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[THE OFFICIAL] Gdragon G-드래곤 G-Dragon Thread

Guest the7REAL.

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I'm really touch...my heart aches for him! gah! I can't believe tears are actually streaming down my cheeks while reading about how dedicated Jiyong is to his work. and after doing so much he had to deal with those stupid P stuff too...but it's a good thing everything's kinda fine now. I just know that all though richard simmons left a scar on him...my Jiyong, our Jiyong...who wouldn't fall for him...even i fell for him when he wasn't even one of my favorites in BB and now he's my second best favorite....I wish i can get to meet him/BB once! just once and I'll be happy...

Jiyong fighting!!!

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so he was sick during the whole filming for that short clip for She's Gone? :[

Stubborn Ji Yong, may be this is why his mom keeps on forcing him eating the beef soup thinging. Lol i couldn't help but laugh at the fangirl moment the writter had there as well. Especially the "i think fell for him" hard

I really really want to have the book. It's 360 pages in total yeah? props to sjay.x for the translation :]

i wonder where this is, YG's new building? GD's pic is behind tae yang.


credit: 뚝영 @ bbvipz


credit: blue..라라 @ bbvipz

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Guest vip_gd

He never says anything like “I’m sick. I’m tired.” In fact, he keeps joking around and smiling with the staff because they’re worried about him.

I fell for him.

Yes, I really think I fell for him.

He kept getting dizzy and had to lie down or lean on a couch or chair and take a break before filming again.

He looked like he was in a dangerous state. None of the staff let down their guard.

aww, look at the affect jiyong has on people. i like this writer's words and comments towards jiyongie.

i always knew gd was a stubborn guy who strives for perfection but

i seriously seriously want him to not be impulsive when it comes to his health

i worry about his health so much that i don't want anything bad happen to him ;__;

i know he doesn't want people to worry for him but it's rly hard not to :T

gd is a tiny guy you know xD kinda scrawny sometimes ..

he is so dedicated and so aspiring to me .. i always forget that sometimes

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Prosecution will not book G-Dragon

The prosecution suspended its investigation of obscenity charges against pop singer G-Dragon on Tuesday.

Prosecutors said it decided to suspend its plan to indict the singer, who had been accused of simulating sex on stage with a female dancer during a concert in December.

Criticism from netizens was especially severe because the audience was made up mostly of pre-teens.

After the show, the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs filed a complaint against the singer and his management agency on charges of obscenity.

The prosecution said it had made its decision because the singer had only acted in accordance with the management agency's plans, and that the controversial scene made up just two minutes of the two-hour performance.

News Article Source: http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/NEWKHSITE/dat...01003180059.asp

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it is so touching to read about GDs dedication to his work

he is a real artist

im really glad the controversy is over ...PERIOD

he does not deserve it

i hope he takes care of himself

i wont mind some flaws...as long as he is fine


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Guest shinhdeplol

Heartbreaker CD booklet signed by G-Dragon


"아껴두고 보관만 한 지드래곤 cd를 오늘 드디어 틀어보았다 복사해서 듣다가.. 이렇게 싸인 해서 준 CD닳을까 겁난다"

<출처: 가호블로그 & 지디갤>]/i]

Via 웰컴투더환타스틱징요월드 :: 네이버 블로그 + teambigbang.blogspot.com




Fames x NY Heart NewEra


Fames x NY “St.Valentines” Day fitted

C: 프다미G @ DCinside

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Guest blackjackVip


-although i was a little confuse at first, i was like "is this a diary of someone about Jiyong?" like i was wondering who was writing this?

and LOL the narrator fell "in love" with Jiyong? OMO!!! fangirl alert!!...haha...so, the narrator was working with him the whole time? or is it just someone told her about what happened during the concert preparation? I'm curious how she knew all this stuff.

-anyways, i feel bad for Jiyong...i thought he would be cold-hearted and intimidating too...it's true "Don't judge the book by it's cover" :)

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Guest universe

just want to join in the thank yous for posting the translations of the book! GD never cease to amaze me. will be awaiting for more!!

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Guest missARROGANT

Shine A light Page 48-103


All the staff cheer after the filming of the last scene for the music video.

I’m sure they were all grateful that Jiyong put so much effort into the filming despite being sick and everything, but the last scene really did depend on Jiyong’s acting skills.

I was relieved to see him joking around that being so sick allowed him to express the right movements and emotions for such a dark and twisted scene.

