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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest HeartOfTerror

OMG. It was so funny when Tablo told the back to stand the eff up.

The concert was AMAZING and I'm STILL hyped from it.

It was pretty crazy.

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Guest jirappo.

i'm like deaf in my right ear but i don't give a john tesh!!! haha the concert was AMAZING!

hella hype (: they better come back again because seattle is john teshing crazy and they know it!!!! tablo <33333

and man, myk has the sexiest voice ever and fm killed it.

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my ears are still ringing and im like half deaf. LOL!

Seattle concert was AWESOME. shoot. i used up an 8gig memory card on this concert and it still wasnt enough room! ToT i didnt get the encore performances. someone that has both the encore songs, can you pm those to me? please? =/

im super super tired. iono. the security that kept on moving us while we were in line is STUPID. my friends and i got so mad at him. LOL and he kept on smoking round us too. =(

DUDE. i saw some guy with a green soompi shirt in line. uhh he was somewhere in the back of the line. i wanted to go say hi but i was shy. =x

who are you btw? LOL

fansigning tomorrow. who is all going? and what time ya'll gonna be there?

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Guest dori dori

^ DUDE I'M FREAKIN DEAF TOO~!! i got trampeded on in the line HA.

never will forget today it was nuts.

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Guest Bananagurl1188

the concert was crazy last night! and I do agree the security was ridiculous when we were waiting in line, the guy seemed very bias to some people and kept on saying to other people "you don't like me huh?", it was very strange...my friend and I started to crack up in line because it seemed like we were prisoners all squeezed and smashed together, trying to get our freedom or something LOL

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Guest FunPhax

the concert was crazy last night! and I do agree the security was ridiculous when we were waiting in line, the guy seemed very bias to some people and kept on saying to other people "you don't like me huh?", it was very strange...my friend and I started to crack up in line because it seemed like we were prisoners all squeezed and smashed together, trying to get our freedom or something LOL

I was sooo close to the front of the second group and the security was going the other direction for the longest time..

I heard someone say something about the prisoners thing behind me haha

damn.. my ears are still ringing from last night.. that's not good D:

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Guest genie828

OMG the concert was awesome although my ears are still ringing and I can't hear that well. lol it was still way worth it. But I am sore all over. My arm hurts from waving them so much and my feet hurt for standing 7 hours straight. The waiting in live was awful. I was right by this one girl who fainted. Also the security guy was awful. And I got squished while I was waiting to get in. I am just sore all over. But so worth it. lol

I love how they did all the encore songs. Awesome concert.

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Guest haibisukasu

^my ears are still not normal too loll >< but yeah it was the best night everrr !!. I got in hella late but managed to get towards the front somehow @__@ haha!! mithra jin grabbed my hand!!!! *or at least i thot he did @_@* <3<3 Kero-one was soooo good i luv'd his performances, same w/far east,myk n epik..they seriously kno how to work the crowd !! if anyone think they saw me I was the chick w/short hair in the dark green t-shirt n jean shorts w/the purple uw lanyard llolll

edit: I also want to apologize to the ppl next to me lol! Especially to the girl standing w/me on the stairs n the guy in front of me, I screamed so loud n i kept hitting ur head! lol sry! ><

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LOL I just remembered. Do you guys remember when people were throwing paper planes to him?! & he caught it lol.

Yes lol I got the ringing haha & on my feet I see shoe marks haha.

Omgosh amaaazzzinnnggg I'm still spazzing about it. I wish it was longer, or that I'm 21 so I could go to the after party lol.

We got there at 7:30 & someone we knew was waiting since 6 & we got inside before her. I felt bad ><.

Inside I started out next to the speakers & the bass got me light headed or something! Then I slowly made my way to the front.

Not exactly to the stage but like 3rd row where Tablo COULD of took my hand. I was stretching so hard in that line of Fan.

"You are my star. I'm your #1 fan. Baby please take my hand."

Who's going to the Meet & Greet? Anyone from Seattle? Or *ahem* Everett? lol I need a riiiiddeee TT^TT I'm so sad.

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Guest lilaznboom

@ lilaznboom: the front really was brutal. )): great view, though! i'll forever regret moving for more oxygen LOL

yess!! When I left for some oxygen and some water and they started playing One, I kept cursing at myself for leaving xD

lilaznboom, amen. Getting to the front was brutal. Staying in the front was brutal.

People were pushing from the back. I didn't want to hurt the people in front of me.

Considering they were standing right in front of a metal fence thing.

So I stuck my butt out and started pushing everyone back LOLLLL.

I felt so sorry for the people that I was mean to accidentally.

If you were one of them, I apologize. Heat + lack of oxygen can make a person pissed off LOL.

It was so hectic after the concert finished that I forgot to ask for my Lost Map CD as well. :<

I was pretty close in the beginning but when Tablo came out I was in the 2nd row and I was dying. No Offense to those who IDOLIZE Tablo like mad....HE'S STILL HUMAN :<

lol yea I was behind a guy and this small girl who were in front of the metal fence and I kept getting pushed into them :<

I also forgot to ask for the Lost Map CD lol(x

ugh I think I'm sick x.x I have a headache and a sore throat ;x

I hope people who attended the Seattle Concert had a fun time!(:

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Guest dehoot

Just got my tshirt signed by them.

They are AMAZING.

Went to the concert.

Can't believe they came all the way down to Federal Way for the fan sign event.

Ugh awesome.

I really appreciate them coming to Seattle.

It was such an awesome weekend... x_x;

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Guest trysmiling

the concert was awesome!!! and the guys were really nice too at the signing.

btw, i was surfing and i found this blog thats giving away an autographed epik high poster! i guess its good for those who missed out on the signing.. epik high autographed poster?!

