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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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Guest I<3SunSunYeMi

it's so heartbreaking to see woo young really support his fellow member,despite he knew Jay not very long time ago,he just got in JYPE in 2007

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Guest tranceeee


stupid frickin' netizens! for once, i feel like ripping their heads off!!! they completely ruined the career of one of korea's most talented artist!

omg omg omg, gonna go rant on bad day thread! T_T

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I'm praying that all HOTTESTS will be there at the airport and when Jay gets there he sees how much support he has and has a change of heart and decides to stay.

I know that this is not how its going to play out but I still have that VERY last ounce of hope that he will choose to stay.

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Guest CrucifyCrusnik

I really cried after reading the news about him quitting 2PM. This issue has been blown way TOO BIG! It was a mistake he made in the past! FOUR YEARS AGO! Every human makes mistakes! Those netizens who actually dug up the comments are really thoughtless, idiotic & small-minded! I bet they themselves have made a fair share of mistakes in their life. So why they gotta bring Jay down like that?!

2PM will NEVER be the same without Jay....never. Those korean netizens who are actually against Jay are REAL GAYS! He even released a public apology, what more can he do?! Can't they just forgive & forget?! Why can't they leave him alone!! Omg, I really feel so sad, angry & disappointed. I feel sad & disappointed by the fact that our one & only leader, Park Jaebum, is leaving 2PM. I'm freaking pissed with those korean netizens who led this unfortunate thing to happen.

I want to go to Korea and support him so much right now! But I can't because school's reopening tomorrow (what a bad timing!) & I live all the way in Canada. So to go to Korea right now, is really impossible.

Sigh, I really wish this is just a nightmare, A horrible nightmare where I wake up from and everything will be ok. Jay will still be 2PM's one & only leader. But looks like this nightmare is turning into a reality.


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Guest java_junkie

oh also if people were planning to go see him at the airport.. although i understand youre going there to show your support.. maybe tone it down a little.. he might not be in a mood/condition to see all this attention dont you think? :S might be a little soon.

I agree. While we understand you're going to show our love and support for Jaebum, he's coming home for some peace and quiet. I'm sure the last thing he wants is even more attention after he left all that in Korea. He'll most likely be greeted by his family, so we should give them some space and privacy. Maybe quietly show our love and support through signs or something? And while I know a lot of you want pictures of him, I personally thinks it's not such a great idea at the moment. He'll probably get enough of that as he heads to the airport now in Seoul. We shouldn't force that on him here as well. He'll be exhausted, both physically and emotionally. He'll be sad and depressed. The best we can do is just quietly and respectfully show our love and support, but give him and his family some space and privacy as well.

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I'm so jealous of people who are going to see him...I'm in freaken seattle too and I can't go.

I still can't believe this...it's so surreal. I need Jay & 2PM as a whole....I'm going out of my mind

I cannot believe this....I'm totally in denial still.

i think a simple WELCOME HOME JAY PARK banner would be touching.

and yeah if you guys are planning to go to the airport keep it lowkey

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Guest xm1chelle

hey everyone~ my sister & i are planning on going to SeaTac tomorrow.

but we're kind of confused as to what to do exactly. should we buy him flowers? haha.

any suggestions would help (:

You can buy him flowers but I think writing a letter for him would be much more meaningful...I think writing words of encouragement would definitely help him out! On a side note, I wish I lived in seattle..I would be definitely be at the airport if i didn't live in cali :(

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Guest Happy_Day

I just cannot believe that a few immature things he said on stupid MySpace BEFORE his debut could affect him like this.. only in Korea is that possible. He must be completely dazed and shocked that this could happen, he woke up one day and this happened. I live in Seattle, but I can't go to the airport because I work. I hope he doesn't even have to leave the airport in Korea though.

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Guest superjihyeee!

the damage is already done, too late for them to apologize now, and fans are not going to accept such weak apologies.

Once Jae steps on the plane.... I think that's when reality will finally hit.

I know it still seems... -- I know he's left but I keep thinking he's going to go back.

Jayyyyy I really want him to stay. ;_;

You know what probably happened?

He got all depressed about the netizens, and then he started thinking of all the hard times he had and he convinced himself it wasn't worth it anymore. :|

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Guest mashimaro_is_luff

oh man are you serious?

wth, this thing will blow over quickly

yeah, there was some hate, but there was supports as well

some 3 thousands dont speak for the whole country

why would he let those netizens get to him?

oh gee , i hope this is just a break for him to calm down

edit: wow i refresh the page and 6 posts were added in matters of second

this is insane

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i cannot believe it!

koreans have gone too far, with petition of him to die and everything!

poor jaebum, please just try and get over it and come back to 2PM!

its not gonna be to same at all!


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wow 713 are reading this.....


I know it's about a pride as a Korean, but he was a kid back then, and you know Jay, he's always a bit silly...., and I know how he feels like, living in other people's country, because my situation is similar with him, living in other people's country, without my family and best-friends, has to work everyday, and sometimes got yelled at, sometimes I hate the country I am living at right now, but I have to survive, try to be successful and make my parents proud of me!! Maybe I'm not trying to be artist or anything, but my situation is exactly the same as Jay's before!!

Why don't those Netizens see this matter from different perspective and be a little more understanding just this once!!

And why don't Jay try to be patient and just wait until this goes down a bit before taking shocking decision like this....

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Either way.. if he comes back, no one will look at him the same.

They will all still think he's a traitor. Even some of the fans don't support him anymore. ;/

I think moving back is the best thing to do right now. He doesn't have to face all those nasty comments.

Hopefully in the future things will settle down.

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Guest sayuri43

I know that as of right now, wikipedia is an extremely unreliable source for 2PM news, but is there any evidence confirming this?

Jaebeom was the leader and oldest member. He was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, more specifically in Mountlake Terrace[citation needed]. Originally entering JYP Entertainment as a rapper and b-boy, he trained for four years to improve his singing and Korean. It was initially his mother who led him to apply as he wished to not attend college, and Jin-Young Park (JYP) himself watched his audition and brought him to Korea. Following a controversy over his MySpace page, he left the group in September of 2009. JYP said that Junho will now replace Jaebeom as a leader.
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hey everyone~ my sister & i are planning on going to SeaTac tomorrow.

but we're kind of confused as to what to do exactly. should we buy him flowers? haha.

any suggestions would help (:

jay seems to like to keep to himself. at least that's what my sis and i saw when we went to see them for their 1-yr anniversary (oh God, i wish to turn back the clock to that day...). i suggest you just bring signs saying you support him in whatever decision he makes. if you could, please refrain from screaming his name. just find a good spot where he'll definitely see you as he comes out then wave your sign. he'll see it. don't rush to him with gifts/stuffs. even just by being there and letting him know you support him would be more than enough. :)

jay park, i will stand beside you all the way, whatever you decide to do. you ARE our leader.

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Guest thu_trang

please jay i beg u , dun leave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

imma go mad , u make go this crazy over u , now u r leaving , i was really eager for ur comeback , please jay , just think how many fans out there r SUPER SAD over this , if i can do anything for u right now to feel better and not leave , but i can't , i'm so far away ,huhuhuhuhuhu , my tears aren't even coming out , i'm so numb !!!!

okay fine , u leave for now, U WILL COME BACK RIGHT ???? please dun say u r gonna go forever !!!

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