As the director and all the staff monitor the final result and yell “Great! The best!” expressing their satisfaction, Jiyong smiles brightly despite having struggled throughout the whole day.

But as more time goes by, it seems like both the chocolate and medicine have lost their effect; He’s looking sick again. We decide to leave the rest of the scenes for another day and focus on saving Jiyong first.

Let’s play a game of ‘Find It’ now!

Because they had to push ahead with filming until late night, there was one scene Jiyong was unable to film. Which scene could that be?

I’ll give you a clue..it’s a couple of pages ahead of this!


They’re filming the opening video for the concert now.

I’m told the opening outfits were made even earlier than usual for the purpose of this filming.

It seems like there’s so much that has to be done before the actual thing. I used to think it was just bam, and they hold a concert just like that. But there’s so much preparation involved, so much filming…. If only everyone could be in more than one place at once.

Jiyong has been sick for a while so he’s still being accompanied by porridge, medicine and chocolate. Seeing him eat and take his medicine so consistently made me realise how professional he really is.

As usual, he checks everything from monitoring his own performance to even accessory settings.

I seriously have no idea where that determination comes from.


He must’ve been really tired. When he’s given a short break because of the change of set, Jiyong sinks deep into the couch and nods off to sleep.

“I never took too much notice when he was with the other four, but seeing him so sick and tired when he’s alone makes me feel sad…

He’s not the type of person to let on that he’s having a hard time, so whenever he said he’s fine I used to really think he was.

Of course the concert’s important too, but I would really like Jiyong to get better soon.

He tries so hard and tells the staff to cheer up even though he’s the one that’s sick. I just feel so bad for him…”

Don’t be sick, Jiyong!


For the ‘halftime inspection’, the staff have all gathered again for a second meeting.

The thing that I found kinda weird was that though most artists contact the staff through their managers, Jiyong calls them all himself.

Everything from sound, lighting, editing…

He continuously checks up on all these countless things himself, then makes changes and improvements……..

It might be that he’s paying particular attention because it’s not Big Bang but his own; This is G-Dragon’s concert.

Maybe that’s why he doesn’t let even the most minor details slip.


After the meeting, G-Dragon seems totally lost in thought.

I bet he feels worried as well as a little pressure, and anticipation on the other hand too.

The really amazing thing is that he manages to cope through all this alone.

To be really honest, before meeting Jiyong myself, whenever people affiliated with Big Bang praised him I would wonder ‘Is he really like that?’

But now that I see it for myself, I keep thinking

“They were right. I was prejudiced.”

Of course I know Jiyong isn’t the only one working hard for his concert, but seeing him pay attention to every little aspect has cleared up all my misconceptions about him.

I’m sorry, Jiyong.


Jiyong said he watched ‘Peeping Life’ whenever he was bored in Japan.

I can still remember the excited look on his face when he was first given the suggestion of filming his own.


He said he hasn’t missed a single episode, and vigorously came up with ideas during the planning meeting.

Though of course some parts would’ve been exaggerated to an extent, they ended up with a conte based on Jiyong’s real experiences and ideas.

Seungri filmed for a while (?) on this day too. Jiyong says he’s hiding while watching Seungri film in case he disrupts him in any way.

We tell him to go wait in the car in case he gets a cold but he remains stubborn that he can’t do that when Seungri’s out there doing his best for his concert video.

“(keke) Ha, look at Seungri…………He’s always so over the top……..”


“The video will be used for Jiyong’s concert, Seungri do you think you could take part as well?”

“(Being serious) How important of a part?”

“You’d be the lead.”

“Okay, I’m in!”

Though Jiyong himself has appeared exactly as he is, Seungri’s been getting his hair and make up done since early morning. He chooses the most expensive outfit he has and appears at the scene. A suitable appearance for the lead.


“So hyung, you’re being possessed by Gaho, right, so I have to keep bullying you………hmmm…..”

It wasn’t originally part of the script, but Seungri keeps insisting that they have to create a dramatic atmosphere. The staff have been complimenting him on his enthusiasm (and almost greed) for acting, you see.

Suddenly, Jiyong stands up and walks off to his room.

Even for Jiyong…he wouldn’t really like the idea of pretending to be possessed by a dog, right? He's probably pissed.

But I spoke too soon.

Jiyong appears with a huge belt that looks like a dog collar, and wrapping it around his own neck and lying down on the ground he says:

“(Imitating Gaho) Like this? Like this??”

