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[Taiwanese Drama 2009] Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness ~下一站,幸福

Guest heliane_maine22

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Yi qian make quite a graceful exit ~

she was preparing to send out emails to explain their wedding is postphoned .

now even the father also told her ..that he is going to let her be free and so what she wants

she went to guang xi ..and did told him maybe it is better if he and mucheng can have more chances to

face each other and talk it out .guang xi told her .he will have lot of chance since they are going to be married by tomorrow

yi qian was shocked but she was more alarmed at how coldly guang xi is treating his own wedding .

she told him.that maybe you should be more honest to onself ..that you should admit there is not only hate but that you love her still ....he denied .there is no love anymore but that he want his son to have a mother .

but she think otherwise .and told him

you shouldnt act on impluse and buried your own happiness

a wedding should be of happiness and where you promise eternity love to each other

before she left ..guang xi did told her ..during these six years . i did loved you with a true heart~ .

yi qian thanked him for that admission


mu cheng with xiao le ~ ahh..this is so tender moment ~ the son was hidding in the cupboared with his drawing ..he used to draw how uncle guang xi is his father ..now it is real ..

mucheng found his hidding place ..and asked him pointing at the drawing is this what is troubling you and keeping you in the cupboard

now you should called uncle guang xi as dad.~( .mu cheng was thinking he was having difficulties taking in the change .)

but xiao le ..lol he say .i alraedy know that ..he is my father ( referened to the first time he saw guang xi ..is all you adults who keep denying ) i cant rem the actual words but the kid is just like an adult )

MC did you rem that time when you pretend that you already had the injection

XL : that was because i was afraid of pain

MC: yes mucheng lied also because i was afraid

XL: dun worry ..guang xi baba told me we will be together forever

he will be there every year for my presentation

xiao le will have both baba and mama

MC: do you really want baba and mam to be togetehr

xiao le : of course

XL : are you unhappy

MC: as long as xiao le is happy , mucheng will be happy

XL: then why are you crying

MC sometime when adult are happy .they cry too

XL: i dun understand .adults are the weirdest animal in the world


they arrived at the registery~ mu cheng with xiao le

xiao le : are you happy you are going to get marry

xiao le : i am so happy i cant even sleep because i will have a father !

father is here!!

he bring a miad to take care of xiao le ~

XL: but i have mucheng who can take care of me

G: we can't le mu chengt be too busy

and we have other things to do .let zhang ma twake care of you

the maid say she did remind the mother of guang xi to come but she still didnt appear

guang xi was scolding her abit that he didnt even want the mother to be here why did they ask

ohhhh he pick the ring himself ..

wedding rings should be picked by the couple but since .

i know you didnt come willingly

why you are here is because of that gardener

i will only say it once

me and hua tou ye is not like what you say

but if i and him can be related in a way

that will make you happy

GX : than what you have with him at the hwa village is just acting

why should i believed you who can abandon me when i was nearly dying

remember i am force to keep you by my side

this ring is to remind you

to be a wife to me and a mother to xiao le

i mary you necause you are my child's mother

there is nothng more


ah the counter even has the words " Window of happiness"

we need a witness

zhang ma! ( ee he asked the maid to be witness)

we need two witness . ( the counter girl haha )

er this guang xi ...was really so ..he told the counter gal ( you be the witness)!

happy wedding ..wife ~!

that is all he say to his newly wedded wife


never mind his wife was just as cruel ...the first question was

MC : can you let tou ye go ?

GX: as mrs ren ,the first one you are concerend with is still that guy

this scene is so familar ..

you went on a date with me because of that gardener

now you are also doing it becasue of him

"give her an address :

go to this place to fetch your lover mrs ren

and ..

this is your new house key

and that‘ it .they are married !!


at the register door

he went to work ..kissed the son goodbye .but never kiss his wife goodbye

lol xiao le is adorable asked daddy why did he get a goodbye kiss but his mother didnt ?~


and his father grabbed his mother and kissed her on the lips ! very firmly

haha xiao le .:"...shame shame ...you kissed me on my cheeks you kissed mucheng on the lips !

Guang xi to mu cheng (who is abit stunned ) ~

"dun be surprised .you should get use to this kind of life in future ~"


preview ....

ahhh hua tou ye..i feel so sorry for him...he only have words from mu cheng i treat you as my most imt friend ..and being annouced of her marriage to guang xi ~

mu cheng with guang xi .*( okay he in towel only~*)

where is your luaggage .?

i wasnt sure which room should i be sleeping in ?

"do you plan to live in the lving room~

ohh their wedding night haha

he insisted she sleep in the same room as him

when she asked to go sleep with xiao le~

six years ago..this was what happen between us .that why we have xiao le ~

ah...a bed scene next week

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Guest cheldee

I was getting impatient throughout this episode cos it seemed draggy, plus lots of dialogues (necessary for some closure), and alot of YQ (gosh I feel so sad for her, but I'm glad she's not the typical evil 3rd party character)...

and there were so many looooong commercial breaks, guess it's a good thing for the show's producers cos of the good ratings, but bad for viewers who watch it live.

BUT. The end of the episode and the preview for Ep16 made it all worthwhile. The "fun's" beginning! I'm so so excited!!

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Guest Yangie12

Anyone know the ratings of episode 15? I hope it didn't go down..

Anyway, off to watching episode 15. And the preview for episode 16 looks so hot!