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Beat boxed for Epik High at fan signing, and got my book signed. They were ridiculously awesome at the concert.


FAR EAST MOVEMENT = SICK too! The first guy... was alright but felt like it took forever ~~

<- Far East Movement - Fetish

SEATTLE was soooo awesome. I loved their Encore performance !!! they were soooo SICK

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Guest sam sik

my ears are still ringing and im like half deaf. LOL!

Seattle concert was AWESOME. shoot. i used up an 8gig memory card on this concert and it still wasnt enough room! ToT i didnt get the encore performances. someone that has both the encore songs, can you pm those to me? please? =/

im super super tired. iono. the security that kept on moving us while we were in line is STUPID. my friends and i got so mad at him. LOL and he kept on smoking round us too. =(

DUDE. i saw some guy with a green soompi shirt in line. uhh he was somewhere in the back of the line. i wanted to go say hi but i was shy. =x

who are you btw? LOL

That was me with the Soompi shirt lol. But I put on a Map the Soul shirt on later.

The lineup system used near the beginning of the concert (rectangular one) was sooooo stupid. I've never seen anything more retarded. I looked back at the beginning and I noticed that I was about halfway in the lineup. Next thing you know, I'm near the back..

edit: I also want to apologize to the ppl next to me lol! Especially to the girl standing w/me on the stairs n the guy in front of me, I screamed so loud n i kept hitting ur head! lol sry! ><

lol I'm starting to wonder if that guy was me.

did epik high performed fallin' and breakdown during the tour??

Yeah they did.

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Guest xxguccixgirlxx

Just got home an hour ago from The Commons~ and I have to say today was awesome! I got there around 7.45-8.00 and stood in line with my two friends. I won the dance contest and got myself an autographed t-shirt~ and I met Epik High! ^^ Mithra started singing my name when he was signing my Book Album. xD Anyways~! I had such an amazing day. I hope they come back soon for another concert. <3

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Guest kimchi hana

Just got home an hour ago from The Commons~ and I have to say today was awesome! I got there around 7.45-8.00 and stood in line with my two friends. I won the dance contest and got myself an autographed t-shirt~ and I met Epik High! ^^ Mithra started singing my name when he was signing my Book Album. xD Anyways~! I had such an amazing day. I hope they come back soon for another concert. <3
Hey, are you...Kavic on mapthesoul? :D Cause I read the same story on there.

And how Tablo freestyled your song with "Kavic Havoc" Hahahaha.

Sam Sik, they performed both? They only performed Fallin' in NY.

I would have loved it if they did Breakdown.

If anyone wants to watch (although I didn't tag my videos correctly D:)


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LOL AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH. i'm in the video that seoulbeats put up! i was wondering who those people were...this kid i know is in the vid from 1:50 to 2:10-ish. the rest of us were trying to avoid the camera and we were just laughing at him the entire time haha...he's the one saying "i love you, i want you" etc. made fun of him after, but he was all "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY -___-+!!! IT WAS JUST OUT OF NOWHERE. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!" hahahahhahaah. but yeah, unfortunately, towards the end a lot of my friends and i came out in the video when it was moving towards the left. :X

yeah, loved the concert, but it was HELL. i don't know if i'd go if it was at fillmore again. even the artists were commenting on the heat. people were about to pass out. i saw a guy crying extremely hard because i don't think he was feeling well. i wasn't feeling well either, and i basically lost all my energy after the first two or three songs EH did because i wasted my energy flipping out for FM. i'm a hardcore epik high fan, but every time they started a new song, i just wanted to cry.

this girl in front of me was dying and people around us were being so nice. eventually, we both had to suffer haha...i actually met her at mcdonald's afterwards and we were feeling better after drinking water and etc. but yeah, we were talking about how we almost died when EH said that the second half of the show was beginning and this was just the start. i was like NOOOO!!!!

hopefully, it'll be at a better venue next time where people won't shove like crazy.

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Guest xxguccixgirlxx

Hey, are you...Kavic on mapthesoul? :D Cause I read the same story on there.

And how Tablo freestyled your song with "Kavic Havoc" Hahahaha.

Sam Sik, they performed both? They only performed Fallin' in NY.

I would have loved it if they did Breakdown.

If anyone wants to watch (although I didn't tag my videos correctly D:)


Kavic is one of my friends I was hanging out with... xD I didn't know she posted up the story already... ^^; My name is Maria actually. Mithra sang the "Maria Maria" song by Carlos Santana to me when he signed my book >.<
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Guest pandasRcute

amazing concert at Seattle! i got VIP tickets, but all i got was to go in 5 min early >.< but oh well


met a bunch of cool people and bought a shirt, which i got signed today at the meet and greet...

waited in line since 2:00PM and a bunch of people cut! even tho i went in first anyways b/c of the VIP

i used up a 2GB memory card on my camera, and was so sad i didnt get all of the songs or all of One! tried using my cell phone, but bad quality >.<

i got to touch all of Epik High's hands and the hands of 2 members of FM! the paper airplanes going up were pretty cool and one girl nxt to me threw her bra? haha that was pretty funny, and the concert was so hype! i tried to get one of tablo's water bottles, but the bodyguards kept kicking them away to the side =[

tablo was so cute smiling and dj tukutz's dancing was awesome, but mithra pouring water all over himself made me so HYPED UP!

Epik High - One (on my facebook)

my video of epik high - One! sry i was screaming the words to it the whole time! more videos and pics (and more from the meet and greet) will be up on my facebook so friend request me if u want, as long as u tell me ur from soompi! =]

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