The staff in the dorm crack up.


“Minzy, what kind of a person do you think Jiyong oppa is?”

“Jiyong oppa is….like a walking idea bank. His thinking is always different to everyone else’s so I think he has a talent in trying things that others have never even thought of, and recreating normal things into something special and amazing .

During our Fire days, he taught us a lot of motions and facial expressions that we hadn’t thought of. It made filming the music video a lot easier for us.

And he’s also an awesome artist who has a kind heart and always takes care of his hubaes [juniors] and dongsaengs!!!!"


Despite being busy, people have readily made time to help Jiyong with his concert video and have shown amazing acting skills.

These people include 2NE1’s Sandara, CL and Minzy, Big Bang’s Daesung and Seungri, and Bongsun.

Especially because Jiyong isn’t close with any female celebrities other than the ones in YG, he was a bit worried about who to cast as the role of ‘The girl he meets at a blind date and falls for at first sight’.

I asked how it might turn out if they asked Shin Bongsun, who is also known for being a fan of Jiyong, to play the part. (I actually suggested her because I’m a huge fan of her myself)

She accepted right away and really brightened up the mood at filming.

Off the camera, Bongsun kept yelling

“Oh my god!! This is so embarrassing!!”

like a shy schoolgirl.

But the second they started filming, she would transform into a proud, cold-hearted woman.

Although it was only a short amount of time, everyone looked like they were having so much fun.

Oh yeah, and the ‘shoe shop’ story was actually based on a Jiyong and Seungri's real experiences.

Thanks for the translation :)

C: sjay.x @ BBVIP.net

To be really honest, before meeting Jiyong myself, whenever people affiliated with Big Bang praised him I would wonder ‘Is he really like that?’

Everytime I read about jiyoung article, I always ask the same question also...haha...

I like GD, yet I still wonder " Is he really like that" until now...even being a fan for so long

May be I need to stalk GD like her but it will never going to happen ^_^






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Guest blackjackVip

awwww.....^ thanks for the trans of Jiyong's photobook!

-I'm still wondering who wrote that photobook? can anyone please tell me? coz i'm kinda lost.


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Guest universe

Oh yeah, and the ‘shoe shop’ story was actually based on a Jiyong and Seungri's real experiences.

LOL. so i assumed that one day when Ji was going shopping (with Seungri tagging along), they saw a staff whom GD fall in love at first sight? hahaha.

that photobook is beyond awesome. i thought my admiration for GD was really strong. but it increased tenfold after reading the translations. its no wonder that so many people look up to him.

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Guest miared


:mellow: Milan Stankovic :mellow::mellow: Who in hell is this guy, you might ask? :mellow::mellow: And what the hell is he doing in GDs thread???? :mellow::mellow:

Do those poses ring a bell.............?




GOOD QUESTION---------------------------------------------------------------and the answer is, that I just watched some bits of a serbian TV show, which presented the 2010 Grand Priz De la Chanson- candidate for SERBIA------------the guy above------------



That´s when I went to use the bathroom for some personal stuff....... only to be called back by my sister. :excl:

And then...the starngest thing happened....... for one very rare moment, my jaw almost dropped open completely------------------------the serbian TV show displayed G-Dragon!!!!!!

Singing on various shows ect....................................

AND------------------here it comes--------------this guy above, Milan, went on to say that GD stole his hairstyle and clothes. Maybe he said some more as well, I really don´t know------------HELL-------------I still can´t believe that I just witnessed GD being exposed on my big TV screen----on a serbian show of all places!!!!!!!!!!

---------------------------------------I am in shock-------------------------------------------------------

For that reason alone I just had to let you guys/girls know. And for another one as well! Now see, I googled the guy----and you should do the same. Google him- type in his name and eurovision. Watch his videos, and, not only will you notice some familiar looking outfits,but you will also notice some pretty familiar moves as well.....................trust me..........................I just can´t believe this. :ph34r:

(SO yeah, I don´t know how popular the EUROVISION is in Asia, but it´s quite a big event here in Europe. We guys here all hate each other and always want to see the other countries candidates loose. )

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[iNFO]YG's extended the release of #BIGBANG #GDRAGON's Shine a Light Live CDs Album from 03/24 to 03/30^^


thanks for the trans of the photobook^^..