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Guest sandybaby_

i still cant get over how good this drama is !

i wish they would air it everyday instead every sundays. i cant wait that long :(

im actually hoping for a happy ending <3

VANNESSWU, will you marry me ? <33

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Guest Storytime

Loved ep 15.

Yi Quan is just so sweet. She's really not your typical jealous/evil/heartbroken secondary character. My heart definitely goes out to her.

I have to admit, I love evil Guang Xi. His "i'm-not-taking-any-more-of-your-crap" persona is very manly. And I do understand where he's coming from.

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at this point, i must admit i'm sort of annoyed with MC. Just a tad.

And GX, ohmy x) i love it when characters like him goes into revenge mode. its just so cool -spazz-

i have a question though, so is GX in denial right nao?

from the conversation he had with yi qian, I assumed he still loves MC.

so is it really like what Yi Qian said? :mellow:

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Anyone know the ratings of episode 15? I hope it didn't go down..

Anyway, off to watching episode 15. And the preview for episode 16 looks so hot!


at this point, i must admit i'm sort of annoyed with MC. Just a tad.

And GX, ohmy x) i love it when characters like him goes into revenge mode. its just so cool -spazz-

i have a question though, so is GX in denial right nao?

from the conversation he had with yi qian, I assumed he still loves MC.

so is it really like what Yi Qian said? :mellow:

the man lost six years of his memories ,and his life

and the deepest memories that came back was how that woman abandon him when he beg even when he was near to death so that hate consumed him ( btw , i really loved that scene when they parted that 6 years ago .both performance set teh stage for what is happening now ..abit different and more forceful than the novel version . it make his hate more convincing ..you put yourself in his shoes and hear those words .even if you suspect your mother is behind it .you will have been led to believe MC make her own choice also )

ya ..he is still in process of gathering his emotions ..but his first reaction was hate and resentment of how can that woman gave him up so easily and live happily all these six years with a son hidden from him ..man can be quite an implusive creature ...he just grabbed onto that emotion and hurt her as much ..giving her as much pain as he had suffered .

and oh yes.when she knew he lost his memories .she still deny their past together .and that was another lie .it accumulated ..not only about that six years that disappeared but also that period ..the new GX was with her .

oh that make his blood boiled ..that she can continue that pretence when he also beg for her to tell him .if you know me

if you dun love so much ,you cant hate with such venegerance that is mostly how love story goes .

love and hate come in pair sometimes .

he had to sort it out himself ..but as yi qian say .he is not being totally honest with himself regarding his emotions towards MC..he convinently termed it as hate but it is much more .if he had use his life to love this woman ..that love cant suddenly stop.

when he looked back later .he will regret he didnt give her a proper wedding i am sure ..^^

i hope they keep the taking a bus ride together at the ending .i think that is the most perfect way to end . and more so if they can take xiao le on the journey ..if the young GX was had wish to take the bus ride .and young MC had fear of taking it alone ..than i think xiao le is more fortunate than his parents .he has both with him to take the journey


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Episode 11 was a little disappointing..but I guess they needed it for some closures. It did drag a little...but the next episode looks promising.

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Guest keeptryin'

Episode 15 was eh. But it made feel bad for Yiquan slightly. I suppose this episode was kindof a filler. Idk I feel like nothing happened really. Next episode looks promising.

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Official Ratings for Episode 15 of Autumn's Concerto:

1 Autumn's Concerto 下一站幸福 (台視) 6.78

2 Hi My Sweetheart 海派甜心 (華視) 4.08

3 Momo Love 桃花小妹 (中視) 0.69

source; China Times

Hmm actually it seems like the ratings for all three dramas went down this week.

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Guest merlyunho

have just read the final stop of the novel and i gotta tell you, the novel's ending sucks big time.

the two lovebirds are just way too foolish and stupid to realize they still have feelings for each other and so on and so forth.

but i'm pretty sure the drama wouldn't stay true to the novel because if it really would, then I guarantee that the last episode's rating won't be even half as good as the 14th episode's.

and besides, there isn't any scene from the novel that indicates the two having dinner on the poolside and kissed afterwards, the scene i'm sure most of us have seen as it was being used as one of the, commercial closing clips?


Everyone seems to be saying that episode 15 is a bit draggy, and i haven't yet watched all of them. but i can pretty much tell that the 16th episode would be pretty great, judging from the previews.

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I never like taiwanese drama before, too draggy, too many episodes..but I did love AC.

So romantic, simple but meaningful.

Ep 15 is so nice. I love the goodbye scene between Qang Xi and Yi Qian, it was so sad and full of regret. At least, QX confessed that his heart has truly been with YQ during these 6 years. Can we say that he did love her, not in the same way as he love Mu Cheng, but it is love also. YQ deserved to have that love.

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Guest Yangie12

Omg, that looks so good!

Translation of preview:

Lawyer Lin: GX is a goal striving (?) genius. And what those people/they actually need the most is honesty and understanding.

GX: Don't think that this is just a fake marriage. As long as your identification card has my (sur)name on it, then you better behave like a good wife.

GX: Happy wedding, wifey.

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Guest heartdrops

Episode 15 was eh. But it made feel bad for Yiquan slightly. I suppose this episode was kindof a filler. Idk I feel like nothing happened really. Next episode looks promising.

I agree, 15 was a bit blah for me too. When it ended I was like.. that's it?

Next episode looks better though.

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