torrent) ;_;

Any help would be greatly appreciated ^__^v

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