I watched that guy MV last week

lol,I'm not surprised if he thinks GD and him have few similar outfits and styles

because GD went blond and most of his style and outfits are the ones that you see at fashion runaway in Europe and designed by famous European Designers

idk why he said like that to GD..because GD wore some of them a long time ago and he and GD are not the only one who are spotting this kind of style,Kanye West too...

hmmm...maybe because he wants to show how popular he is..lol

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Guest prettygirl_pc


[ TV show displayed G-Dragon!!!!!!

Singing on various shows ect....................................

AND------------------here it comes--------------this guy above, Milan, went on to say that GD stole his hairstyle and clothes. Maybe he said some more as well, I really don´t know------------HELL-------------I still can´t believe that I just witnessed GD being exposed on my big TV screen----on a serbian show of all places!!!!!!!!!!

---------------------------------------I am in shock-------------------------------------------------------

first.. when i read your msg.. i literally wanted to scream!! another controversey when he just went through two!! and finally when they are solved he has to deal with this!

So to see who this guy really is i googled him and gdragon! and well everyone is thinking the same thing you said. "Long lost twins?" Caucasian version of GD? etc etc.. articles after artciles!! and i have to agree they look really alike!!! but seriously.. and i am not saying this because i am bias.. but Blond hair and hip hop clothes does not mean he "copied" Milan.. if we want to say blond hair is Milan.. then Hong Chul had blond hair way before both of them! and then if we talk about hip hop clothes.. then BB has been dressing like that since they debuted! so why the comparison.. i think they also said that his song "face" is choe just like "heartbreaker".. some parts.. but the concept COMPLETELY different!!

The only similarities i see in both is that they both have baby faces and have blond hair! i think it was childish and unprofessional of Milan to say that "GD stole from him..".. as an artist respect GD man!.. he works just as hard as you did!! GD is far more professional and busy to really take these articles and comments seriously!!

SEriusly! i hope all this would STOP and everyone would leave him alone.. Jeez!! all these controversies are SOO overrated!!!


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Guest yaoming11

^^ lol that guy is ridiculous

their hairstyle is nothing alike besides the color...

and I'm sure the clothes that GD wears are more unique than that guys. The dude is wearing shutter shades...hello 2007? I'm pretty sure I can get everything this Milan guy is wearing at forever 21...

the dude just wants some attention.

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Guest ooxstacee

^^^ Exactly. Milan, I don't know who he is and I'm not going to judge him.

But he lost my respect for saying GD stole from him, before he knows the truth behind GD's story.

He's jumping on the bandwagon for some GD effect. He got it. He got us to look him up. We heard his songs. It might not be positive attention, but he got what he wanted -- attention, which comes from that GD effect. :) GD's real amazing.

Glad to know someone, like Milan, knows him. And I would like to thank Milan for giving GD a little more fame.<3

But all in all, I would say it'd be more believable if Lady Gaga said that GD copied her, lmao.

So I guess people can't wear colorful pants, mufflers, shutter shades, and blond hair or they'll be copying Milan.

Way to go, amazing professional artist.

:) GD didn't even do all that at ONCE.

And you said something about their dance moves being the same? Pahahahaha.

Too bad GD isn't very into choreography and he doesn't do it. Yeah, maybe he gives some ideas .. but majority of it is the choreographer's ideas.

I bet GD doesn't even know who this Milan person is.

I'm sure GD got his fashion ideas from Europe, where almost the rest of the world gets it from. Usually starts there first. :)


I respect GD to the fullest.

He doesn't let anyone down. The staff to the fans.

He avoids making people worry about him and I like that about him.

And the fact that he's so optimistic about everything, even after all those controversies he's been through.

I like how the shoe store thing is true, hahaha. XD

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Guest juang_bb

I've tried watching the guy's MV but I can't find a solid ground for him to accuse GD of "imitating", let alone "stealing" his clothing and hair style. Like seriously? aside from the blonde, which GD doesn't sport anymore, i don't see any real similarities. call me bias, but we all are, arent we? LOL! GD ftw!

v v okay, that article just ain't right. earlier, i don't want to sound too bias (even though I am) and didn't want to judge this guy since I don't know him but that article just irks me a bit. i agree that he seems to be using GD for publicity. He's making people believe that someone else famous in the other side of the world is copying him just to prove his "popularity" and just how awesome his "style" is. he seems to be too full of himself. Somebody pls bring that guy back to Earth. Gd probably doesn't even know he exist..like most of us.

anyway, thanks for the trans!

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